24 research outputs found

    ICOH 2017.

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    Odnos menadžmenta i vođenja

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    ema ovog rada je odnos menadžmenta i vođenja. Svrha rada je prikazati karakteristike hrvatskih menadžera, njihovu dobnu i spolnu strukturu te ih usporediti s karakteristikama efektivnih vođa. Kroz sve cjeline gore navedene prolazimo pojmove i objašnjavamo ih. U završnom dijelu rada dolazimo do biti ovog završnog rada, a to su odnosi menadžmenta i vođenja.Topic of this work is relationship between management and leadership. Purpose of work is to show characteristics of Croatian managers, their age and gender and to compare them with characteristics of effective leaders. Through indicated parts identified are concepts with explanations . The last part highlights essence of the work and that is relationship between Management and Leadership

    Workplace exposure assessment in diagnosis of occupational contact dermatitis - an overview

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    Izlaganje alergenima ili nadražujućim sredstvima (iritansima) na radnom mjestu poznati je uzrok nastanka profesionalnog kontaktnog dermatitisa. Procjenjivanje izloženosti ponajprije je područje rada specijaliste medicine rada (i sporta), posebno kada je riječ o utvrđivanju zdravstvenih učinaka izloženosti navedenim štetnostima odnosno dijagnosticiranju profesionalnih bolesti. Ona uključuje identifikaciju štetnosti, karakterizaciju ekspozicije, procjenu učinaka na zdravlje pojedinaca ili skupine radnika. To su koraci koji se mogu koristiti u procjeni rizika ili studijama izloženosti. Često je i vještom stručnjaku utvrđivanje ekspozicije zahtjevno. Stoga je cilj ovog rada dati pregled metoda korištenih u istraživanjima razvoja profesionalnih kontaktnih dermatitisa.Exposure to allergens or irritants at the workplace is known to cause occupational contact dermatitis. Exposure assessment is primarily the scope of work of the specialist in occupational (and sports) medicine, especially when it comes to determining the health effects of exposure to the aforementioned noxae or process of establishing the diagnosis of occupational skin disease. It involves the identification of harm, characterization of the exposure, the assessment of the effects on the health of an individual or a group of workers. These steps are used when conducting a risk assessment or for the puropse of conducting exposure studies. It is often the case, even with a skilled expert, that exposure assessment is challenging so the purpose of this paper is to review the methods used for the workplace exposure assessment when diagnosiong occupational contact dermatitis

    New methodology for risk assessment of statodynamic strains - The smart method

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    U ovome radu prikazan je razvoj novog alata namijenjenog procjeni rizika na radnom mjestu. Radi se o metodi pomoću koje je omogućen numerički izračun svih rizičnih faktora i ukupne razine rizika za pojavu profesionalnih bolesti mišićno-koštanog sustava (sindrome prenaprezanja). Prilikom procjene, najprije se utvrđuju brojčane vrijednosti svakog pojedinog rizičnog faktora za koje u literaturi postoje dokazi da dovode do nastanka sindroma prenaprezanja, a to su: trajanje radnog zadatka, broj ponavljajućih pokreta (repeticija), snaga potrebna da se izvrši dotični radni zadatak te položaj u kojem se tijelo nalazi tijekom obavljanja zadatka. Svaki element procjene prikazan je kao zasebni dio u vlastitoj evaluacijskoj tablici, s pripadajućim bodovima. Nakon što se utvrde brojčane vrijednosti svakog pojedinog rizičnog faktora, potrebno ih je uvrstiti u jednadžbu kojom se dolazi do konačnog rezultata, odnosno vrijednosti ukupnog rizika za razvoj sindroma prenaprezanja. Naposljetku se prema posebnoj tablici iz konačnog rezultata očitava jedna od moguće četiri razine rizika od oštećenja zdravlja koje su označene zelenom, žutom, narančastom i crvenom bojom. Nakon testiranja prvotne verzije metode i usporedbe s drugim sličnim alatima, može se zaključiti kako se radi o jednostavnom alatu, pogodnom za primjenu u praksi jer omogućava numerički izračun radnih zadataka s ponavljajućim pokretima, povremenom primjenom sile, neprimjerenim položajem tijela, ali uzima u obzir i međudjelovanje svih navedenih elemenata. Nacrt metode u fazi je daljnjeg testiranja i znanstvene evaluacije.This paper describes development of a new tool, a Scoring Method for Assessment of Repetitive Tasks. This new numerical assessment makes possible to measure and evaluate both, tasks with high repetition and hard manual work. It is aimed at surveillance and detection of occupational health risks causing occupational musculoskeletal diseases.A comprehensive and critical review of the literature was conducted prior to designing the tool, together with follow-up evaluations of own studies. The new tool includes an objective description of tasks, repetition, force and body posture. Demands of work are presented with scores, each in individual scale which corresponds to the conditions encountered in practice. The classification of these scales and final numerical quantification gives an indication of overload and of load bottlenecks. Total numerical score is obtained by multiplying the scale value for the daily duration by the sum of other scale values. End result is a total score, with numerical value, describing the risk of physical overload. Numerical value is explained in explanatory table which contains four ranges of numerical values, also coloured in: green, yellow, orange and red accordingly with the level of risk. Until now, the draft method was tested and found easier to handle in the field, with fair correlation of results when assessing strains compared to results of other tested tools, providing easy numerical quantification of manual tasks with high repetition, occasional force exertion and awkward body postures together with their interaction. The draft is now in the further process of field testing and scientific evaluation

