62 research outputs found

    Islam Dan Tamaddun Melayu: Menatap Masa Depan

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    Sumbangan Islam dalam budaya Melayu amat besar. Ia merupakan dasar dari cara hidup dan pandangan dunia (wolrdview) masyarakat Melayu. Bahkan Islam dijadikan sebagai jati diri atau identitas orang Melayu. Di samping merubah kehidupan dan pandangan hidup orang Melayu, Islam membentuk dan mempersiapkan menghadapi era modernisasi dan globalisasi tanpa merubah pendirian pada agama. Sifal keanjalan dalam agama Islam memudahkannya menyerap ke dalam budaya Melayu. Maka dapat dikatakan Islam dan budaya Melayu tidak dapat dipisahkan dan senantiasa mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat Melayu dalam semua aspek kehidupa


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    The propagation and Islamic teaching dissemination in JavaIsland, which had gone long for periods of time, were solely struggled bymerchants or leaders and small groups of traders. Islam, in Java Island,however, tended to be powerless to force on its development through awar.The trace of Islam in Central Java seemed very interesting to berecorded, especially in some places which were geographically located inrural area of Central Java. The data were mostly obtained from textual data.One of the subjects was Babad Tanah Jawi/the History of Java Island (sastrababad/ literature of history). The word babad means classic, story, history.Babad was considered as “history,” since it told about people in the past orancestry. Babad Tanah Jawi as one type of Java literature had mentioned thenames of figures and places showed a relationship with Islam spread in JavaIsland, especially in the Southern part of Central Java, located in the East ofGunung Merapi. From the tentative studies, there were several names ofplaces which were located in topographic maps. Coincidentally the namesof places which were mentioned in Babad Tanah Jawi had been investigatedas the R.O.D. inventory. In 1914-1915 there had been measurement to findout possibility of toponyms contained of archeological data during thediffusion of Islam. Basically the names which had been mentioned in BabadTanah Jawi probably had relationship with data of archeology, includingoral history in old people mind in the field of researc

    Analisis Kisi-kisi dan Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Mata Pelajaran IPA Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar di Kota Kediri Tahun 2012-2013

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    Salah satu kompetensi inti yang harus dimiliki oleh guru sesuai dengan Pemerdikna No. 16 Tahun 2007 tentang Kualifikasi Akademik dan Standar Kompetensi Guru adalah mengembangkan instrument penilaian dan evaluasi proses dan hasil belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kisi-kisi dan pengembangan instrument penilaian mata pelajaran IPA kelas IV di SD kota Kediri tahun 2012-2013. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis kisi-kisi penilaian dan pengembangan instrument penilaian yang terdapat pada RPP yang dibuat oleh guru IPA kelas IV di SD kota Kediri. Sampel diambil secara acak sebanyak 15 RPP. Parameter yang digunakan untuk menilai kisi-kisi penilaian adalah kesesuaian antara posedur dengan teknik penilaian, jenis penilaian, alat penilaian, bentuk instrument, dan kelengkapan komponen kisi-kisi penilaian, sedangkan parameter yang digunakan untuk menilai instrument penilaian adalah kesesuaian antara instrumen dengan indikator dan kisi-kisi penilaian serta kelengkapan instrumen penilaian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kualitas kisi-kisi penilaian dan pengembangan instrument penilaian dalam RPP IPA kelas IV SD di Kota Kediri yang dibuat oleh guru masih kurang baik

    Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Materi Perpindahan Panas Benda dengan Metode Discovery dan Ceramah Siswa Kelas IV Sdn Mojoayu Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar materi perpindahan panas benda dengan metode discovery dan metode ceramahsiswa kelas IV SDN Mojoayu Kediri Tahun 2012/2013.Penelitian dilakukansecara eksperimen dengan subyek kelas IV A sebanyak 15 siswa diajar dengan metode ceramah dan kelas IV B sebanyak 15 siswa diajar dengan metode discovery. Parameter yang diukur adalah hasil belajar kognitif siswa yang diperoleh dengan melihat skorhasil evaluasi setelah pembelajaran 1 kompetensi dasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa rata-rata dan ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa yang diajar dengan metode discoveryadalah 85 dan 93,3% lebih tinggi dari pada yang diajar dengan metode ceramah yaitu 78 dan 73,3%

    Analisis Perbandingan Biaya Transportasi Pengiriman Barang antara Metode FIFO dengan Stepping Stone dan Vogel

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    Transportation cost analysis appears in a number of design in various fields such as network supplies, communications networks, and variety of other fields which have the principle of transferring the object from one place to another place. This transportation cost analysis can be used as indicators or benchmarks to measure whether the usual method of delivery of goods made by certain parties were optimal or not. Application of the method of transportation cost analysis in this study is to combine several tools or methods of solving the transportation problem, which consists of the methods of the North West Corner (NWC), Stepping Stone (SS), Vogel Approximation Method (VAM). From the results of the comparison between the usual calculation of the cost paid by the company (First In First Out) with a method of solving transportation problems, will be selected that contributed the largest savings as a final result.Keywords: North West Corner, Stepping Stone, Vogel Approximation Metho


