180 research outputs found


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    This paper examines the existing theory of risk management in international business, as well as the effects that the globalization and digital transformation have on the development of contemporary security risks. Besides the analysis of the key elements of globalization and digital transformation, this paper points out that the imperative for success in international business is a systematic approach to security risks, and the new categorization of risks in international business. While the pandemic has provided an impetus for the rapid and widespread adoption of digital technologies, it has also created new opportunities for hostile threat actors leading to an increase in cybercrime and thus reinforced the demand for robust and responsive security measures. The paper argues that more now than ever, there is a burning need to address the problem of security risks properly. Initial efforts to address these risks have sought to include the aforementioned security risks in existing risk mitigation practices and to address them through existing business risk processes, but it has become evident that success risk mitigation requires new and adapted approach. The authors present the review of existing theory of security analysis and propose the new categorization of risks in international business to include security risks. Security risks include, but are not limited to threats such as loss of data and intellectual property, fraud, disruption of business processes, and the possible endangerment of the physical security of both employees and assets.U radu se analizira postojeća teorija upravljanja rizicima u međunarodnom poslovanju, kao i učinci globalizacije i digitalne transformacije na razvoj sigurnosnih rizika. Pored analize ključnih elementa globalizacije i digitalne transformacije, ovaj rad ističe sustavno upravljanje sigurnosnim rizicima u međunarodnom poslovanju i zasebnu kategorizaciju u identifikaciji rizika kao imperativ za sustavno upravljanje sigurnosnim rizicima. Sustavno upravljanje sigurnosnim rizicima daje sigurnost svim dionicima poslovnih procesa da će se novčane transakcije biti sigurne, da će se kupljena roba isporučiti, i da podaci neće biti uništeni, i/ili dostupni neovlaštenim trećim stranama. Suvremeni koncept upravljanja sigurnosnim rizicima u međunarodnom poslovanju mora biti usmjeren na preventivno djelovanje i partnerski odnos, pri čemu se očekuje aktivno sudjelovanje svih poslovnih entiteta uključenih u međunarodno poslovanje u realizaciji sigurnosne prakse i sprječavanju štetnog učinka rizika. Rad ističe kako se ovom vrstom rizika se može učinkovito upravljati kroz razvoj i implementaciju novih politika i sposobnosti odgovora na rizike na razini poduzeća. U tom smislu, bitno ga je da ga poduzeća koja posluju na međunarodnom tržištu pravovremeno percipiraju, i usmjere se na minimiziranje negativnih učinaka na poslovanje. Autori iznose teorijski pregled upravljanja sigurnosnim rizicima i predlažu novu kategorizaciju rizika u međunarodnom poslovanju. Kao zasebna kategorija u identifikaciji rizika u međunarodnom poslovanju, sigurnosni rizik bi trebao obuhvatiti rizik od narušavanja sigurnosti podataka, rizik od narušavanja sigurnosti poslovanja i poslovnih procesa kao digitalne sigurnosne rizike, te fizički rizik od narušavanja fizičke sigurnosti poduzeća (gubitka materijalne imovine i sigurnosti zaposlenika)

    Potential Adherents of Radical Islam in Europe: Methods of Recruitment and the Age of Perpetrators in Acts of Terror

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    This article’s objective is to categorize potential jihadists in Europe and provide an overview of contemporary methods for their recruitment. Taking into account the ubiquity of the Internet and social networking platforms, and the fact that younger generations are spending an ever increasing amount of time using contemporary communication technology, this article focuses on those recruitment methods that make use of social networking platforms and mobile applications for the spread of extremist propaganda, as well as for communication with potential adherents. An analysis of the age structure of individuals involved in the planning and carrying out of terrorist acts in Europe from November of 2015 to September of 2017 supports a hypothesis that contemporary recruitment methods are especially effective in targeting a younger demographic. In addition, this article negates the importance of traditional physical exposure to radical behavior, which serves to explain the increasing number of terrorist attacks in Europe conducted by radicalized citizens of European countries

    Potential Adherents of Radical Islam in Europe: Methods of Recruitment and the Age of Perpetrators in Acts of Terror