    Occupational Diseases, Working Ability and Employment Status in the Working Population of Croatia

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    The paper gives insight into the working ability and employment status of workers with recognized occupational diseases in Croatia. The analysis based on working ability data from 212 workers shows that 12 (5.5%) workers have general disability for work, 75 (35.5%) occupational disability for work, 98 (46.4%) danger of disability onset, 13 (6%) no disability and 14 (6.5%) are sent for further medical treatment. The highest frequency of occupational diseases is in the group of workers with 41–50 years of age, in the category of 20–24 exposure years. Official data imply that the incidence rate of occupational diseases in Croatia is 4 times lower than in European Union. Such a low incidence rate derives from problems in the system of healthcare and health insurance, and also from problems in the system of monitoring and registering of occupational diseases

    The role of matrix metalloproteinases in the development of environmental diseases

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    Bolesti uzrokovane čimbenicima okoliša obuhvaćaju poremećaje koji su uzrokovani različitim okolišnim čimbenicima te promjenama ponašanja stanovnika. Urbana područja diljem svijeta suočavaju se s velikim brojem čimbenika okoliša koji utječu na javno zdravlje, kao što su onečišćenje zraka, voda, buka, polutanti, gustoća prometa, prenapučenost u gradovima, smanjenje zelenih površina, itd. Pravovremeno otkrivanje i kvantifikacija rizičnih čimbenika okoliša, koji utječu na javno zdravlje, veoma je važna jer svaka intervencija na ovom području može smanjiti rizik od obolijevanja i poboljšati zdravlje stanovništva. Unutarstanične matriks metaloproteinaze (MMPs) lokalizirane su u različitim odjeljcima unutar stanice uključujući citosol, sarkomeru, mitohondrije i jezgru. Intracelularne MMPs pridonose patogenezi različitih bolesti. Cilj ovog preglednog rada je istražiti uloge matriks metaloproteinaza u razvoju bolesti respiracijskog sustava uzrokovanih čimbenicima okoliša te važnost njihovog određivanja kao potencijalnih pokazatelja ranih tkivnih oštećenja u ljudi. MMP su se dokazale, uz imunološki status, kao dobar biljeg za praćenje bolesti uzrokovanih čimbenicima okoliša. Osim u dijagnostici i monitoringu bolesti uzrokovanih čimbenicima okoliša, MMPs i njihovi tkivni inhibitori (TIMP, engl. tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase) predstavljaju potencijalni cilj liječenja.The incidence of environmental diseases, especially in highly developed industrial countries, has increased by more than 30% in the last few decades. These diseases represent a burden for both the individual and public health. Many of them (asthma, allergic rhinitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular diseases) are a major public health problem, and it is necessary to identify harmful environmental factors, determine the mechanisms of their action, find adequate markers for early diagnosis and disease monitoring. By doing that better preventive and therapeutic effects can be achieved. In order to prevent the development of environmental diseases and to preserve environmental health in addition to knowing mechanisms by which harmful compounds enter the ecosystem (e.g. unintentional discharge, waste disposal, operation of industrial plants, transport) toxic kinetics is also important, i.e. absorption, biological conversion, distribution and excretion of harmful compounds and their metabolites from the organism. Intracellular matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are localized in various compartments within the cell including the cytosol, sarcomere, mitochondria, and nucleus. Intracellular MMPs contribute to the pathogenesis of various diseases. These include diseases with altered immune responses, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, inflammation, renal disorders, and malignant diseases. MMPs have antiviral and bactericidal effects and can act intracellularly through protease-dependent mechanisms. In addition to their immune status they are proven to be a good marker for monitoring environmental diseases. In addition to diagnosing and monitoring environmental diseases, MMPs and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) represent a potential treatment goal