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    When the Covid-19 pandemic occured, most of the industries and public facilities were not used properly, but the cooling machines was still used, resulting in large consumption of power and electrical energy. Along with high energy consumption where the availability of energy is running low, savings are needed. As an alternative so that the cooling machine can save energy is to use the subcooling method, namely the addition of a liquid suction heat exchanger on a spiral portable chiller with 29 spirals. Furthermore, the refrigerant used in the portable chiller is R407c. This study aims to determine the effect and effectiveness of Liquid Suction Heat Exchanger on a portable chiller. The results obtained are the coefficient of performance on the non-Liquid Suction Heat Exchanger portable chiller is 4,699 with a cooling capacity of 6,668 kW and compressor performance of 1,419 kW while the portable chiller with the addition of Liquid Suction Heat Exchanger, the Coefficient Of Performance obtained is 5,197 with a cooling capacity of 6,719 kW and compressor performance of 1,219 kW. From the calculation above, the use of a liquid suction heat exchanger in a portable chiller can increase the cooling capacity by 1,97 %

    Development of Anchovy Product and the Certification for Community Empowerment in Saramaake Village, East Halmahera, North Moluccas

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    Anchovy (Stolephorus spp) is a main target of lift-net fishery, and it is a main income for the fisherman for long time in Saramaake Village, East Halmahera District. Production in a large number with bulky marketing system and a limited processing activity affect a limited economical value for the community of the village. This community empowerment activities had been done for 6 months, from June–December 2017, aimed to develop the anchovy product and the certification. Methods used in this activity were training and mentoring. Objective targets of the activity were fishermen and fisherman’s wife which are members of Common Business Group and cooperation. Some activities have been done for product development (chili sauce packaged anchovy and labelling) and product certification (certification of halal from the Institute Assessment of Food, Drug and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama and certification of food of Household Industry from Public Health Service Office in District of East Halmahera). Based on the result of training and mentoring, the object community had gained a knowledge and technology related to the fish processing and certification. Certified marine product have a wider market and marketable in some shops in Ternate and Buli

    Inisiasi Pengembangan Pemasaran Ikan Teri (Stolephorus Spp.) dan Pembentukan Kelembagaan dalam Rangka Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Desa Saramaake, Halmahera Timur

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    One of the villages in East Halmahera which has been known as anchovy production area is Saramaake Village. Commonly, a community in this village has an income from the anchovy fishery. The product of the anchovy fish is high and various in size, while fish marketing increase and good institution did not establish yet. This activity has been done for 7 months from June 2016January 2017, aimed to improve the product marketing, and institution establishment through training and mentoring. According to the activity has been done, marketing of the dried anchovy which was marketed previously in big size (bulky), it can be marketed in small size with better packaging (100, 200, 500, and 1.000 g) and labelling, while the processed fish can be marketed also in packaging (100 g) and labelling. The institution has been established a namely cooperative small business group (KUB) both for fisherman and fish processing person. Through the marketing development and institution establishment, fishermen can manage their fish product better

    Peningkatan Kualitas dan Diversifikasi Produk Ikan Teri untuk Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Desa Saramaake, Halmahera Timur

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    Saramaake Village is one of the villages in East Halmahera District known as anchovy (Stolephorus spp) catching area. In this area, production of the anchovy is high and various in size. A community empowerment had been done for 7 months, from June 2016–January 2017, aimed to improve the anchovy product quality and product diversification. Methods used in this activity were training and mentoring. Targets of the activity were fishermen (15 fisherman groups or 60 persons; for fish catch product handling), and fisherman’s wife (2 groups or 11 persons; for product diversification). The activities that had been carried out were product quality improvement (fish drying construction, fish storage room rehabilitation), added value improvement (product diversification), packaging and labelling of the product. Based on the observation, the community had gained a knowledge and technology related to the fish handling and processing. Some communities had applied the technology of manufacturing processed products, as well as doing the packaging and labeling of these products


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    This research is motivated by the high growth rates of Semarang hotels that are imbalanced with the increase in the number of tourist. This certaintly will affect the number of visitor who stayed in a hotel. The hotel sevice provider must prepare the best strategy to attract consumers with the presence of the new hotel,because consumer of hotel become increasingly have many option to choose. Hotel Srondol Indah Semarang is one of the hotels affected by these imbalances. Seen fron the data request to the hotel which had been steadily decrease since the year 2005 till 2009. The problem in this research is “ what is the factor that influence a person to staying in Srondol Indah Hotels”. This specifically refers to three variables namely service quality, facillities and location. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of these three vaiables in influencing the decission to stay at Hotel Srondol Indah. After doing a literature review and preparation of hypothesis, data were collected through questionnaires to 80 guests of Srondol Indah Hotels obtain using sistematic sampling technique, then analyze the data obtained by using multiple regression analysys, hypothesis testing via t test and F test, and analysis of the coefficient of determination ( R2 ). From this analysis the regression equation : Y= 0.308 X1 + 0.284 X2 + 0.303 X3 Stay decission variables (Y), service quallity, facilities (X2) anf location (x3) testing the hypothesis using the t test showed that the three variables independent vaiables faound to sifnificantly influence the decission to stay as dependent variable. Then through the F test showed that the variable service quallity, facilities and location is appropriate to test the dependent variable decission to stay. Figures Adjusted R square of 0.473 shows that 47.3 percent of the variation can be explained by the three independent variables in the equation regression. While the other 52.7 percent is explained by other variables outside of the four variables used in this stud
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