3,505 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of H2 adsorbed on graphene

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    The phase diagram of the first layer of H2_2 adsorbed on top of a single graphene sheet has been calculated by means of a series of diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) simulations. We have found that, as in the case of 4^4He, the ground state of molecular hydrogen is a 3Ă—3\sqrt3 \times \sqrt3 commensurate structure, followed, upon a pressure increase, by an incommensurate triangular solid. A striped phase of intermediate density was also considered, and found lying on top of the equilibrium curve separating both commensurate and incommensurate solids.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    E-Science, Data Preservation and Open Access at Max Planck Society

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    Will more coordinated Open Access policies be developed?

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    Supersolidity in quantum films adsorbed on graphene and graphite

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    Using quantum Monte Carlo we have studied the superfluid density of the first layer of 4^4He and H2_2 adsorbed on graphene and graphite. Our main focus has been on the equilibrium ground state of the system, which corresponds to a registered 3Ă—3\sqrt3 \times \sqrt3 phase. The perfect solid phase of H2_2 shows no superfluid signal whereas 4^4He has a finite but small superfluid fraction (0.67%). The introduction of vacancies in the crystal makes the superfluidity increase, showing values as large as 14% in 4^4He without destroying the spatial solid order.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in PR

    Quantized vortices around wavefront nodes, 2

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    Quantized vortices can occur around nodal points in wavefunctions. The derivation depends only on the wavefunction being single valued, continuous, and having continuous first derivatives. Since the derivation does not depend upon the dynamical equations, the quantized vortices are expected to occur for many types of waves such as electromagnetic and acoustic. Such vortices have appeared in the calculations of the H + H2 molecular collisions and play a role in the chemical kinetics. In a companion paper, it is shown that quantized vortices occur when optical waves are internally reflected from the face of a prism or particle beams are reflected from potential energy barriers

    Minimal Flavor Violation and the Scale of Supersymmetry Breaking

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    In this paper we explore the constraints from B-physics observables in SUSY models of Minimal Flavor Violation, in the large tan beta regime, for both low and high scale supersymmetry breaking scenarios. We find that the rare B-decays b -> s gamma and B_s -> mu+ mu- can be quite sensitive to the scale M at which supersymmetry breaking is communicated to the visible sector. In the case of high scale supersymmetry breaking, we show that the additional gluino contribution to the b -> s gamma and B_s -> mu+ mu- rare decay rates can be significant for large tan beta, mu and M_3. The constraints on B_u -> tau nu are relatively insensitive to the precise scale of M. We also consider the additional constraints from the present direct Higgs searches at the Tevatron in the inclusive H/A -> tau tau channel, and the latest CDMS direct dark matter detection experiments. We find that altogether the constraints from B-physics, Higgs physics and direct dark matter searches can be extremely powerful in probing regions of SUSY parameter space for low M_A and large tan beta, leading to a preference for models with a lightest CP-even Higgs mass close to the current experimental limit. We find interesting regions of parameter space that satisfy all constraints and can be probed by Higgs searches at the Tevatron and the LHC and by direct dark matter searches in the near future.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures. Added citations. Published in PR

    Cross Sections for the Production of He+ (np) 2P0 States by 50 to 150 keV Proton Impact on Helium

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    Cross sections have been measured for the production of He+ (np) 2Po states, n=2,3,4, by proton impact on helium over a projectile velocity range of 1.42–2.45 a.u. (50 ≤E≤150 keV). Cross sections were determined by measuring the extreme ultraviolet photons emitted from excited He1 ions. The data indicate a lower energy than expected for the maximum cross section. A comparison of the present results in terms of projectile energy dependance with the cross sections for excitation to He (1snp) 1Po, ionization, and total electron capture suggests the primary mechanism for the production of excited He+ at low energies is transfer excitation, with ionization excitation being the dominant mechanism at higher energies

    FUSE Observations of the Dwarf Novae UU Aql, BV Cen, and CH UMa in Quiescence

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    We report on FUSE spectra of three U Gem-type, long period, dwarf novae, UU Aql, BV Cen and CH UMa taken during their quiescence intervals. We discuss the line identifications in their spectra and attempt to characterize the source(s) of their FUV flux distribution. Archival IUE spectrum of CH UMa and BV Cen in quiescence were identified as having a matching flux level with the FUSE spectra and these were combined with each FUSE spectrum to broaden the wavelength coverage and further constrain model fits. Multi-component synthetic spectral fits from our model grids, consisting of single temperature white dwarfs, two-temperature white dwarfs, accretion disks and white dwarfs plus accretion disks, were applied to the FUSE spectra alone and to the combined FUSE + IUE spectra. We present the results of our model analyses and their implications.Comment: accepted in AJ, 26 pages, 6 tables, 8 figures (5 color, 3 b/w

    Phase transitions of H2 adsorbed on the surface of single carbon nanotubes

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    By means of Diffusion Monte Carlo calculations, we obtained the complete phase diagrams of H2_2 adsorbed on the outer surface of isolated armchair carbon nanotubes of radii ranging from 3.42 to 10.85 \AA. We only considered density ranges corresponding to the filling of the first adsorption layer in these curved structures. In all cases, the zero-temperature ground state was found to be an incommensurate solid, except in the widest tube, in which the structure with lowest energy is an analogous of the 3Ă—3\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3} phase found in planar substrates. Those incommensurate solids result form the arrangement of the hydrogen molecules in circumferences whose plane is perpendicular to the main axis of the carbon nanotube. For each tube, there is only one of such phases stable in the density range considered, except in the case of the (5,5) and (6,6) tubes, in which two of these incommensurate solids are separated by novel first order phase transitions.Comment: 5 pages. to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Noble gas films on a decagonal AlNiCo quasicrystal

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    Thermodynamic properties of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe adsorbed on an Al-Ni-Co quasicrystalline surface (QC) are studied with Grand Canonical Monte Carlo by employing Lennard-Jones interactions with parameter values derived from experiments and traditional combining rules. In all the gas/QC systems, a layer-by-layer film growth is observed at low temperature. The monolayers have regular epitaxial fivefold arrangements which evolve toward sixfold close-packed structures as the pressure is increased. The final states can contain either considerable or negligible amounts of defects. In the latter case, there occurs a structural transition from five to sixfold symmetry which can be described by introducing an order parameter, whose evolution characterizes the transition to be continuous or discontinuous as in the case of Xe/QC (first-order transition with associated latent heat). By simulating fictitious noble gases, we find that the existence of the transition is correlated with the size mismatch between adsorbate and substrate's characteristic lengths. A simple rule is proposed to predict the phenomenon.Comment: 19 pages. 8 figures. (color figures can be seen at http://alpha.mems.duke.edu/wahyu/ or http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0953-8984/19/1/016007/
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