248 research outputs found


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    Peranan dan keberadaan Bank Syariah khususnya Unit Usaha Syariah semakin diperkuat dengan dikeluarkanya Peraturan Bank Indonesia (PBI) Nomor 8/3/PBI/2006 oleh Bank Indonesia pada tanggal 30 Januari 2006, yaitu office channeling, kebijakan yang mengatur tentang layanan syariah yang dapat dilakukan di kantor cabang konvensional pada bank yang mempunyai unit syariah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis seberapa besar pengaruh kebijakan office channeling terhadap kinerja keuangan pada Unit Usaha Syariah PT Bank “X” Tbk ditinjau dari rasio keuangan PT Bank “X” Tbk, juga dana pihak ketiga, pembiayaan, asset, dan laba dari Unit Usaha Syariah PT Bank “X” Tbk. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dari data laporan keuangan triwulanan sebelum kebijakan office channeling yaitu bulan juni, september, desember 2005 dan sesudah kebijakan office channeling yaitu bulan maret, juni, september 2006. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji normalitas untuk mengetahui distribusi normal variabel-variabel penelitian. Hasil Normality Test (One-Sample Kolmogorov Smirnov Test) menunjukkan distribusi normal, maka untuk analisis selanjutnya digunakan analisis statistika parametrik. Sample paired t test yang digunakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan dana pihak ketiga, pembiayaan, asset, sebelum dan sesudah office channeling, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja keuangan sisi penghimpunan dana pihak ketiga, aset, pembiayaan menunjukan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan (probabilitas < level of significant 0,05), Sehingga dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya kebijakan office channeling mempengaruhi kondisi penghimpunan dana pihak ketiga, asset, dan pembiayaan khususnya pada Unit Usaha Syariah PT Bank “X” Tbk


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    Kurangnya rasa keingintahuan siswa terhadap pembelajaran kompetensi menggunakan dan memelihara alat ukur dapat menyebabkan ketuntasan belajar siswa yang dicapai kurang maksimal. Metode belajar yang digunakan oleh guru cenderung menggunakan metode ceramah sehingga pemahaman siswa terhadap pembelajaran kompetensi menggunakan dan memelihara alat ukur kurang karena pembelajaran bersifat satu arah. Untuk mengatasi kenyataan permasalahan tersebut, ada bermacam cara untuk mencapai ketuntasan belajar siswa, salah satunya adalah penerapan model Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas siswa, respon siswa, dan hasil belajar siswa kelas X SMK Taman Siswa Surabaya. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan One Shot Case Study yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan melaksanakan suatu perlakuan tertentu pada subjek penelitian dan diikuti dengan pengukuran terhadap akibat dari perlakuan tersebut. One Shot Case Study digunakan peneliti karena hanya satu kelas saja yang dikenakan perlakuan tertentu tanpa adanya kelas kontrol dan tes awal. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X TKR SMK Taman Siswa Surabaya dengan jumlah 28 siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data meliputi: lembar pengamatan aktivitas siswa, soal tes evaluasi, dan angket respon siswa. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam pembahasan hasil penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas siswa yang paling dominan pada pertemuan I dan pertemuan II &nbsp;adalah melakukan diskusi dalam kelompok yaitu sebesar 20,48% dan 21,95%. Sedangkan pada pertemuan III adalah mengerjakan soal LKS dengan persentase sebesar 22,62%. Untuk aktivitas melakukan perilaku yang tidak relevan&nbsp; mengalami penurunan dalam tiap pertemuannya, yaitu 16,87% ; 9,76 %, dan 4,76 %, hal ini menandakan siswa telah berperan aktif dalam pembelajaran. Hasil angket respon diketahui bahwa siswa mempunyai tanggapan yang positif terhadap Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams-Games-Tornament (TGT). Sedangkan hasil belajar siswa yang mendapat nilai &ge; 70 adalah sebanyak 25 siswa dan siswa yang mendapat &le; 70 adalah sebanyak 3 siswa. Secara klasikal persentase ketuntasan belajar kelas mencapai&nbsp; 89,29%. Hal ini berarti ketuntasan kelas secara klasikal tercapai. Kata Kunci : Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT, Hasil belajar

