3,310 research outputs found

    Quiet Sun magnetic fields observed by Hinode: Support for a local dynamo

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    The Hinode mission has revealed copious amounts of horizontal flux covering the quiet Sun. Local dynamo action has been proposed to explain the presence of this flux. We sought to test whether the quiet Sun flux detected by Hinode is due to a local or the global dynamo by studying long-term variations in the polarisation signals detectable at the disc centre of the quiet Sun between November 2006 and May 2012, with particular emphasis on weak signals in the internetwork. The investigation focusses on line-integrated circular polarisation V_tot and linear polarisation LP_tot profiles obtained from the Fe I 6302.5 \AA absorption line in Hinode SOT/SP. Both circular and linear polarisation signals show no overall variation in the fraction of selected pixels from 2006 until 2012. There is also no variation in the magnetic flux in this interval of time. The probability density functions (PDF) of the line-of-sight magnetic flux can be fitted with a power law from 1.17 x 10^17 Mx to 8.53 x 10^18 Mx with index \alpha=-1.82 \pm 0.02 in 2007. The variation of \alpha 's across all years does not exceed a significance of 1\sigma. Linearly polarised features are also fitted with a power law, with index \alpha=-2.60 \pm 0.06 in 2007. Indices derived from linear polarisation PDFs of other years also show no significant variation. Our results show that the ubiquitous horizontal polarisation on the edges of bright granules seen by Hinode are invariant during the minimum of cycle 23. This supports the notion that the weak circular and linear polarisation is primarily caused by an independent local dynamo

    Systematic search for high-energy gamma-ray emission from bow shocks of runaway stars

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    Context. It has been suggested that the bow shocks of runaway stars are sources of high-energy gamma rays (E > 100 MeV). Theoretical models predicting high-energy gamma-ray emission from these sources were followed by the first detection of non-thermal radio emission from the bow shock of BD+43^\deg 3654 and non-thermal X-ray emission from the bow shock of AE Aurigae. Aims. We perform the first systematic search for MeV and GeV emission from 27 bow shocks of runaway stars using data collected by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi). Methods. We analysed 57 months of Fermi-LAT data at the positions of 27 bow shocks of runaway stars extracted from the Extensive stellar BOw Shock Survey catalogue (E-BOSS). A likelihood analysis was performed to search for gamma-ray emission that is not compatible with diffuse background or emission from neighbouring sources and that could be associated with the bow shocks. Results. None of the bow shock candidates is detected significantly in the Fermi-LAT energy range. We therefore present upper limits on the high-energy emission in the energy range from 100 MeV to 300 GeV for 27 bow shocks of runaway stars in four energy bands. For the three cases where models of the high-energy emission are published we compare our upper limits to the modelled spectra. Our limits exclude the model predictions for Zeta Ophiuchi by a factor ≈\approx 5.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted by A&

    From Digital Library to Institutional Repository: A Brief Look at One Library’s Path

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the initial transformation of one academic library’s digital media library into the institutional repository (IR) of its entire academic organization. Design/methodology/approach – Description of an academic digital library’s evolution into an institutional repository, accompanied by both practical and philosophical analyses. Findings – Materials supporting an academic institution’s scholarship (from colleges and from supporting organizations on campus) can play an important part in the success of an institutional repository. Standards for metadata content, data structures and hierarchies of collections must be followed consistently, and adequate storage for digital media within an institutional repository is necessary to have in advance of anticipated demand for the smooth operation of the IR and continued access to materials. Gray areas between the role of an institutional repository and the role of that organization’s archives need to be addressed in the future. Practical implications – Academic libraries can be highly successful in producing an institute repository by developing relationships with various organizations on campus in addition to the academic programs. Maintaining standards throughout the IR is crucial to future growth in an organized and consistent manner. Philosophical considerations of the role of the IR should be addressed in the beginning stages of the development of the IR for eliminating confusion and duplication of its contents with other campus organizations. Originality/value – This paper describes the development of a digital library, created and maintained by an academic library, and its gradual change into a de facto institutional repository. Other libraries in the planning stages or initial steps of creating a campus-wide digital library or an institutional repository can benefit from the description of possible successes and problems that they could encounter during implementation

    Retrieval of upper tropospheric water vapor and upper tropospheric humidity from AMSU radiances

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    International audienceA regression method was developed to retrieve upper tropospheric water vapor (UTWV in kg/m2) and upper tropospheric humidity (UTH in % RH) from radiances measured by the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU). In contrast to other UTH retrieval methods, UTH is defined as the average relative humidity between 500 and 200hPa, not as a Jacobian weighted average, which has the advantage that the UTH altitude does not depend on the atmospheric conditions. The method uses AMSU channels 6-10, 18, and 19, and should achieve an accuracy of 0.48 kg/m2 for UTWV and 6.3% RH for UTH, according to a test against an independent synthetic data set. This performance was confirmed for northern mid-latitudes by a comparison against radiosonde data from station Lindenberg in Germany, which yielded errors of 0.23 kg/m2 for UTWV and 6.1% RH for UTH

    On cloud ice induced absorption and polarisation effects in microwave limb sounding

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    Microwave limb sounding in the presence of ice clouds was studied by detailed simulations, where clouds and other atmospheric variables varied in three dimensions and the full polarisation state was considered. Scattering particles were assumed to be horizontally aligned oblate spheroids with a size distribution parameterized in terms of temperature and ice water content. A general finding was that particle absorption is significant for limb sounding, which is in contrast to the down-looking case, where it is usually insignificant. Another general finding was that single scattering can be assumed for cloud optical paths below about 0.1, which is thus an important threshold with respect to the complexity and accuracy of retrieval algorithms. The representation of particle sizes during the retrieval is also discussed. Concerning polarisation, specific findings were as follows: Firstly, no significant degree of circular polarisation was found for the considered particle type. Secondly, for the ±45° polarisation components, differences of up to 4 K in brightness temperature were found, but differences were much smaller when single scattering conditions applied. Thirdly, the vertically polarised component has the smallest cloud extinction. An important goal of the study was to derive recommendations for future limb sounding instruments, particularly concerning their polarisation setup. If ice water content is among the retrieval targets (and not just trace gas mixing ratios), then the simulations show that it should be best to observe any of the ±45° and circularly polarised components. These pairs of orthogonal components also make it easier to combine information measured from different positions and with different polarisations

    Tropical free-tropospheric humidity differences and their effect on the clear-sky radiation budget in global strom-resolving models

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    Reducing the model spread in free-tropospheric relative humidity (RH) and its response to warming is a crucial step toward reducing the uncertainty in clear-sky climate sensitivity, a step that is hoped to be taken with recently developed global storm-resolving models (GSRMs). In this study we quantify the inter-model differences in tropical present-day RH across GSRMs, making use of DYAMOND, a first 40-day intercomparison. We find that the inter-model spread in tropical mean free-tropospheric RH is reduced compared to conventional atmospheric models, except from the tropopause region and the transition to the boundary layer. We estimate the reduction to ∼50%–70% in the upper troposphere and 25%–50% in the mid troposphere. However, the remaining RH differences still result in a spread of 1.2 urn:x-wiley:19422466:media:jame21474:jame21474-math-0001 in tropical mean clear-sky outgoing longwave radiation (OLR). This spread is mainly caused by RH differences in the lower and mid free troposphere, whereas RH differences in the upper troposphere have a minor impact. By examining model differences in moisture space we identify two regimes with a particularly large contribution to the spread in tropical mean clear-sky OLR: rather moist regimes at the transition from deep convective to subsidence regimes and very dry subsidence regimes. Particularly for these regimes a better understanding of the processes controlling the RH biases is needed

    Observing sub-microsecond telegraph noise with the radio frequency single electron transistor

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    Telegraph noise, which originates from the switching of charge between meta-stable trapping sites, becomes increasingly important as device sizes approach the nano-scale. For charge-based quantum computing, this noise may lead to decoherence and loss of read out fidelity. Here we use a radio frequency single electron transistor (rf-SET) to probe the telegraph noise present in a typical semiconductor-based quantum computer architecture. We frequently observe micro-second telegraph noise, which is a strong function of the local electrostatic potential defined by surface gate biases. We present a method for studying telegraph noise using the rf-SET and show results for a charge trap in which the capture and emission of a single electron is controlled by the bias applied to a surface gate.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Physics. Comments always welcome, email [email protected], [email protected]

    Modeling Single Electron Transfer in Si:P Double Quantum Dots

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    Solid-state systems such as P donors in Si have considerable potential for realization of scalable quantum computation. Recent experimental work in this area has focused on implanted Si:P double quantum dots (DQDs) that represent a preliminary step towards the realization of single donor charge-based qubits. This paper focuses on the techniques involved in analyzing the charge transfer within such DQD devices and understanding the impact of fabrication parameters on this process. We show that misalignment between the buried dots and surface gates affects the charge transfer behavior and identify some of the challenges posed by reducing the size of the metallic dot to the few donor regime.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Nanotechnolog
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