32 research outputs found

    Helminths of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Lithuania

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    Red foxes and raccoon dogs are hosts for a wide range of parasites including important zoonotic helminths. The raccoon dog has recently invaded into Europe from the east. The contribution of this exotic species to the epidemiology of parasitic diseases, particularly parasitic zoonoses is unknown. The helminth fauna and the abundance of helminth infections were determined in 310 carcasses of hunted red foxes and 99 of raccoon dogs from Lithuania. Both species were highly infected with Alaria alata (94·8% and 96·5% respectively) and Trichinella spp. (46·6% and 29·3%). High and significantly different prevalences in foxes and raccoon dogs were found for Eucoleus aerophilus (97·1% and 30·2% respectively), Crenosoma vulpis (53·8% and 15·1%), Capillaria plica (93·3% and 11·3%), C. putorii (29·4% and 51·5%), Toxocara canis (40·5% and 17·6%) and Uncinaria stenocephala (76·9% and 98·8%). The prevalences of the rodent-transmitted cestodes Echinococcus multilocularis, Taenia polyacantha, T. crassiceps and Mesocestoides spp. were significantly higher in foxes than in raccoon dogs. The abundances of E. multilocularis, Mesocestoides, Taenia, C. plica and E. aerophilus were higher in foxes than those in raccoon dogs. A. alata, U. stenocephala, C. putorii and Echinostomatidae had higher abundances in raccoon dogs. The difference in prevalence and abundance of helminths in both animals may reflect differences in host ecology and susceptibility. The data are consistent with red foxes playing a more important role than raccoon dogs in the transmission of E. multilocularis in Lithuani

    Collaborative control initiatives targeting zoonotic agents of alveolar echinococcosis in the northern hemisphere

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    Alveolar echinococcosis is one of the most important lethal zoonotic helminth infections in the northern hemisphere. Currently, the threat to public health is increasing, as evidenced by the rising prevalence rate of alveolar echinococcosis, as well as the invasion of urban areas by infected wild foxes. This threat is further increased due to the involvement of pet dogs, and probably cats, as emerging sources of infection. These increased threats to public health also have associated economic risks; therefore, there is a need for effective and sustainable methods of control. In this paper, initiatives to control alveolar echinococcosis by targeting its definitive hosts through anthelmintic baiting campaigns initiated by local residents who used local resources for bait production, distribution and collection of fecal samples for diagnosis are described. Further, when such distribution programs are coupled with the use of GIS-based maps, the optimum distribution of bait was obtained. These programs have also included the use of intravital diagnostic analyses of infection rates, which have been overseen by the Forum on Environment and Animals (FEA), and also allowed a nationwide monitoring of echinococcosis in difinitive hosts. In addition, a government initiative requiring mandatory reporting of echinococcosis in dogs to health authorities was recently initiated in Japan. Overall, the results of this study have shown that use of collaborative control initiatives targeting zoonotic agents of alveolar echinococcosis can be an effective method for reducing the threat of lethal echinococcosis in the northern hemisphere

    Sodium cholate and lithocholic acid impact to copper nanoparticles sorption and reactive oxygen species formation in E. coli bacteria

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    Nanodalelės naudojamos įvairiose srityse, tokiose kaip kosmetika, autotransportas, medicina ir maisto pramonė, be to jos gali susidaryti savaime, dėl gamtos reiškinių ar žmonių veiklos. Nanotechnologijos sparčiai populiarėja pasaulyje ir labai svarbu gilintis į nanodalelių poveikio, kuris priklauso nuo nanodalelių kilmės, paviršiaus krūvio, dydžio ir eilės kitų veiksnių, mikroorganizmams mechanizmus. Šiame darbe analizuojamas Cu ir CuO nanodalelių, dengtų natrio cholatu ir litocholio rūgštimi, poveikis E. coli bakterijų, jų sferoplastų gyvybingumui ir sorbcijos mechanizmai šiose bakterijose ir jų sferoplastuose. Tyrimuose buvo naudojami minimalios slopinančiosios koncentracijos, kolonijas formuojančių vienetų nustatymo, vario sorbcijos bakterijose ir aktyviųjų deguonies formų, naudojant dichlorfluoresceino diacetatą, spektrometriniai metodai. Antibakteriniai mechanizmai priklauso nuo įvairių veiksnių, todėl tyrimams pasirinktos skirtingos prigimties ir dydžio nanodalelės. Taip pat biologinės kilmės paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagos: natrio cholatas ir litocholio rūgštis, kurios manoma, padidina ir palengviną nanodalelių sorbciją bakterijose. Nustatyta, kad skirtinga nanodalelių prigimtis lemia nanodalelių poveikį bakterijų gyvybingumui. Veikiant polinėmis CuO nanodalelėmis E. coli bakterijoms ir jų sferoplastams MSK vario nanodalelių koncentracija yra 5000 μg/ml, o nepolinių Cu nanodalelių MSK E. coli bakterijoms – 1250 μg/ml, o sferoplastams – 625 μg/ml. Prigimtis lemia ir skirtingą patekimą į ląsteles. Nepolinių Cu nanodalelių į bakterijas patenka 0,84 μmol daugiau, nei polinių CuO nanodalelių. Dėl litocholio rūgšties poveikio vario į sferoplastus patenka 2,22 μmol daugiau, kai jie buvo veikiami Cu nanodalelėmis lyginant su CuO dalelėmis. Taip pat ir natrio cholato atveju, vario į sferoplastus patenka 1,19 μmol daugiau, kai jie buvo veikiami Cu nanodalelėmis lyginant su CuO nanodalelėmis. Atlikus ROS susidarymo tyrimus nustatyta, kad nepolinės Cu nanodalelės formuoja daugiau ROS bakterijose, nei polinės CuO nanodalelės.Nanoparticles are used in different areas such as cosmetics, automotive industry, medicine, and food industry, they can occur because of people urban activity or nature phenomena also. As nanotechnologies increasing its demand, it is important to study nanoparticles impact on microorganisms, which depends on nanoparticles origin, surface charge etc. In this work we analyzed impact of sodium cholate and lithocholic acid coating of Cu and CuO nanoparticles on viability of E. coli bacteria and their spheroplasts, as well as sorption mechanisms. Antibacterial mechanisms depend on various factors, consequently for research we chose different origin and size nanoparticles to work with. It is considered that surface active agents increase and facilitate nanoparticles sorption into bacteria, therefore nanoparticles were coated with natural bile salts - sodium cholate and lithocholic acid. Also, we evaluated the amount of reactive oxygen species, using dichlorfluorescin diacetate, which cause oxidative stress and death of bacteria. It is established that bacteria viability depends on the nature of copper nanoparticles. Affecting bacteria with polar copper nanoparticles MIC concentration is 5000 μg/ml, while non-polar Cu nanoparticles MIC concentration is 1250 μg/ml. Origin of NP determine different access into bacteria. Non-polar origin Cu nanoparticles pass into bacteria 0,84 μmol more than polar CuO nanoparticles. Due to litocholic acid coating, Cu passes 2,22 μmol more than CuO nanoparticles. Sodium cholate coating sorption affects the same way as litocholic acid, Cu NP passes 1,19 μmol more compared to CuO NP. After reactive oxygen species generation research, it is clear, that non-polar nanoparticles have higher activity, while forming ROS, than polar nanoparticles.Gamtos mokslų fakultetasBiochemijos katedr

