1,122 research outputs found

    Niveles de estrés crónico en pacientes con retinitis pigmentosa

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    La Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) es una distrofia retiniana que deteriora la función visual y progresa hasta ceguera. Es por ello que provoca estados psicológicos negativos, como ansiedad y depresión. Nuestro objetivo es estudiar la correlación entre el grado de RP con el grado de estrés crónico y el nivel de cortisol en saliva y pelo. Hacemos un estudio observacional y transversal para el que se tomaron muestras de saliva y cabello de 78 pacientes con RP para analizar el nivel de cortisol. Para las comparaciones se utilizó un grupo control sano. Se realizó un examen oftalmológico, los pacientes fueron evaluados con el cuestionario de ansiedad STAI y se clasificó la gravedad de la enfermedad. Un total de 78 pacientes con RP fueron evaluados. Hubo correlación significativa entre la gravedad de la enfermedad y Agudeza visual (r=-0.54, p<0.05), Campo visual (r=-0.63, p<0.05) y Tomografía de coherencia óptica (r=-0.70, p<0.05). Hubo diferencias significativas en los niveles de cortisol salival en comparación con los controles. Sin embargo, no entre los grupos de RP. Se encontraron puntuaciones altas en el cuestionario STAI. La edad y el rasgo-leve fueron un factor de riesgo en la gravedad de RP (odds ratio (OR): 1.04; intervalo de confianza (IC) del 95%: 1.00- 1.08; OR: 22.48; IC 95%: 2.41-209.28 respectivamente) Los pacientes con RP tienen niveles altos de cortisol salival y puntajes altos en el cuestionario STAI, lo que podría estar relacionado con su estrés crónico y la progresión de la enfermedad.Grado en Enfermerí

    La crisis de la idea de progreso. Del optimismo burgués al pesimismo postmarxista

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    L'analyse diachronique du concept de "crise" -hors de son sens originel de "résultat ou dénouement" pour devenir "catastrophe" ou "désastre"- donne lieu à l'apparition d'une "culture de la crise" propre à la modemité dans sa forme extreme, qui tend à se concevoir elle meme comme la décadence tragique. "Culture de la crise" qui a trois phases de configuration: dans la période d'après-guerre de la I Guerre Mondiale, après la II Guerre Mondiale , et après la guerre froide (au moment où nous nous trouvons). Cette ternière étape se caractérise par deux crises concretes: l'écologie et l'état de bien-être avec, comme dénominateur commun, la globalisation du systeme. Le diagnostic de cette "culture de la crise" actuelle s'appuie sur le constat de la contradiction et du deséquilibre.The diachronic analysis of the concep of "crisis", from its original meaning of "resul or dénouement" to its current meaning of "catastrophe" or "disaster", reveals a "culture of crisis" unique to modemity in its extreme form, modemity's tendency to conceive itself as a tragic decadence. This crisis has had three phases of formation: the periods following World War I, following World War II, and following the Cold War (the moment in which we find ourselves). This last stage may be characterized by two specific crises: the ecological and that of the welfare state, whose common denominator is the globalization of the system. If the diagnosis of this "culture of crisis" is based on anything, it is on the confirmation of contradiction and disequilibrium.Publicad

    The 40k used as tracer of saharan dust contributions

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    The present study is carried out in Málaga, frequently affected by intrusions of air masses with high concentrations of atmospheric particulate matter. 40K is a natural radionuclide and has been associated with the arrival of coarse re-suspended material from the Africa continent. A systematic 13-year analysis (January 2005-December 2017) of the concentration of radionuclides in bulk (wet + dry) deposition and PM10 air concentrations has been performed to test the possible utility of 40K as tracer of African mineral dust inputs in Málaga (4° 28ʹ 8ʺ W ;36° 43ʹ 40ʺ N). Also the atmospheric aerosols are collected using a high volume sampler during 9-year (January 2009-December 2017). It is a prerequisite to know the environmental long-term behaviour of radionuclides an a relatively large number of values are required for statistically meaningful conclusions . The identification of African dust events was carried by 96-hour back-trajectory analysis arriving at thee different heights (500 m, 1500m, 3000m a.g.l.) calculate with the HYSPLIT model , and by the information obtained from the output of the dust regional Atmospheric model (DREAM 8b).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analyses of long-term measurements (2005-2012) of 7Be concentrations in surface air aerosols

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    Studies of radionuclide activities in aerosol particles provide a mean for evaluating the integrated effects of transport and meteorology on the atmospheric loadings of substances with different sources. The aim of the present study is to explain the behaviour of aerosols associated with 7Be (T1/2=53.3 days) in the surface atmosphere using exploratory data analysis to obtain information on their possible mechanisms of transport and deposition. This naturally occurring radionuclide is an important isotope in studying atmospheric processes because of its convenient half-life and sufficiently detectable -radiation (E = 0.477 MeV), which has served for studying precipitation scavenging, vertical and horizontal removal of air masses, aerosol transit and residence times in the troposphere [1]

    Variations of PM10 and its relationship with 7Be and 210Pb measurements at Malaga (Southeastern coast of Spain)

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    INTRODUCTION Levels of particulate matter fraction PM10 were monitored between 2009 and 2011 in Malaga (Spain) in one of the Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring network managed by the Environmental Health Service of the Andalusian Government. Long-term measurements of cosmogenic radionuclides such as 7Be provide important data in studying global atmospheric processes and comparing environmental impact of radioactivity from man-made sources to natural ones. 7Be is a natural radionuclide tracer of aerosols originated over a range of high altitudes in the atmosphere. On the other hand, 210Pb is produced by radioactive decay from its progenitor, 222Rn, which emanates primarily from land surface. Therefore, 210Pb in the air is an effective tracer of the continental surface air mass. The variation of the data with time was studied by time series analyses and seasonal patterns were identified. The study of air back-trajectories were computed by means of the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectories (HYSPLIT) trajectory model (Draxler, 1994) using meteorological data supplied by the US National Climatic Data Centr

    Atmospheric fluxes of radionuclides on monthly time-scale in Málaga (Spain)

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    ABSTRACT.- Bulk atmospheric deposition of gamma radionuclides ( 7Be, 210Pb and 40K ) has been measured at Málaga (4º 28´80′′ W; 36º 43′ 40′N) at a coastal Mediterranean station in the south of Spain, from January 2005 through December 2012 for monthly period

    Possibilities of monitoring intraocular pressure using a transpalpebral scleral tonometry in cases of corneal and ocular surface pathology

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    Cornea and ocular surface specialists need a form of tonometry for those cases where it is not possible to use Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) on the cornea. There are many situations in which the condition of the cornea prevents adequate monitoring of the intraocular pressure (IOP) with applanation tonometry, such as the existence of neurotrophic ulcers, corneal infections, or abscesses, corneal injuries or corneal de-epithelization. In addition, certain ocular postoperative situations, require a digital estimation of high or low pressure as the only option for IOP monitoring