45 research outputs found

    Professionals’ characteristics, victim’s gender, and case assessments as predictors of professional judgments in child protection

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    Scant research on child protection professionals\u27 decision-making demonstrates complexity of identifying and responding to child maltreatment. In order to understand processes involved in professionals’ judgements, methodological approaches are needed which allow that multiple potentially relevant factors are evaluated. A technique of vignettes was used in this study of 87 Croatian and 72 Swedish social workers. The first aim was to investigate if professional’s individual characteristics and experiences and their social welfare system/culture were related to professionals’ reactions to a case of alleged child abuse depicted in a vignette. Results showed that age, parenthood status, length of professional experience, frequency of corporal punishment and bruises in childhood and a country of residence correlated with particular variables from the domain of case assessments and judgements about appropriate interventions. The second aim was to determine the relative contributions of professionals’ characteristics, victim’s gender and case assessments to explaining differences in judgements about appropriateness of removing a child from home compulsorily and maintaining a child at home with social support being offered. Female gender of the abused child, perceptions of father’s violence, previous judgements about appropriate interventions and assessment of risk and main problem/s at the final stage predicted judgements about removing a child from home

    The School Playground as a Meeting Place for Hard of Hearing Children

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    The school playground is the main social arena for children attending classes for hard of hearing pupils, where they can meet and mix with other children. Their social interplay with other children is rather restricted during their spare time. For the hard of hearing children in this study, their school environment has shifted from one dominated by spoken language (at a mainstream compulsory school) to one dominated by the use of sign language (at a special school). Video-camera observations of the children playing during school breaks showed that, at the mainstream school, the hearing and hard of hearing children used the school playground in an unequal way. The hard of hearing children played at the periphery of the playground and the hearing children in the central interaction areas. In the special school the hard of hearing children played in the central interaction areas and often with deaf schoolmates. Thus, in the integrated environment the hard of hearing children were socially excluded and in the segregated environment they were socially included


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    Janusz Korczak was a Polish writer, doctor and leader in the field of education and social work who introduced the concept of children’s rights in the early 20th century. Through his work Korczak contributed to the first international treaty to address children’s rights: the 1924 Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was not opened for ratification until 1989. Twenty-five years later, in 2014, children, young people and adults from 41 countries spanning the continents of Africa, America, Europe, Asia and Oceania met at a world conference on children’s rights and participation titled Children as Actors for Transforming Society (CATS).

    Om socionomutbildningar, forskarutbildningar och samtliga avhandlingar i socialt arbete 1980-2012 : Förteckning över samtliga doktors- och licentiatavhandlingar i socialt arbete i Sver

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    Den hĂ€r rapporten innehĂ„ller en sammanstĂ€llning av samtliga avhandlingar som skrivits inom Ă€mnet socialt arbete i Sverige sedan Ă€mnet etablerades som ett akademiskt Ă€mne Den första avhandlingen inom Ă€mnet kom 1980 och handlade om barnavĂ„rd-slagstiftningens roll i socialt förĂ€ndringsarbete och sĂ€rskilt om barns rĂ€tt (Krantz, 1980:1). Det Ă€r skriven pĂ„ ett tema som fortfarande 2013 ett mycket aktuellt tema. Sammanlagt 319 avhandlingar i socialt arbete har skrivits fram till och med december 2012 vid svenska universitet och högskolor (se bilaga 1). De har skrivits vid Göteborgs universitet, Högskolan i Jönköping, LinnĂ©universitetet, Lunds universitet, Malmö högskola, Mittuniversitetet, Stockholms universitet, UmeĂ„ universitet, och Örebro universite

    Speak up! Giving a voice to Europe’s most vulnerable children : About the rights of deaf and hard-of-hearing children in Sweden