    Manipulating Protein Degradability in the Rumen to Support Higher Ruminant Production

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    Dietary protein is digested to a certain extent in the rumen causing decreases its potency as source of amino acids for the animal. Dietary protein should mostly reach the intestines where the protein digestion takes place and absorption occurs in the form of intact amino acids and subsequently becomes nutrient deposition in muscles or milk. The higher muscle or milk protein synthesis, the higher the protein in the products of animal, as long as energy for the metabolism is available. Strategies of feeding rumen degradable versus undegradable protein in ruminant have become a research interest for decades. Technologies of dietary protein protection to reduce its degradability in the rumen by heating, chelating or coating have been developed. Key words: Protein, degradability, protection, rume

    Technology in Feeding Management to Increase Ruminant Productivity

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    Traditional feeding management in ruminants is defined by allowing the animal to find their own feed, consisted of raw materials of grasses and leguminous foliages as much as possible (ad libitum) to get a high productivity; however, it needs longer period of time to reach maximum level of production. An advanced feeding management of ruminant is defined as: (1) Processing feed ingredients to improve the nutritive value; (2) Supplementing the animal with substances into the dietary formula to manipulate the rumen ecosystem either by reducing the protozoa population, increasing the concentration of certain nutrients, changing the rumen characteristics; and (3) Changing the site of digestion of the nutrients to increase the absorption and feed utilization. Many research works have been carried out to evaluate the effects of process technology on the efficiency of feed utilization. Improving feeding management will increase livestock production


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    Abstrak Sekolah merupakan tempat untuk membina dan mengembangkan suatu pengetahuan dan bakat minat siswa. Didalam sebuah sekolah terdapat satu kegiatan yang biasanya menjadi wadah untuk menyalurkan minat dan bakat siswa yaitu sebuah kegiatan ekstrakulikuler. Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler adalah kegiatan tambahan yang diadakan sekolah seperti aktifitas keolahragaan maupun non-keolahragaan. Ekstrakurikuler khususnya olahraga dapat menjadi wahana membangun karakter dan membina perkembangan individu. Banyak metode pembelajaran yang digunakan agar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menguasai gerakan smash pada bolavoli. Akan tetapi dalam kenyataan dan praktik di lapangan masih terdapat banyak siswa yang masih belum paham dan mampu melakukan apa yang telah di sampaikan pada saat pembelajaran.Untuk itu di perlukan sebuah metode pembelajaran yang tepat agar siswa bisa lebih mudah dalam menguasai gerakan-gerakan smash pada bolavoli. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah : Untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam melakukan smash bolavoli saat penerapan metode bagian dan keseluruhan. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X dan XI yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakulikuler bolavoli dengan sampel semua siswa putra yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakulikuler di sekolah SMAN 1 Plaosan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan melalui perhitungan data menggunakan SPSS 20.0 menunjukkan hasil bahwa ada perbedaan tetapi tidak signifikan pada kemampuan smash bolavoli siswa setelah penerapan metode pembelajaran sebagian dan keseluruhan, sehingga tidak terdapat metode yang lebih baik antara metode pembelajara sebagian dan keseluruhan. Hal itu dibuktikan dengan nilai &nbsp;thitung(1,21) &lt; &nbsp;ttabel (1,633) dengan taraf signifikan 0,05. Kata Kunci: Metode Pambelajaran Bagian Dan Keseluruhan, Kemampuan Smash Bolavoli. Abstract School is a place to educate and develop knowledge and the student&rsquo;s interest. There is a common activity to develop the student&rsquo;s interest and talent, which is named as extracurricular. Extracurricular is an activity which is organized by each school, such as sport activity or non-sport activity. Extracurricular, especially sport, can be a place to build character and individual&rsquo;s development. Many learning methods that are used to increase student&rsquo;s ability in volleyball smash. However, in fact and practical, there are some students who still do not understand and able to do what have been delivered in the learning activities. Therefore, it is necessary to find a proper learning to make the students are easier to master the volleyball smash. The aim of this study: to know the on student&rsquo;s ability in doing volleyball smash with part-method and whole-method. Research samples are 10th and 11th graders who join in volleyball extracurricular in State Senior High School of 1 Plaosan. Based on research result and data calculation using SPSS 20.0 shows that there are differences in volleyball smash ability after the applying of part-method and whole-method but it does not significant, so there are no better method in part-method and whole-method. This is showed by count value (1,21) &lt; T-table (1,633) with significant degree 0.05. Keywords: Part-method and whole-method, volleyball smash ability