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    This article’s objective is to categorize potential jihadists in Europe and provide an overview of contemporary methods for their recruitment. Taking into account the ubiquity of the Internet and social networking platforms, and the fact that younger generations are spending an ever increasing amount of time using contemporary communication technology, this article focuses on those recruitment methods that make use of social networking platforms and mobile applications for the spread of extremist propaganda, as well as for communication with potential adherents. An analysis of the age structure of individuals involved in the planning and carrying out of terrorist acts in Europe from November of 2015 to September of 2017 supports a hypothesis that contemporary recruitment methods are especially effective in targeting a younger demographic. In addition, this article negates the importance of traditional physical exposure to radical behavior, which serves to explain the increasing number of terrorist attacks in Europe conducted by radicalized citizens of European countries

    Bio-Ecological Research of Lily Leaf Beetle Lilioceris lilii Scopoli (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκαν ορισμένα βιο-οικολογικά χαρακτηριστικά του εντόμου Lilioceris lilii Scopoli (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) στη Βοσνία-Ερζεγοβίνη. Η παρουσία του εντόμου επιβεβαιώθηκε στις περισσότερες περιοχές που ερευνήθηκαν. Το μέσο μήκος σώματος του L. lilii βρέθηκε 7,64 mm (7,025mm για τα άρρενα άτομα και 8,106 mm για τα θήλεα) και το μέσο πλάτος σώματος 3,75 mm. Το μέσο μήκος μιας πλήρους ανεπτυγμένης προνύμφης ήταν 6,36 mm και το μέσο πλάτος 2,69 mm. To μέσο μήκος της νυμφικής θήκης ήταν 8,83 mm και το μέσο πλάτος 5,82 mm. Η διάρκεια της εμβρυακής ανάπτυξης σε συνθήκες αγρού ήταν κατά μέσο όρο 8,5 ημέρες. Η μέση διάρκεια ανάπτυξης των προνυμφικών σταδίων (4 προνυμφικές ηλικίες) ήταν 16 ημέρες ενώ η νύμφωση διήρκησε 18 ημέρες. Κατά την έναρξη του φθινοπώρου το έντομο εισέρχεται σε χειμερινό εφησυχασμό. Ως εκ τούτων συμπληρώνει μία γενεά ανά έτος. Η αναπαραγωγική ικανότητα του L. lilii στην περιοχή του Σαράγιεβο, υπό συνθήκες αγρού, υπολογίστηκε κατά μέσο όρο σε 130 ωά ανά θήλυ. Το έντομο ολοκληρώνει το βιολογικό του κύκλο σε Ασιατικά και Ανατολικά είδη κρίνου, σε όλα τα υπέργεια μέρη των φυτών. Το είδος Lilium candidum το οποίο βρέθηκε σε όλους τους οικιακούς κήπους (αστικές περιοχές) στις παρατηρούμενες περιοχές, ήταν ο κύριος ξενιστής του L. lilii. Πειραματισμός με το φυτό Aloae vera απέδειξε ότι αυτό το είδος δεν αποτελεί ξενιστή του L. lilii.In the present study some bio-ecological characteristics of Lilioceris lilii in Bosnia and Herzegovina are presented. The insect’s presence was confirmed in the majority of the researched locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The average body length of L. lilii was 7.64 mm (7.025 mm for the males while 8.106 mm for the females) and the average body width 3.75 mm. The average length of a fully developed larva was 6.36 mm, and the average width was 2.69 mm. In terms of the cocoon, the average length was 8.83 mm and its width was 5.82 mm. Duration of embryonic development under field conditions was 8.5 days in average. The average duration of larval development (4 instars) was 16 days and the pupal stage lasted approximately 18 days. Lilioceris lilii retreated into winter quiescence at the beginning of autumn, thereof completes one generation per year. In the area of Sarajevo in field conditions the number of the laid eggs per female was 130 in average. The insect undergoes its entire development at the Asian and Oriental species of lily, on all the above-ground parts of the plants. Lilium candidum lily species that was present in all home gardens in the observed areas was the major host of the L. lilii. Experimentation with Aloae vera proved that this species was not a host of L. lilii

