290 research outputs found

    A Low-Cost Unified Experimental FPGA Board for Cryptography Applications

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    This paper describes the evaluation of available experimental boards, the comparison of their supported set of experiments and other aspects. The second part of this evaluation is focused on the design process of the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) for an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) based cryptography environment suitable for evaluating the latest trends in the IC (Integrated Circuit) security like Side–Channel Attacks (SCA) or Physically Unclonable Function (PUF). It leads to many criteria affecting the design process and also the suitability for evaluating and measuring results of the attacks and their countermeasures. The developed system should be open, versatile and unrestricted by the U.S. law [1]

    Map Editor for OS Android

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    Import 22/07/2015Cílem této práce je vytvoření funkční knihovny pro rozpoznávání ručně kreslených map. Implementace je realizována v jazyce Java pro OS Android i desktopovou edici Java SE. Součástí práce je shrnutí metod pro rozpoznávání obrazu, testování vzniklé knihovny a ukázková aplikace.The target of this thesis is to create library for handcrafted map recognition. Implementation for OS Android, as well as desktop edition, is realized in Java programming language. Thesis includes a summary of image recognition methods, test cases for final library and sample application.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    House on the Sloping Land

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    Tématem zpracované bakalářské práce je rodinný dům na svažitém pozemku. Objekt se nachází v okrajové části obce Domanín a je navržen pro čtyřčlennou rodinu. Dům je nepravidelného půdorysného tvaru. Je rozdělen do tří traktů, které jsou vzájemně výškově posunuté o půl patra. Střední trakt je dvoupodlažní, boční jsou pak jednopodlažní.Základové konstrukce jsou řešeny základovými pasy z prostého betonu. Svislé konstrukce jsou navrženy z cihelných bloků Heluz. Stropní konstrukce je z keramobetonových nosníků Heluz a vložek Miako. Střecha je plochá jednoplášťová se stabilizační vrstvou z praného říčního kameniva. Projektová dokumentace je zpracována v počítačovém programu Archicad.The topic of the bachelor’s thesis is family house on the sloping land. Object is located on the edge of village Domanín and designed for a family of four. The building has irregularly shaped floor plan divided into three tracts, each vertically shifted by half a floor. The middle tract has two stores, side tracts are single-storey. Foundation structures are solved by basis strips made of plain concrete. Vertical constructions are made of brick blocks Heluz. Ceiling construction is designed from ceramic-concrete beams Heluz and Miako inserts. The roof is flat single-cased with stabilizing layer made of washed river stones. Project documentation is processed in computer program Archicad.

    A model replication with an extension of students´perception of prospective employer attractiveness

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    In the light of a long-term rising focus on human resources as the essential for a competitive advantage of the organisations, human resource management intersects with marketing policies and tools to help organisations to attract and retain potential employees. Therefore the paper attempted to replicate a model by Sivertzen et al. (2013) which investigate the factors of em-ployer branding strategies. The study tested the relationships between the dimension of em-ployer attractiveness scale and the use of social media in relation to applying for a job and to corporate reputation. The model is replicated with extension of different industries and was tested on two larger samples compared to the original paper. An electronic questionnaire was distributed to computer science students and students of economics at universities in the Czech Republic. The model is analysed on the basis of 337 responses related to three well-known com-puter-based companies and 290 responses related to three well-known economics-based com-panies operating on the Czech market. The analysis was processed in R statistical software using the structural equation modelling. The purpose of the replication with extension is to verify the original results and provide additional evidence that helps to build a cumulative body of know-ledge when building essentials of emerging human resource marketing field. The findings indicate that several employer attractiveness attributes could have a positive relation to corporate re-putation. However, it differs between industries. The validation of the employer attractiveness scale resulted in different dimensions than in the original study. New dimensions with different indicators are proposed. The positive relation between the use of social media and corporate reputation, use of social media and intentions to apply for a job and as well corporate reputation and intentions to apply for a job are suggested by the results.In the light of a long-term rising focus on human resources as the essential for a competitive advantage of the organisations, human resource management intersects with marketing policies and tools to help organisations to attract and retain potential employees. Therefore the paper attempted to replicate a model by Sivertzen et al. (2013) which investigate the factors of em-ployer branding strategies. The study tested the relationships between the dimension of em-ployer attractiveness scale and the use of social media in relation to applying for a job and to corporate reputation. The model is replicated with extension of different industries and was tested on two larger samples compared to the original paper. An electronic questionnaire was distributed to computer science students and students of economics at universities in the Czech Republic. The model is analysed on the basis of 337 responses related to three well-known com-puter-based companies and 290 responses related to three well-known economics-based com-panies operating on the Czech market. The analysis was processed in R statistical software using the structural equation modelling. The purpose of the replication with extension is to verify the original results and provide additional evidence that helps to build a cumulative body of know-ledge when building essentials of emerging human resource marketing field. The findings indicate that several employer attractiveness attributes could have a positive relation to corporate re-putation. However, it differs between industries. The validation of the employer attractiveness scale resulted in different dimensions than in the original study. New dimensions with different indicators are proposed. The positive relation between the use of social media and corporate reputation, use of social media and intentions to apply for a job and as well corporate reputation and intentions to apply for a job are suggested by the results

