45 research outputs found
Konstrukční úlohy
Title in English: Construction Tasks: Textbook for Students of Mathematics Teaching at the 2nd Level of Primary School. The publication presents the problems of solving construction problems at primary school. It shows ways of solving basic construction problems and complex construction problems that are given at primary or secondary school. It deals with problems of solving construction problems in Geogebra
Selected aspects of sports training in winter swimming
Author: Klára Budínová Title: Selected aspects of sports training in winter swimming Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to collect available information on aspects of sports training in winter swimming, to focus on the specifics and details of training parameters of a selected group of winter swimmers. Methods: The research was conducted on the basis of a non-standardized quantitative questionnaire. Microsoft Excel was used for graphical processing. All data from Google Forms, which were used to create the questionnaire, were transferred to Excel. The questionnaire was sent to the Facebook group of the 1. PKO Praha v Braníku. The research sample consisted of adult males and females who are members of the 1. PKO Praha v Braníku. Results: The results of the questionnaire survey showed us both agreements and disagreements between theoretical assumptions and practical ones. Often winter swimmers do not follow the recommended practices in the literature and internet sources and have their own. The survey shows that the largest age group involved in winter swimming are people between the age 40-50 and have been involved in winter swimming for 1-5 years. The most common reason for starting winter swimming is curiosity, followed by family or friends. Almost all respondents in the questionnaire survey...Autor: Klára Budínová Název: Vybrané aspekty sportovní přípravy v zimním plavání Cíle: Cílem práce je shromáždit dostupné informace o aspektech sportovní přípravy v zimním plavání, zaměřit se na specifika a detaily tréninkových parametrů vybrané skupiny zimních plavců. Metody: Výzkum byl uskutečněný na základě nestandardizovaného kvantitativního dotazníku. Na grafické zpracování byl použit program Microsoft Excel. Do Excelu byla převedena veškerá data z webové služby Google Forms, který sloužil pro vytvoření dotazníku. Dotazník byl zaslán do Facebookové skupiny 1. PKO Praha v Braníku. Výzkumným vzorkem se stali zletilí muži i ženy, kteří jsou členy 1. PKO Praha v Braníku. Výsledky: Výsledky dotazníkového šetření nám ukázaly shody i neshody mezi teoretickými východisky a těmi praktickými. Často se zimní plavci doporučenými postupy v literatuře neřídí a mají své osvědčené. Z průzkumu vyplývá, že nejvíce oslovených respondentů je věku 40-50 let a věnují se zimnímu plavání 1-5 let. Mezi nejčastějšími důvody, proč se respondenti začali tomuto sportu věnovat, nalezneme zvědavost, vliv rodiny či přátel. Téměř všichni respondenti v dotazníkovém šetření uvedli, že na sobě pozorují zdravotní benefity pobytu ve studené vodě. Šetření potvrdilo předpoklad, že více než polovina oslovených sportovců se věnuje...Plavecké sportyFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport
Produktivní kultura vyučování a učení v didaktických kazuistikách
Title in English: Productive culture of teaching and learning in didactic case studies The book introduces the issue of productive culture of teaching and learning in broader didactical context. In the first part of the book, three areas of productive culture of teaching and learning are as theoretical framework presented: 1. clarity, structure, coherence, 2. cognitive activation, instrumentalization, semantization, 3. Supportive learning environment. The second part of the book presents 17 didactic case studies that have been developed by teams that consisted of researchers and teachers from schools. The aim of didactic case studies is to highlight key areas of productive culture of teaching and learning
Acquiring knowledge of linear functions by high school students
summary:Článek řeší problém výuky funkcí na gymnáziích, kde je učiva mnoho a čas osvojit si nové znalosti je limitovaný. Popisuje nejčastější problémy, které žáci při studiu funkcí mají. Autorka dále popisuje výukovou metodu, kterou použila, aby žáci lépe pochopili základní pojmy a navazující učivo. Program byl rozdělen do tří fází. Nejprve si měli osvojit základní pojmy. Nejprve žáci řešili úlohy bez znalosti teorie, poté své výsledky zobecnili a nakonec byly zavedeny pojmy na příkladech, kterým žáci porozuměli. Ačkoliv tento postup zabral více času, ukázalo se, že v dalších fázích (Procvičování pojmů a Používání dynamických postupů při zakreslování grafů elementárních funkcí) žáci postupovali rychleji díky lepšímu porozumění základům a proto byla nakonec časová ztráta při použití této metody nulová
Nursing care for pregnant women after assisted reproduction
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of infertility and also of the midwife care of a pregnant woman after assisted reproduction. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and the research part. The theoretical part initially defines the terms of infertility, fertility and sterility. Since infertility is always a diagnosis of a couple, the anatomy of a woman and of a man is described. Subsequently, the thesis focuses on the issue of infertility, i.e. assisted reproduction. What are the methods, risks and financing of assisted reproduction? The most common method of assisted reproduction includes Artificial Insemination and In Vitro Fertilisation. Assisted reproduction is a field of medicine that works with sperm, ova and embryos outside the body of a person, in order to make the woman pregnant. These methods carry certain risks, which are also being described in the thesis. The theoretical part is concluded with a description of the midwife care of a pregnant woman after assisted reproduction, where the midwife education and the term of nursing are emphasised. The aim of the bachelor thesis was to find out the specifics in the care of a pregnant woman after assisted reproduction. Three research questions had been asked: What is the nursing care of a pregnant woman after assisted reproduction like from the viewpoint of pregnant women? What is level of satisfaction of women with the nursing care after assisted reproduction? What are the specifics of experiencing woman's pregnancy after assisted reproduction? A quantitative research survey was used for the research, and data collection was conducted through individual interviews. The basis for the interview were 13 questions prepared in advance, 4 of which were