504 research outputs found

    Computational prediction of the refinement of oxide agglomerates in a physical conditioning process for molten aluminium alloy

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    Physically conditioning molten scrap aluminium alloys using high shear processing (HSP) was recently found to be a promising technology for purification of contaminated alloys. HSP refines the solid oxide agglomerates in molten alloys, so that they can act as sites for the nucleation of Fe-rich intermetallic phases which can subsequently be removed by the downstream de-drossing process. In this paper, a computational modelling for predicting the evolution of size of oxide clusters during HSP is presented. We used CFD to predict the macroscopic flow features of the melt, and the resultant field predictions of temperature and melt shear rate were transferred to a population balance model (PBM) as its key inputs. The PBM is a macroscopic model that formulates the microscopic agglomeration and breakage of a population of a dispersed phase. Although it has been widely used to study conventional deoxidation of liquid metal, this is the first time that PBM has been used to simulate the melt conditioning process within a rotor/stator HSP device. We employed a method which discretizes the continuous profile of size of the dispersed phase into a collection of discrete bins of size, to solve the governing population balance equation for the size of agglomerates. A finite volume method was used to solve the continuity equation, the energy equation and the momentum equation. The overall computation was implemented mainly using the FLUENT module of ANSYS. The simulations showed that there is a relatively high melt shear rate between the stator and sweeping tips of the rotor blades. This high shear rate leads directly to significant fragmentation of the initially large oxide aggregates. Because the process of agglomeration is significantly slower than the breakage processes at the beginning of HSP, the mean size of oxide clusters decreases very rapidly. As the process of agglomeration gradually balances the process of breakage, the mean size of oxide clusters converges to a steady value. The model enables formulation of the quantitative relationship between the macroscopic flow features of liquid metal and the change of size of dispersed oxide clusters, during HSP. It predicted the variation in size of the dispersed phased with operational parameters (including the geometry and, particularly, the speed of the rotor), which is of direct use to experimentalists optimising the design of the HSP device and its implementation.This research is financially supported by the EC FP7 project “High Shear Processing of Recycled Aluminium Scrap for Manufacturing High Performance Aluminium Alloys” (Grant No. 603577)

    Alcohol Production as an Adaptive Livelihood Strategy for Women Farmers in Tanzania and Its Potential for Unintended Consequences on Women's Reproductive Health.

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    Although women occupy a central position in agriculture in many developing countries, they face numerous constraints to achieving their full potential including unequal access to assets and limited decision-making authority. We explore the intersection of agricultural livelihoods, food and economic security, and women's sexual and reproductive health in Iringa Region, Tanzania. Our goal was to understand whether the benefits of supporting women in the agricultural sector might also extend to more distal outcomes, including sexual and reproductive health. Using the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework to guide data collection, we conducted 13 focus group discussions (FGD) with female (n = 11) and male farmers (n = 2) and 20 in-depth interviews with agricultural extension officers (n = 10) and village agro-dealers (n = 10). Despite providing the majority of agricultural labor, women have limited control over land and earned income and have little bargaining power. In response to these constraints, women adopt adaptive livelihood strategies, such as alcohol production, that allow them to retain control over income and support their households. However, women's central role in alcohol production, in concert with the ubiquitous nature of alcohol consumption, places them at risk by enhancing their vulnerability to unsafe or transactional sex. This represents a dangerous confluence of risk for female farmers, in which alcohol plays an important role in income generation and also facilitates high-risk sexual behavior. Alcohol production and consumption has the potential to both directly and indirectly place women at risk for undesirable sexual and reproductive health outcomes. Group formation, better access to finance, and engaging with agricultural extension officers were identified as potential interventions for supporting women farmers and challenging harmful gender norms. In addition, joint, multi-sectoral approaches from health and agriculture and alternative income-generating strategies for women might better address the complexities of achieving safe and sustainable livelihoods for women in this context

    Risks of nonchromosomal birth defects, small-for-gestational age birthweight, and prematurity with in vitro fertilization: effect of number of embryos transferred and plurality at conception versus at birth

