21 research outputs found

    Carbon Stock Estimation on Oil Palm Plantations and Oil Palm-Based Agroforestry in Gunung Mas Regency

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    Central Kalimantan has one of the highest rates of deforestation and palm oil production in Indonesia. These changes have ecological impacts such as loss of animals, loss of water absorption functions, and increased carbon emissions. Agroforestry is a synergistic planting system between agricultural crops and forest stands to maintain the ecological balance. Sengons are legume plants that can be utilized in agroforestry systems. This study aimed to calculate the amount of belowground and aboveground carbon stocks on palm oil plantations and agroforestry lands consisting of palm oil and sengon trees in Manuhing and Rungan Barat districts. Belowground carbon consist of soil carbon, which is affected by the soil depth, bulk density, and soil C-organic value. Aboveground carbon consists of the sum of litter carbon, undergrowth carbon, and top stand vegetation carbon. Belowground carbon was measured using both disturbed and undisturbed methods. Litter and undergrowth carbon were measured using a destructive method, then top stand vegetation was measured by the allometric equations using breast height diameter. The comparison from all carbon pool shows that the palm oil plantations (2106,520 tons/ha) was higher than agroforestry lands (1834,734 tons/ha). This difference is strongly influenced by the potential of the different in belowground carbon stock for each land-use type. The highest potential carbon stock from this study was owned by belowground carbon stock. In the Manuhing district, belowground carbon stock was led by agroforestry lands (1786,907 tons/ha), whereas in the Rungan Barat district was led by palm oil plantations (1756,291 tons/ha)

    Dynamics of Change in Mangrove Forest Cover as a Protected Area Using Satellite Image on Peleng Island, Central Sulawesi

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    Mangrove forest is an important ecosystem supporting the life activities of coastal communities because it has various functions so it is very vulnerable to various disturbances. This problem is an important factor in the decline in the ability of mangroves to maintain the stability of the coastal ecosystem. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor and evaluate the dynamics of mangrove cover change in a spatio-temporal manner using remote sensing methods. Landsat imagery with a spatial resolution of 30 m was chosen as a data source to analyze the dynamics of mangrove forest cover. The purpose of the study was to measure, map and estimate the area of mangrove cover in 2019 and build a guided classification of mangrove cover changes in 2029 to estimate changes in mangrove forest cover, vegetation analysis to calculate diversity values and the Markov chain method using software. Stella. The results showed that the value of mangrove vegetation diversity in the belta strata was higher than the tree strata. Based on the significance value according to the criteria of ecosystem stability, it shows that the mangrove vegetation on Peleng Island is in the medium category and quite stable. Mangrove forests have continued to decline by 10.21% from 1999 to 2019, and in 2029 it is predicted that the area will continue to decline if this condition is left without any government policies that regulate it. Keywords: Dynamics, diversity, Landsat, mangroves, Peleng IslandHutan mangrove merupakan ekosistem penting penunjang aktivitas kehidupan masyarakat pesisir karena memiliki berbagai fungsi sehingga sangat rentan terhadap bermacam gangguan. Permasalahan ini menjadi faktor penting menurunnya kemampuan mangrove dalam menjaga kestabilan ekosistem pantai. Oleh karena itu monitoring dan evaluasi dinamika perubahan tutupan mangrove secara spasio temporal menggunakan metode penginderaan jauh (remote sensing) perlu dilakukan. Citra Landsat dengan resolusi spasial 30 m dipilih sebagai sumber data untuk menganalisis dinamika tutupan hutan mangrove. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengukur, memetakan dan mengestimasi luas tutupan mangrove tahun 2019 serta membangun model dinamika perubahan tutupan mangrove pada tahun 2029terbimbing (supervised classification) untuk mengestimasi perubahan tutupan hutan mangrove, analisis vegetasi untuk menghitung nilai keanekaragaman serta metode rantai markov (Markov chain) menggunakan software Stella. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai keanekaragaman vegetasi mangrove pada strata belta lebih tinggi daripada strata pohon. Berdasarkan nilai penting menurut kriteria kemantapan ekosistem menunjukkan bahwa vegetasi mangrove di Pulau Peleng masuk dalam kategori sedang dan cukup stabil. Hutan mangrove terus mengalami penurunan sebesar 10,21% sejak tahun 1999 hingga tahun 2019, dan pada tahun 2029 diprediksi akan terus mengalami penurunan luasan jika kondisi ini dibiarkan tanpa ada kebijakan pemerintah yang mengatur. Kata kunci: Dinamika, keanekaragaman, Landsat, mangrove, Pulau Pelen

