18 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Financial Situation of the Selected Private Corporation and Proposals to its Improvement

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    Bakalárska práca je zameraná na zhodnotenie doterajšieho ekonomického vývoja podniku pomocou finančnej analýzy v období 2013 – 2017. V prvej časti bakalárskej práce sa nachádzajú teoretické poznatky. V druhej časti práce je uvedená charakteristika spoločnosti, výpočty ukazovateľov a zhodnotenie finančnej situácie na základe výsledkov analýz. Záverečná časť je venovaná návrhom, ktoré povedú ku zlepšeniu zisteného stavu.The bachelor thesis is focused on the evaluation of the present economic business development through financial analysis in years 2013 to 2017. In the first part of the bachelor thesis there are theoretical notes. In the second part there are introduced characteristic of society, calculations of indicators and evaluation of financial situation based on the results of the analysis. The last part concern recommendation, which lead to improvements of investigated status.

    A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of prednisone in early Henoch Schönlein Purpura [ISRCTN85109383]

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    BACKGROUND: Henoch Schönlein Purpura (HSP) is the most common systemic vasculitis of childhood. There is considerable controversy over whether children with HSP should be treated with corticosteroids. The goal of this study was to investigate whether early corticosteroid administration could reduce the rate of renal or gastrointestinal complications in children with HSP. METHODS: Forty children with HSP, seen in the emergency room of a tertiary-care, paediatric centre, entered a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study. The treatment group (n = 21) received oral prednisone, 2 mg/kg/day for one week, with weaning over a second week, while the placebo group (n = 19) received an identical appearing placebo. Co-primary outcomes were the rate of renal involvement at one year and the rate of acute gastrointestinal complications. Co-primary outcomes were analysed using Fisher's Exact test. RESULTS: At one year, there was no difference in the rate of renal involvement (3/21 prednisone group vs. 2/19 placebo group, P = 1.0). There was also no statistically significant difference in the rate of acute gastrointestinal complications (2/21 prednisone group vs. 3/19 placebo group, P = 0.7). Two children in the placebo group did experience intussusceptions compared with none in the prednisone group (P = 0.2). CONCLUSIONS: Early prednisone therapy in HSP does not appear to reduce the risk of renal involvement at one year, or the risk of acute gastrointestinal complications. There may be a reduced risk of intussusception. The routine, early use of prednisone in uncomplicated HSP cannot be recommended at this time

    Development Strategy of Family Business

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    Diplomová práca je zameraná na stratégiu rozvoja rodinného podniku Ing. Ján Buchanec Technik, ktorý je obchodnou spoločnosťou. V prvej časti diplomovej práce sa nachádzajú teoretické poznatky. V druhej časti práce je uvedená charakteristika spoločnosti, jednotlivé časti strategickej analýzy a zhodnotenie výsledkov týchto analýz. Záverečná časť je venovaná návrhom, ktoré by mali mať pozitívny vplyv na ďalší rozvoj rodinného podniku.The master thesis is focused on strategy of development of family business company Ing. Ján Buchanec Technik, which is trading company. In the first part of the master thesis there are theoretical notes. In the second part there are introduced characteristic of company, individual parts of strategic analysis and evaluation of the results of these analysis. The last part concern recommendation, which should have a positive impact on the further development of the family company.