3,215 research outputs found

    Frequency of Use and Perceived Credibility of Information Sources and Variations by Socioeconomic Factors among Savannah River Stakeholders

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    The authors examine the factors effecting credibility of risk communication in the communities surrounding the Savannah River Nuclear Weapons Site

    Knowing When to Draw the Line: Designing More Informative Ecological Experiments

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    Linear regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are two of the most widely used statistical techniques in ecology. Regression quantitatively describes the relationship between a response variable and one or more continuous independent variables, while ANOVA determines whether a response variable differs among discrete values of the independent variable(s). Designing experiments with discrete factors is straightforward because ANOVA is the only option, but what is the best way to design experiments involving continuous factors? Should ecologists prefer experiments with few treatments and many replicates analyzed with ANOVA, or experiments with many treatments and few replicates per treatment analyzed with regression? We recommend that ecologists choose regression, especially replicated regression, over ANOVA when dealing with continuous factors for two reasons: (1) regression is generally a more powerful approach than ANOVA and (2) regression provides quantitative output that can be incorporated into ecological models more effectively than ANOVA output

    Interfacial motion in flexo- and order-electric switching between nematic filled states

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    We consider a nematic liquid crystal, in coexistence with its isotropic phase, in contact with a substrate patterned with rectangular grooves. In such a system, the nematic phase may fill the grooves without the occurrence of complete wetting. There may exist multiple (meta)stable filled states, each characterised by the type of distortion (bend or splay) in each corner of the groove and by the shape of the nematic-isotropic interface, and additionally the plateaux that separate the grooves may be either dry or wet with a thin layer of nematic. Using numerical simulations, we analyse the dynamical response of the system to an externally- applied electric field, with the aim of identifying switching transitions between these filled states. We find that order-electric coupling between the fluid and the field provides a means of switching between states where the plateaux between grooves are dry and states where they are wet by a nematic layer, without affecting the configuration of the nematic within the groove. We find that flexoelectric coupling may change the nematic texture in the groove, provided that the flexoelectric coupling differentiates between the types of distortion at the corners of the substrate. We identify intermediate stages of the transitions, and the role played by the motion of the nematic-isotropic interface. We determine quantitatively the field magnitudes and orientations required to effect each type of transition.Comment: 14 pages, 12 fig

    A predicted protein interactome identifies conserved global networks and disease resistance subnetworks in maize

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    Interactomes are genome-wide roadmaps of protein-protein interactions. They have been produced for humans, yeast, the fruit fly, and Arabidopsis thaliana and have become invaluable tools for generating and testing hypotheses. A predicted interactome for Zea mays (PiZeaM) is presented here as an aid to the research community for this valuable crop species. PiZeaM was built using a proven method of interologs (interacting orthologs) that were identified using both one-to-one and many-to-many orthology between genomes of maize and reference species. Where both maize orthologs occurred for an experimentally determined interaction in the reference species, we predicted a likely interaction in maize. A total of 49,026 unique interactions for 6004 maize proteins were predicted. These interactions are enriched for processes that are evolutionarily conserved, but include many otherwise poorly annotated proteins in maize. The predicted maize interactions were further analyzed by comparing annotation of interacting proteins, including different layers of ontology. A map of pairwise gene co-expression was also generated and compared to predicted interactions. Two global subnetworks were constructed for highly conserved interactions. These subnetworks showed clear clustering of proteins by function. Another subnetwork was created for disease response using a bait and prey strategy to capture interacting partners for proteins that respond to other organisms. Closer examination of this subnetwork revealed the connectivity between biotic and abiotic hormone stress pathways. We believe PiZeaM will provide a useful tool for the prediction of protein function and analysis of pathways for Z. mays researchers and is presented in this paper as a reference tool for the exploration of protein interactions in maize

    Diversity patterns associated with varying dispersal capabilities as a function of spatial and local environmental variables in small wetlands in forested ecosystems

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    Š 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The diversity of species on a landscape is a function of the relative contribution of diversity at local sites and species turnover between sites. Diversity partitioning refers to the relative contributions of alpha (local) and beta (species turnover) diversity to gamma (regional/landscape) diversity and can be influenced by the relationship between dispersal capability as well as spatial and local environmental variables. Ecological theory predicts that variation in the distribution of organisms that are strong dispersers will be less influenced by spatial properties such as topography and connectivity of a region and more associated with the local environment. In contrast, the distribution of organisms with limited dispersal capabilities is often dictated by their limited dispersal capabilities. Small and ephemeral wetlands are centers of biodiversity in forested ecosystems. We sampled 41 small and ephemeral wetlands in forested ecosystems six times over a two-year period to determine if three different taxonomic groups differ in patterns of biodiversity on the landscape and/or demonstrate contrasting relationships with local environmental and spatial variables. We focused on aquatic macroinvertebrates (aerial active dispersers consisting predominantly of the class Insecta), amphibians (terrestrial active dispersers), and zooplankton (passive dispersers). We hypothesized that increasing active dispersal capabilities would lead to decreased beta diversity and more influence of local environmental variables on community structure with less influence of spatial variables. Our results revealed that amphibians had very high beta diversity and low alpha diversity when compared to the other two groups. Additionally, aquatic macroinvertebrate community variation was best explained by local environmental variables, whereas amphibian community variation was best explained by spatial variables. Zooplankton did not display any significant relationships to the spatial or local environmental variables that we measured. Our results suggest that amphibians may be particularly vulnerable to losses of wetland habitat in forested ecosystems as they have high beta diversity. Consequently, the loss of individual small wetlands potentially results in local extirpations of amphibian species in forested ecosystems