    Human Health Risk to Ultrafine Particles in Jakarta

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    In Jakarta, the main pollution sources are vehicles and industry, with motorized traffic accounting for 71% of the oxides of nitrogen (NOX), 15% of sulphur-dioxide (SO2), and 70% of particulate matter (PM 10 ) of the total emission load. Both urban population size and the fraction of the population that owns a pri-vate vehicle are increasing. The study objective is to determine the numbers of ultrafine particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 0.1 mm or less, or PM0.1 inhaled by elementary school children, commute workers with private car and commute workers with public transport. A cross-sectional study design is implemented in Jakarta 2005. Ten elementary school children, ten commuters with private car and ten commuters with public transports are purpo-sively selected as subjects and measured personally for 3 x 24 hours using Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) real-time personal exposure measurement (measured in terms of the number of particles per cubic centimeter, or # cm-3). The average concentration of ultrafine particulate matter of elementary school children at home, on the road and at school is 29,254/cm3, 147,897/cm3 and 61,033/cm3 respectively. For those commuters with private car at home, on the road and at office is 29,213/cm3, 310,179/cm3 and 42,496/cm3 respectively. For those commuters with public transport, the concentration average of at home, on the road and at office is found higher: 35,332/cm3, 453,547/cm3, and 69,867/cm3, respectively. Keywords: Ultrafine particles, human health riskAbstrakPerhatian terhadap pencemaran udara ini menjadi semakin meningkat ketika banyak diketemukan dampaknya pada anak-anak, terutama kaitannya dengan insidens dan prevalens asma. Sumber utama pencemaran udara di Jakarta adalah dari kendaraan bermotor dan industri, dimana transportasi berkontribusi terhadap 71% NOX, 15% SO 2, dan 70% partikel debu kurang dari 10 mikronmeter (PM 10). Tujuan penelitian mengetahui jumlah partikel debu berdiameter ultrafine (partikel berukuran <0,1 mm) yang terhirup oleh anak sekolah dasar, pekerja pengguna kendaraan pribadi dan kendaraan umum. Studi ini menggunakan desain crosssectional dan dilakukan di Jakarta tahun 2005. Sebanyak 30 responden anak sekolah dasar, pekerja pengguna kendaraan pribadi dan kendaraan umum dipilih secara purposif sebagai subyek penelitian. Jumlah partikel ultrafine terhirup secara individu diukur selama 3 x 24 jam menggunakan Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) real time personal exposure measurement (jumlah ultrafine partikel per cm 3). Rerata konsentrasi partikel ultrafine terhirup pada anak sekolah dasar di rumah, di perjalanan, dan di sekolah adalah berurutan sebagai berikut: 29.254/cm 3, 147.897/cm 3 dan 61.033/cm 3. Pada pekerja pengguna kendaraan pribadi di rumah, di perjalanan, dan di kantor diperoleh rerata konsentrasi secara berurutan sebagai berikut: 29.213/cm 3, 310.179/cm 3 dan 42.496/cm 3. Sedangkan pada pekerja pengguna kendaraan umum adalah: 35.332/cm 3 di rumah, 453.547/cm 3 di perjalanan, dan 69.867/cm 3 di kantor. Kata kunci : Partikel ultrafine, risiko kesehatan manusi

