805 research outputs found

    Assessing the Impact of Pre-Meal To-Go Containers on Consumption and Satiety

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    Lack of portion control is one of the main causes of obesity. Restaurants offer portions larger than recommended by the USDA. This can lead to portion distortion among consumers and increased consumption. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of offering a to-go box before a meal on reducing consumption. In this quasi-experimentally designed study, a convenience sample of diners (N=35) served as subjects. The experimental group (n=18) was offered a to-go box before the meal, and the control group (n=17) was offered a to-go box after the meal. The food was weighed before and after the dining occasions to measure consumption, and a survey was administered to measure satiety, portion size awareness, and health awareness. There were no significant differences between groups in the amount consumed during of the meal (p= 0.06) and their feelings of satiation (p=0.20), although there were minor correlations established between consumption in relation to portion size awareness and health awareness. The results of the study did not support the hypothesis that offering a to-go box before a meal would decrease consumption. This could have been due to confounding factors, such as the significant difference in age (p=0.007) between the cohorts and diners\u27 unfamiliarity with receiving a box before the meal. Replicating the study with a better representative sample could possibly yield significant results

    Assessing the Impact of Pre-Meal To-Go Containers on Consumption and Satiety

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    Lack of portion control is one of the main causes of obesity. Restaurants offer portions larger than recommended by the USDA. This can lead to portion distortion among consumers and increased consumption. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of offering a to-go box before a meal on reducing consumption. In this quasi-experimentally designed study, a convenience sample of diners (N=35) served as subjects. The experimental group (n=18) was offered a to-go box before the meal, and the control group (n=17) was offered a to-go box after the meal. The food was weighed before and after the dining occasions to measure consumption, and a survey was administered to measure satiety, portion size awareness, and health awareness. There were no significant differences between groups in the amount consumed during of the meal (p= 0.06) and their feelings of satiation (p=0.20), although there were minor correlations established between consumption in relation to portion size awareness and health awareness. The results of the study did not support the hypothesis that offering a to-go box before a meal would decrease consumption. This could have been due to confounding factors, such as the significant difference in age (p=0.007) between the cohorts and diners\u27 unfamiliarity with receiving a box before the meal. Replicating the study with a better representative sample could possibly yield significant results

    El método de Proyectos de Trabajo en el 2º ciclo de Educación Infantil

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Infantil. Codi: MI1040. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015Los proyectos de trabajo es una metodología muy utilizada en las aulas de infantil. Surge partiendo de la necesidad de crear nuevos tipos de metodologías que se adapten a las características de la sociedad, en este caso más centrada en las necesidades de los/las alumnos/as. Para ello se lleva a cabo una investigación basada en el estudio de un caso concreto en un aula de educación infantil de 3 años, estableciendo como pregunta qué aprendizajes se obtienen mediante el uso de esta metodología y como objetivo el estudio del proceso de la misma. Las herramientas que ayudan en el estudio son: la observación mediante una guía de indicadores y el cuaderno de campo, grupos de discusión y una entrevista. Los resultados muestran que se trata de una metodología centrada en los alumnos que aprenden mediante aprendizaje activo obteniendo diferentes destrezas, actitudes y habilidades mediante el uso de la misma. Asimismo, el cumplimiento de diferentes elementos del currículum de segundo ciclo de educación infantil. Se destaca la necesidad de profundizar más en el tipo de evaluación a realizar en este tipo de metodología y la creación de un plan de evaluación

    Jornalismo, democracia e interesse público em Cuba : uma análise do conteúdo jornalístico do site 14yMedio