    Biomass Estimation Model in Revegetation Area of Nickel Post-Mining

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    Deforestation and forest degradation are one of the most crucial issues in the forestry sector. The impact of deforestation and forest degradation due to the opening of forest areas for mining activities that causes damage to sustainable forest ecology. This condition requires companies as miners to carry out revegetation activities in post-mining areas to restore forest existence. PT. Vale of Indonesia (PTVI) is a nickel mining company located in Sorowako, South Sulawesi Province, which has carried out revegetation activities and is considered quite successful. This assessment has not included biomass as an indicator of forest productivity. Biomass is one of the determinants of forest productivity in post-mining areas needs to be further investigated to maximized revegation management. The objective of this study was to measure and construct a model for estimating biomass in the revegetation of the post-mining area in PTVI. The results of this study obtained a regression model of the rank as a biomass estimator in the revegetation of the post-mining area in PTVI. The form of the selected model equation is Y= 2,59505E-13 X1 2,489  X2 3,645. The independent variable is X1 = DVI (vegetation index) and X2 = C% (percentage of canopy). The regression model chosen has a determination coefficient of 70,60% and a standard deviation of -0,33528. Keywords: biomass, post-mining, regression model, revegetation

    Agroforestry model in Leimea Sorinbalo Villange Ermera Municipality Timor-Leste

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    Agroforestry is the management of optimal and sustainable land use, by combining forestry and agricultural activities in the same land management unit by taking into account physical, social, and economic environmental conditions. This research was carried out in Leimea Sorinbalo village, Ermera Regency, East Timor, in March and May 2021 using qualitative and quantitative methods. The data used in this study are data obtained directly from agroforestry farmers in Ermera District, East Timor by means of direct interviews with 30 respondents (farmers) regarding the agroforestry model with the help of questionnaires. Analysis of economic data using the three criteria of NPV, BCR and IRR, social and ecological analysis of Descriptive qualitative. The results of the financial analysis showed that the NPV was the results of the financial analysis showed that the NPV was 220,184.66,theBCRwas28.7andtheIRRwas35Keywords:Agroforestrymodel,ecologicalm,economy,socialAgroforestrimerupakanmanajemenpemanfaatanlahansecaraoptimaldanlestari,dengancaramengombinasikankegiatankehutanandanpertanianpadaunitpengelolaanlahanyangsamadenganmemperhatikankondisilingkunganfisik,sosial,danekonomi.Tujuandaripenelitianiniadalahsebagaiberikut:Menghitungnilaipendapatanpetanidarihasilmodelagroforestri,dananalisiskelayakanyangterbaikataspertimbangandalamtigafaktoryaituekonomi,sosialdanekologi.PenelitianinidilaksanakandiDesaLeimeaSorinbaloKabupatenErmeraTimorLestepadabulanMaretMei2021denganmenggunakanmetodekualitatifdankuantitatif.datayangdigunakandalampenelitianiniadalahdatayangdiperolehlangsungdaripetaniagroforestridikabupatenErmeraTimorLestedengancarawawancaralangsungkepada30responden(petani)mengenaimodelagroforestridenganbantuankuesioner.AnalisisdataekonomidenganmenggunakantigakriteriaNPV,BCRdanIRR,dananalisissosialdanekologimenggunakandeskriptifkualitatif.HasilanalisisfinansialmenunjukkanbahwaNPVadalah 220,184.66, the BCR was 28.7 and the IRR was 35 %. The results the ecological analysis showed that the biodiversity is vanilla, chocolate, Agarwood teak, gamal, jackfruit, orange etc, and social analysis showed that the Local institutions and culture are studies on social aspects. The central institution that serves as a driving force for farmers The non-formal institution in Leimea Sorinbalo village is recorded only as a customary institution that maintains the preservation of agroforestry land through the application of customary laws. Key words: Agroforestry model, ecologicalm, economy, socialAgroforestri merupakan manajemen pemanfaatan lahan secara optimal dan lestari, dengan cara mengombinasikan kegiatan kehutanan dan pertanian pada unit pengelolaan lahan yang sama dengan memperhatikan kondisi lingkungan fisik, sosial, dan ekonomi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: Menghitung nilai pendapatan petani dari hasil model agroforestri, dan analisis kelayakan yang terbaik atas pertimbangan dalam tiga faktor yaitu ekonomi, sosial dan ekologi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Leimea Sorinbalo Kabupaten Ermera Timor Leste pada bulan Maret-Mei 2021 dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data yang diperoleh langsung dari petani agroforestri di kabupaten Ermera Timor Leste dengan cara wawancara langsung kepada 30 responden (petani) mengenai model agroforestri dengan bantuan kuesioner. Analisis data ekonomi dengan menggunakan tiga kriteria NPV, BCR dan IRR, dan analisis sosial dan ekologi menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil analisis finansial menunjukkan bahwa NPV adalah 220.184,66, BCR 28,7 dan IRR 35 %. Nilai NPV usaha tani agroforestri di Desa Leimea Sorinbalo layak untuk dikembangkan. Hasil analisis sosial menunjukkan bahwa Aspek sosial dalam penerapan agroforestri di Desa Leimea Sorinbalo merupakan hukum adat yang berlaku untuk pemeliharaan tanaman pertanian di Desa Leimea Sorinbalo dan aspek ekologi adalah Hasil kajian memperlihatkan bahwa model agroforestri di Desa Leimea Sorinbalo adalah sistem agroforestri yang memiliki sifat polikultur, dan memberikan manfaat yang beragam bagi masyarakat di bandingkan dengan sistem non agroforestri. Kata Kunci: ekologi, ekonomi, model Agroforestri, sosia

