2,421 research outputs found

    Retrieval of upper tropospheric water vapor and upper tropospheric humidity from AMSU radiances

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    International audienceA regression method was developed to retrieve upper tropospheric water vapor (UTWV in kg/m2) and upper tropospheric humidity (UTH in % RH) from radiances measured by the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU). In contrast to other UTH retrieval methods, UTH is defined as the average relative humidity between 500 and 200hPa, not as a Jacobian weighted average, which has the advantage that the UTH altitude does not depend on the atmospheric conditions. The method uses AMSU channels 6-10, 18, and 19, and should achieve an accuracy of 0.48 kg/m2 for UTWV and 6.3% RH for UTH, according to a test against an independent synthetic data set. This performance was confirmed for northern mid-latitudes by a comparison against radiosonde data from station Lindenberg in Germany, which yielded errors of 0.23 kg/m2 for UTWV and 6.1% RH for UTH

    Observing sub-microsecond telegraph noise with the radio frequency single electron transistor

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    Telegraph noise, which originates from the switching of charge between meta-stable trapping sites, becomes increasingly important as device sizes approach the nano-scale. For charge-based quantum computing, this noise may lead to decoherence and loss of read out fidelity. Here we use a radio frequency single electron transistor (rf-SET) to probe the telegraph noise present in a typical semiconductor-based quantum computer architecture. We frequently observe micro-second telegraph noise, which is a strong function of the local electrostatic potential defined by surface gate biases. We present a method for studying telegraph noise using the rf-SET and show results for a charge trap in which the capture and emission of a single electron is controlled by the bias applied to a surface gate.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Physics. Comments always welcome, email [email protected], [email protected]

    Defining signal thresholds in DNA microarrays: exemplary application for invasive cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Genome-wide or application-targeted microarrays containing a subset of genes of interest have become widely used as a research tool with the prospect of diagnostic application. Intrinsic variability of microarray measurements poses a major problem in defining signal thresholds for absent/present or differentially expressed genes. Most strategies have used fold-change threshold values, but variability at low signal intensities may invalidate this approach and it does not provide information about false-positives and false negatives. RESULTS: We introduce a method to filter false-positives and false-negatives from DNA microarray experiments. This is achieved by evaluating a set of positive and negative controls by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. As an advantage of this approach, users may define thresholds on the basis of sensitivity and specificity considerations. The area under the ROC curve allows quality control of microarray hybridizations. This method has been applied to custom made microarrays developed for the analysis of invasive melanoma derived tumor cells. It demonstrated that ROC analysis yields a threshold with reduced missclassified genes in microarray experiments. CONCLUSIONS: Provided that a set of appropriate positive and negative controls is included on the microarray, ROC analysis obviates the inherent problem of arbitrarily selecting threshold levels in microarray experiments. The proposed method is applicable to both custom made and commercially available DNA microarrays and will help to improve the reliability of predictions from DNA microarray experiments

    Charge sensing in carbon nanotube quantum dots on microsecond timescales

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    We report fast, simultaneous charge sensing and transport measurements of gate-defined carbon nanotube quantum dots. Aluminum radio frequency single electron transistors (rf-SETs) capacitively coupled to the nanotube dot provide single-electron charge sensing on microsecond timescales. Simultaneously, rf reflectometry allows fast measurement of transport through the nanotube dot. Charge stability diagrams for the nanotube dot in the Coulomb blockade regime show extended Coulomb diamonds into the high-bias regime, as well as even-odd filling effects, revealed in charge sensing data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Moon at thermal infrared wavelengths: A benchmark for asteroid thermal models

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    Thermal-infrared measurements of asteroids are crucial for deriving the objects' sizes, albedos, and also the thermophysical properties of the surface material. Depending on the available data, a range of simple to complex thermal models are applied to achieve specific science goals. However, testing these models is often a difficult process and the uncertainties of the derived parameters are not easy to estimate. Here, we make an attempt to verify a widely accepted thermophysical model (TPM) against unique thermal infrared (IR), full-disk, and well-calibrated measurements of the Moon. The data were obtained by the High-resolution InfraRed Sounder (HIRS) instruments on board a fleet of Earth weather satellites that serendipitously scan over the Moon. We found 22 Moon intrusions, taken in 19 channels between 3.75 micron and 15.0 micron, and over a wide phase angle range from -73.1 deg to +73.8 deg. The similarity between these Moon data and typical asteroid spectral-IR energy distributions allows us to benchmark the TPM concepts and to point out problematic aspects. The TPM predictions match the HIRS measurements within 5% (10% at the shortest wavelengths below 5 micron when using the Moon's known properties (size, shape, spin, albedo, thermal inertia, roughness) in combination with a newly established wavelength-dependent hemispherical emissivity. In the 5-7.5 micron and in the 9.5 to 11 micron ranges, the global emissivity model deviates considerably from the known lunar sample spectra. Our findings will influence radiometric studies of near-Earth and main-belt asteroids in cases where only short-wavelength data (from e.g., NEOWISE, the warm Spitzer mission, or ground-based M-band measurements) are available. The new, full-disk IR Moon model will also be used for the calibration of IR instrumentation on interplanetary missions (e.g., for Hayabusa-2) and weather satellites.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics in March 202

    Controlled single electron transfer between Si:P dots

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    We demonstrate electrical control of Si:P double dots in which the potential is defined by nanoscale phosphorus doped regions. Each dot contains approximately 600 phosphorus atoms and has a diameter close to 30 nm. On application of a differential bias across the dots, electron transfer is observed, using single electron transistors in both dc- and rf-mode as charge detectors. With the possibility to scale the dots down to few and even single atoms these results open the way to a new class of precision-doped quantum dots in silicon.Comment: 3 figures, 3 page
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