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    O presente trabalho se propõe a pesquisar de que modo o conteúdo jornalístico publicado pelo diário digital cubano 14ymedio atende aos critérios de relevância, esclarecimento, vigilância e pluralidade, que compõem diferentes dimensões do princípio do interesse público no jornalismo. O corpus é constituído de 12 matérias de destaque na capa da versão semanal em pdf do diário, que correspondem a três edições de cada um dos seguintes meses: agosto, setembro, outubro e novembro de 2017. Este conjunto compreende nove reportagens, duas notícias e uma entrevista. O estudo se baseia no conceito de democracia (BOBBIO, 1987; DAHL, 2001), na relação entre jornalismo e cidadania (GENTILLI, 2005), nas finalidades do jornalismo (KOVACH; ROSENSTIEL, 2004; CURRAN, 2014; GOMES, 2009), e na noção de interesse público no campo jornalístico (SARTOR, 2016). Na perspectiva dessas reflexões, buscamos situar as relações entre o jornalismo e a democracia, e suas novas possibilidades com a internet, além de analisar um caso específico num país com restrições à liberdade de expressão e opinião. A metodologia usada foi a Análise de Conteúdo (BARDIN, 2011). Analisando as 12 reportagens com base nos critérios da Relevância Pública, Esclarecimento, Vigilância e Pluralidade, percebemos que há uma linha editorial que prioriza a relevância e o esclarecimento, entretanto não dá o devido espaço para o contraditório. Também observamos que as fontes de financiamento do jornal não são claras, o que compromete a ideia de jornalismo “independente” e “imparcial”, ainda que as matérias atendam a alguns critérios de interesse público – reforçando a ideia de que esta noção também pode ser usada para legitimar interesses privados como estratégia discursiva (SARTOR, 2016).The present paper intends to investigate how the journalistic content published by the Cuban digital newspaper 14ymedio meets the criteria of relevance, elucidation, vigilance and plurality that compose different dimensions of the principle of public interest in journalism. The research corpus is constituted of 12 outstanding texts on the cover of the weekly pdf version of the journal, which correspond to three editions of each of the following months: August, September, October and November of 2017. This group can be divided into nine reports, two news stories and one interview. This study is based on the concepts of democracy (BOBBIO, 1987; DAHL, 2001), the relationship between journalism and citizenship (GENTILLI, 2005), journalism purposes (KOVACH; ROSENSTIEL, 2004; CURRAN, 2014; GOMES, 2009), and the notion of public interest in the journalistic field (SARTOR, 2016). From the perspective of these reflections, we seek to identify relations between journalism and democracy, and their new possibilities with the internet, besides analyzing a specific case in a country with restrictions on freedom of expression and opinion. The methodology used was the Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2011). Analyzing 12 texts based on the criteria of Public Relevance, Elucidation, Vigilance e and Plurality, we perceived there is an editorial line that prioritizes relevance and elucidation, however, does not give the right space for the contradictory. We also note that although the articles meet some criteria of public interest, the journal’s sources of funding are not clear, which compromises the idea of "independent" and "impartial" journalism – thus supporting the idea that this notion can also be used to legitimize private interests as a discursive strategy

    A divulgação científica no Brasil : uma análise antropológica a partir do 1º Encontro Brasileiro de Divulgadores de Ciência e de entrevistas com profissionais do campo