    Acceptability Model of the Use of Forest Area Policy in Bangka Belitung

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    The use of forest area (UFA) policy is a forest management policy by government to accommodate the needs for mining sector in forest area.This study aims to analyze the factors that become key drivers and influence the acceptance of UFA program and also build the agent-based modelsimulation of UFA policy. The method built in this research is using Structural Equation Modelling and Agent-Based Modelling approach. Based onthe results of confirmatory factor analysis, the factors that play a role in the acceptance of the program is the understanding and participation ofstakeholders related to UFA program and the availability of land allocation to be given license to borrow forest area. In addition, based on the ABMapproach, in order to anticipate the increased deforestation rate in available forest cover, it is necessary to accelerate and increase the rate ofmining reclamation activities by license holders

    Evaluasi Tegakan Mangrove Hasil Rehabilitasi dengan Teknik Guludan

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    Guludan technique becomes an alternative for mangrove rehabilitation in the disused fishponds. This technique has been implemented since 2005 on the coast of Jakarta. The wider application of this technique requires several studies in advance to see growth of the mangrove in the already planted guludan. This study aims to measure the growth of mangroves planted by guludan techniques, identify environmental factors that affect their mangrove growth, and analyze their relationship. Measurements were performed on 40 guludan samples which planted by Rhizopora mucronata in 2010 - 2013. Rhizopora mucronata grew well in the guludans, followed by Sonneratia caseolaris that grew naturally. Both were dominated by individuals in sapling phase. Meanwhile, environmental factors affecting mangrove growth were N-total, P, Mg, Ca, Na, clay texture, CEC, soil salinity, soil pH, and water level in the guludan.Keywords: guludan technique, mangrove rehabilitation, Rhizophora mucronata, Sonneratia caseolari


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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan strategi kebijakan pengembangan model gasifikasi listrik berbasis biomasa di daerah-daerah pinggiran, melalui pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Energi (HTE).  Data primer dan sekunder diolah dengan regresi logit, gap analysis dan dirangkum dalam permodelan sistem dinamis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat sangat bergantung pada listrik dan produknya dan bersedia untuk membayar lebih akibat adanya listrik. Jika hutan tanaman dialokasikan untuk menyediakan biomasa yang akan digunakan untuk listrik maka strategi utama yang harus disiapkan adalah menjamin kepastian harga beli bahan baku biomasa sehingga menjamin kelayakan usaha pemegang ijin hutan tanaman.  Pengembangan biomasa terutama kaliandra dipandang penting karena mampu menyediakan energi primer yang berdasarkan kajian ini masih jauh antara rencana dengan realisasi.  Rasio elektrifikasi akan lebih cepat tercapai jika hutan tanaman energi dengan jenis kaliandra dikembangkan dengan serius. Untuk itu, strategi yang sesuai adalah menjamin harga bahan baku di angka Rp 400.000/ton dan pengaturan intensitas panen. Strategi pemungkin lain adalah subsidi untuk instalasi pembangkit listrik gasifikasi.

    Implementing Occupational Safety and Health Management System in a Forest Management Unit (FMU) X: A Financial Analysis

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    Occupational safety and health (OSH) issues in the Indonesian forestry sector have not been addressed properly even though activities in this sector pose a high risk of OSH disorders. The standard instrument (applies on a national scale) to ensure OSH protection in each business units is the Sistem Manajemen K3 (SMK3, Government Regulation Numbered 50 Year 2012). At present, not many forest management units in Indonesia are willing to implement integrated SMK3, because of the assumption that SMK3 is a cost-centered activity. This study aims to present an overview of SMK3 implementation cost (for 64, 122, and 166 criteria) in a Forest Management Unit (FMU) X, as well as analyzing financial capacity of the FMU X to allocate sufficient funds for the SMK3 implementation.  The results showed that the Acacia mangium plantation in the FMU X is a feasible business, indicated by the Net Present Value (NPV) of IDR377,690,545, Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) 3.96, and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 25.02%. Further analysis shows that FMU X has good financial ability to support any cost required in implementating SMK3.  It is the best for the FMU X to implement 166 criteria (advanced level) of SMK3 (at a cost of IDR704,598/ha/year, NPV of IDR376,393,262, BCR 3.92, and IRR 24.75%)