    Extension of experimentally assembled processing maps of 10CrMo9-10 steel via a predicted dataset and the influence on overall informative possibilities

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    Processing maps embody a supportive tool for the optimization of hot forming processes. In the present work, based on the dynamic material model, the processing maps of 10CrMo9-10 low-alloy steel were assembled with the use of two flow curve datasets. The first one was obtained on the basis of uniaxial hot compression tests in a temperature range of 1073-1523 K and a strain rate range of 0.1-100 s(-1). This experimental dataset was subsequently approximated by means of an artificial neural network approach. Based on this approximation, the second dataset was calculated. An important finding was that the additional dataset contributed significantly to improving the informative ability of the assembled processing maps in terms of revealing potentially inappropriate forming conditions.Web of Science911art. no. 121

    Exploits of Programs Written in C Language

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá exploitačními technikami, využívajícími programátorské chyby v programech jazyka C. Práce je především zaměřená na problémy typu: přetečení paměti, přetečení zásobníku, přetečení v segmentech haldy a BSS, přetečení formátovacích řetězců a přetečení čísel. V práci jsou také popsány některé ze současných protiopatření, která zabraňují zneužívání těchto chyb. Pro snadnější pochopení tématu je v první úvodní části zpracovaná krátká kapitola zaměřená na teoretický základ. V následujících kapitolách jsou podrobněji popisovány principy jednotlivých typů útoků. Závěrem práce je kapitola týkající se bezpečnosti.This thesis deals with exploiting techniques, using programming errors of C language programs. Work is mainly focused on problems such as: buffer overflow, stack overflow, heap overflow, BSS overflow, format string overflow and integer overflow. Document also describes some of the current counter-measures prevent misuse of these errors. To help understand this topic in the first introductory part is a short chapter focusing on a theoretical basis. The following chapters principles described in detail the various types of attacks. On the end of work we find chapter about security.

    Application of Technique of Oriented Foils in TEM

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývala využitím metody orientovaných fólií v transmisní elektronové mikroskopii. S použitím této metody byly identifikovány dislokační struktury v obou fázích, pro dvě amplitudy plastické deformace ap, cyklicky zatěžované polykrystalické austeniticko-feritické korozivzdorné oceli SAF 2507. Byly také určeny osy zatěžování jednotlivých zrn a hodnoty Schmidových faktorů aktivních skluzových systémů. V austenitické fázi byla určena planární struktura pro obě ap. Ve feritických zrnech se dislokační uspořádání lišila pro dvě pozorované amplitudy ap. U nižší ap=1x10-4 se nacházely volné šroubové dislokace a nakupení hranových dislokací zatímco u vyšší ap=2x10-3 bylo dislokační struktura tvořena směsí žil a stěn. Pozorované dislokační struktury byly diskutovány s cyklickou plastickou odezvou duplexní oceli.The master’s thesis is focused on the application of the technique of oriented foils in transmission electron microscopy. Dislocation structures were identified by this technique in both phases of polycrystalline austenitic-ferritic stainless steel SAF 2507 formed during low cycle fatigue at two plastic strain amplitudes ap. In individual grains the stress axis and the Schmid factors of active slip systems were determined. In austenitic grains, the planar structures were determined at both ap. In ferritic grains, the dislocation arrangement was different for the two observed ap. Individual screw dislocations and pile-up´s of edge dislocations were found at low ap = 1x10-4. Mixture of vein and wall dislocation structures were formed at high ap = 2x10-3. Observed dislocation structures were discussed in relation with the cyclic plastic response of the duplex stainless steel.