    Polarization conversion spectroscopy of hybrid modes

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    Enhanced polarization conversion in reflection for the Otto and Kretschmann configurations is introduced as a new method for hybrid-mode spectroscopy. Polarization conversion in reflection appears when hybrid-modes are excited in a guiding structure composed of at least one anisotropic media. In contrast to a dark dip, in this case modes are associated to a peak in the converted reflectance spectrum, increasing the detection sensitivity and avoiding confusion with reflection dips associated with other processes as can be transmission.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Multiple dimensions of functional diversity affect stream fish taxonomic β-diversity

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    1. When investigating metacommunity dynamics, functional differences amongspecies are often assumed to be as important as environmental differences be-tween sites in determining β-diversity. However, few studies have examined theinfluence of functional diversity on β-diversity. We examine the relative importance of regional functional diversity partitioned by niche dimensions and environmental variation in structuring taxonomic β-diversity of stream fishes using a large dataset of stream fish assemblages (hereafter, simply β-diversity). We predicted that both functional diversity and environmental variation play a rolein determining β-diversity.2. We tested this prediction by modelling the patterns of stream fish β-diversity asa function of environmental variation, functional diversity and γ- richness across10,220 sites for 329 fish species using a series of conceptual path models.3. Environmental variation consistently affected β-diversity across all models,whereas functional diversity and γ- richness influenced β-diversity only in somemodels. We show that including relevant trait differences among species in pathmodels can improve their ability to explain β-diversity, suggesting that functional traits influence β-diversity.4. The ability of path models to explain β-diversity varied depending on the traitgrouping included in the model, demonstrating that specific path models representing different niche dimensions can improve the ability of a model to explain β-diversity. In addition, parsing traits into different niche dimensions revealed alternative patterns of functional diversity–β-diversity relationships that other-wise would have been missed.5. The selection of relevant traits and linked niche dimensions is critical for detecting relationships between functional diversity and β-diversity. Using traitsassociated with different niche dimensions allows for the identification of nichedimensions most strongly associated with species sorting and the detection ofpatterns missed by focusing on a single niche dimension. Determining the niche dimensions that influence β-diversity could provide insights into the processesdriving biodiversity and metacommunity dynamics, improving our ability to con-serve or restore aquatic communities

    Does the South Carolina Upstate have \u27Isolated Wetlands\u27 and how do they Function? A Prelimiary Analysisn

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    2010 S.C. Water Resources Conference - Science and Policy Challenges for a Sustainable Futur

    Resilience-Focused HIV Care to Promote Psychological Well-Being During COVID-19 and Other Catastrophes

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected people with HIV due to disruptions in prevention and care services, economic impacts, and social isolation. These stressors have contributed to worse physical health, HIV treatment outcomes, and psychological wellness. Psychological sequelae associated with COVID-19 threaten the overall well-being of people with HIV and efforts to end the HIV epidemic. Resilience is a known mediator of health disparities and can improve psychological wellness and behavioral health outcomes along the HIV Continuum of Care. Though resilience is often organically developed in individuals as a result of overcoming adversity, it may be fostered through multi-level internal and external resourcing (at psychological, interpersonal, spiritual, and community/neighborhood levels). In this Perspective, resilience-focused HIV care is defined as a model of care in which providers promote optimum health for people with HIV by facilitating multi-level resourcing to buffer the effects of adversity and foster well-being. Adoption of resilience-focused HIV care may help providers better promote well-being among people living with HIV during this time of increased psychological stress and help prepare systems of care for future catastrophes. Informed by the literature, we constructed a set of core principles and considerations for successful adoption and sustainability of resilience-focused HIV care. Our definition of resilience-focused HIV care marks a novel contribution to the knowledge base and responds to the call for a multidimensional definition of resilience as part of HIV research

    Bone mineral density and risk of heart failure in older adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study

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    Background Despite increasing evidence of a common link between bone and heart health, the relationship between bone mineral density ( BMD ) and heart failure ( HF ) risk remains insufficiently studied. Methods and Results We investigated whether BMD measured by dual‐energy x‐ray absorptiometry was associated with incident HF in an older cohort. Cox models were stratified by sex and interactions of BMD with race assessed. BMD was examined at the total hip and femoral neck separately, both continuously and by World Health Organization categories. Of 1250 participants, 442 (55% women) developed HF during the median follow‐up of 10.5 years. In both black and nonblack women, neither total hip nor femoral neck BMD was significantly associated with HF ; there was no significant interaction by race. In black and nonblack men, total hip, but not femoral neck, BMD was significantly associated with HF , with evidence of an interaction by race. In nonblack men, lower total hip BMD was associated with higher HF risk (hazard ratio, 1.13 [95% CI, 1.01–1.26] per 0.1 g/cm 2 decrement), whereas in black men, lower total hip BMD was associated with lower HF risk (hazard ratio, 0.74 [95% CI, 0.59–0.94]). There were no black men with total hip osteoporosis. Among nonblack men, total hip osteoporosis was associated with higher HF risk (hazard ratio, 2.83 [95% CI, 1.39–5.74]) compared with normal BMD . Conclusions Among older adults, lower total hip BMD was associated with higher HF risk in nonblack men but lower risk in black men, with no evidence of an association in women. Further research is needed to replicate these findings and to study potential underlying pathways. </jats:sec
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