3,018 research outputs found

    Monster and Robot Go to The Shay for Five-Dollar Mini-Gelatos

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    Natural environment and settlement in Chonge District, Eastern Muri Mountains, Northeastern Nigeria : an interdisciplinary case study

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    The craggy and hilly Muri Mountains, which are situated to the north of the Benue Lowlands, are an area with a complex pattern of settlement. This roughly 80 km long and 20 km wide mountainous area is inhabited by about 20 ethnic groups belonging to different language families. The present ethnic and linguistic situation is understood as the result of a complex series of migrations and adaptations to the natural environment. This paper will describe actual movements of settlements and consider certain conditions which may have been relevant in the decision to leave a settlement or choose a new one. The most important conditions will be the accessibility of arable land and/or pasture, accessibility of water, and conditions dependent on the historical and political context such as affording of security and possibility of defence. Therefore an interdisciplinary approach seems to be appropriate to evaluate the natural conditions for settlement and cultivation of the various places from a geographer´s point of view, to interrogate into the historical aspects and motifs of the settlement patterns and migrations with a thorough ethnological background, as well as to gain additional information from a linguistic analysis of toponymes and contact phenomena of the languages spoken in the area

    Multilingual Language Processing From Bytes

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    We describe an LSTM-based model which we call Byte-to-Span (BTS) that reads text as bytes and outputs span annotations of the form [start, length, label] where start positions, lengths, and labels are separate entries in our vocabulary. Because we operate directly on unicode bytes rather than language-specific words or characters, we can analyze text in many languages with a single model. Due to the small vocabulary size, these multilingual models are very compact, but produce results similar to or better than the state-of- the-art in Part-of-Speech tagging and Named Entity Recognition that use only the provided training datasets (no external data sources). Our models are learning "from scratch" in that they do not rely on any elements of the standard pipeline in Natural Language Processing (including tokenization), and thus can run in standalone fashion on raw text

    Concept for a large multipurpose launch vehicle

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    Multipurpose single stage launch vehicle configuration feasibility stud

    An assessment of ground-based techniques for detecting other planetary systems. Volume 1: An overview

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    The feasibility and limitations of ground-based techniques for detecting other planetary systems are discussed as well as the level of accuracy at which these limitations would occur and the extent to which they can be overcome by new technology and instrumenation. Workshop conclusions and recommendations are summarized and a proposed high priority program is considered

    Zum Landnutzungswandel in der sĂĽdlichen Sudanzone am Beispiel des Bauchi State (Nordost-Nigeria)

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    In der südlichen Sudanzone Westafrikas sind die Aktivitäten des wirtschaftenden Menschen seit langer Zeit die Hauptfaktoren der Landschafts- und Vegetationsgestaltung. Die ursprüngliche natürliche Vegetationsdecke - entsprechend der klimatischen Gegebenheiten wahrscheinlich laubabwerfende Trockenwälder - ist durch anthropogene Eingriffe in vielfältiger Weise verändert oder auch gänzlich beseitigt worden. Die Veränderungen bestehen einerseits aus direkten Eingriffen durch Rodung (für Siedlungs- und Anbauflächen), die selektive Nutzung von Pflanzen (Brennholzeinschlag und Holzkohleherstellung, Bauholznutzung, Beweidung, Laubschneiteln und Sammeltätigkeiten) und durch gelegte Buschfeuer (Aufspüren von Jagdwild, Stimulanz neuen Graswachstums und "Öffnen" der Pflanzendecke vor Unterkulturnahme). Andererseits haben die anthropogenen Einwirkungen je nach Art, Intensität und Dauer auch die natürlichen Standortbedingungen (vor allem Boden, Wasserhaushalt und Klima) verändert. Nicht zu vernachlässigen sind des Weiteren die nachhaltigen Eingriffe in den Wildtierbestand. In weiten Teilen Westafrikas wurde der am Anfang des 20. Jahrhundert noch recht arten- und individuenreichen Wildtierbestand fast vollständig verdrängt oder ausgerottet. Im vorliegenden Beitrag sollen am Beispiel des südöstlichen Bauchi State die Veränderungen der allgemeinen sozioökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen und die wichtigsten Maßnahmen zur Entwicklung der Land- und Forstwirtschaft und der dadurch bedingte Landnutzungswandel skizziert werden. Ausgangspunkt ist dabei der Zustand der Landschaft zu Beginn der Kolonialzeit, die hier in der ersten Dekade des 20. Jahrhunderts begann

    The Reading Railroad 1892-1893: Combination to Collapse

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    Submitted to the Undergraduate Library Research Award scholarship competition: (2015-2016). 24 pagesWhen the Reading Railroad combined with two other railroad companies in 1892, it controlled more than half of New York City’s market for anthracite coal. Twelve months later, the company collapsed. This paper tracks the events of those twelve months, particularly the actions of the Reading’s president, Archibald A. McLeod, or as his contemporaries called him, “the Napoleon of Railroads.” Though state and federal government committees proposed legislation to curb the Reading’s burgeoning power, the source of the Reading’s troubles was more clandestine. Ultimately, John Pierpont Morgan played the decisive role in the collapse, usurping McLeod’s ambitions to regain control of the Reading. The story displays important features of American railroad business during the 1890’s: the role of government, monopolistic discourse, and divergent meanings of a company. But more fundamentally, the collapse harmed all Americans, as it began the Panic of 1893

    Intersection problems in combinatorics

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    With the publication of the famous Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem in 1961, intersection problems became a popular area of combinatorics. A family of combinatorial objects is t-intersecting if any two of its elements mutually t-intersect, where the latter concept needs to be specified separately in each instance. This thesis is split into two parts; the first is concerned with intersecting injections while the second investigates intersecting posets. We classify maximum 1-intersecting families of injections from {1, ..., k} to {1, ..., n}, a generalisation of the corresponding result on permutations from the early 2000s. Moreover, we obtain classifications in the general t>1 case for different parameter limits: if n is large in terms of k and t, then the so-called fix-families, consisting of all injections which map some fixed set of t points to the same image points, are the only t-intersecting injection families of maximal size. By way of contrast, fixing the differences k-t and n-k while increasing k leads to optimal families which are equivalent to one of the so-called saturation families, consisting of all injections fixing at least r+t of the first 2r+t points, where r=|_ (k-t)/2 _|. Furthermore we demonstrate that, among injection families with t-intersecting and left-compressed fixed point sets, for some value of r the saturation family has maximal size . The concept that two posets intersect if they share a comparison is new. We begin by classifying maximum intersecting families in several isomorphism classes of posets which are linear, or almost linear. Then we study the union of the almost linear classes, and derive a bound for an intersecting family by adapting Katona's elegant cycle method to posets. The thesis ends with an investigation of the intersection structure of poset classes whose elements are close to the antichain. The overarching theme of this thesis is fixing versus saturation: we compare the sizes and structures of intersecting families obtained from these two distinct principles in the context of various classes of combinatorial objects
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