23 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the profitability of businesses in the village laying duck Kebonsari Temple District of Sidoarjo, and formulate measures to improve business profitability laying duck in the village temple Kebonsari District of Sidoarjo. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method of analysis and profitability analysis method. Data collection through primary data and secondary data. To achieve the first objective is profitability analysis method, and for the purpose of both the qualitative descriptive analysis method. Based on calculations using the method of profitability analysis, business profitability value laying duck in the village of Candi Sidoarjo District of Kebonsari by 23.83%. That is, the ability of the company or farmer to make a profit in the laying duck effort that is equal to 23.83% within 1 year. Business profitability, results in the laying duck Kebonsari village subdistrict of Sidoarjo temple can be said for a decent try. So the hypothesis is rejected because, according to the criteria of profitability is classified category value is not feasible, because the threshold criteria is below low at 25.5%. Keywords : duck farming business, profitability analysis, laying ducks

    Optimization of Stratified Sugarcane Seeds of Main Plantation and Variety in Budchips (Single Bud) Toward the Growth of Certified Superior Sugarcane Seeds

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    The study is implemented in Agroindustry Plantation Research and Development Perning. It belongs to one of state owned sugarcane industries, namely Gempolkerep sugarcane industry of PTPN X in the area of East Java Province from March up to December 2013. The objectives of the study are: 1). Producing appropriate technology to optimize life growth and success of sugarcane seeds developed through budchips (single bud) using Procedure Standard Operation 2. Producing superior certified sugarcane seeds which are able to grow uniformedly in a relatively shorter time to fulfill the availability of budchips (single bud) sugarcane seeds. The results of the study revealed that : 1). Superior certified seeds cane in the main plantation through stratified KBP, KBN, KBI which are developed in budcips model as KBD cane seeds until 90 days statistically did not show significant difference to life growth level. The life growth success could achieve 86-98 percent, under the specific terms and conditions of SOP (Prosedure Operasional Standard). This appropriate technology is recommended to produce and develop the availability of superior certified sugarcane seeds through single budchip model from stratified main plantation (KBP, KBN, KBI) and toward many other examined varieties such as (BL, PS 862, PS 864, PS 851, PS 881, POJ 3016, Kentung, PSJT 961, klon C1 and C2 which statistically do not reveal significant different toward tall growth and number of sugar cane leaves. The sugar cane seeds proceed within 90 days show relatively homogenous and qualified growth. Superior certified sugarcane seeds produced within the same period show larger number compared to sugarcane seeds developed through mule system. The availability of sugarcane seeds through single budchip model guarantee the demand of sugarcane seeds in certain wide range of area because it provides better probability to grow and live


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    The livestock sector is expected to make a real contribution to the development of the nation's economy. Livestock development is also directed at increasing the quality of production, increasing income, expanding employment opportunities and providing business opportunities for people in rural areas. Layer are one of the poultry commodities that have an important role as egg producers to support the availability of cheap and easy to obtain animal protein. The population of layer in Pati Regency in 2018 was 265,020 birds (BPS, 2020). Layer are increasingly in demand in the village of Tegalharjo as a profitable poultry business opportunity. Many breeders choose the business of layer as a side business or as their main income. The objectives of this study are 1). To determine the business income of layer, 2) To determine the business feasibility of layer, 3) To determine the effect of pullets, feed costs, medicines and labor on the income of layer. The research material was in the form of layer in Tegalharjo Village, Trangkil District, Pati Regency. Data collection for 3 months (March - May). The results of the research on layer in the village of Tegalharjo are feasible to work with an income of IDR 11,784,946.17 / ST / period and simultaneously there is an effect of the cost of pullets (X1), feed (X2), medicines (X3) and labor ( X4) to income


