124 research outputs found

    The structure of academic self-concept. A methodological review and empirical illustration of central models

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    The structure of academic self-concept (ASC) is assumed to be multidimensional and hierarchical. This methodological review considers the most central models depicting the structure of ASC: a higher-order factor model, the Marsh/Shavelson model, the nested Marsh/Shavelson model, a bifactor representation based on exploratory structural equation modeling, and a first-order factor model. We elaborate on how these models represent the theoretical assumptions on the structure of ASC and outline their inherent psychometric properties. We analyzed these models using a data set of German 10th-grade students (N = 1,232) including a wide range of domain-specific ASCs as well as general ASC. The correlations among ASCs and between ASCs and academic achievement varied depending on the structural model used. We conclude with discussing recommendations for research purposes and advantages and limitations of each ASC model. Our approach may also guide research on other affective or motivational constructs (e.g., academic anxiety or interest). (DIPF/Orig.

    Efficient Bioelectrochemical Conversion of Industrial Wastewater by Specific Strain Isolation and Community Adaptation

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    The aim of this study was the development of a specifically adapted microbial community for the removal of organic carbon from an industrial wastewater using a bioelectrochemical system. In a first step, ferric iron reducing microorganisms were isolated from the examined industrial wastewater. In a second step, it was tested to what extent these isolates or a cocultivation of the isolates with the exoelectrogenic model organism Geobacter sulfurreducens (G. sulfurreducens) were able to eliminate organic carbon from the wastewater. To establish a stable biofilm on the anode and to analyze the performance of the system, the experiments were conducted first under batch-mode conditions for 21 days. Since the removal of organic carbon was relatively low in the batch system, a similar experiment was conducted under continuous-mode conditions for 65 days, including a slow transition from synthetic medium to industrial wastewater as carbon and electron source and variations in the flow rate of the medium. The overall performance of the system was strongly increased in the continuous- compared to the batch-mode reactor and the highest average current density (1,368 mA/m2) and Coulombic efficiency (54.9%) was measured in the continuous-mode reactor inoculated with the coculture consisting of the new isolates and G. sulfurreducens. The equivalently inoculated batch-mode system produced only 82-fold lower current densities, which were accompanied by 42-fold lower Coulombic efficiencies

    Exploring health-related needs of elderly people (70+) at home : a qualitative study from Switzerland

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    Background: The elderly represents the fastest growing group in our population. Since there is a close relationship between the number of older people and health care expenditure, promoting healthy aging has become an important topic. However, it is essential to understand first the needs of this population in order to create suitable programs and activities. Methods: A qualitative design was used in this study to explore the subjective views of elderly people and to learn more about their health-related needs. A total of 12 participants were recruited using a consecutive sampling strategy. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by employing a summarizing content analysis. Results: This study has identified 4 areas of health-related needs: Independence and autonomy, social security, structure in daily life and community and belonging, where all categories are interrelated and interact with one other. Conclusion: Focusing more on community-based approaches would support creating a conducive environment. Also, home visits undertaken by a specialized nurse focused on health risks and disabilities could be an adequate approach to support the elderly population in an efficient way and to offer targeted programs and activities

    Proteine als Bausteine von innovativen Lebensmitteln

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    Veränderte Lebensgewohnheiten und neue Lebensstile der Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten haben einen immer stärker werdenden Einfluss auf die Lebensmittelindustrie. Die interdisziplinäre Forschung an der HAFL bemüht sich daher, die Bedürfnisse der Verbrauchergemeinschaft zu verstehen und in neue Konzepte zu übersetzen

    The Non-Affected Muscle Volume Compensates for the Partial Loss of Strength after Injection of Botulinum Toxin A

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    Local botulinum toxin (BTX-A, Botox®) injection in overactive muscles is a standard treatment in patients with cerebral palsy. The effect is markedly reduced in children above the age of 6 to 7. One possible reason for this is the muscle volume affected by the drug. Nine patients (aged 11.5; 8.7–14.5 years) with cerebral palsy GMFCS I were treated with BTX-A for equinus gait at the gastrocnemii and soleus muscles. BTX-A was administered at one or two injection sites per muscle belly and with a maximum of 50 U per injection site. Physical examination, instrumented gait analysis, and musculoskeletal modelling were used to assess standard muscle parameters, kinematics, and kinetics during gait. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to detect the affected muscle volume. All the measurements were carried out pre-, 6 weeks post-, and 12 weeks post-BTX-A. Between 9 and 15% of the muscle volume was affected by BTX-A. There was no effect on gait kinematics and kinetics after BTX-A injection, indicating that the overall kinetic demand placed on the plantar flexor muscles remained unchanged. BTX-A is an effective drug for inducing muscle weakness. However, in our patient cohort, the volume of the affected muscle section was limited, and the remaining non-affected parts were able to compensate for the weakened part of the muscle by taking over the kinetic demands associated with gait, thus not enabling a net functional effect in older children. We recommend distributing the drug over the whole muscle belly through multiple injection sites

