416 research outputs found

    Apprentissage de prototypes de caracteres a partir de l'image d'un texte manuscrit et avec l'aide d'un operateur

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    Ce rapport décrit la réalisation d'une interface permettant à un opérateur d'extraire de l'image d'un texte manuscrit des prototypes de caractères et des les accumuler dans une base de données devant servir ultérieurement à la reconnaissance de l'écrit. L'utilité d'une telle interface intervient dans le cas où la reconnaissance de l'écrit s'applique à de longs documents ayant un style particulier (par ex. documents anciens). La méthode utilisée part d'une représentation des caractères par le contour et résout la difficulté que constitue l'isolement d'un caractère en sur-segmentant légérement l'image des contours par rapport à une segmentation en caractères. L'opérateur rassemble ensuite les segments pour former les prototypes de caractère. This report describes the realisation of an interface by which an operator can extract character prototypes from the image of a handwritten text and accumulate them into a database, which will be used afterwards for text recognition. Such an interface is usefull in the case where text recognition is required for long documents with a particular writing style (e.g. ancient documents). The method applied in this system, based on a boundary representation of characters, solves in the following manner the difficulty of isolating a character. The boundary image is slightly over-segmented with respect to a segmentation into characters. The operator gathers then the segments composing a single character

    Mental health treatment seeking by military members with posttraumatic stress disorder : findings on rates, characteristics, and predictors from a nationally representative Canadian military sample

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    Objective: The goal of this study was to identify rates, characteristies, and predictors of mental health treatment seeking by military members with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Method: Our sample was drawn from the 2002 Canadian Community Health Survey-Canadian Forces Supplement (CCHS-CF) dataset. The CCHS-CF is the first epidemiologic survey of PTSD and other mental health conditions in the Canadian military and includes 8441 nationally representative Canadian Forces (CF) members. Of those, 549 who met the criteria for lifetime PTSD were included in our analyses. To identify treatment rates and characteristics, we examined frequency of treatment contact by professional and facility type. To identify predictors of treatment seeking, we conducted a binary logistic regression with lifetime treatment seeking as the outcome variable. Results: About two-thirds of those with PTSD consulted with a professional regarding mental health problems. The most frequently consulted professionals, during both the last year and lifetime, included social workers and counsellors, medical doctors and general practitioners, and psychiatrists. Consultations during the last year most often took place in a CF facility. Treatment seeking was predicted by cumulative lifetime trauma exposure, index traumatic event type, PTSD symptom interference, and comorbid major depressive disorder. Those with comorbid depression were 3.75 times more likely to have sought treatment than those without. Conclusions: Although a significant portion of military members with PTSD sought mental health treatment, 1 in 3 never did. Trauma-related and illness and (or) need factors predicted treatment seeking. Of all the predictors of treatment seeking, comorbid depression most increased the likelihood of seeking treatment

    Instabilités et rupture d'un rideau liquide par amplifications de perturbations locales

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    Nous étudions expérimentalement la propagation de perturbations locales au sein d'un rideau liquide formé par ruissellement en écoulement continu. Une perturbation locale génère des ondes de surface susceptibles de s'amplifier et de mener à la rupture du rideau. Nous présentons différents régimes d'instabilités en variant à la fois le débit d'alimentation, ainsi que la force et la forme de la perturbations

    Analyse généalogique et structure de la population. L’ascendance des natifs de la vallée de la Valserine (Jura français), XVIIe-XXesiècles

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    Nous avons procédé à la reconstitution des réseaux généalogiques ascendants de tous les individus nés dans la vallée de la Valserine (Jura français) tels qu’ils sont connus par le dépouillement systématique des registres paroissiaux et d’état civil des cinq communes de cette vallée, de la fin du XVIIes. à nos jours. Notre propos est de mener une analyse quantitative de ces réseaux généalogiques ascendants pour caractériser l’ensemble de la population native de la vallée. S’agit-il d’une population homogène ou au contraire est-elle formée de plusieurs groupes présentant des histoires généalogiques contrastées ? Les analyses, fondées sur la complétude de l’information disponible, montrent que les individus nés dans la vallée peuvent être classés en deux groupes : ceux dont l’ascendance locale, par un ancêtre au moins, est établie depuis l’origine des documents disponibles et ceux ne possédant pas d’ascendance locale continue. Cette observation est vérifiée quelle que soit la période de naissance étudiée et révèle l’existence d’une « structure généalogique » de la population. Nous proposons également une méthode originale pour établir le coefficient de déperdition de l’information généalogique entre la seconde et la quatrième générations ascendantes, calcul établi aussi bien de manière relative qu’absolue. Finalement, nous reprenons la conclusion d’une étude précédente (Heyer 1993), mais en montrant que la structure de population observée (existence d’un noyau stable permanent et de flux constants d’entrées et de sorties) n’est pas une construction observée uniquement au XXes. du fait des mouvements migratoires récents. Une structure identique pouvait déjà être observée parmi les natifs du début du XVIIIes. L’étude des rangs SOSA des ascendants montre un lien entre la probabilité de maintien sur place d’une lignée familiale et le sexe des ascendants.Using the parish and civil records of five townships of the Valserine Valley, we have reconstructed the genealogical networks of all the individuals born in this valley from the end of the 17th century to the present day. Our goal is to make a quantitative analysis of these genealogical networks to characterise this population. Is this population homogeneous or can we find several groups with contrasting genealogical histories? Our analysis shows the existence of two groups of natives: the individuals with at least one ancestor present in the valley, in each generation, from the end of the 17th century, and those whose local ancestry is not continuous. This observation can be made whatever the period of birth studied and it reveals the existence of a genealogical structure in the population. We also propose an original method to calculate a coefficient of loss (absolute and relative) of the genealogical information between the second and the fourth ascending generation. Finally, we take up the conclusion of a previous study (Heyer 1993) but by showing that this population structure (a permanent stable nucleus with constant flows of immigrants and emigrants) is not a construction observed only during the 20th century due to recent migrations. In fact, the same observation can be made for the individuals born at the beginning of the 18th century. The SOSA rankings of the ancestors show a relation between the probability for a genealogical line to stay in the valley and the sex of the ancestors born in the valley

