1,944 research outputs found

    Van der Waals Interactions in Density Functional Theory by combining the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator-model with Localized Wannier Functions

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    We present a new scheme to include the van der Waals (vdW) interactions in approximated Density Functional Theory (DFT) by combining the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator model with the Maximally Localized Wannier Function technique. With respect to the recently developed DFT/vdW-WF2 method, also based on Wannier Functions, the new approach is more general, being no longer restricted to the case of well separated interacting fragments. Moreover, it includes higher than pairwise energy contributions, coming from the dipole--dipole coupling among quantum oscillators. The method is successfully applied to the popular S22 molecular database, and also to extended systems, namely graphite and H2_2 adsorbed on the Cu(111) metal surface (in this case metal screening effects are taken into account). The results are also compared with those obtained by other vdW-corrected DFT schemes

    Phase diagram of H2 adsorbed on graphene

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    The phase diagram of the first layer of H2_2 adsorbed on top of a single graphene sheet has been calculated by means of a series of diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) simulations. We have found that, as in the case of 4^4He, the ground state of molecular hydrogen is a 3Ă—3\sqrt3 \times \sqrt3 commensurate structure, followed, upon a pressure increase, by an incommensurate triangular solid. A striped phase of intermediate density was also considered, and found lying on top of the equilibrium curve separating both commensurate and incommensurate solids.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure


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    Livestock Production/Industries, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Surface term for the capillary condensation transitions in a slit geometry

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    It is shown that a bare simple fluid model (SFM) proposed some years ago for studying adsorption between two semi-infinite solid walls can be improved by modifying the surface term in the grand potential for the film phase. Such a correction substantially improves the agreement between the predictions for phase transitions provided by that SFM and results obtained from calculations carried out for 4^4He with the density-functional method at zero temperature. The corrective term depends on the strength of the adsorption potential and observables of bulk helium.Comment: 4 pages, 1 table and 5 figure

    Many-body dispersion effects in the binding of adsorbates on metal surfaces

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    A correct description of electronic exchange and correlation effects for molecules in contact with extended (metal) surfaces is a challenging task for first-principles modeling. In this work we demonstrate the importance of collective van der Waals dispersion effects beyond the pairwise approximation for organic--inorganic systems on the example of atoms, molecules, and nanostructures adsorbed on metals. We use the recently developed many-body dispersion (MBD) approach in the context of density-functional theory [Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 236402 (2012); J. Chem. Phys. 140, 18A508 (2014)] and assess its ability to correctly describe the binding of adsorbates on metal surfaces. We briefly review the MBD method and highlight its similarities to quantum-chemical approaches to electron correlation in a quasiparticle picture. In particular, we study the binding properties of xenon, 3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic acid (PTCDA), and a graphene sheet adsorbed on the Ag(111) surface. Accounting for MBD effects we are able to describe changes in the anisotropic polarizability tensor, improve the description of adsorbate vibrations, and correctly capture the adsorbate--surface interaction screening. Comparison to other methods and experiment reveals that inclusion of MBD effects improves adsorption energies and geometries, by reducing the overbinding typically found in pairwise additive dispersion-correction approaches

    Quantized vortices around wavefront nodes, 2

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    Quantized vortices can occur around nodal points in wavefunctions. The derivation depends only on the wavefunction being single valued, continuous, and having continuous first derivatives. Since the derivation does not depend upon the dynamical equations, the quantized vortices are expected to occur for many types of waves such as electromagnetic and acoustic. Such vortices have appeared in the calculations of the H + H2 molecular collisions and play a role in the chemical kinetics. In a companion paper, it is shown that quantized vortices occur when optical waves are internally reflected from the face of a prism or particle beams are reflected from potential energy barriers

    Phases of lattice hard core bosons in a periodic superlattice

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    We study by Quantum Monte Carlo simulations the phase diagram of lattice hard core bosons with nearest-neighbour repulsive interactions, in the presence of a super-lattice of adsorption sites. For a moderate adsorption strength, the system forms crystal phases registered with the adsorption lattice; a "supersolid" phase exists, on both the vacancy and interstitial sides, whereas at commensuration the superfluid density vanishes. The possible relevance of these results to experiments on 4^4He films adsorbed on graphite is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Electronic transport in a Cantor stub waveguide network

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    We investigate theoretically, the character of electronic eigenstates and transmission properties of a one dimensional array of stubs with Cantor geometry. Within the framework of real space re-normalization group (RSRG) and transfer matrix methods we analyze the resonant transmission and extended wave-functions in a Cantor array of stubs, which lack translational order. Apart from resonant states with high transmittance we unravel a whole family of wave-functions supported by such an array clamped between two-infinite ordered leads, which have an extended character in the RSRG scheme, but, for such states the transmission coefficient across the lead-sample-lead structure decays following a power-law as the system grows in size. This feature is explained from renormalization group ideas and may lead to the possibility of trapping of electronic, optical or acoustic waves in such hierarchical geometries
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