33 research outputs found

    Analisis Potensi Perekonomian Pedagang Kaki-Lima di Kota Langsa

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    This article is based on the results of research, focused on the activities of hawker traders along Cut Nyak Dhien Street, Langsa City. There are more than seventy street vendors with various types of merchandise. The research aims to determine the role of the informal sector street vendors of economically weak groups in obtaining employment, the prospect of developing a culinary tourism business on family economic growth, and additional sources of local revenue. Data obtained through observation, interviews and documentation, and then processed using descriptive analysis techniques. The analysis results showed that street vendors in urban areas are a popular alternative to work. This condition is in synergy with the government program that arranges this area as a center for culinary tourism and is very helpful for traders to increase family income, as well as having an impact on increasing visitors and increasing local income. &nbsp


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    Tulisan ini focus pada epistimilogi ilmu ekonomi Islam yang ditelaah dengan menjadikan filsafat ilmu sebagai pisau analisis. Dari kajian didapatkan ilmu ekonomi sepatutnya ditelaah dengan menggunakan filsafat ilmu. Filsafat ilmu sebagai sebuah proses pengelaborasian tentang karakteristik disiplin ilmiah (scientific discipline ) dan bagaimana cara memperolehnya (epistimic), menjadi hal yang sangat mungkin sekali untuk dijadikan referensi dasar sebagai pengembangan ekonomi IslamTulisan ini focus pada epistimilogi ilmu ekonomi Islam yang ditelaah dengan menjadikan filsafat ilmu sebagai pisau analisis. Dari kajian didapatkan ilmu ekonomi sepatutnya ditelaah dengan menggunakan filsafat ilmu. Filsafat ilmu sebagai sebuah proses pengelaborasian tentang karakteristik disiplin ilmiah (scientific discipline ) dan bagaimana cara memperolehnya (epistimic), menjadi hal yang sangat mungkin sekali untuk dijadikan referensi dasar sebagai pengembangan ekonomi Isla

    The Islamic Perspective on The Improvement of Family Economy in The New Normal

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    This paper concerns with how to build a balance of rights and obligations of husband and wife in fulfilling the economic needs of the family, especially in unusual circumstances. The paper aims to give an overall picture of the authority of the husband and wife regarding the domestic and public rights in the family, as well as to deal with the issue on family economy during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study of this paper used the explorative-qualitative research methods, with data obtained by disseminating questionnaires and studying documents related to the responsibilities carried out by the husband and wife. An initial investigation was conducted by taking into account the provisions stipulated in the formal legality of positive law. The data were then analyzed by utilizing a descriptive phenomenological approach through the interpretation of the data obtained from observation, interview, documentation, and literature review. The findings of this study indicate that men and women have equal rights. The concept of nature show that there is normative justification between husband and wife, stating that the domestic responsibilities are closely related to the shared rights and obligations that are balanced within the family and society, and that both husband and wife have the same rights in taking legal actions. In this new normal era, to strengthen the economically weak family in the community requires joint co-operation between the husband and wife so that they can meet the needs of the family and create a harmonious family.


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    The development of Sharia capital market system in Indonesia based on sharia economic values which controlled by Indonesian Capital Market Architecture to provide an alternative sharia finance product for  Indonesian people. Synergically, the sharia capital market system moving widely to support society’s financial mobilization for increasing financial capability for national economic growth. The characteristic of Sharia capital market system by using profite contribution and loss sharing mechanism  gives more profitable for both capitalist and someone who is doing business. There is also put forward justification values in transactions, ethically invest, put forward togetherness and brotherhood values in production but also avoid all speculative acts  in some financial transactions. Providing various contracts and market services with variety of financial schemes, the sharia capital market becomes an alternative credible stock-exchange growth and it can be enjoyed by all levels of moslim`s capitalist. In the context of macro economic system, widely used various products and sharia financial instruments, it can tighten financial in real sectors of business development. The goal of Islamic capital market are providing instruments for supporting financial acts and business activities. Exactly, it decreases speculative transactions, so that it supports wholly financial system stability and provides significant contribution for harmony life. As a result, the society responds positively toward the products and services provided by the management of sharia capital market to increase society’s economy. It can fasten the process of empowering society’s economy which gives positive contribution in understanding business starting with small capital. As a matter of fact, the development of sharia capital market system needs more supports from moslem`s society, stated under regulation  and it would be controlled by authorized person (National Sharia Boards/Dewan Syariah Nasional)


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    Based on Aceh Qanun (sharia law) No.11 of 2018 concerning Islamic Financial Institutions, it is required to carry out financial activities based on sharia principles. The decline of the global economy during the Covid-19 outbreak did not dampen the Aceh Government, which declared itself a special province practicing sharia values. Apart from aiming to make a purely Sharia-based region, the conversion of conventional banks to sharia banks is also to stabilize the economy. This study aims to analyze (1) the growth conditions of Islamic banking in Indonesia, (2) the legalization of the Aceh Government Qanun in determining financial institutions operating in Aceh, and (3) the resilience of Islamic banking in facing the global economic downturn during the Covid-19 pandemic. The analysis method used is literature and regulation review. The conclusion that the decentralization system implemented by the Indonesian Government in Islamic banking has not been able to maximize the growth of Islamic banking in Indonesia. Aceh Province, the only province in Indonesia that implements Sharia Law through special autonomy, has its own economic system. The Aceh government issued a Qanun, which obliged economic activities based on sharia principles. Based on Qanun No. 11 of 2018, the operation of Banks in Aceh must be in accord with Sharia. Therefore, entering 2020, the Islamic economy has been running almost perfectly in Aceh by changing conventional banking operations into Islamic banking. Furthermore, Islamic banking in Indonesia can still maintain stable growth when the Indonesian economy slides sharply in the second quarter of 2020 to minus 5.32 percent. This fact proves that increasing the growth of Islamic banking is an important thing to do. The Government should be serious and more consistent in maintaining economic stability and achieving the purposes (maqashid) of Sharia in human life.========================================================================================================ABSTRAK – Konversi Bank Konvensional Menjadi Bank Syariah di Aceh: Upaya Menjaga Stabilitas Perekonomian dalam Wabah Covid-19. Qanun (undang-undang syariat (Islam)) Aceh No 11 Tahun 2018 tentang Lembaga Keuangan Syariah, secara tegas telah mewajibkan lembaga keuangan yang beroperasi di Aceh untuk melaksanakan kegiatannya berdasarkan prinsip syariah. Penurunan ekonomi global di masa pandemi covid-19 tidak menyurutkan langkah Pemerintah Aceh dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan mensyariahkan seluruh lembaga dan institusi yang berada di Aceh. Walaupun berada di dalam sebuah negara yang tidak menganut paham syariah, Provinsi Aceh telah menyatakan dirinya sebagai sebuah wilayah berkedaulatan syariah Islam. Selain bertujuan untuk menjadikan wilayah yang murni berbasis syariah Islam, konversi bank konvesional menjadi syariah juga bertujuan untuk menstabilkan perekonomian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis (1) kondisi pertumbuhan perbankan syariah di Indonesia, (2) legalisasi Qanun Pemerintah Aceh dalam menentukan lembaga keuangan yang beroperasi di Aceh, dan (3) ketahanan  perbankan syariah dalam menghadapi penurunan perekonomian global di masa pandemi Covid-19. Studi ini menggunakan metode kajian literatur dan analisis regulasi yang menghasilkan kesimpulan yaitu sistem desentralisasi yang dilakukan Pemerintah Indonesia pada perbankan syariah belum dapat memaksimalkan pertumbuhan perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Provinsi Aceh sebagai satu-satunya provinsi di Indonesia yang menjalankan Syariat Islam melalui otonomi khusus mempunyai sistem perekonomian tersendiri. Pemerintah Aceh mengeluarkan qanun yang mewajibkan seluruh kegiatan perekonomian harus berlandaskan prinsip syariah. Berdasarkan Qanun No. 11 Tahun 2018, setiap perbankan yang beroperasi di Aceh haruslah berbentuk syariah. Oleh sebab itu memasuki tahun 2020, perekonomian Islam hampir sempurna telah berjalan di Aceh salah satunya dengan berubahnya operasional perbankan konvensional menjadi perbankan syariah di Provinsi Aceh. Selanjutnya, Perbankan syariah di Indonesia masih mampu menjaga kestabilan pertumbuhannya di saat perekonomian Indonesia meluncur tajam di kuartal II 2020 hingga minus 5,32 persen. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa meningkatkan pertumbuhan perbankan syariah merupakan hal yang penting dilaksanakan, memerlukan keseriusan dan konsistensi terus menerus dari pemerintah demi menjaga kestabilan ekonomi makro dan akan tercapai maqashid syariah pada semua lini kehidupan

    Fenomena Hutang Piutang Emas dalam Tinjauan Ekonomi Syariah

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    Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang fenomena hutang piutang emas dalam tinjauan ekonomi Islam yang ada di desa Lubuk Sidup, Kecamatan Sekerak. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana fenomena hutang piutang emas di desa Lubuk Sidup Kecamatan Sekerak Kecamatan Sekerak dalam tinjauan ekonomi Islam. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan (field research). Teknik pengumpulan data melalui metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, serta teknik analisis data dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa hutang piutang emas yang terjadi di desa Lubuk Sidup masih terdapatnya kesenjangan, hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya ketentuan yang diberikan pihak pemberi hutang kepada si penghutang yaitu berupa biaya tambahan. Adanya biaya tambahan dalam hutang piutang adalah salah satu bentuk transaksi yang mengandung riba, serta biaya denda yang harus dibayarkan si penghutang, akibat keterlambatan dalam pembayaran, menyebabkan pihak penghutang merasa dirugikan dan semakin terbebani. Selain itu praktik hutang piutang yang terjadi di desa Lubuk Sidup juga tidak sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip dalam ekonomi Islam yaitu tauhid, akhlak, keseimbangan, kebebasan individu, dan keadilan