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh permasalahan yang ditemukan saat pembelajaran teknologi mekanik di kelas X TPM SMKP PGRI 4 SURABAYA. Pembelajaran yang dilakukan kurang aktif karena lebih banyak didominasi oleh guru sedangkan siswa cenderung pasif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan hasil belajar siswa dan keaktifan siswa terhadap penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning pada mata pelajaran teknologi mekanik. Penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning untuk mengubah siswa menjadi lebih aktif dalam pembelajaran sangat tepat, sehingga siswa menjadi lebih aktif dan mudah memahami materi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Hal ini dapat terlihat dalam analisis data bahwa hasil belajar meningkat dari rata-rata 72,3 dan ketuntasan kelas 48%  pada siklus I menjadi rata-rata 77,8 dan ketuntasan kelas 72% Pada siklus II dan meningkat dengan rata-rata 80,7 dan ketuntasan kelas 86% pada siklus III dan siswa merespon positif pembelajaran teknonogi mekanik menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning. Hal ini terbukti dengan hasil respon siswa yang sangat positif dengan persentase 86%

    Digital Education on Small Island: Maratua Island, Indonesia

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    Indonesia has thousand islands to be developed. The total number of islands is 17,508. The potential that can be developed on a small island are environment, energy, transportation, education, information, and so on. In this study, focus is development of Maratua island, located in the district of Berau in East Kalimantan Indonesia. The potential of the island is development of marine tourism. In this case, Sustainable Island Development initiatives (SIDI) implemented to address the above challenges through multidisciplinary research activities. This research is starting from the transport sector, health, education, energy and implementation of information technology. In this context, the development of digital education is very important. This research provides solutions to the educational development of practical and suitable for the Maratua Island. This research develops the role of information and communication technology for teaching and learning activities island communities, examines the role of technology as a supplement teaching and learning process. In addition, this research also aims to design a physical architecture and digital education system that can be implemented in small islands in Indonesia, designing a learning method to support the teaching and learning process, and educating stakeholders about the concept of digital educatio


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    Agroekosistem merupakan mata kuliah yang mempelajari dan menjelaskan terkait konsep dasar agroekosistem dan ruang lingkupnya, permasalahan terkait agroekosistem, solusi serta usaha mewujudkan pertanian berkelanjutan. Buku ajar Agroekosistem ini berisi 10 Bab. Pada bab pertama mengulas mengenai sumber daya alam dan ruang lingkup ekologi, termasuk ekosistem dan keanekaragaman hayati. Bab 2 membahas mengenai konsep dasar, komponen dan tipe agroekosistem. Bab 3 mengulas mengenai energi dan daur biogeokimia termasuk rantai makanan, jaring-jaring makanan dan piramida ekologi. Bab 4 berisi materi dinamika dan komunitas vegetasi, termasuk didalamnya jenis dan proses terjadinya suksesi. Bab 5 berisi mengenai adaptasi dan distribusi. Bab 6 membahas mengenai analisis vegetasi. Bab 7 berisi materi tentang analisis biodiversitas ekosistem. Bab 8 berisi materi tentang interaksi antara agroekosistem dan ekosistem alami. Bab 9 membahas mengenai faktor lingkungan yang mempengaruhiinteraksi antar komponen agroekosistem. Bab 10 beirisi materi mengenai pertanian berkelanjutan

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Pengetahuan Hipertensi Dengan Program Cerdik Pada Lansia Di Desa Kasiyan RW 12 dan 13 Kabupaten Jember

