1,890 research outputs found

    Supplier selection under disaster uncertainty with joint procurement

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    Master of ScienceDepartment of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems EngineeringJessica L. Heier StammHealth care organizations must have enough supplies and equipment on hand to adequately respond to events such as terrorist attacks, infectious disease outbreaks, and natural disasters. This is achieved through a robust supply chain system. Nationwide, states are assessing their current supply chains to identify gaps that may present issues during disaster preparedness and response. During an assessment of the Kansas health care supply chain, a number of vulnerabilities were identified, one of which being supplier consolidation. Through mergers and acquisitions, the number of suppliers within the health care field has been decreasing over the years. This can pose problems during disaster response when there is a surge in demand and multiple organizations are relying on the same suppliers to provide equipment and supplies. This thesis explores the potential for joint procurement agreements to encourage supplier diversity by splitting purchasing among multiple suppliers. In joint procurement, two or more customers combine their purchases into one large order so that they can receive quantity discounts from a supplier. This research makes three important contributions to supplier selection under disaster uncertainty. The first of these is the development of a scenario-based supplier selection model under uncertainty with joint procurement. This optimization model can be used to observe customer purchasing decisions in various scenarios while considering the probability of disaster occurrence. Second, the model is applied to a set of experiments to analyze the results when supplier diversity is increased and when joint procurement is introduced. This leads to the third and final contribution: a set of recommendations for health care organization decision makers regarding ways to increase supplier diversity and decrease the risk of disruption associated with disaster occurrence

    Using Millie Thayer\u27s Making Transnational Feminism to Connect Transnational Feminist Theories to Transnational Feminist Practices

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    I review Millie Thayer\u27s 2010 book, Making Transnational Feminism, from a methodological standpoint to discuss its ability to effectively connect transnational feminist theories with transnational activist practices. Transnational feminism is at once a theoretical and practical model, consisting of an intricate, yet complex, web of small entities that work with and for one another to address related concerns. Thayer illuminates the processes that are involved in creating and sustaining these transnational feminist networks in the attempt to deconstruct the complex social relations and power dynamics that operate within the current structures of globalization. I purport that Making Transnational Feminism is an appropriate and useful text for academics, students, practitioners, feminists, and any individual who is interested in transnational social movements

    Women\u27s Empowerment in the Context of Microfinance: A Photovoice Study

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    The assumptions underlying the relationships between microfinance and women’s empowerment are typically rooted in a financial paradigm, wherein the prevailing belief is that increases in economic resources necessarily lead to increases in women’s empowerment. This results in a conceptual erasure of the multi-dimensionality of empowerment and disregards the influences that microfinance has on women that extend beyond the economic sphere. This study explored how 6 women in Mali perceive and experience empowerment in relation to their participation in a microfinance program using photovoice. Photovoice is a qualitative methodology wherein participants document, reflect on, and represent their community and experiences using a specific photographic technique. The photographic collection that the women generated, along with their narratives and oral testimonies, suggest that empowerment is a complex construct that includes, yet extends beyond the financial paradigm. The findings of this indicate that microfinance has positively and negatively impacted various dimensions of the women’s perceived empowerment. At the conclusion of the project, the women participated in a forum and initiated policy changes at the microfinance institution with which they are affiliated

    Review of Carolyn Ellis\u27 Book, Revision: Autoethnographic Reflections of Life and Work

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    In Revision: Autoethnographic Reflections of Life and Work (2008), Carolyn Ellis demonstrates a striking ability to tell stories while simultaneously interrogating their meanings. Ellis uses autoethnography and meta-autoethnography to write herself and others into stories which connect to issues that extend beyond the particular characters in the stories. This book demonstrates the value that autoethnography can offer to researcher, reader, academia, as well as to community practice. This review introduces the term experiential layering as a way to describe Ellis\u27 revisioning of the stories that she presented in The Ethnographic I

    Introduction : Text and image in children's literature

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    Issue theme: Volume 1: Power and Authority in Text and Image: the educational and political dimension of children’s literaturePublisher PDFNon peer reviewe

    Planning, implementation and effectiveness in Indigenous health reform

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    The Planning, Implementation and Effectiveness in Indigenous Health Reform (PIE) project, funded by the Lowitja Institute and the Australian Research Council, carried out by the University of Melbourne, arose from concerns by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that despite the importance of participation and investment in collaborative governance, little research focused on capturing current practice and identifying best practice is being done. The advent of the National Indigenous Reform Agreement (NIRA) and the Indigenous Health National Partnership Agreements (IHNPAs) has led to further development/application of collaborative approaches to governance through committees and forums at national, State and regional levels. The activities associated with these committees and forums are referred to throughout this report as collaborative governance. This report focuses on building the evidence base around best practice based on case studies of collaborative governance in relation to the NIRA. A policy brief highlighting the policy recommendations of this report is also available

    CMB temperature anisotropy at large scales induced by a causal primordial magnetic field