    Indonesia Dengue Fever: Status, Vulnerability, and Challenges

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    In Indonesia, the incidence rate (IR) of dengue fever reported increase almost in every year since the first cases were found in 1968, from 0.05 to ~35–40 per 100,000 population in 2013, with superimposed epidemics demonstrating a similar increasing trend with the highest epidemic occurring in 2010 (IR 85.7). Most currently, about 80% of regencies/cities had been infected and posed as very high vulnerability of spreading the disease. Increased incidence of dengue fever is associated with the increase of rainfall and temperature in particular years. Up to the year of 2038, a climate model of Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency shows increasing trend of rainfall and temperature. Along with its unsuccessful of Indonesia dengue fever control program will lead challenges to reduce dengue fever endemic in the future. Revitalization of dengue disease control program in every single stage with close monitoring implementation is urgently needed. Socialization, community capacity building, and participation could also be a joint sectoral action to enhance the dengue fever control program

    Maximizing Utilization of Energy from Crop By-products

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    The availability of crop by-products is huge during harvesting times as related to the vast agricultural land area; however, their utilization is still limited due to lack of knowledge and handling problem. Seasonal effect is obvious especially during wet season when high rainfall hinders proper management of crop by-products. Crop by-products are energy rich feedstuffs in the form of chemical substance such as cellulose and hemicellulose. The utilization of cellulose and hemicellulose as sources of energy can be maximized by the application of technologies to increase the digestibility. Cellulose is polymer of glucose while hemicellulose is polymer of xylose which both can be converted to volatile fatty acids by rumen microbial enzyme activities and subsequently used by the host animal as source of energy. In addition, cellulose and hemicellulose can also be used as substrates for bioethanol production leaving behind residual matter with higher concentration of protein which is also appropriate for ruminant feeds. The fat content of crop by-products such as those in rice bran and corn germ can be extracted for oil production that can be used for human consumption with concomitant production of high nutritive value of residues for ruminant feeds. The oil extraction technologies are available; however the high cost of ethanol and oil production should obtain high attention to make the technologies more applicable at farmers’ level. Key words: Crop by-products, energy, ethanol, residue, ruminant, feed

    Emission of Methane From Enteric Fermentation: National Contribution and Factors Affecting it in Livestock

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    Changing in atmosphere condition is affected by the quantity of gases produced from all activities on the earth. Gases that have effects  on  global  warming  are  CO2,  N2O,  H2O,  and  CH4  (methane).  Among  other  sources  of  methane  are  enteric fermentation of organic material from ruminants and feces decomposition. Methane production from ruminants is affected by several factors such as breed/type of animal, feed quality, environmental temperature and physiological status of the animal. Energy as methane in ruminants may reach 2 to 15% of the total energy consumption. To reduce the emission of methane from ruminants, it is necessary to apply a strategic feeding system for more efficient utilization of feed.   Key words: Methane, global warming, ruminants, rumen fermentatio


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    The impact of juvenile delinquency on personal development is increasingly being highlighted in society. The importance of religion is discussed in this article, especially with regard to Islamic psychology. Islamic moral and ethical teachings are said to provide a strong foundation for adolescents to overcome the urge to engage in harmful behavior. This paper presents an Islamic psychology perspective to understand the diversity of human nature in the context of faith by highlighting the integration of Islamic religious principles with adolescent psychological development. Despite prevention and counseling efforts, peer, media, and environmental influences continue to have a significant impact on adolescent delinquency. Research shows that religion, especially Islam, plays a central role in shaping adolescent morality and responsibility. This article reflects on various solution strategies, including the involvement of authorities and the organization of seminars by psychologists. With an emphasis on the role of religion, particularly in Islamic Psychology, this article highlights that religion can be an effective instrument in addressing juvenile delinquency. This research utilized a literature-based qualitative approach with content analysis to gain a comprehensive picture of the role of religion in addressing juvenile delinquency