    O Heraklitu, Mitteleuropi i Afganistanu

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    This article intends to make a comparison of the defining factors of identity as defined in two exceptional narratives, “The Places in Between” by Rory Stewart and “Danube” by Claudio Magris. In their respective works, both authors examine the complex notion of identity as defined by ethnicity, religion/ culture, politics/ideology and socioeconomics, albeit in very different surroundings. Stewart’s narrative describes his trek across the harsh Afghan landscape in the middle of Winter, scant weeks after the overthrow of the Taliban, while Magris follows a group of four Italian friends (the author being one of them), who set out to trace the Danube from its source to the mouth in mid 1980s. Both authors’ accounts confirm the transience of identity, which largely depends on the broader environment, the specific point in time in which the examination occurs, and the perspective of the examiner. In both cases, the authors’ analyses provide profound insights into the regions through which they travel.Namjera je ovoga članka dati usporedbu ključnih čimbenika identiteta na način kako su definirani u dva izvanredna narativa, “Mjesta između” („The Places in Between“) Roryja Stewarta i „Dunav“ (“Danube”) Claudija Magrisa. Oba autora u svojim djelima ispituju složeni pojam identiteta koji je određen etnicitetom, religijom/kulturom, politikom/ideologijom i socioekonomijom, iako u vrlo različitim okruženjima. Stewart opisuje svoj put kroz surovi afganistanski krajolik usred zime, samo nekoliko tjedana nakon svrgavanja talibana, dok Magris slijedi skupinu četiri talijanska prijatelja (jedan je od njih sam autor) koji kreću putem Dunava, od njegova izvora do ušća, sredinom 1980-ih godina. Izvještaji obojice autora potvrđuju prolaznost identiteta, koja uvelike ovisi o širem okruženju, određenom trenutku u kojem se preispitivanje odvija te o perspektivi ispitivača. U oba slučaja, analize autora pružaju duboke spoznaje o regijama kroz koje putuju

    Digitally Signed Records – Friend or Foe?

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    Long-term preservation of digitally signed records may be a challenging task. Digital signatures expire and digital certificates may be revoked, thus influencing the trustworthiness of archived digital records. The authors firstly explain the problems and then proceed to a description of the planned research. The research will be conducted on a sample of digitally signed and archived electronic forms stored in the PDF file format, originating from the period from 2006 to 2009

    Long-term Preservation of Validity of Electronically Signed Records

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    The authors explain the context in which electronic records are being preserved. They explain the concept of authentic electronic records and proceed with the analysis of the technologies supporting trust in electronic records. They start by explaining the Public Key Infrastructure as the requirement for electronic signatures, digital certificates, the concept of non-repudiation, trusted archive service, timestamps and trusted digital timestamping. Further, they analyse formats of electronic signatures – XMLDSig, XAdES, CAdES, PAdES – and their possible influence on the long-term preservation of validity of electronically signed records. The authors conclude that although strict requirements of certain types of electronic signatures can ensure authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of preserved records, they will still require preservation action on the level of medium and files

    3D rotating scanner

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    Rad ukratko opisuje najpoznatije tehnologije i metode skeniranja kao što su: kontaktna metoda, triangulacijska metoda, metoda strukturiranog svjetla i time of flight metoda. Zatim se opisuje izrada i ispitivanje 3D rotacijskog skenera koji sadrži dva stupnja slobode gibanja. Stupnjevi slobode su rotacija objekta skeniranja te translacija senzora. Senzor koji se koristi je VL5180X i radi na principu time of flight metode skeniranja te mu je deklarirana preciznost od ±1 mm. Maksimalni radni prostor 3D rotacijskog skenera je promjera 300 mm i visine 270 mm koja se može dodatno povećati, a brzina skeniranja je ovisna o veličini skeniranog objektaThe paper briefly describes best-known scanning methods like contact method, triangulation method, a method of structured light and time of flight method. Afterward is described the production and testing of 3D rotational scanner that consists of two degrees of freedom. One degree of freedom is the rotation of the scanning object and the second one is the translation of the sensor. A sensor used is VL5180X, which works on a time of flight method of scanning, and its stated accuracy is ±1 mm. The maximum working area of a 3D rotational scanner is a diameter of 300mm and height of 270 mm, which can be additionally increased. The speed of the scanning process depends on the size of scanning object