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    Industrijske zemlje diljem svijeta suočene su sa starenjem radne snage. Ta je pojava posljedica produljenog životnog vijeka i pada stope nataliteta. Posljedično, dolazi do starenja radne populacije. To je naročito istaknuto u društvima gdje su niske stope nataliteta i gdje mnogi mladi, obrazovani radnici emigriraju u druge zemlje, u potrazi za bolje plaćenim poslom. Kako bi se promijenio ovaj trend, mora se pronaći pristup kojim će se poticati starije radnike da zadrže produktivnost i produljiti im radni vijek. Osim toga, dani su izabrani statistički podaci koji prikazuju starenje populacije i s tim u svezi porast postotka starijih radnika na tržištu rada. I, ne samo to, prezentirani podaci ističu potrebu daljnjih istraživanja uvjeta rada i radne sposobnosti starijih radnika. Na temelju dostupnih istraživanja prikazane su karakteristike psihosocijalnih uvjeta rada starijih radnika u slijedećim aspektima: zadovoljstvo na radnom mjestu, percipirani zahtjevi radnog mjesta, kontrola rada, socijalna podrška na radnom mjestu, nesigurnost zaposlenja, te sukob posao-obitelj.SUMMARY: The labour force is aging throughout the industrialized world. This phenomenon is caused by an increase in the overall life expectancy of the people and a decline in their fertility rate. As a consequence, the workforce of these nations is getting older. This situation is exacerbated in communities where birth rates are low and many younger, skilled workers emigrate to take advantage of job opportunities in other countries. To offset this trend, policy makers must consider approaches that encourage older employees to remain productive and continue working. Therefore, this article presents selected statistical data concerning the aging population. These data stress the need of focusing on further research in working conditions and work capacity of older workers. On the basis of available research data, the article describes some job characteristics of older workers: job satisfaction, perceived job demands, job control, social support at work, job insecurity and work-family conflict


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    Industrijske zemlje diljem svijeta suočene su sa starenjem radne snage. Ta je pojava posljedica produljenog životnog vijeka i pada stope nataliteta. Posljedično, dolazi do starenja radne populacije. To je naročito istaknuto u društvima gdje su niske stope nataliteta i gdje mnogi mladi, obrazovani radnici emigriraju u druge zemlje, u potrazi za bolje plaćenim poslom. Kako bi se promijenio ovaj trend, mora se pronaći pristup kojim će se poticati starije radnike da zadrže produktivnost i produljiti im radni vijek. Osim toga, dani su izabrani statistički podaci koji prikazuju starenje populacije i s tim u svezi porast postotka starijih radnika na tržištu rada. I, ne samo to, prezentirani podaci ističu potrebu daljnjih istraživanja uvjeta rada i radne sposobnosti starijih radnika. Na temelju dostupnih istraživanja prikazane su karakteristike psihosocijalnih uvjeta rada starijih radnika u slijedećim aspektima: zadovoljstvo na radnom mjestu, percipirani zahtjevi radnog mjesta, kontrola rada, socijalna podrška na radnom mjestu, nesigurnost zaposlenja, te sukob posao-obitelj.SUMMARY: The labour force is aging throughout the industrialized world. This phenomenon is caused by an increase in the overall life expectancy of the people and a decline in their fertility rate. As a consequence, the workforce of these nations is getting older. This situation is exacerbated in communities where birth rates are low and many younger, skilled workers emigrate to take advantage of job opportunities in other countries. To offset this trend, policy makers must consider approaches that encourage older employees to remain productive and continue working. Therefore, this article presents selected statistical data concerning the aging population. These data stress the need of focusing on further research in working conditions and work capacity of older workers. On the basis of available research data, the article describes some job characteristics of older workers: job satisfaction, perceived job demands, job control, social support at work, job insecurity and work-family conflict

    Tracking Variability: Recent Anthropometric Data for Croatian Population and Comparison with Other World Populations

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    The variability that exists within the populations of individual countries and the variability that exists between the populations of different countries are both of interest in practical application. For these reasons, a comparison is made in this work between certain anthropometric variables of our sample of Croatian population and anthropometric variables that are available for other human populations in the world of the same or a similar age. The total sample was 1,372 subjects aged from 23 to 59 years old. For the purpose of comparison, data were taken from the study »International Data on Anthropometry« which provides an overview of anthropometric variables for many world populations, as well as data from Rudan’s research that was carried out on Croatian population in the late seventies of the last century. Mean value, standard deviation and coefficient of variation have been calculated for every measured parameter. A comparison between the two research samples of Croatian population fairly displays up going trend, for body mass and other bodily dimensions, formed in three decades of difference. Mean value for body height in Rudan’s sample is 161.0 cm, and for Buba{’s sample in this research was 170.6 cm, both values state for Croatian population but with difference of more than 30 years. Human biologists use term »secular trend« to describe alterations in themeasurable characteristics of a population of humans that occur over a century. Accordingly, in adult age, the rate of gain, concerning body height, is 10 to 30 mm per decade. The changes in body proportions during recent decades are less marked than those in body size, but the relationships between stature and weight within one national group have changed significantly