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo pensar como se estrutura e como se organiza o campo da divulgação científica no Brasil a partir de uma etnografia de evento online do 1º Encontro Brasileiro de Divulgadores de Ciências (EBDC), ocorrido nos dias 27 e 28 de agosto de 2022, em São Paulo. Além disso foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com cinco profissionais de destaque do campo, três pesquisadores/as e dois/as jornalistas de ciências. O problema de pesquisa é se existe diferença entre os termos divulgação científica, jornalismo científico e comunicação científica. A análise se fundamenta, em termos gerais, na perspectiva etnográfica, e em termos específicos na análise de conteúdo das mesas de discussão do EBDC e das entrevistas. O referencial teórico desta investigação tem como base nos estudos epistemológicos de Fleck (2010), além de autores como Massarani (2002; 2016; 2018; 2021); Bessa (2015), Bueno (1985; 2010), Caldas e Zanvettor (2014), Rohden (2012) e Silva (2006). Constata que a divulgação científica ainda é um campo em construção, com aberturas e debates. A necessidade de discutir o que é a divulgação científica, e como se faz esse processo, foi muito impactada e acelerada pela pandemia e pelo contexto político dos últimos anos.This paper aims to think about how the field of Science Communication in Brazil is structured and organized. It is based on the ethnography of the 1st Brazilian Meeting of Science Communicators (EBDC), an online event which took place on August 27th and 28th, 2022, in São Paulo. In addition, semi-structured interviews were carried out with five prominent professionals in the field, three researchers and two science journalists. The research problem is whether there is a difference between the terms Science communication, scientific journalism and scientific communication. The analysis is based, in general terms, on the ethnographic perspective, and in specific terms on the content analysis of the EBDC discussion tables and interviews. The theoretical framework of this investigation is based on the epistemological studies of Fleck (2010), as well as authors such as Massarani (2002; 2016; 2018; 2021); Bessa (2015), Bueno (1985; 2010), Caldas and Zanvettor (2014), Rohden (2012) and Silva (2006). It notes that Science communication is still a field under construction, with openings and debates. The need to discuss what Science Communication is, and how this process is carried out, was greatly impacted and accelerated by the pandemic and the political context of recent years.El objetivo de este trabajo es considerar cómo se estructura y organiza el campo de la divulgación científica en Brasil, a partir de una etnografía del evento online del I Encuentro Brasileño de Comunicadores Científicos (EBDC), que tuvo lugar los días 27 y 28 de agosto de 2022 en São Paulo. Además, se realizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas con cinco profesionales líderes en el campo, tres investigadores y dos periodistas científicos. El problema de investigación es si existe una diferencia entre los términos divulgación científica, periodismo científico y comunicación científica. El análisis se basa, en términos generales, en la perspectiva etnográfica y, en términos específicos, en el análisis de contenido de las mesas de debate del EBDC y de las entrevistas. El marco teórico de esta investigación se basa en los estudios epistemológicos de Fleck (2010), así como en autores como Massarani (2002; 2016; 2018; 2021); Bessa (2015), Bueno (1985; 2010), Caldas y Zanvettor (2014), Rohden (2012) y Silva (2006). Señala que la divulgación científica es todavía un campo en construcción, con aperturas y debates. La necesidad de discutir qué es la divulgación científica y cómo se lleva a cabo este proceso se ha visto muy impactada y acelerada por la pandemia y el contexto político de los últimos años

    Influencia de la publicidad en el nivel de ventas de la empresa Saga Falabella del Mall Plaza, Trujillo, 2019

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar si la publicidad que emplea empresa Saga Falabella ubicada en el Mall Plaza del distrito de Trujillo tiene influencia con su nivel de ventas, asimismo conocer sobre las características de la publicidad que emplean, así como identificar si hay algo en lo que se pueda mejorar. El problema estuvo enfocado de la siguiente manera: ¿Cuál es la influencia de la publicidad en el nivel de ventas de la empresa Saga Falabella del Mall Plaza Trujillo 2019? Para esto empleamos el diseño causal, ya que se buscó determinar la influencia que ejerce la variable publicidad sobre la variable ventas, utilizando como técnica la encuesta, también se utilizó como población al número habitantes del distrito de Trujillo, obteniendo como muestra a 384 personas para la investigación. Los resultados permitieron conocer que efectivamente la publicidad influye directamente en el nivel de venta, puesto que lo afirmaron las personas encuestadas. Por lo tanto, concluimos que la publicidad que actualmente emplea la empresa Saga Falabella tiene una influencia directa sobre el nivel de ventas, ya que más de la mitad de encuestados afirman que se sientes atraídos a consumir en la tienda después de visualizar las campañas publicitarias que la empresa lanza, además de conocer sobre promociones y ofertas.The objective of the research was to determine if the advertising used by the Saga Falabella Company located in the Mall Plaza of the district of Trujillo has an influence with its sales level, as well as to know about the characteristics of the advertising that they use, as well as to identify if there is something in it. That can be improved. The problem was focused in the following way: What is the influence of advertising on the sales level of the Saga Falabella Company of Mall Plaza Trujillo 2019? For this we used the causal design, since we search to determine the influence of the advertising variable on the sales variable, using the survey as a technique, the population number of the district of Trujillo was also used as a population, obtaining 384 people as a sample. The investigation. The results allowed us to know that advertising actually has a direct influence on the level of sales, as the respondents stated. Therefore, we conclude that the advertising currently used by the company Saga Falabella has a direct influence on the level of sales, since more than half of respondents say they are attracted to consume in the store after viewing the advertising campaigns The company launches, in addition to knowing about promotions and offers.Tesi