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    Speak up! Giving a voice to Europe's most vulnerable children will focus on children aged 12–15 years belonging to particularly vulnerable groups in eight European countries. There are children from the travelling community (travellers), Roma children, children with disabilities, children living in poor urban neighbourhoods, unaccompanied refugee children, refugee children, and children taken into care. These are categories of children whose rights are often violated and whose voices are less likely to be heard. The study will also include children from regular groups from the same eight countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, and the UK. The rights to health care and special care are important for the deaf or hard-of-hearing children in Sweden. It is also important that children are entitled by adults to protection from sexual exploitation and that children have the right to express their opinion. The articles that started more of engaged discussion was the right to education and to information. The students gave several examples from their everyday life when they experienced problematic situations or discriminationIngĂ„r i projekt1?IngĂ„r i projektOm publikationen ingĂ„r i ett projekt, ange projektets namn. För att ange flera projekt, klicka pĂ„ Ytterligare projekt.x</p

    TvÄsprÄkigt projekt med mix av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod : Studie med döva och hörselskadade ungdomar pÄ svenska och svenskt teckensprÄk.

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    Under lĂ€sĂ„ret 2007/2008 genomfördes pĂ„ riksgymnasiet för döva och hörselskadade (RGD/RGH) i Öre­bro projektet Vi Ă€r en grupp fast tvĂ„ Ă€ndĂ„. Projektet genomfördes av Örebro universitet i samarbete med Riksförbundet för döva, hörselskadade och sprĂ„kstörda barn (DHB), Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund (SDR), Hörselskadades Riksförbund (Hrf), Unga Hörselskadade (UH), Sveriges Dövas Ungdomsförbund (SDU), Riksgymnasierna för döva (RGD) och för hörselskadade (RGH). Det övergripande syftet med studien har varit att lyfta fram hörselskadade och döva ungdomarnas erfarenheter frĂ„n skolan, men ocksĂ„ deras idĂ©er, önskningar och visioner. MĂ„let har varit att öka ungdomarnas delaktighet i stu­dien genom att ge dem möjlighet att kommunicera pĂ„ det sprĂ„k de sjĂ€lva ansett sig vara mest bekvĂ€ma med – svenska eller svenskt teckensprĂ„k. Ungdomarna har i samtliga delstudier i projektet kunnat vĂ€lja vilket sprĂ„k de önskat kom­municera pĂ„. Syftet med den hĂ€r delrapporten Ă€r dels att beskriva de tvĂ„sprÄ­kiga forskningsmetoder som anvĂ€nts och dels att reflektera över be­tydelsen av att genomföra studier dĂ€r brukares delaktighet spelar en central roll i formulerandet av vilka frĂ„gestĂ€llningar som Ă€r centrala. Tidigare har resultat frĂ„n projektet redovisats i rapporterna Vi Ă€r en grupp fast tvĂ„ Ă€ndĂ„. Elevers erfarenheter av Riksgymnasiet för döva och hörselskadade, 2008; Sammanfattning av Vi Ă€r en grupp fast tvĂ„ Ă€ndĂ„, 2008 och DĂ€rför gĂ„r jag inte till skolan, 2008. Den senare rapporten innehĂ„ller intervjuer med nĂ„gra ungdomar om ofta skolkar. FrĂ„n projektet kommer att publiceras ytterligare rapporter.Vi Ă€r en grupp fast tvĂ„ Ă€nd

    Focus groups with creative elements, PI – interviews

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    Svenska och engelska socialarbetares professionella status, arbetsglÀdje och besvikelser

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    The joy is seeing people being able to change themselves. It's enabling people to change. That is joy; to see someone has understood and got something back out of it; to make their lives better. That is joy[1]. Socialt arbete Àr ett kreativt arbete dÀr den ena dagen inte Àr den andra lik. Att genom sina arbetsinsatser göra det möjligt för mÀnniskor att förÀndras sÄ att de kan leva ett bÀttre och mindre utsatt liv ger bÄde svenska och engelska socialarbetare arbetsglÀdje. Det som gör socialarbetare besvikna Àr nÀr det byrÄkratiska eller politiska systemet osynliggör eller försvÄrar det emotionellt omgestaltande arbetet tillsammans med klienterna. Svenska och engelska socialarbetare hade i början pÄ 90-talet en samstÀmmig uppfattning om att de som professionella aktörer inte hade hög status. I den engelska vÀlfÀrdsstaten blÄste det motvind för socialarbetarna medan de svenska socialarbetarna under hela 90-talet befunnit sig i medvind. [1] Citat frÄn intervju med engelsk socialarbetare