696 research outputs found

    Aproximación al Museo Etnográfico de Cantabria

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    En número dedicado a: La provincia de Santande


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    Nowadays, the increasing uncertainty of a globalized world economy poses additional challenges to the new agricultural engineering graduates. They have to face increasingly complex challenges, such as increasing demand for agricultural produce in a Climate Change situation, a growing difficulty to guarantee food safety caused by global trade, and an improvement of the resilience of productive systems based on precision agriculture. All of this along with the drawback of a reduced interest of new students in this kind of graduate study. Previous works have dealt with the importance of the general skills in an agricultural engineering degree, showing the relevance of the instrumental skills (capacity for analysis and synthesis, organization and planning capacity, ability to manage information, oral and written communication, foreign language knowledge, computer knowledge, problem resolution, and decision making). This work aims to order these instrumental skills to face the above-mentioned challenges in a more effective way. We are aware that the result of this order presents high doses of uncertainty and ambiguity, and that is why we propose the use of fuzzy logic. The application of this methodology based on fuzzy mathematics can contribute to updating the university degrees so that graduates can successfully the new challenges they will encounter in the workplace. Results show that capacity for analysis and synthesis, organization and planning capacity, and foreign language knowledge is the best-considered skill

    Atomically-thin quantum dots integrated with lithium niobate photonic chips

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    The electro-optic, acousto-optic and nonlinear properties of lithium niobate make it a highly versatile material platform for integrated quantum photonic circuits. A prerequisite for quantum technology applications is the ability to efficiently integrate single photon sources, and to guide the generated photons through ad-hoc circuits. Here we report the integration of quantum dots in monolayer WSe2 into a Ti in-diffused lithium niobate directional coupler. We investigate the coupling of individual quantum dots to the waveguide mode, their spatial overlap, and the overall efficiency of the hybrid-integrated photonic circuit

    Carbon materials for the electrooxidation of nucleobases, nucleosides and nucleotides toward cytosine methylation detection: a review

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    Improved analytical methods for the determination of the degree of methylation of DNA are of vital relevance, as they may enable the detection of certain diseases, such as carcinomas and infertility, in the early stages of development. Among the analytical methods for the detection and quantification of epigenetic modifications in DNA, electroanalytical platforms are emerging as potential feasible tools for clinical purposes. This review describes the fundamentals of the electrochemical responses of nucleobases, nucleosides, nucleotides and DNA in general from the pioneering studies at mercury electrodes to the most recent studies during the last two decades. Concerning these latter studies, we will exclusively focus on carbonaceous electrodes such as carbon, graphite, glassy carbon, boron-doped diamond, carbon nanofibers, carbon nanotubes and graphene. This review will also provide an overview of the feasibility of the development of electrochemical sensors for the simultaneous determination and quantification of naturally occurring DNA bases and nucleotides as well as the methylation of cytosine in DNA using carbon materials.The authors give thanks to the University of Alicante for funding and collaboration in this review. This work has also been financially supported by the MICINN-FEDER (Spain) through the projects CTQ2013-48280-C3-3 R and CTQ2013-44083-P

    Effect of Photoselective Shading Nets on Productivity and Economic Viability in Pepper Crops

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    In recent years, the use of photoselective shading nets to mitigate the harmful high radiation caused by the increase in temperatures is growing. The objective of this work was to study the positive effects - in terms of yield and profitability of photoselective shade nets in two types of pepper: Lamuyo (cultivars Alcudia and Pompeo) and California (cultivars Bendigo and Cayetano). The weekly yields, classified into different calibre, were analysed over two years, and for the analysis of economic profitability, the Equivalent Annual Value (EAV) was used with an analysis of sensitivity. The yields obtained with the pearl-colored net giving 30% shading were superior to open cultivation (no netting), in all the studied cultivars; in particular, Cayetano and Pompeo had 136 and 86% greater yields, respectively. This same trend was observed for the red-colored net giving 30% shading, with 88 and 74% increase in yield in Cayetano and Pompeo, respectively. In economic terms, the EAV was superior with the use of the pearl net, especially for the cultivars Alcudia and Cayetano - being €14,864 and €13,326 ha-1 yr-1, respectively. The yield and profitability were better for the crops grown under the pearl-colored photoselective net, especially for cultivars Alcudia and Cayetano. The sensitivity analysis showed that the probability of obtaining negative returns was higher in the absence of netting, while under the shade nets it was below 10%

    Caída de bloques de hielo en los frentes del glaciar de casquete de la isla Livingston (Archipiélago de las Shetland del Sur). Detección por métodos sísmicos. Influencia de las variables ambientales

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    We used data from a seismic array to study the evolution of calving at Livingston Island. Starting with the idea that the flow is the main cause of calving, we examined the effect of temperature, tide, relative humidity and wind velocity on this phenomenon. Air temperature proved to be the most relevant parameter

    Caída de bloques de hielo en los frentes del glaciar de casquete de la isla Livingston (Archipiélago de las Shetland del Sur). Detección por métodos sísmicos. Influencia de las variables ambientales

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    Se han utilizado los datos procedentes de una red (array) sísmica situada en la isla Livingston para estudiar la evolución de las caídas de bloques de hielo en los frentes de los glaciares (calving). Partiendo de que la causa fundamental de las caídas de bloques es el flujo del hielo, se ha estudiado la influencia de la temperatura ambiental, la variación del nivel de la marea, la humedad y la velocidad del viento sobre este fenómeno. Como principal conclusión se deduce que la temperatura ambiental es el factor que ejerce una mayor y más directa influencia sobre las caídas de los bloques de hielo.We used data from a seismic array to study the evolution of calving at Livingston Island. Starting with the idea that the flow is the main cause of calving, we examined the effect of temperature, tide, relative humidity and wind velocity on this phenomenon. Air temperature proved to be the most relevant parameter