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    Rad prikazuje faktorsku strukturu i pouzdanost upitnika o stresorima na radnom mjestu bolničkih zdravstvenih djelatnika i time pridonosi daljnjoj validaciji i standardizaciji mjernog instrumenta stresa u zdravstvenih djelatnika, čime bi se direktno utjecalo na sigurnost pacijenata i zdravstvenih djelatnika u radnoj okolini bolnica. U istraživanje je uključeno 1.900 ispitanika između 18 i 65 godina starosti koji rade na radnom mjestu zdravstvenih djelatnika (medicinske sestre i tehničari srednje i više stručne spreme, te liječnici) u KB Dubrava, KBC Zagreb, KB Sestre milosrdnice, OB „Sveti Duh“ i koji su dobrovoljno pristali na istraživanje. Stopa odgovora bila je 78% te je na kraju dobiven uzorak od 1.481 ispitanika (1.086 medicinskih sestara/tehničara i 395 liječnika). U upitniku je pored osnovnih sociodemografskih pitanja ponuđeno 37 stresora na radu koji se odnose na organizaciju rada, smjenski rad, napredovanje u struci, edukaciju, profesionalne zahtjeve, međuljudsku komunikaciju, komunikaciju zdravstvenih djelatnika s pacijentima te na strah od opasnosti i štetnosti u zdravstvu. Ispitanici su svoj doživljaj ispravnosti odgovora ocijenili na Likertovoj ljestvici ocjenama od 1 = “nije uopće stresno” do 5 = “izrazito stresno”. Faktorska analiza je izlučila šest faktora relativno visoke pouzdanosti tipa unutarnje konzistencije (sve vrijednosti Crombach α su bile veće od 0,7): Organizacija radnog mjesta i financijska pitanja, Javna kritika, Opasnosti i štetnosti na poslu, Sukobi i komunikacija na poslu, Smjenski rad, Profesionalni i intelektualni zahtjevi. Pojedine čestice logično objašnjavaju strukturu odgovarajućih faktora te daju dobar oslonac daljnjoj izradi mjernog instrumenta stresa na radnom mjestu bolničkih zdravstvenih djelatnika. Ovim istraživanjem pridonijelo se daljnjem razvoju odgovarajućeg mjernog instrumenta, njegovoj praktičnoj primjeni, a time boljem prepoznavanju, rješavanju te prevenciji stresa i očuvanju sigurnosti u radnoj okolini bolnica u sklopu cjelokupnog očuvanja zdravlja na radnom mjestu zdravstvenih djelatnika.The paper presents factor structure and reliability of the workplace stressor questionnaire for hospital healthcare workers and hopes to further validate and standardise the stress measuring instrument for healthcare workers and thus directly affect the safety of patients and healthcare workers in hospital environments. The study was based on a sample of 1,900 participants aged between 18 and 65, employed in healthcare (nurses, lab technicians and physicians) in the hospitals Dubrava, Zagreb, Sestre milosrdnice and Sveti Duh. All participants voluntarily joined the study. Rate of response was 78%, from the actual sample of 1,481 participants (1,086 nurses and technicians and 395 physicians). In addition to general socio-demographic questions, the questionnaire included 37 workplace stressors referring to work organisation, shift work, opportunities for promotion, education, professional demands, interpersonal communication, communication between the healthcare workers and patients, and fear of dangers and potential harms in healthcare. The participants assessed their experience on the Likert scale (1-5) from 1 = \u27\u27no stress\u27\u27 to 5 = \u27\u27great stress\u27\u27. Factor analysis yielded six factors of relatively high reliability of inner consistency (all values of Crombach α exceeded 0.7): Workplace Organisation and Financial Issues, Public Criticism, Dangers and Harms at Workplace, Conflicts and Communication at Work, Shift Work, Professional and Intellectual Demands. Individual particles logically explain the structure of the corresponding factors and provide good foundation for further development of the stress measuring instrument at the workplace for hospital healthcare workers. The study contributes to the improvement of a suitable measuring instrument and its implementation in practice, and assists in better recognition and better solutions in the prevention of stress and preservation of safety in hospitals which should help to protect the health of healthcare workers