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    PURPOSE: Excess embryos transferred (ET) (> plurality at birth) and fetal heartbeats (FHB) at 6 weeks' gestation are associated with reductions in birthweight and gestation, but prior studies have been limited by small sample sizes and limited IVF data. This analysis evaluated associations between excess ET, excess FHB, and adverse perinatal outcomes, including the risk of nonchromosomal birth defects. METHODS: Live births conceived via IVF from Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, and Texas included 138,435 children born 2004-2013 (Texas), 2004-2016 (Massachusetts and North Carolina), and 2004-2017 (New York) were classified by ET and FHB. Major birth defects were reported by statewide registries within the first year of life. Logistic regression was used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (AORs) and 95% CIs of the risks of a major nonchromosomal birth defect, small-for-gestational age birthweight (SGA), low birthweight (LBW), and preterm birth (≀36 weeks), by excess ET, and excess ET + excess FHB, by plurality at birth (singletons and twins). RESULTS: In singletons with [2 ET, FHB =1] and [≄3 ET, FHB=1], risks [AOR (95% CI)] were increased, respectively, for major nonchromosomal birth defects [1.13 (1.00-1.27) and 1.18 (1.00-1.38)], SGA [1.10 (1.03-1.17) and 1.15 (1.05-1.26)], LBW [1.09 (1.02-1.13) and 1.17 (1.07-1.27)], and preterm birth [1.06 (1.00-1.12) and 1.14 (1.06-1.23)]. With excess ET + excess FHB, risks of all adverse outcomes except major nonchromosomal birth defects increased further for both singletons and twins. CONCLUSION: Excess embryos transferred are associated with increased risks for nonchromosomal birth defects, reduced birthweight, and prematurity in IVF-conceived births

    Comparison of different methods for DNA-free RNA isolation from SK-N-MC neuroblastoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>RNA quality and quantity are important factors for ensuring the accuracy of gene expression analysis and other RNA-based downstream applications. Extraction of high quality nucleic acids is difficult from neuronal cells and brain tissues as they are particularly rich in lipids. In addition, most common RNA extraction methods are phenol-based, resulting in RNA that may be incompatible with downstream applications such as gene expression.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>In this work, a comparative analysis of the RNA quality obtained from SK-N-MC cells was performed using six commonly used RNA isolation kits: two phenol-based kits and four non-phenol based kits. The non-phenol based kits tested AxyPrep Multisource Total RNA Miniprep, RNeasy<sup>Âź </sup>Mini, EasySpin and Ilustra RNAspin Mini RNA Isolation, all performed well and resulted in the isolation of high quality RNA, as evaluated by A<sub>260</sub>/A<sub>280</sub>. The RNA extracted with AxyPrep Multisource Total RNA Miniprep, RNeasy<sup>Âź </sup>Mini and EasySpin provided the highest RNA yields. In particular, the RNA isolated by AxyPrep Multisource Total RNA Miniprep Kit did not show any detectable genomic DNA contamination even without previous DNase treatment or after RNA direct PCR amplification using universal 18S primers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The RNA extracted from SK-N-MC cells with AxyPrep Multisource Total RNA Miniprep Kit was superior with respect to the RNA quality and concentration. This kit does not use aggressive organic solvents and RNA free of genomic DNA was isolated without the need for DNase treatment.</p

    Zoonotic Transfer of Clostridium difficile Harboring Antimicrobial Resistance between Farm Animals and Humans.

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    The emergence of Clostridium difficile as a significant human diarrheal pathogen is associated with the production of highly transmissible spores and the acquisition of antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) and virulence factors. Unlike the hospital-associated C. difficile RT027 lineage, the community-associated C. difficile RT078 lineage is isolated from both humans and farm animals; however, the geographical population structure and transmission networks remain unknown. Here, we applied whole-genome phylogenetic analysis of 248 C. difficile RT078 strains from 22 countries. Our results demonstrate limited geographical clustering for C. difficile RT078 and extensive coclustering of human and animal strains, thereby revealing a highly linked intercontinental transmission network between humans and animals. Comparative whole-genome analysis reveals indistinguishable accessory genomes between human and animal strains and a variety of antimicrobial resistance genes in the pangenome of C. difficile RT078. Thus, bidirectional spread of C. difficile RT078 between farm animals and humans may represent an unappreciated route disseminating antimicrobial resistance genes between humans and animals. These results highlight the importance of the "One Health" concept to monitor infectious disease emergence and the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance genes

    ‘Working with the media taught us a lot’: Understanding The Guardian’s Katine initiative

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    One of the more important ventures in the world of media and development over the past decade has been The Guardian newspaper’s ‘Katine’ project in Uganda. The newspaper, with funding from its readers and Barclays Bank, put more than 2.5 million pounds into a Ugandan sub-county over the course of 4 years. The project was profiled on a dedicated Guardian microsite, with regular updates in the printed edition of the newspaper. In this article, I look at the relationship that developed between journalists and the non-governmental organisation and show that the experience was both disorienting and reorienting for the development project that was being implemented. The scrutiny of the project that appeared on the microsite disoriented the non-governmental organisation, making its work the subject of public criticism. The particular issues explored by journalists also reoriented what the non-governmental organisation did on the ground. I also point to the ways the relationship grew more settled as the project moved along, suggesting the amount of work that sometimes goes into what is often characterised as the relatively uncritical relationship between journalists and non-governmental organisations

    Evaluation of mobile learning: Students' experiences in a new rural-based medical school