    Analysis of Building Savings in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic

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    Import 05/08/2014Diplomová práca je venovaná analýze stavebného sporenia v Českej republike a na Slovensku, vrátane porovnania systémov stavebného sporenia z viacerých pohľadov. Práca je rozdelená na 3 časti. Prvá časť teoreticky popisuje systém stavebného sporenia, jeho funkcie, fázy a vývoj v Českej republike a Slovensku. Druhá časť popisuje stavebné sporiteľne pôsobiace na českom a slovenskom trhu s finančnými produktmi. V tretej časti je prakticky porovnaná štátna prémia v oboch štátoch z časového hľadiska, vybrané produkty spoločností z pohľadu možností klienta a zobrazený vplyv stavebného sporenia na ekonomiku štátu s krátkym pohľadom na možný budúci vývoj stavebného sporenia.The thesis deals with analysis of building savings in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, including a comparison of building savings from multiple perspectives. The thesis is divided into 3 parts. The first theoretically describes the system, functions, phases and development of building savings in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. In the third part there is practically compared state premium in both countries in time, selected products of companies in terms of possibilities of the client and showed the impact of building savings on the national economy with a brief look at possible future development of building savings.117 - Katedra účetnictvívelmi dobř

    Turntable Design for Vertical Milling Machine

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem otočného polohovacího stolu pro použití s vertikální frézkou. Pro ilustraci stručně představuje několik výrobku, které jsou v současné době na trhu, a představuje funkce jednotlivých komponent celku. Dále je popsán způsob získání velikosti zatěžovacích sil vznikajících při třískovém obrábění. Na základě definovaných zatěžovacích podmínek jsou navrhnuty jednotlivé části otočného stolu. V kapitolách návrhu součásti stolu jsou popsány jejich prvky a požadavky na ně kladené. U některých částí je uvedeno více variant řešení s odůvodněním vybrané varianty dle uvedených hodnotících kritérií. V rámci práce byla zpracována úvaha nad použitím krokového motoru pro pohon otočného stolu, včetně návrhu konkrétního řešení.Bachelor’s thesis is based upon a design of a rotary table usable in cooperation with vertical milling machine. For illustration it briefly introduces a few products which are currently on sale and describes the function of individual components. Further in it describes a method of quantifying load forces created while machining. Design of individual components is based on gathered loading conditions. Chapters about designing the components of the table are describing their features and requirements which are put on them. With some parts there are multiple design variants with a reason why particular option was chosen. Thesis involves a consideration about the use of a stepper motor as means of driving of the rotary table including a specific solution.340 - Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruovánívelmi dobř

    Two-stage Wood Waste Crusher

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá konstrukčním návrhem zařízení určeného k drcení dřevní hmoty založeného na principu dvoustupňové desintegrace. V úvodu jsou poskytnuty základní informace o užívaných principech desintegrace a konvenčních zařízeních dostupných na trhu. Dále je vypracován koncept celého zařízení a následně vytvořen vlastní návrh nožového mechanismu ve dvou provedeních. Pro určení potřebného výkonu 1. stupně byl stanoven vlastní matematický postup, který je následně ověřen experimentálním měřením. V závěru práce je vytvořen konstrukční návrh pohonu celého zařízení. Součástí práce je také 3D model zařízení a výpočtové zprávy týkající se jednotlivých konstrukčních uzlů.The bachelor thesis deals with the design of a wood crushing device based on the principle of two-stage disintegration. The introduction provides basic information about the principles of disintegration and about conventional devices available on the market. Furthermore, the concept of the whole device is elaborated and then an own design of the cutting mechanism is created in two versions. To determine the required power needed for the first stage, an own mathematical approach was established, which is verified by experimental measurement later on. At the end of the thesis, the drive of the complete device is designed. The enclosure contains 3D model of the device and calculations concerning individual construction units.347 - Katedra částí a mechanismů strojůvýborn