31 research outputs found

    Antonovsky Bütünlük Duygusu Ölçeği ve Hemşirelik Araştırmalarında Kullanımının Sistematik İncelemesi: Ruh Sağlığı ve Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Açısından Anlamlar

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    Text in English and TurkishObjectives: Antonovsky’s salugenetic model focuses on factors that promote health and well-being. The objectives of this paper were to review the existing research literature related to Antonovsky’s Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC) and establish implications for psychiatric and mental health nurses. Methods: Electronic databases were searched with selected studies compared for sample, sample size, study designs and basic results. Cross-sectional studies were reviewed for correlations between personality traits, stress, burnout, disease-scales, job satisfaction and the SOC scale, with Intervention studies used to establish the impact of training on the SOC. Results: The review discovered serious methodological difficulties, including interpretations of Antonovsky’s philosophical values and the apparent use of the SOC scales as a measure of disease absence. Conclusion: The review was able to draw important conclusions for psychiatric and mental health nurses (PMHNs) related to stress, burnout, dealing with psychiatric emergencies and the selection of new recruits to the profession.peer-reviewe

    Patientenorientierter Bedarf im Alltag der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie: eine empirisch explorierende Untersuchung zu pädagogischen Handlungsgrundlagen Sozialer Arbeit in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie

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    Bruland D. Patientenorientierter Bedarf im Alltag der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie: eine empirisch explorierende Untersuchung zu pädagogischen Handlungsgrundlagen Sozialer Arbeit in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2017.Die Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie wird vorrangig als ein medizinisches Feld verstanden; die Klinik steht u. a. fachlich unter medizinischer Leitung (siehe Krankenhausgesetz des Landes NRW - KHG NRW) und die Leistungen werden nach den Kriterien des SGB V (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung) bestimmt. Neben der Besonderheit des Behandlungsgebietes seelischer Erkrankungen kommt in dieser Klinik ebenfalls die Lebensphase von Heranwachsenden als weitere Besonderheit hinzu, die mit alterstypischen Entwicklungsaufgaben über das medizinische Aufgabenfeld hinausweisen. Die Klientel der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie sind Kinder und Jugendliche mit Verhaltensauffälligkeiten, psychischen Problemen und psychischen Erkrankungen, die in medizinisch ausgerichteten Versorgungseinrichtungen behandelt werden müssen. Die Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie ist für Patienten temporär ein Lebenszusammenhang. Die Patienten haben als Einweisungsgrund psychische Probleme und sind deswegen in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, aber sie bleiben stets Kinder und Jugendliche mit besonderen Bedürfnissen. Die Arbeit verfolgt und untersucht die Annahme, dass die psychiatrisch relevanten Lebenssituationen der Kinder und Jugendlichen in diesem als vorrangig verstandenen medizinischen Feld eine speziell ausgerichtete pädagogische Konzeption bedarf, um so zu einem förderlichen Milieu, i. S. der Förderung und Stärkung gesunder Anteile der Kinder und Jugendlichen (Entwicklungsförderung), beizutragen. Wesentlicher Bestandteil pädagogischer Aufgaben in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie ist die Alltagsgestaltung des Klinikaufenthalts. Die Soziale Arbeit kann aufgrund ihrer Ausbildungsinhalte Prozesse begleiten und somit eine vorrangige Stellung bei der Alltagsgestaltung einnehmen (vgl. Heimann und Schmeck 2012). Ein Fokus liegt dabei auf der Alltagsbewältigung von wahrgenommenen Verhältnissen, um hieran an die gesunden Anteile der Patienten anzuknüpfen. Mittels Interviews mit Psychiatrieerfahrenen und Mitarbeiter/innen wird dem Erkenntnisinteresse dieser Arbeit nachgegangen. Das Erkenntnisinteresse liegt auf der Profession der Sozialen Arbeit in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, ausgehend von dem Handlungskonzept der Lebensweltorientierung und der Frage, wie die Profession konzeptionell auf die (Handlungs-)Anforderungen in der Alltagsgestaltung der Kinder und Jugendlichen reagieren kann

    Child and Youth Health Literacy: A Conceptual Analysis and Proposed Target-Group-Centred Definition.