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mobile learning (ML) is an emerging educational method with success dependent on many factors including the ML device, physical infrastructure and user characteristics. At Gippsland Medical School (GMS), students are given a laptop at the commencement of their four-year degree. We evaluated the educational impact of the ML program from students' perspectives.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Questionnaires and individual interviews explored students' experiences of ML. All students were invited to complete questionnaires. Convenience sampling was used for interviews. Quantitative data was entered to SPSS 17.0 and descriptive statistics computed. Free text comments from questionnaires and transcriptions of interviews were thematically analysed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifty students completed the questionnaire (response rate 88%). Six students participated in interviews. More than half the students owned a laptop prior to commencing studies, would recommend the laptop and took the laptop to GMS daily. Modal daily use of laptops was four hours. Most frequent use was for access to the internet and email while the most frequently used applications were Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Students appreciated the laptops for several reasons. The reduced financial burden was valued. Students were largely satisfied with the laptop specifications. Design elements of teaching spaces limited functionality. Although students valued aspects of the virtual learning environment (VLE), they also made many suggestions for improvement.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Students reported many educational benefits from school provision of laptops. In particular, the quick and easy access to electronic educational resources as and when they were needed. Improved design of physical facilities would enhance laptop use together with a more logical layout of the VLE, new computer-based resources and activities promoting interaction.</p

    Sources, Distribution, and Fate of Microscopic Plastics in Marine Environments

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    Microplastics are pieces of plastic debris <5 mm in diameter. They enter the environment from a variety of sources including the direct input of small pieces such as exfoliating beads used in cosmetics and as a consequence of the fragmentation of larger items of debris. A range of common polymers, including polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and polyvinyl chloride, are present in the environment as microplastic particles. Microplastics are widely distributed in marine and freshwater habitats. They have been reported on shorelines from the poles to the equator; they are present at the sea surface and have accumulated in ocean systems far from land. Microplastics are also present in substantial quantities on the seabed. A wide range of organisms including birds, fish, and invertebrates are known to ingest microplastics and for some species it is clear that a substantial proportion of the population have microplastic in their digestive tract. The extent to which this might have harmful effects is not clear; however, the widespread encounter rate indicates that substantial quantities of microplastic may be distributed within living organisms themselves as well as in the habitats in which they live. Our understanding about the long-term fate of microplastics is relatively limited. Some habitats such as the deep sea may be an ultimate sink for the accumulation of plastic debris at sea; indeed, some recent evidence indicates quantities in the deep sea can be greater than at the sea surface. It has also been suggested that microplastics might be susceptible to biodegradation by microorganisms; however, this is yet to be established and the prevailing view is that even if emissions of debris to the environment are substantially reduced, the abundance of microplastics will increase over the next few decades. However, it is also clear that the benefits which plastics bring to society can be realized without the need for emissions of end-of-life plastics to the ocean. To some extent the accumulation of microplastic debris in the environment is a symptom of an outdated business model. There are solutions at hand and many synergistic benefits can be achieved in terms of both waste reduction and sustainable use of resources by moving toward a circular economy

    Feasibility and acceptability of artemisinin-based combination therapy for the home management of malaria in four African sites

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    BACKGROUND: The Home Management of Malaria (HMM) strategy was developed using chloroquine, a now obsolete drug, which has been replaced by artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) in health facility settings. Incorporation of ACT in HMM would greatly expand access to effective antimalarial therapy by the populations living in underserved areas in malaria endemic countries. The feasibility and acceptability of incorporating ACT in HMM needs to be evaluated. METHODS: A multi-country study was performed in four district-size sites in Ghana (two sites), Nigeria and Uganda, with populations ranging between 38,000 and 60,000. Community medicine distributors (CMDs) were trained in each village to dispense pre-packaged ACT to febrile children aged 6-59 months, after exclusion of danger signs. A community mobilization campaign accompanied the programme. Artesunate-amodiaquine (AA) was used in Ghana and artemether-lumefantrine (AL) in Nigeria and Uganda. Harmonized qualitative and quantitative data collection methods were used to evaluate CMD performance, caregiver adherence and treatment coverage of febrile children with ACTs obtained from CMDs. RESULTS: Some 20,000 fever episodes in young children were treated with ACT by CMDs across the four study sites. Cross-sectional surveys identified 2,190 children with fever in the two preceding weeks, of whom 1,289 (59%) were reported to have received ACT from a CMD. Coverage varied from 52% in Nigeria to 75% in Ho District, Ghana. Coverage rates did not appear to vary greatly with the age of the child or with the educational level of the caregiver. A very high proportion of children were reported to have received the first dose on the day of onset or the next day in all four sites (range 86-97%, average 90%). The proportion of children correctly treated in terms of dose and duration was also high (range 74-97%, average 85%). Overall, the proportion of febrile children who received prompt treatment and the correct dose for the assigned duration of treatment ranged from 71% to 87% (average 77%). Almost all caregivers perceived ACT to be effective, and no severe adverse events were reported. CONCLUSION: ACTs can be successfully integrated into the HMM strategy
