1,922 research outputs found

    Impurity-assisted Andreev reflection at a spin-active half-metal-superconductor interface

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    The Andreev reflection amplitude at a clean interface between a half-metallic ferromagnet (H) and a superconductor (S) for which the half metal's magnetization has a gradient perpendicular to the interface is proportional to the excitation energy ε\varepsilon and vanishes at ε=0\varepsilon=0 [B\'{e}ri {\em et al.}, Phys.\ Rev.\ B {\bf 79}, 024517 (2009)]. Here we show that the presence of impurities at or in the immediate vicinity of the HS interface leads to a finite Andreev reflection amplitude at ε=0\varepsilon=0. This impurity-assisted Andreev reflection dominates the low-bias conductance of a HS junction and the Josephson current of an SHS junction in the long-junction limit.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Pumped current and voltage for an adiabatic quantum pump

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    We consider adiabatic pumping of electrons through a quantum dot. There are two ways to operate the pump: to create a dc current Iˉ{\bar I} or to create a dc voltage Vˉ{\bar V}. We demonstrate that, for very slow pumping, Iˉ{\bar I} and Vˉ{\bar V} are not simply related via the dc conductance GG as Iˉ=VˉG\bar I = \bar V G. For the case of a chaotic quantum dot, we consider the statistical distribution of VˉGIˉ{\bar V} G - {\bar I}. Results are presented for the limiting cases of a dot with single channel and with multichannel point contacts.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Diagrammatic method of integration over the unitary group, with applications to quantum transport in mesoscopic systems

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    A diagrammatic method is presented for averaging over the circular ensemble of random-matrix theory. The method is applied to phase-coherent conduction through a chaotic cavity (a ``quantum dot'') and through the interface between a normal metal and a superconductor.Comment: 37 pages RevTeX, 21 postscript figures include

    Distributions of the Conductance and its Parametric Derivatives in Quantum Dots

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    Full distributions of conductance through quantum dots with single-mode leads are reported for both broken and unbroken time-reversal symmetry. Distributions are nongaussian and agree well with random matrix theory calculations that account for a finite dephasing time, τϕ\tau_\phi, once broadening due to finite temperature TT is also included. Full distributions of the derivatives of conductance with respect to gate voltage P(dg/dVg)P(dg/dV_g) are also investigated.Comment: 4 pages (REVTeX), 4 eps figure

    Quantum mechanical time-delay matrix in chaotic scattering

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    We calculate the probability distribution of the matrix Q = -i \hbar S^{-1} dS/dE for a chaotic system with scattering matrix S at energy E. The eigenvalues \tau_j of Q are the so-called proper delay times, introduced by E. P. Wigner and F. T. Smith to describe the time-dependence of a scattering process. The distribution of the inverse delay times turns out to be given by the Laguerre ensemble from random-matrix theory.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Interactions and Disorder in Quantum Dots: Instabilities and Phase Transitions

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    Using a fermionic renormalization group approach we analyse a model where the electrons diffusing on a quantum dot interact via Fermi-liquid interactions. Describing the single-particle states by Random Matrix Theory, we find that interactions can induce phase transitions (or crossovers for finite systems) to regimes where fluctuations and collective effects dominate at low energies. Implications for experiments and numerical work on quantum dots are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; version to appear in Phys Rev Letter

    On hyperovals of polar spaces

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    We derive lower and upper bounds for the size of a hyperoval of a finite polar space of rank 3. We give a computer-free proof for the uniqueness, up to isomorphism, of the hyperoval of size 126 of H(5, 4) and prove that the near hexagon E-3 has up to isomorphism a unique full embedding into the dual polar space DH(5, 4)

    The Thermopower of Quantum Chaos

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    The thermovoltage of a chaotic quantum dot is measured using a current heating technique. The fluctuations in the thermopower as a function of magnetic field and dot shape display a non-Gaussian distribution, in agreement with simulations using Random Matrix Theory. We observe no contributions from weak localization or short trajectories in the thermopower.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, corrected: accidently omitted author in the Authors list, here (not in the article

    Voltage-probe and imaginary potential models for dephasing in a chaotic quantum dot

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    We compare two widely used models for dephasing in a chaotic quantum dot: The introduction of a fictitious voltage probe into the scattering matrix and the addition of an imaginary potential to the Hamiltonian. We identify the limit in which the two models are equivalent and compute the distribution of the conductance in that limit. Our analysis explains why previous treatments of dephasing gave different results. The distribution remains non-Gaussian for strong dephasing if the coupling of the quantum dot to the electron reservoirs is via ballistic single-mode point contacts, but becomes Gaussian if the coupling is via tunneling contacts.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 6 figures. Mistake in Eq. (35) correcte

    Spontaneous Emission in Chaotic Cavities

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    The spontaneous emission rate \Gamma of a two-level atom inside a chaotic cavity fluctuates strongly from one point to another because of fluctuations in the local density of modes. For a cavity with perfectly conducting walls and an opening containing N wavechannels, the distribution of \Gamma is given by P(\Gamma) \propto \Gamma^{N/2-1}(\Gamma+\Gamma_0)^{-N-1}, where \Gamma_0 is the free-space rate. For small N the most probable value of \Gamma is much smaller than the mean value \Gamma_0.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 1 figur