    Pembangunan Sumber Daya Manusia Sebagai Modal dalam Sistem Ekonomi Islam (Human Resources Development as Human Capital in Islamic Economic System)

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    Poverty is a classical problem that becomes the biggest challenge in some muslim countries. In this case, the development of human resources in economic activities is most importance to increase production as national income. Based on several researches, the issues of human empowering and poverty alleviation has so far been neglected. Meanwhile, the number of poor families and unemployed people are still high in Indonesia, that is about 40 million people are poor and 30 million people are unemployed. The side inpact of this condition, there will be inertial inflation happening for long time, it means the distribution of salary itself is not enough for daily living cost. Actually, the growing of national income was influenced by human resources as unlimited capital and natural resources as limited capital. The major problem facing in the developing countries today, most population is staying under poverty alleviation with unhappy condition. The objective of Islamic Economic System is to build back future life in harmony (falah). The Development of Human Resources in Islamic Economic System would create skillful employment with good behaviour, making friendship among people and to be close to Allah (swt). The function of human capital becomes more productive if they have ability in various skill. They are also getting more advantages for themselves and their countries through labour market competition in globally. However, the Islamic concept of economic argues that the development of mankind as human capital continually accomplishment an appropriate supervision by goverment with good governance, clear and clean management. It will eventually solve the problem of poverty in the developing countries. The development of human resource capacities in Islamic perspective is an unlimited process. Absolutely, Allah (swt) motivated all mankind: “Verily never Will Allah change the condition of a people until they Change it themselves...,†(alQur`an, 13:11). The Prophet Muhammad (saw) also said: “Truly, Allah likes to see His servants work hard to earn a legitimate income†(al-Dailami)

    Pengaruh Literacy Financial, Experienced Regret, dan Overconfidence Terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi Di Pasar Modal

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    This study aims to determine the effect of financial literacy, experienced regret, and overconfidence on investment decision making in the capital market. Method of this study was a quantitative approach. This study used nonprobability sampling and determined the number of samples from a population using quota sampling based on certain criteria in accordance with research conducted by researchers. The determined sample was 45 respondents. Respondents criteria were all investors who actively transact at least one day several times a transaction and a maximum of once a month transactions and investors who have experienced adverse events in stock investments such as losses but are still actively transacting. This study used a Likert scale measurement. The results of this study was based on a partial test showing that financial literacy did not affect investment decision making in the capital market, while experienced regret, and overconfidence affect investment decision making in the capital market. The conclusion of this study was based on the analysis of the coefficient of determination (adjusted R2) that 47.3% of the variation in the value of investment decision making in the capital market at IAIN Langsa Investment Gallery was determined by three influential variables, namely financial literacy, experienced regret, and over-confidence. While the remaining 52.7% was explained by other variables not included in the equation above

    Human Resource Management Practices and Entrepreneurship Performance in the Agricultural Sector: Indonesia Study

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    Entrepreneurship is driving growth in Indonesia's agricultural sector, but the link between it and Human Resource Management (HRM) practices is largely unknown. A quantitative study aims to investigate this relationship. This research surveyed 355 agricultural companies in different areas and sub-sectors using a questionnaire designed for cross-sectional research. on their HR practices and entrepreneurial performance. Using Smart-PLS 4, a strong correlation between HRM strategies and entrepreneurial behavior and performance founded. HRM practices like hiring qualified staff, providing training, fair compensation, and promoting engagement can encourage entrepreneurial behavior among employees, leading to better agricultural enterprise performance. Prioritizing HRM strategies that support an entrepreneurial culture can increase productivity, promote sustainability, and motivate the workforce to tackle industry challenges


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    The independent variables in this study are deposits and financial ratios ofsharia banks which consist of NPF and FDR ratios. This study aims todetermine and analyze the effect of DPK, NPF and FDR on Murabahahfinancing in the SRB. This study used secondary data, which is the form ofpublished Financial Statements of banks obtained from the website of BankIndonesia. The bank's financial report used is quarterly financial report atAdeco Langsa Syariah Adequacy Bank. The data were then analysed by usingthe classical assumption method using multiple linear regression analysis,determination coefficient, F test or simultaneous test and t test or partial test.Hypothesis in this research is DPK, and financial ratio of NPF and ROE bankpartially has significant effect to Murabahah financing, while simultaneouslyfrom the three variables have a significant effect on the provision of financing.The method used in this study is multiple regressions. The results of this studyindicated that DPK and FDR variables have no significant effect on murabahahfinancing, while NPF affects