    RETRACTED ARTICLE: Age-dependent Increase in Desmosterol Restores DRM Formation and Membrane-related Functions in Cholesterol-free DHCR24−/− Mice

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    Cholesterol is a prominent modulator of the integrity and functional activity of physiological membranes and the most abundant sterol in the mammalian brain. DHCR24-knock-out mice lack cholesterol and accumulate desmosterol with age. Here we demonstrate that brain cholesterol deficiency in 3-week-old DHCR24−/− mice was associated with altered membrane composition including disrupted detergent-resistant membrane domain (DRM) structure. Furthermore, membrane-related functions differed extensively in the brains of these mice, resulting in lower plasmin activity, decreased β-secretase activity and diminished Aβ generation. Age-dependent accumulation and integration of desmosterol in brain membranes of 16-week-old DHCR24−/− mice led to the formation of desmosterol-containing DRMs and rescued the observed membrane-related functional deficits. Our data provide evidence that an alternate sterol, desmosterol, can facilitate processes that are normally cholesterol-dependent including formation of DRMs from mouse brain extracts, membrane receptor ligand binding and activation, and regulation of membrane protein proteolytic activity. These data indicate that desmosterol can replace cholesterol in membrane-related functions in the DHCR24−/− mous

    Exploiting Locally Imposed Anisotropies in (Ga,Mn)As: a Non-volatile Memory Device

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    Progress in (Ga,Mn)As lithography has recently allowed us to realize structures where unique magnetic anisotropy properties can be imposed locally in various regions of a given device. We make use of this technology to fabricate a device in which we study transport through a constriction separating two regions whose magnetization direction differs by 90 degrees. We find that the resistance of the constriction depends on the flow of the magnetic field lines in the constriction region and demonstrate that such a structure constitutes a non-volatile memory device

    Entwicklung eines Fachkräftebedarfsscreenings für Österreich. Endbericht 2023

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    Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen und Limitationen bei der Feststellung von Fachkräftemangel in Österreich und bietet darauf aufbauend Empfehlungen für zukünftige Möglichkeiten eines Fachkräftebedarfsscreenings

    Age-dependent Increase in Desmosterol Restores DRM Formation and Membrane-related Functions in Cholesterol-free DHCR24−/− Mice

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    Cholesterol is a prominent modulator of the integrity and functional activity of physiological membranes and the most abundant sterol in the mammalian brain. DHCR24-knock-out mice lack cholesterol and accumulate desmosterol with age. Here we demonstrate that brain cholesterol deficiency in 3-week-old DHCR24−/− mice was associated with altered membrane composition including disrupted detergent-resistant membrane domain (DRM) structure. Furthermore, membrane-related functions differed extensively in the brains of these mice, resulting in lower plasmin activity, decreased β-secretase activity and diminished Aβ generation. Age-dependent accumulation and integration of desmosterol in brain membranes of 16-week-old DHCR24−/− mice led to the formation of desmosterol-containing DRMs and rescued the observed membrane-related functional deficits. Our data provide evidence that an alternate sterol, desmosterol, can facilitate processes that are normally cholesterol-dependent including formation of DRMs from mouse brain extracts, membrane receptor ligand binding and activation, and regulation of membrane protein proteolytic activity. These data indicate that desmosterol can replace cholesterol in membrane-related functions in the DHCR24−/− mous

    Nachhaltigkeit im industriellen Umfeld

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    Im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung "Nachhaltigkeit im industriellen Umfeld" im Masterstudiengang Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik der Hochschulen Konstanz und Ravensburg-Weingarten wurde 2015 eine studentische Fachkonferenz durchgeführt. Die Studierenden entwickelten in Einzelarbeit oder als Zweierteam Konferenzbeiträge zu folgenden Themen: - Innovationen und Spannendes aus dem Bereich der Energieerzeugung und -wandlung - Aspekte der Schließung von Stoffkreisläufen und Vermeidung von Schadstoffeinträgen in die Umwelt - Chancen und Herausforderungen Nachwachsender Rohstoffe bei verschiedenen Einsatzmöglichkeiten sowie Themen der Nachhaltigkeit in der Landwirtschaft - verschiedene Blickwinkel auf das Thema Wasser (von der Abwasserreinigung bis zum Wasserkonsum der Konsumenten) - die Betrachtung spezifischer Industrien und Unternehmen sowie deren Werkzeuge zur Umsetzung von Nachhaltigkeit Die Ergebnisse der studentischen Fachkonferenz zur „Nachhaltigkeit im industriellen Umfeld“ werden in der vorliegenden Publikation präsentiert