    Indole 3-acetic acid, indoxyl sulfate and paracresyl-sulfate do not influence anemia parameters in hemodialysis patients

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    International audienceBackground: The main reason for anemia in renal failure patients is the insufficient erythropoietin production by the kidneys. Beside erythropoietin deficiency, in vitro studies have incriminated uremic toxins in the pathophysiology of anemia but clinical data are sparse. In order to assess if indole 3-acetic acid (IAA), indoxyl sulfate (IS), and paracresyl sulfate (PCS)-three protein bound uremic toxins-are clinically implicated in end-stage renal disease anemia we studied the correlation between IAA, IS and PCS plasmatic concentrations with hemoglobin and Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents (ESA) use in hemodialysis patients. Methods: Between June and July 2014, we conducted an observational cross sectional study in two hemodialysis center. Three statistical approaches were conducted. First, we compared patients treated with ESA and those not treated. Second, we performed linear regression models between IAA, IS, and PCS plasma concentrations and hemoglobin, the ESA dose over hemoglobin ratio (ESA/Hemoglobin) or the ESA resistance index (ERI). Third, we used a polytomous logistic regression model to compare groups of patients with no/low/high ESA dose and low/high hemoglobin statuses

    Data-driven simulation for augmented surgery

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    International audienceTo build an augmented view of an organ during surgery, it is essential to have a biomechanical model with appropriate material parameters and boundary conditions , able to match patient specific properties. Adaptation to the patient's anatomy is obtained by exploiting the image-rich context specific to our application domain. While information about the organ shape, for instance, can be obtained preoper-atively, other patient-specific parameters can only be determined intraoperatively. To this end, we are developing data-driven simulations, which exploit information extracted from a stream of medical images. Such simulations need to run in real-time. To this end we have developed dedicated numerical methods, which allow for real-time computation of finite element simulations. The general principle consists in combining finite element approaches with Bayesian methods or deep learning techniques, that allow to keep control over the underlying computational model while allowing for inputs from the real world. Based on a priori knowledge of the mechanical behavior of the considered organ, we select a constitutive law to model its deformations. The predictive power of such constitutive law highly depends on the knowledge of the material parameters and A. Mendizaba

    SOniCS: Develop intuition on biomechanical systems through interactive error controlled simulations

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    This new approach allows the user to experiment with model choices easily and quickly without requiring in-depth expertise, as constitutive models can be modified by one line of code only. This ease in building new models makes SOniCS ideal to develop surrogate, reduced order mod- els and to train machine learning algorithms for uncertainty quantification or to enable patient-specific simulations. SOniCS is thus not only a tool that facilitates the development of surgical training simulations but also, and perhaps more importantly, paves the way to increase the intuition of users or otherwise non-intuitive behaviors of (bio)mechanical systems. The plugin uses new developments of the FEniCSx project enabling au- tomatic generation with FFCx of finite element tensors such as the local residual vector and Jacobian matrix. We validate our approach with nu- merical simulations such as manufactured solutions, cantilever beams, and benchmarks provided by FEBio. We reach machine precision accuracy and demonstrate the use of the plugin for a real-time haptic simulation involv- ing a surgical tool controlled by the user in contact with a hyperelastic liver. We include complete examples showing the use of our plugin for sim- ulations involving Saint Venant-Kirchhoff, Neo-Hookean, Mooney-Rivlin, and Holzapfel Ogden anisotropic models as supplementary material.Submitted preprin

    Use of stereo-laparoscopic liver surface reconstruction to compensate for pneumoperitoneum deformation through biomechanical modeling.

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    International audienceAbdominal organs undergo large deformations due to intra-abdominal pressure (pneumoperitoneum) during laparoscopic surgery, especially large organs such as the liver [2]. These deformations cause large inaccuracies when using surgical navigation systems [2]. Fortunately, intra-operative imaging through CT/MRIcan be acquired in modern hybrid ORs as well as la-paroscopic ultrasound and can both be used to provide an updated organ models. However, these medical imaging modalities are expensive and may extendthe surgical workflow, hence, biomechanical models could be used as a solution for intra-operative regis-tration, also to account for organ deformations due to surgical manipulation. Within this study, we propose asolution to compensate for pneumoperitoneum, which could greatly increase the accuracy of liver surgical navigation systems
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