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    We present an analytical derivation of the Sachs Wolfe effect sourced by a primordial magnetic field. In order to consistently specify the initial conditions, we assume that the magnetic field is generated by a causal process, namely a first order phase transition in the early universe. As for the topological defects case, we apply the general relativistic junction conditions to match the perturbation variables before and after the phase transition which generates the magnetic field, in such a way that the total energy momentum tensor is conserved across the transition and Einstein's equations are satisfied. We further solve the evolution equations for the metric and fluid perturbations at large scales analytically including neutrinos, and derive the magnetic Sachs Wolfe effect. We find that the relevant contribution to the magnetic Sachs Wolfe effect comes from the metric perturbations at next-to-leading order in the large scale limit. The leading order term is in fact strongly suppressed due to the presence of free-streaming neutrinos. We derive the neutrino compensation effect dynamically and confirm that the magnetic Sachs Wolfe spectrum from a causal magnetic field behaves as l(l+1)C_l^B \propto l^2 as found in the latest numerical analyses.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, matches published versio

    Building Healthy Communities in the Dominican Republic: A Mixed-Methods Approach towards Engaging the Community

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    Breakout Session 1C: The Building Healthy Communities Creative Inquiry is an ongoing undergraduate and graduate student-led project from Clemson University. Its goal is to facilitate community-driven improvement of a small rural community in the Dominican Republic, Las Malvinas II. We strive to address five public health priorities, identified in consultation with the community, including vaccine-preventable diseases, chronic diseases, education, sanitation, and unwanted pregnancies. To address these areas for improvement, our research used a mixed-methods approach, using both qualitative and quantitative data gathering tools. Qualitative methods included focus groups and interviews with community leaders and relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations from five different sectors, including work, education, community institutions/organizations, health care, and community-at-large sector. The findings were then analyzed to create a Community Health Assessment. For quantitative methods we utilized arcGIS technology. Students created surveys based on health priorities and mapped a comprehensive survey including any personal assets the community household members may have. In spring 2018, students will conduct a photovoice project with the youth of the community

    Peri-pubertal exposure to testicular hormones organizes response to novel environments and social behaviour in adult male rats

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    Funding was received from the Wellcome Trust ISSF (grant ID 097831/Z/11/Z) scheme, awarded to the University of St Andrews.Previous research has shown that exposure to testicular hormones during the peri-pubertal period of life has long-term, organizational effects on adult sexual behaviour and underlying neural mechanisms in laboratory rodents. However, the organizational effects of peri-pubertal testicular hormones on other aspects of behaviour and brain function are less well understood. Here, we investigated the effects of manipulating peri-pubertal testicular hormone exposure on later behavioural responses to novel environments and on hormone receptors in various brain regions that are involved in response to novelty. Male rodents generally spend less time in the exposed areas of novel environments than females, and this sex difference emerges during the peri-pubertal period. Male Lister-hooded rats (Rattus norvegicus) were castrated either before puberty or after puberty, then tested in three novel environments (elevated plus-maze, light–dark box, open field) and in an object/social novelty task in adulthood. Androgen receptor (AR), oestrogen receptor (ER1) and corticotropin-releasing factor receptor (CRF-R2) mRNA expression were quantified in the hypothalamus, hippocampus and medial amygdala. The results showed that pre-pubertally castrated males spent more time in the exposed areas of the elevated-plus maze and light–dark box than post-pubertally castrated males, and also confirmed that peri-pubertal hormone exposure influences later response to an opposite-sex conspecific. Hormone receptor gene expression levels did not differ between pre-pubertally and post-pubertally castrated males in any of the brain regions examined. This study therefore demonstrates that testicular hormone exposure during the peri-pubertal period masculinizes later response to novel environments, although the neural mechanisms remain to be fully elucidated.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Dream team for honey bee health: pollen and unmanipulated gut microbiota promote worker longevity and body weight

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    Gut microbiota are known to foster pollen digestion in honey bee workers, Apis mellifera, thereby enhancing longevity and body weight gain. However, it is currently not known how longevity and body weight gain are effected when gut microbiota are reduced in bees with or without access to pollen. Here, using a hoarding cage set-up with freshly emerged summer workers, we manipulated the gut microbiota of half the bees with the antibiotic tetracycline (ABX), and left the other half untreated on a sucrose solution diet. Afterwards, all bees were assigned to either sucrose diets or sucrose plus ad libitum access to pollen (N=4 treatments, N=26 bees/treatment, N=10 replicates/treatment, N=1040 total workers). The data confirm that pollen has a positive effect on longevity and body weight in workers with an unmanipulated gut microbiota. Surprisingly, the antibiotics alone also improved the longevity and body weight of the workers fed a strictly sucrose diet, potentially explained by the reduction of harmful bacteria. However, this positive effect was reversed from an observed antagonistic interaction between pollen and antibiotics, underscoring the innate value of natural microbiota on pollen digestion. In conclusion, a combination of adequate pollen supply and an unmanipulated gut microbiota appears crucial to honey bee worker health, calling for respective efforts to ensure both in managed colonies
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