2,660 research outputs found

    Los pacientes del hospital como recurso pedagógico irremplazable: "Todos los pacientes son neurológicos"

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    Con el advenimiento de la nueva tecnología es necesario prevenir una eventual distorsión en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en medicina, especialmente por erróneas suposiciones de carencia de pacientes para la realización de actividades prácticas. Situación que también ha sido detectada desde la actividad docente en nuestra Cátedra

    Augmented reality-assisted ultrasound breast biopsy

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    Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the world and the fifth-leading cause of cancer-related death. Treatment is effective in the early stages. Thus, a need to screen considerable portions of the population is crucial. When the screening procedure uncovers a suspect lesion, a biopsy is performed to assess its potential for malignancy. This procedure is usually performed using real-time Ultrasound (US) imaging. This work proposes a visualization system for US breast biopsy. It consists of an application running on AR glasses that interact with a computer application. The AR glasses track the position of QR codes mounted on an US probe and a biopsy needle. US images are shown in the user’s field of view with enhanced lesion visualization and needle trajectory. To validate the system, latency of the transmission of US images was evaluated. Usability assessment compared our proposed prototype with a traditional approach with different users. It showed that needle alignment was more precise, with 92.67 ± 2.32° in our prototype versus 89.99 ± 37.49° in a traditional system. The users also reached the lesion more accurately. Overall, the proposed solution presents promising results, and the use of AR glasses as a tracking and visualization device exhibited good performance.This work was funded by the projects “NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000045” and “NORTE-01- 0145-FEDER-000059", supported by Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). It was also funded by national funds, through the FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) and FCT/MCTES in the scope of the project UIDB/05549/2020, UIDP/05549/2020 and LASI-LA/P/0104/2020. The authors also acknowledge FCT, Portugal and the European Social Found, European Union, for funding support through the “Programa Operacional Capital Humano” (POCH) in the scope of the PhD grants SFRH/BD/136721/2018 (Oliveira B.) and SFRH/BD/136670 (Torres H. R.)

    Unexpected high toughness of Samia cynthia ricini silk gut

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    Silk gut fibers were produced from the silkworm Samia cynthia ricini silk glands by the usual procedure of immersion in a mildly acidic solution and subsequent stretching. The morphology of the silk guts was assessed by scanning electron microscopy, and their microstructure was assessed by infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. It was found that both naturally spun and Samia silk guts share a common semicrystalline microstructure. The mechanical characterization of the silk guts revealed that these fibers show an elastomeric behavior when tested in water, and exhibit a genuine ground state to which the fiber may revert independently of its previous loading history. In spite of its large cross-sectional area compared with naturally spun silk fibers, Samia silk guts show values of work to fracture up to 160 MJ m, much larger than those of most of their natural counterparts, and establish a new record value for this parameter in silk guts

    Diel activity patterns of two distinct populations of Aedes aegypti in Miami, FL and Brownsville, TX

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    The diel biting activity of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (L) populations was extensively investigated in the early 1900s to gain more information on the biology of Ae. aegypti, and this information was used to devise effective approaches to controlling populations of this species and protect the human population from widespread arbovirus outbreaks. However, few contemporary studies are available regarding the diel activity patterns of Ae. aegypti. To assess the diel activity patterns of Ae. aegypti in southern Florida and Texas, we conducted 96-h uninterrupted mosquito collections once each month from May through November 2019 in Miami, Florida, and Brownsville, Texas, using BG-Sentinel 2 Traps. The overall diel activity pattern in both cities was bimodal with morning and evening peak activity between 7:00 and 8:00 and between 19:00 and 20:00. There were significant daily, monthly, seasonal, and site-specific differences in activity patterns, but these differences did not affect the overall peak activity times. These differences suggest daily, monthly, seasonal, and site-specific variations in human exposure to Ae. aegypti. Our observations can be used in planning and executing Ae. aegypti vector control activities in southern Florida and southern Texas, specifically those targeting the adult mosquito populations

    Breast Cancer Mortality In Brazil: Correlation With Human Development Index

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    Background: Mortality from breast cancer decreased in high-income countries, while countries with middle and low incomes as Brazil still has upward trend. However, large geographical variations among the federal units are observed in the country. The aim of the study was to evaluate the trend of specific mortality from breast cancer in women over 20 years old years among different states of Brazil from 1996 to 2012.  Methods and Findings: Ecological study, using linear regression model for temporal analysis of specific mortality coefficient from malignant neoplasm of breast. We also checked the degree of its correlation with the HDI for the states of Brazil during the stated period. There was an increase in the specific mortality rate for malignant neoplasm of the breast in order of 33%, with range from 23.2 to 30.8 / 100,000 inhabitants. The states with the highest human development HDI in 2010, showed the largest specific mortality rates of breast cancer. Conclusion: Taking the trends of mortality from cancer an important role, this study confirms the need for improvements in mammography coverage, following radiological lesions suspected and access to appropriate therapy. &nbsp

    La extensión como herramienta para la transversalidad en la formación social del ingeniero

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    Es objetivo del presente trabajo incentivar la reflexión sobre el cambio en la formación del futuro Ingeniero al incorporar temáticas sociales en su currícula, con continuidad a través del tiempo, en forma ordenada y de ser posible en forma obligatoria. Dichos contenidos se incorporarían de manera práctica, permitiendo además una aplicación y apropiación de los conocimientos impartidos.Publicado en Terceras Jornadas de Investigación, Transferencia y Extensión. La Plata : Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2015.Facultad de Ingenierí

    La extensión como herramienta para la transversalidad en la formación social del ingeniero

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    Es objetivo del presente trabajo incentivar la reflexión sobre el cambio en la formación del futuro Ingeniero al incorporar temáticas sociales en su currícula, con continuidad a través del tiempo, en forma ordenada y de ser posible en forma obligatoria. Dichos contenidos se incorporarían de manera práctica, permitiendo además una aplicación y apropiación de los conocimientos impartidos.Publicado en Terceras Jornadas de Investigación, Transferencia y Extensión. La Plata : Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2015.Facultad de Ingenierí

    La extensión como herramienta para la transversalidad en la formación social del ingeniero

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    Es objetivo del presente trabajo incentivar la reflexión sobre el cambio en la formación del futuro Ingeniero al incorporar temáticas sociales en su currícula, con continuidad a través del tiempo, en forma ordenada y de ser posible en forma obligatoria. Dichos contenidos se incorporarían de manera práctica, permitiendo además una aplicación y apropiación de los conocimientos impartidos.Publicado en Terceras Jornadas de Investigación, Transferencia y Extensión. La Plata : Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2015.Facultad de Ingenierí