    Epidemiology of echinococcus species with reference to helminths of red foxes (vulpes vulpes) and raccoon dogs (nyctereutes procyonoides) in Lithuania

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    Red foxes and raccoon dogs as well as domestic dogs are transmitters of few important zoonotic helminths such as E. multilocularis, E. granulosus, Trichinella spp. and Toxocara canis that can cause AE, CE, trichinellosis and toxocarosis respectively. Although a rare disease in humans, AE is of considerable public health importance because it can be lethal. Human CE is less pathogenic than AE however, is more widespread and in endemic areas annual incidemce rates for CE reach up to 8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Published data on both Echinococcus species is missing in Lithuania. No information is available on the prevalence and the risks for transmission of E. multilocularis in Lithuania – the most dangerous zoonotic helminth species. E. multilocularis is of great concern in many European countries including the neighboring countries Poland, Belarus and Estonia where these species have already been detected in red foxes. The last study on E. granulosus was performed in 1964 by Danilevičius E. Since then, the agriculture has changed significantly in Lithuania. Large industrial pig and cattle farms collapsed after the independence and new small farms started to build up. Since Lithuania became a member of EU pig farms started to enlarge. However, recently 36% of pigs are still reared in small family farms (Department of Statistics) were home slaughtering for local consumption of pork is traditional. Additionally, no information is available on E. granulosus strains in Lithuania, which is an important epidemiological aspect. Therefore it is an important task to perform epidemiological studies for E. multilocularis and E. granulosus as well as to examine the prevalence of the other helminth species in red foxes and raccoon dogs in Lithuania. This study will help to understand better the main epidemiological aspects of Echinococcus spp. and will serve as a basis for the design of future, control strategies against these zoonoses in Lithuania

    Echinococcosis in pigs and intestinal infection with Echinococcus spp. in dogs in southwestern Lithuania

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    Cystic echinococcosis is a major emerging zoonosis in many Eastern European and Asian countries. Post slaughter examinations of 684 pig livers in Lithuania revealed significantly higher numbers of Echinococcus granulosus infections in animals from family farms (13.2%; 95% CI 10.7-16.2) as compared with those from industrial farms (4.1%; 95% CI 0.8-11.5). The prevalence was also significantly higher in pigs older than 1 year than in younger ones. In addition, in 0.5% of the pigs from the family farms, infertile and calcified E. multilocularis lesions were identified by PCR. Faecal samples from rural dogs (n=240) originating from 177 family farms in 12 villages were investigated for taeniid eggs with two methods. Significantly more dogs excreting taeniid eggs were diagnosed with the flotation/sieving method (n=34) as compared to the modified McMaster method (n=12). Multiplex PCR performed with DNA from taeniid eggs isolated from faeces of 34 dogs revealed 26 infections with Taenia spp., 9 with E. granulosus and 2 with E. multilocularis (4 cases with concurrent Taenia spp. and E. granulosus or E. multilocularis infections). Genotyping of E. granulosus cyst tissues from 7 pigs, 1 head of cattle and from E. granulosus eggs from 8 dog faeces revealed the genotype G6/7 ('pig/camel strain') in all cases. The high infection pressure with Echinococcus spp. in family farms necessitates initiating control programs

    The impact of inorganic and organic compounds of automotive brake pads onto viability of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus strains

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    According to European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) statistics, worldwide production of passenger cars is constantly rising. 77.7 million passenger cars were produced globally in 2016. Automotive brake pads are one of the main components of the braking system. The friction of surfaces causes the brake pads to break thus extracting the compounds used in its manufacturing into the environment. The subject of this research is to identify and quantify the inorganic and organic compounds of brake pads and to evaluate its effects onto viability of E.coli KMY-1 and S.aureus bacteria strains. Inorganic compounds were evaluated using X-ray energy dispersive method meanwhile ASE and HPLC-UV methods were used for the analysis of organic compounds. The effect of copper oxide nanoparticles and main organic compounds: phenol, naphthalene and anthracene extracted from the brake pads on viability of E.coli KMY-1 and S.aureus was evaluated by minimal inhibitory concentration and inhibition zone methodsBiochemijos katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta