1,172 research outputs found

    GSUE: urban geochemical mapping in Great Britain

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    The British Geological Survey is responsible for the national strategic geochemical survey of Great Britain. As part of this programme, the Geochemical Surveys of Urban Environments (GSUE) project was initiated in 1992 and to date, 21 cities have been mapped. Urban sampling is based upon the collection of top (0.05 to 0.20 m) and deeper (0.35 to 0.50 m) soil samples on a 500 m grid across the built environment (1 sample per 0.25 km2). Samples are analysed for c. 46 total element concentrations by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRFS), pH and loss on ignition (LOI) as an indicator of organic matter content. The data provide an overview of the urban geochemical signature and because they are collected as part of a national baseline programme, can be readily compared with soils in the rural hinterland to assess the extent of urban contamination. The data are of direct relevance to current UK land use planning, urban regeneration and contaminated land legislative regimes. An overview of the project and applications of the data to human health risk assessment, water quality protection and contaminant source identification are presented

    Modelling of Tirapazamine effects on solid tumour morphology

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    Bioreductive drugs are in clinical practice to exploit the resistance from tumour microenvironments especially in the hypoxic region of tumour. We pre-sented a tumour treatment model to capture the pharmacology of one of the most prominent bioreductive drugs, Tirapazamine (TPZ) which is in clinical trials I and II. We calculated solid tumour mass in our previous work and then integrated that model with TPZ infusion. We calculated TPZ cytotoxicity, concentration, penetra-tion with increasing distance from blood vessel and offered resistance from micro-environments for drug penetration inside the tumour while considering each cell as an individual entity. The impact of these factors on tumour morphology is also showed to see the drug behaviour inside animals/humans tumours. We maintained the heterogeneity factors in presented model as observed in real tumour mass es-pecially in terms of cells proliferation, cell movement, extracellular matrix (ECM) interaction, and the gradients of partial oxygen pressure (pO2) inside tumour cells during the whole growth and treatment activity. The results suggest that TPZ high concentration in combination with chemotherapy should be given to get maximum abnormal cell killing. This model can be a good choice for oncologists and re-searchers to explore more about TPZ action inside solid tumour

    High power operation of a 17 GHz photocathode RF gun

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    Wear resistant multilayer nanocomposite WC1−x/C coating on Ti–6Al–4V titanium alloy

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    A significant improvement of tribological properties on Ti–6Al–4V has been achieved by developed in this study multilayer treatment method for the titanium alloys. This treatment consists of an intermediate 2 μm thick TiCxNy layer which has been deposited by the reactive arc evaporation onto a diffusion hardened material with interstitial O or N atoms by glow discharge plasma in the atmosphere of Ar+O2 or Ar+N2. Subsequently, an external 0.3 μm thin nanocomposite carbon-based WC1−x/C coating has been deposited by a reactive magnetron sputtering of graphite and tungsten targets. The morphology, microstructure, chemical and phase compositions of the substrate material after treatment and coating deposition have been investigated with use of AFM, SEM, EDX, XRD, 3D profilometry and followed by tribological investigation of wear and friction analysis. An increase of hardness in the diffusion treated near-surface zone of the Ti–6Al–4V substrate has been achieved. In addition, a good adhesion between the intermediate gradient TiCxNy coating and the Ti–6Al–4V substrate as well as with the external nanocomposite coating has been obtained. Significant increase in wear resistance of up to 94% when compared to uncoated Ti–6Al–4V was reported. The proposed multilayer system deposited on the Ti–6Al–4V substrate is a promising method to significantly increase wear resistance of titanium alloys

    Mapping aerial metal deposition in metropolitan areas from tree bark : a case study in Sheffield, England

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    We investigated the use of metals accumulated on tree bark for mapping their deposition across metropolitan Sheffield by sampling 642 trees of three common species. Mean concentrations of metals were generally an order of magnitude greater than in samples from a remote uncontaminated site. We found trivially small differences among tree species with respect to metal concentrations on bark, and in subsequent statistical analyses did not discriminate between them. We mapped the concentrations of As, Cd and Ni by lognormal universal kriging using parameters estimated by residual maximum likelihood ({\sc reml}). The concentrations of Ni and Cd were greatest close to a large steel works, their probable source, and declined markedly within 500~metres of it and from there more gradually over several kilometres. Arsenic was much more evenly distributed, probably as a result of locally mined coal burned in domestic fires for many years. Tree bark seems to integrate airborne pollution over time, and our findings show that sampling and analysing it are cost-effective means of mapping and identifying sources

    Is Schr\"{o}dinger's Conjecture for the Hydrogen Atom Coherent States Attainable

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    We construct the most general SO(4,2) hydrogen atom coherent states which are the counterpart of Schr\"{o}dinger's harmonic oscillator coherent states. We show that these states cannot be localized and cannot follow the classical orbits. Thus, Schr\"{o}dinger's conjecture for the hydrogen atom coherent states is unattainable.Comment: 10 pages, report

    Peculiarities of the stochastic motion in antiferromagnetic nanoparticles

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    Antiferromagnetic (AFM) materials are widely used in spintronic devices as passive elements (for stabilization of ferromangetic layers) and as active elements (for information coding). In both cases switching between the different AFM states depends in a great extent from the environmental noise. In the present paper we derive the stochastic Langevin equations for an AFM vector and corresponding Fokker-Planck equation for distribution function in the phase space of generalised coordinate and momentum. Thermal noise is modeled by a random delta-correlated magnetic field that interacts with the dynamic magnetisation of AFM particle. We analyse in details a particular case of the collinear compensated AFM in the presence of spin-polarised current. The energy distribution function for normal modes in the vicinity of two equilibrium states (static and stationary) in sub- and super-critical regimes is found. It is shown that the noise-induced dynamics of AFM vector has pecuilarities compared to that of magnetisation vector in ferromagnets.Comment: Submitted to EPJ ST, presented at the 4-th Conference on Statistical Physics, Lviv, Ukraine, 201

    A Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Classical Phase Space Structure on a Quantum System

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    We present a detailed numerical study of a chaotic classical system and its quantum counterpart. The system is a special case of a kicked rotor and for certain parameter values possesses cantori dividing chaotic regions of the classical phase space. We investigate the diffusion of particles through a cantorus; classical diffusion is observed but quantum diffusion is only significant when the classical phase space area escaping through the cantorus per kicking period greatly exceeds Planck's constant. A quantum analysis confirms that the cantori act as barriers. We numerically estimate the classical phase space flux through the cantorus per kick and relate this quantity to the behaviour of the quantum system. We introduce decoherence via environmental interactions with the quantum system and observe the subsequent increase in the transport of quantum particles through the boundary.Comment: 15 pages, 22 figure

    Fine Root Productivity and Dynamics on a Forested Floodplain in South Carolina

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    The highly dynamic, fine-root component of forested wetland ecosystems has received inadequate attention in the literature. Characterizing fine root dynamics is a challenging endeavor in any system, but the difficulties are particularly evident in forested floodplains where frequent hydrologic fluctuations directly influence fine root dynamics. Fine root (\u3c 3mm) biomass, production, and turnover were estimated for three soils exhibiting different drainage patterns within a mixed-oak community on the Coosawhatchie River floodplain, Jasper County, SC. Within a 45-cm deep vertical profile, 74% of total fine root biomass was restricted to the upper 15 cm of the soil surface. Fine root biomass decreased as the soil became less well-drained (e.g., fine root biomass in well-drained soil \u3e intermediately drained soil \u3e poorly drained soil). Fine root productivity was measured for one year using minirhizotrons and in-situ screens. Both methods suggested higher fine root production in better drained soils but showed frequent fluctuations in fine root growth and mortality, suggesting the need for frequent sampling at short intervals (e.g., monthly) to accurately assess fine root growth and turnover. Fine root production, estimated with in-situ screens, was 1.5, 1.8, and 0.9 Mg ha-1 yr-1 in the well-drained, intermediately drained, and poorly drained soils, respectively. Results from minirhizotrons indicated that fine roots in well-drained soils grew to greater depths while fine roots in poorly drained soils were restricted to surface soils. Minirhizotrons also revealed that the distribution of fine roots among morphological classes changed between well-drained and poorly drained soils
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