    Could cattle ranching and soybean cultivation be sustainable? A systematic review and a meta-analysis for the Amazon

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    Tropical forests are being destroyed to make space for agricultural activities with the assumption that they are required to feed the growing global population. Consequently, more sustainable practices are needed to guarantee food security and environmental protection of highly threatened natural biodiversity hotspots like the Amazon rainforest. Cattle ranching and soybean cultivation are by far the greater drivers of land use change and deforestation in the Amazon region. We performed a systematic review of papers related to these two main drivers and a meta-analysis on the effects of sustainable practices on different ecosystem services. The results of the review highlight a large concern about the negative impacts of cattle ranching and soybean crops on the ecosystem dynamics and functionality of the Amazon biome, in addition to the clear relationship with deforestation. Another relevant finding is the large gap in empirical research concerning the effects of sustainable practices on different ecosystem services. Such a gap is evident since only 13 studies from the initial database met the requirements for a meta-analysis. Of the 171 comparisons between the ecosystem services provided in conventional land-uses and those adopting sustainable practices, the overall model indicated a non-significant effect, although the results were heterogeneous. Crop yield and herbage biomass were negatively affected, while livestock productivity, soil organic carbon, soil fertility and woody biomass were positively affected. Also, the six sustainable practices evaluated showed different outcomes, from a predominance of positive effects in silvopastoral systems, to a predominance of negative effects on agrosilvicultural systems. Our systematic review and meta-analysis indicate that cattle ranching and soybean cultivation can indeed be conducted in a more sustainable way, enhancing the provision of ecosystem services while avoiding deforestation. In turn, our results also highlight the lack of empirical data and the need to standardize the methodologies used to deeply assess the effects of such practices. In conclusion, we suggest a way to advance research into the real effects of sustainable practices aimed at reducing the negative impacts of cattle ranching and soybean crops in the Amazon

    Habilidades de categorização e recordação em crianças com lesões cerebrais: um estudo de casos multiplos

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    During development, children become capable of categorically associating stimuli and of using these relationships for memory recall. Brain damage in childhood can interfere with this development. This study investigated categorical association of stimuli and recall in four children with brain damages. The etiology, topography and timing of the lesions were diverse. Tasks included naming and immediate recall of 30 perceptually and semantically related figures, free sorting, delayed recall, and cued recall of the same material. Traditional neuropsychological tests were also employed. Two children with brain damage sustained in middle childhood relied on perceptual rather than on categorical associations in making associations between figures and showed deficits in delayed or cued recall, in contrast to those with perinatal lesions. One child exhibited normal performance in recall despite categorical association deficits. The present results suggest that brain damaged children show deficits in categorization and recall that are not usually identified in traditional neuropsychological tests.No desenvolvimento, as crianças tornam-se capazes de associar estímulos em categorias e de se beneficiar dessas associações para sua recordação posterior. Lesões cerebrais na infância podem interferir nesse desenvolvimento. Neste estudo, essas habilidades foram avaliadas em crianças com lesões cerebrais. A etiologia, topografia e época de instalação da lesão variaram. As tarefas incluíram: nomeação e recordação imediata de 30 figuras relacionadas perceptual e semanticamente; associação livre; recordação tardia e recordação com pistas. Testes neuropsicológicos tradicionais também foram usados. Duas crianças com lesões adquiridas na fase escolar associaram as figuras baseadas em relações perceptivas e não categóricas e apresentaram déficits de recordação tardia e com pistas, ao contrario das outras duas com lesões perinatais. Uma criança apresentou bom desempenho na recordação independentemente de associação categórica. Os resultados sugerem que crianças com lesões cerebrais podem apresentar déficits de categorização e recordação, que não são frequentemente evidenciados em testes tradicionais.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Centro Paulista de Neuropsicologia Departamento de PsicobiologiaUniversidade de São Paulo Instituto de BiociênciasUNIFESP, Centro Paulista de Neuropsicologia Depto. de PsicobiologiaSciEL