the identifying questions. The research group was formed of eight female respondents. The interviews with women took place in quiet, predetermined places. Prior to the interview, a written request for co-operation was submitted to the respondent. In this request, the respondents were informed about the aim of the research and preservation of anonymity, see Annex 2. The request was signed by all eight female respondents before the actual interview. The interviews were recorded in writing continuously, analysed and divided into the main categories and subcategories, based on the answers of the respondents, using coloured text. The aim was to identify the individual consensus in the opinions of the addressed pregnant women after assisted reproduction. The first category examined the issue of assisted reproduction and was divided into ten subcategories, which dealt with the reasons for going through assisted reproduction, the methods of assisted reproduction, the environment of the centre of assisted reproduction, the personnel of the centre of assisted reproduction, experiencing the assisted reproduction prior to pregnancy, experiencing pregnancy after assisted reproduction, lifestyle during pregnancy after assisted reproduction, complications during pregnancy, opinions on financial burden of the clients and availability of information about assisted reproduction. The results of the research have shown the lifestyle of a woman after assisted reproduction, where the trend of activities was yoga, but at the same time limiting activities and inability to work from the very beginning of the pregnancy. The most common method in infertility treatment is IVF, where there is a high financial burden. The bachelor thesis has shown that women who have undergone assisted reproduction experience fear. Most often it is the fear of miscarriage. And that the infertility is not just a problem of women, but also of men
Specifics of nursing care in dialysis children
Dialysis treatment is demanding for adult patients let alone for children. The families can have financial problems and the relations within the family are disrupted. The school attendance of children on dialysis is affected by the treatment. Because of the insertion of a peritoneal catheter and the necessity to wear a mouthpiece among other children the children can feel "different". The aim of the thesis is to determine the needs of child patients on dialysis and the views of their families regarding the illnesses and the dialysis treatment. A further goal was to examine the life of the dialysed children and their families with regards to social elements and how the dialysed children perceive the treatment. We have set down five questions. How do the dialysed children and their families adapt? How does dialysis of the child patients affect their families? How do the dialysed children perceive their illness? What information do the children have about their medical condition? What is the difference between the children with inherent and acquired illness? A qualitative research was used to assess the data acquired by semi-structured interviews. Two sets of questions for the dialysed children and their parents were created for the interviews. The interviews helped to find out how the children spend their time and how they perceive their regular visits to the dialysis centres and the process of dialysis itself. The questions for parents focused on issues regarding family, personal and social situations and the life of their dialysed children. The first research group was composed of 8 children of different ages and the criterion for including them into the group was their treatment by elimination methods. The second research group was formed by 8 parents who regularly accompany their children to the dialysis centres. The research group thus represented 53 % of the possible respondents in the Czech Republic. The chapter on data categorization defines several issues that were most problematic for the respondents. The information acquired from children and parents show that the children in the chronic dialysis program and their parents are subject to involuntary changes in their lives. The changes affect the social inclusion of the children, relations within the family; the school attendance of the children is limited due to their visits of the dialysis centres or hospitalisations. The children are separated from their families, peers and the financial situation is of the family is also affected as the mother often has to stay at home and take care of the child. There are, of course, efforts to improve not only the results of the treatment but also the subjective perception of the patient. The results of the research indicate that the children treated by peritoneal dialysis have thanks to better time options more opportunities to join a collective e.g. in school. An interesting fact is that the children often handle the dialysis process better than their parents because they support their children who rely on them. This thesis should help not only the medical staff in everyday contact with dialysed patients but can also serve as a basis for improvement in other areas of care of chronically ill children. Chapter Recommendations for practice lists sets of activities that with the help of the whole team of doctors and non-doctors contribute to the treatment. The care must always revolve around the question "What can I do to help"? The most important areas are psychical suffering of the children and their families, the dialysed patients? discomfort, dietary restrictions and problematical areas of care
Psychology of advertising and possibilities of the manipulation in vizual message of current culture
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školstvíFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult
The short stories book by Jan Balabán Prázdniny
Tato práce se zabývá analýzou povídkové knihy Prázdniny současného českého prozaika Jana Balabána. Analýza je věnována kompozici, vypravěči, literárním postavám. Dále jsou v textech vyhledávány hlavní motivy a obrazná pojmenování. Práce je ojedinělá vyhledáváním symboliky čísel a křestních jmen vzhledem k bibli.ObhájenoThis thesis deals with analysis of the short stories book Prázdniny by comtenporary czech prose writer. The analysis is devoted to composition, narrative, literary characters. The main themes and the figurative name are also found in the texts. Work is a rare search for the symbols of numbers and first names in relation to the Bible
The Specifics of Work with Children with Tourette's Disorder in School Facilities
JabokJabokProtestant Theological FacultyEvangelická teologická fakult