184 research outputs found

    Descartes Foundationalism: An Answer to the Skeptics’ or A Way Out?

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    The phenomenon of knowledge is a fundamental issue in epistemology as a main branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge related problems. Over time, epistemologists attempted to give us or provide clues as to what reality actually is, that is the question of the certainty of knowledge has always been topical in any epistemic enterprise. The search for knowledge becomes more cumbersome when one considers the challenge of the skeptics and sophists about the ability of man knowing anything for certain. To some philosophers, the emergence of the skeptics’ challenge is seen as an attempt to bring this noble enterprise into a quagmire. However, the introduction of Descartes foundationalism opens a new chapter and a serious challenge to the skeptics' position on the certainty of knowledge. Consequently, many have asked the question: is Descartes foundationalism merely an answer to the skeptic's challenge or a way forward for epistemology? This paper examines this question with a view to asserting a position regarding the issue, which is that it is both a response and a way forward for epistemology

    Management of Stress: From the Perspectives of the Natural Theory Philosophers

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    The phenomenon of stress among humans, has become a disturbing one and a source of worry and sorrow for millions of people all over the world. This, in most cases, has resulted in deaths, strokes and paralysis, and if these occur with individuals that are bread winners in families, the consequences could be devastating as members of such families who are dependent on the bread winners would be put into untold hardship which could result in further stress related problems. One important cause of this phenomenon is poor management of stress and the lack of a suitable stress management strategy. This paper examines this phenomenon and argues that the natural theorist approach could be therapeutic. The method adopted is expository and content analysis


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    To some, existentialism and positivism in bipolar thinking, are dichotomies, others view them as related concepts in philosophy. It is a considered view of this paper that these two schools of thought are related, complementary and have a relationship that is useful in conflict resolution. This assertion is examined in this analysis vis-Ă -vis the Niger Delta, is the trust of this paper

    Obstructive sleep apnea severity affects amyloid burden in cognitively normal elderly a longitudinal study

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    Recent evidence suggests that Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) may be a risk factor for developing Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. However, how sleep apnea affects longitudinal risk for Alzheimer’s disease is less well understood.Postprint (author's final draft

    Evaluation of Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk from Gamma Dose Rates in Coastal Areas of Bonny Island, Rivers State, Nigeria

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    The study assesses the excess lifetime cancer risk from gamma dose rates measured in coastal areas of Bonny Island, Rivers state, Nigeria. An in-situ measurement of radiation exposure rate was done using well calibrated radiation meter (Digilert-100). The exposure rate ranges between 12.0 and 18.6 µRh-1 with an arithmetic mean of 14.47 µRh-1 . The absorbed dose rates ranges between 86.6 and 161.8 nGyh-1 with an arithmetic mean value of 137.5 nGyh-1. This value is higher than the population weighted world average value of 60.0 nGyh-1. Inhabitant of Bonny Island are subjected to an external effective dose ranging between 133.22 to 248.04 µSvy-1 with an arithmetic mean value of 192.93 µSvy-1. The excess lifetime cancer risk estimated from the effective dose ranges from 0.47 x 10-3 to 0.87 x 10-3with an arithmetic mean of 0.67× 10-3.  The background radiation of Bonny Island has been enhanced due to oil and gas exploitation activities in the area. Keywords: Radioactive materials, excess lifetime cancer risk, gamma dose rate, Bonny,  Digilert-100

    Going Back To the Stream: An Existential and Integrative Imperative

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    “Going back to the stream” is a coined term from an expression “KENWERE É KOTSE YAN KOBUE KETSE” gotten from the Boki heuristic beliefs system.   It connotes an existential command that injects consciousness in an individual and a guiding device in conflict resolution, and is integrative since it embraces a wide spectrum of issues and meanings in African philosophy.  In this paper we would look at this term with a view to exposing it as an existential and integrative tool for explaining Jean Paul Sartre’s existentialism and also for resolving human problems.   Keywords: Boki, Sartre, Existentialism, Conflict Resolution,Iintegrative

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kemiskinan Di Desa Takarai Kabupaten Malaka

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    Poverty is the inability of society to meet basic needs and other needs. The majority of Takarai villagers are classified as poor. Natural resource factors, human resources, and infrastructure are not only contributors to community poverty but also the complexity of the problem. The capacity of the government as a protector to bring people out of poverty is still very limited. The side effects of poverty are the lack of formal education levels at a higher level, less nutrition and stunting, maternal and infant mortality rates, and a higher government burden for social assistance. &nbsp

    A future for the LDCF?

