148 research outputs found

    Clinical relevance of sensitization to lupine in peanut-sensitized adults

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    Background: The use of lupine in food has been increasing during the last decade and allergic reactions to lupine have been reported, especially in peanut-allergic patients. The frequency and the degree of cross-reactivity to other legumes are not known. The aim of the study was to investigate the frequency of sensitization to lupine, and in addition to pea and soy, and its clinical relevance, in peanutsensitized patients. Furthermore, to determine the eliciting dose (ED) for lupine using double-blind placebo-controlled food challenges (DBPCFC). Methods: Thirty-nine unselected peanut-sensitized patients were evaluated by skin prick tests (SPT) and ImmunoCAP to lupine, pea, and soy. Clinical reactivity was measured by DBPCFC for lupine, and by history for pea and soy. Results: Eighty-two percent of the study population was sensitized to lupine, 55% to pea, and 87% to soy. Clinically relevant sensitization to lupine, pea, or soy occurred in 35%, 29%, and 33% respectively of the study population. None of the patients was aware of the use of lupine in food. The lowest ED for lupine, inducing mild subjective symptoms, was 0.5 mg, and the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) was 0.1 mg. No predictive factors for lupine allergy were found. Conclusion: In peanut-sensitized patients, clinically relevant sensitization to either lupine or to pea or soy occurs frequently. The ED for lupine is low (0.5 mg), which is only five fold higher than for peanut. Patients are not aware of lupine allergy and the presence of lupine in food, indicating that education is important to build awareness

    Lupine Allergy: Not Simply Cross-Reactivity with Peanut or Soy

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    Background: Reports of lupine allergy are increasing as its use in food products increases. Lupine allergy might be the consequence of cross-reactivity after sensitization to peanut or other legumes or de novo sensitization. Lupine allergens have not been completely characterized. Objectives: We sought to identify allergens associated with lupine allergy, evaluate potential cross-reactivity with peanut, and determine eliciting doses (EDs) for lupine allergy by using double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges. Methods: Six patients with a history of allergic reactions to lupine flour were evaluated by using skin prick tests, CAP tests, and double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges. Three of these patients were also allergic to peanut. Lupine allergens were characterized by means of IgE immunoblotting and peptide sequencing. Results: In all 6 patients the ED for lupine flour was 3 mg or less for subjective symptoms and 300 mg or more for objective symptoms. The low ED and moderate-to-severe historical symptoms indicate significant allergenicity of lupine flour. Two patients allergic to lupine but not to peanut displayed IgE binding predominantly to approximately 66-kd proteins and weak binding to 14- and 24-kd proteins, whereas patients with peanut allergy and lupine allergy showed weak binding to lupine proteins of about 14 to 21 or 66 kd. Inhibition of binding was primarily species specific. Conclusion: Lupine allergy can occur either separately or together with peanut allergy, as demonstrated by 3 patients who are cosensitized to peanut and lupine. Clinical implications: Lupine flour is allergenic and potentially cross-reactive with peanut allergen, thus posing some risk if used as a replacement for soy flour

    Food allergy in the Netherlands: differences in clinical severity, causative foods, sensitization and DBPCFC between community and outpatients

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    Background: It is unknown whether food allergy (FA) in an unselected population is comparable to those from an outpatient clinic population. Objective: To discover if FA in a random sample from the Dutch community is comparable to that of outpatients. Methods: This study was part of the Europrevall-project. A random sample of 6600 adults received a questionnaire. Those with symptoms to one of 24 defined priority foods were tested for sΙgE. Participants with a positive case history and elevated sIgE were evaluated by double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge (DBPCFC). Outpatients with a suspicion of FA were evaluated by questionnaire, sIgE and DBPCFC. Results: In the community, severe symptoms were reported less often than in outpatients (39.3% vs. 54.3%). Participants in the community were less commonly sensitized to any of the foods. When selecting only those with a probable FA (i.e. symptoms of priority food and elevation of sIgE to the respective food), no major differences were observed with respect to severity, causative foods, sensitization and DBPCFC between the groups. Conclusion: In the Netherlands, there are large differences in self-reported FA between community and outpatients. However, Dutch community and outpatients with a probable FA do not differ with respect to severity, causative foods, sensitization and DBPCFC-outcome

    Development of ranking system for higher education of Ukraine

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    A system of determination of university ranking in Ukraine was developed based on the creation of the corresponding methods adequate to the structure, peculiarities and conditions of the Ukrainian universities functioning. A complex of organizational and program-technical means was proposed for collection of the necessary data and determination of university rankings. For specialists in the field of higher education management, those seeking for higher education and employers.Разработана система определения рейтингов университетов Украины, которая основывается на создании определенной методики, адекватной структуре, особенностям и условиям функционирования отечественной высшей школы. Предложен комплекс организационных и программно-технических средств, который применяется при сборе данных и определении оценок рейтингов университетов для специалистов в области управления высшим образованием, а также желающих получить образование и работодателей.Розроблено систему визначення рейтингів університетів України, яка ґрунтується на створенні відповідної методики, адекватної до структури, особливостей та умов функціонування вітчизняної вищої школи. Запропоновано комплекс організаційних і програмно-технічних засобів, що застосовується при збиранні даних та визначенні оцінок рейтингів університетів для фахівців у галузі управління вищою освітою, а також бажаючих отримати освіту та роботодавців

    Role of Langerhans cells in atopic disease

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    So far, the role of antigen-presenting cells in atopic disorders has been underestimated. Recent observations, made in the skin of patients with atopic dermatitis and in the nasal mucosa of patients with allergic rhinitis suggest that Langerhans cells, being tissue-specific dendritic cells with potent antigen-presenting capacity, play an important role in the allergic inflammatory response. Evidence is presented that Langerhans cells even play a crucial role in directing the type of the allergic reaction mechanis