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    Hipertensi merupakan penyakit darah tinggi atau hipertensi merupakan penyakit yang timbul karena tekanan darah diatas normal diperkirakan 120/80 mmHg. Pengetahuan manajemen hipertensi yang rendah dapat menyebabkan tidak terkontrolnya tekanan darah dan timbulnya komplikasi penyakit lain. Pengetahuan hipertensi dapat ditingkatkan dengan pendidikan kesehatan. Keluarga memiliki peran yang begitu penting bagi lansia yang menderita hipertensi khususnya dalam pemberian diet. Peran tersebut antara lain membimbing dan memecahkan masalah sehingga pemberian diet pada lansia dengan hipertensi dapat dikelola dengan baik oleh keluarga.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan Lansia tentang Hipertensi dan mencegah atau menanggunlagi hipertensi dnegan program CERDIK di rw 12 dan 13 desa kasiyan kabupaten Jember. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Pre eksperimental dengan rancangan one group pre test and post test design, jumlah sampel yang diambil 32 responden diperoleh dengan tehnik Total Sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Penelitian diawali dengan pre test kemudian diberikan pendidikan kesehatan dan dilanjutkan dengan post test. Analisa data menggunakan uji non parametrik yaitu dependen t test. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai rata-rata pengetahuan lansia sebelum dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan yaitu 5 dan 11 setelah diberikan. Hasil uji statistik sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan pada lansia yaitu p value ,000 yang mana nilai α < 0,05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara pendidikan kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan lansia dalam penangugnalangan Hipertensi. Diskusi: Rekomendasi ini ditujukan pada lansia dan keluarga supaya lebih meningkatkan perilaku positif mengenai pencegahan Hipertensi, sehingga risiko terjadinya Hipertensi dapat dicega

    Design, Construction And Operational Plans Of An Electric Paddle Wheel For A Laminated Bamboo Slats River Cruise Boat

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    River cruise tourism in Indonesia has a moderately high potential as there are so many rivers in Indonesia that offer beautiful natural and urban views. However, majority of river cruiser boats still use outboard engines, both two-stroke and four-stroke combustion engines. The working system of the outboard engine is to carry out the combustion process of the fuel oil. This combustion process usually has a loud sound, leading to noise pollutants that can harm the environment and make passengers uncomfortable. Burning fossil fuels also causes the residual compounds that increases environmental pollution, especially carbon emissions. In this paper, an analysis will be carried out on the operational costs of a river cruise ship with electric paddle wheel propulsion. With a boat design with an LOA size of 5.4 m, breadth of 1.4 m, height of 0.8 m, draft of 0.3 m, and CB of 0.68, the paddle wheel diameter is 70 cm, blade width of 30cm, and 6 blades. The motor used to drive the paddle wheel has a power of 672.69 watts, with a battery capacity of 100 Ah. According to operational planning, benefits will be obtained, including zero carbon emissions, no noise and operational benefits can be up to 90% greater when compared to the out-board engine drive


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    ABSTRAK Penulisan dokumen secara digital merupakan kemampuan yang harus dimiliki di era digitalisasi sekarang ini. Secara khusus pada bidang pendidikan, tenaga pendidik wajib memiliki ketrampilan dalam penulisan teks secara digital. Beberapa tahun yang lalu, penulisan dokumen dilakukan menggunakan mesin tik. Kemudian beralih ke era digital,  diperkenalkan perangkat lunak berbasis komputer, salah satunya adalah Microsoft Word. Meskipun penggunaannya yang mudah, namun kurang dapat menampilkan visualisasi persamaan matematika dengan indah. Perangkat lunak lain yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat formulasi matematika lebih rapi dan indah adalah LaTeX. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan dan memberi pelatihan pengggunaan LaTeX kepada tenaga pendidik di Yayasan Hidayatullah Gunung Pati, Kota Semarang. Metode yang digunakan pada PKM ini adalah dengan melakukan pengenalan dan pelatihan penggunaan perangkat lunak LaTeX. Luaran PKM ini adalah softskill guru meningkat sehingga menunjang proses penulisan buku ataupun media ajar yang lain sehingga kualitas SDM dan Yayasan menjadi lebih baik.ABSTRACTNowadays, the ability to document writing is important. In particular, in the field of education, educators are required to have the ability and soft skills in digital text writing. A few decades ago, writing documents was done using a typewriter. In this digital era, computer-based software was introduced, and one of the software was Microsoft Word. Even though easy to use, it is not able to visualize the mathematical formula beautifully. Another software that can produce the mathematical formula beautifully is LaTeX. The purpose of this PKM is to introduce and train on the use of latex to educators at the Hidayatullah Foundations, Gunung Pati, Semarang City. The method used in this PKM is to introduce and train the use of LaTeX software. The output of this PKM is increasing the educator’s soft skills to support the production of teaching media so that the quality of human resources becomes better.