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    The Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) is a climate fund that was set up in 2001 at the seventh session of the Conference of the Parties (COP-7) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The decision to establish such a dedicated fund for the 48 countries characterised as the poorest and weakest members of the international community stemmed from Article 4.9 of the Convention. This provision mandates all parties to “take full account of the specific needs and special situations of the least developed countries in their actions with regard to funding and transfer of technology” (UN, 1992). In Paris, parties agreed that the LDCF shall support the implementation of the new agreement. Fifteen years after the LDCF’s establishment however, the fund—which relies on voluntary contributions from developed countries—is in a very precarious situation: it has been neglected to the point that there are no more resources available for LDCs to access. As the global finance architecture evolves, within and beyond UNFCCC boundaries, whether or not there is a role for the LDCF in the coming years is being questioned. This working paper argues that despite challenges, the LDCF continues to be an important fund for LDCs and its future should be secured. In reviewing the context of the Fund’s establishment, its governance and operation structure and its active portfolio, it finds that the unique aspects of the Fund highlights its relevance and importance in the evolving climate finance landscape. Certain reforms, such as establishing a replenishment cycle, ear-marking, and direct access can address concerns raised about the LDCF and make it a fit-for-purpose, viable fund that plays a key role in the post-Paris climate regime

    Du dialogue social dans l’administration publique congolaise

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    Résume : À ce jour, le dialogue social porte essentiellement sur les réformes économiques et l'équité sociale. Cette dernière incluant à la fois les questions de protection sociale et de salaire minimum. C'est ainsi qu'il est considéré comme un outil qui permet de régler plus efficacement et plus exhaustivement les conflits du travail. Cette réflexion sera consacrée aux bases juridiques et aux théories qui soutiennent le dialogue social dans l'administration publique congolaise. Dans cette étude, il est question de faire une analyse des différentes facettes sur le dialogue social dans l'Administration publique congolaise. Ceci nous amène à jeter un regard sur les instruments juridiques régissant le dialogue social en RDC, les théories générales qui fondent le dialogue social, sa pratique dans l'Administration publique de la RDC, le fonctionnement du cadre permanent du dialogue social et l'analyse sur l'accord de Mbudi par rapport à son application. Fort est à constater que tous les efforts consentis pour avoir cet accord sont resté comme une feuille morte jusqu’à ce jour. L’accord de Mbudi en RDC souffre de non-application

    Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan Pada Ny. E.M.H Dengan Preeklampsia Berat Dan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah Dipuskesmas Batakte Kecamatan Kupang Barat Periode 18 Februari-18 Mei Tahun 2019

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    Latar Belakang : Berdasarkan Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2012, AKI (yang berkaitan dengan kehamilan, persalinan, dan nifas) sebesar 359 kematian per 100.000 kelahiran hidup Angka Kematian Neonatus (AKB) pada tahun 2012 sebesar 19 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) tahun 2016 AKI sebanyak 131 per 100.000 Kelahiran Hidup dan AKB sebanyak 5 per 1.000 Kelahiran Hidup. Sedangkan Puskesmas Batakte tahun 2017 kematian ibu tidak ada, dan kematian bayi 17 kasus yang terdiri dari lahir mati 11 kasus dan kematian bayi 6 kasus.jumlah peraslinan non Faskes 1 orang. Cara meningkatkan status kesehatan ibu dan anak di Puskesmas dan jaringannya yaitu menyelenggarakan berbagai upaya kesehatan ibu dan anak baik bersifat promotif, preventif, maupun kuratif dan rehabilitative. Tujuan umum : Untuk menerapkan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan pada Ny. E.M.H di Puskesmas Batakte Kecamatan Kupang Barat periode 18Februari – 18Mei 2019. Metode Laporan Kasus : Jenis penelitian menggunakan studi penelaahan kasus dengan subyek Ny. E.M.H dari tanggal 18Februari – 18Mei dengan manajemen 7 langka varney dan metode SOAP, dan subyeknya pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder. Hasil : Ny. E.M.H datang memeriksa kehamilannya dengan UK 42 minggu 2 hari dengan keluhan : sering kencing nyeri punggung dan kehamilan postmatur, penatalaksannnya KIE cara mengatasinya, mempersiapkan rujukan ke RSIA Dedari. Asuhan persalinan, nifas hari kedua dan asuhan BBL berlangsung di RSIA Dedari, Ny. E.M.H sehat bayinya juga sehat, dan sampai pelayanan KB, Ny. E.M.H ingin menggunakan metode KB AKDR.Kesimpulan : Setelah melakukan semua asuhan dari kehamilan, nifas, kunjungan nifas (KF), kunjungan Neonatus, dan pelayanan KB keadaan ibu dan bayi sehat dan normal
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