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    Bröder J, Okan O, Bollweg TM, Bruland D, Pinheiro P, Bauer U. Child and Youth Health Literacy: A Conceptual Analysis and Proposed Target-Group-Centred Definition. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2019;16(18): 3417.(1) Background: This article adopts an interdisciplinary perspective to analyse, examine, and reflect upon prominent health literacy (HL) understandings in childhood and youth. (2) Method: The conceptual analysis combined Rodgers' and Jabareen's approaches to conceptual analysis in eight phases. (3) Results: First, we present exploratory entry points for developing a child-specific HL understanding based on the six dimensions of a 'health-literacy 6D model'. Second, we describe and reflect upon five meta-level dimensions covering the HL definitions and models for children and youth found in the conceptual analysis. Third, we integrate our findings into a target-group-centred HL definition for children and youth. (4) Discussion/Conclusion: This article raises awareness for the heterogeneity of the current conceptual HL debate. It offers a multidisciplinary approach for advancing the existing understanding of HL. Four recommendations for future actions are deduced from the following four principles, which are inherent to the proposed target-group-centred HL definition: (a) to characterize HL from an asset-based perspective, (b) to consider HL as socially embedded and distributed, (c) to recognize that HL develops both in phases and in flexible ways, and (d) to consider the multimodal nature of health-related information. Further research is necessary to test the feasibility and applicability of the proposed definition and conceptual understanding in both research and practice

    Generic health literacy measurement instruments for children and adolescents:a systematic review of the literature

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    Background Health literacy is an important health promotion concern and recently children and adolescents have been the focus of increased academic attention. To assess the health literacy of this population, researchers have been focussing on developing instruments to measure their health literacy. Compared to the wider availability of instruments for adults, only a few tools are known for younger age groups. The objective of this study is to systematically review the field of generic child and adolescent health literacy measurement instruments that are currently available. Method A systematic literature search was undertaken in five databases (PubMed, CINAHL, PsycNET, ERIC, and FIS) on articles published between January 1990 and July 2015, addressing children and adolescents ?18 years old. Eligible articles were analysed, data was extracted, and synthesised according to review objectives. Results Fifteen generic health literacy measurement instruments for children and adolescents were identified. All, except two, are self-administered instruments. Seven are objective measures (performance-based tests), seven are subjective measures (self-reporting), and one uses a mixed-method measurement. Most instruments applied a broad and multidimensional understanding of health literacy. The instruments were developed in eight different countries, with most tools originating in the United States (n =?6). Among the instruments, 31 different components related to health literacy were identified. Accordingly, the studies exhibit a variety of implicit or explicit conceptual and operational definitions, and most instruments have been used in schools and other educational contexts. While the youngest age group studied was 7-year-old children within a parent-child study, there is only one instrument specifically designed for primary school children and none for early years. Conclusions Despite the reported paucity of health literacy research involving children and adolescents, an unexpected number of health literacy measurement studies in children?s populations was found. Most instruments tend to measure their own specific understanding of health literacy and not all provide sufficient conceptual information. To advance health literacy instruments, a much more standardised approach is necessary including improved reporting on the development and validation processes. Further research is required to improve health literacy instruments for children and adolescents and to provide knowledge to inform effective interventionspublishersversionPeer reviewe

    Familiäre Konstellationen und Erwartungen bei Schulabsentismus

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    Bollweg P. Familiäre Konstellationen und Erwartungen bei Schulabsentismus. In: Drucks S, Bruland D, eds. Kritische Lebensereignisse und die Herausforderungen für die Schule. 1st ed. Weinheim Basel: Beltz Juventa; 2019: 25-45

    Subjective illness theories & help-seeking processes in families affected by parental mental illness

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    Wahl P, Bruland D, Lenz A. Subjective illness theories & help-seeking processes in families affected by parental mental illness. In: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Vol 28. OXFORD UNIV PRESS; 2018: 219

    Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten sind im Nachteil. Erfahrungen zur Förderung der Gesundheitskompetenz in der Eingliederungshilfe

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    Bruland D, Geukes C, Latteck Ä-D. Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten sind im Nachteil. Erfahrungen zur Förderung der Gesundheitskompetenz in der Eingliederungshilfe. Forum Sozialarbeit + Gesundheit. 2019;2019(2):20-23

    Health literacy in people with intellectual disabilities: A mixed-method literature review

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    Geukes C, Bruland D, Latteck Ä-D. Health literacy in people with intellectual disabilities: A mixed-method literature review. Kontakt. 2018;20(4):e416-e423

    Promoting physical activity in everyday life of people with intellectual disabilities: An intervention overview

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    Nutsch N, Bruland D, Latteck Ä-D. Promoting physical activity in everyday life of people with intellectual disabilities: An intervention overview. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. 2021: 174462952110264.People with intellectual disabilities show significantly lower levels of physical activity than the general population in respect to all consequences for health. A positive effect of physical activity on health preservation has been proven, but interventions for physical activity in everyday life seem to be rare for people with intellectual disabilities. Based on a previously conducted scoping review the Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklist was prepared. This article describes and compares physical activity interventions in everyday life for individuals with intellectual disabilities with the aim to of identifying successful strategies and areas for improvement. The 12 included interventions are heterogeneous, but commonalities and similarities can be identified. There are suggestions for successful strategies to implement physical activity interventions. However, much information could not be found. The promotion of healthier lifestyles is important to improve the overall health in this population