198 research outputs found

    Cancer and work in Canada with particular reference to occupational risk factors in breast cancer patients in one community and related selected research methods used to investigate those factors

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    Cancer represents a major cause of human morbidity and mortality. There is no scientific consensus regarding cancer causality or prevention. Occupational exposure potentially remains a major contributor to the incidence of this group of diseases, but the data to assess its impact continues to elude researchers and public health advocates. Among women in industrialised countries, breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer. The known or suspected risk factors, including family history and lifetime oestrogen load, can account for less than 50 percent of the cases. New hypotheses about the role of xenoestrogens and endocrine disrupting compounds are challenging the previous scientific precepts regarding cancer causality. Within this context, the extent to which a community-based occupational history data collection initiative can contribute to advancing our scientific understanding of associations between cancer and work is explored. The possibility that occupational histories data can find associations missed in conventional breast cancer research that ignore occupation is also explored. More specifically, the extent to which data derived from an occupational history questionnaire can provide insight into the potential association between breast cancer risk and farming is examined. Occupational histories of cancer patients contain data that could help to elucidate and inform our understanding of cancer aetiology and prevention. In the community of Windsor, Ontario, Canada a local cancer treatment centre responded to community concerns by cooperating in a collaborative research project to collect the occupational histories of cancer patients. 'Computerised Record of Occupation Made Easy' (CROME) was an innovative method that allowed individual patients to document their lifetime work histories. This data collection process represented the first time a local Canadian cancer treatment center had undertaken such an initiative. Based on the hypothesis generated by CROME, a new research study was launched - Lifetime Occupational History Record (LOHR). Over a two-and-a-half year period, all female patients at the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre with new incident breast cancer were invited to participate in a population-based case-control study along with an equivalent number of randomly selected community controls. A comprehensive lifetime history questionnaire was administered to subjects by interview. Data gathered included known or suspected risk factors along with a complete occupational history of all jobs ever worked. An occupational history of farming alone produced an Odds Ratio (OR) = 2.8 (Cl, 95%, 1.6-4.8). These findings are important for our understanding of cancer causality with implications for resolving the current scientific conflict regarding the role of occupationally caused carcinogenesis. Such collaborative, community-based studies also demonstrate the importance of community participation in the scientific research process

    Sex Ratio Changes as Sentinel Health Events of Endocrine Disruption

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    The production and widespread use of synthetic chemicals since the 1940s have resulted in ubiquitous contamination of fish, wildlife and human populations. Since the 1960s, observers have documented major damage to wildlife reproduction across the globe, and subsequently, damage to reproductive health in exposed humans as well. The sex ratio in human communities and populations can be readily measured to ascertain whether reproductive effects, such as subtle birth defects of the reproductive tract caused by exposures to chemicals, might be occurring. Male to femalesex ratios appear to be declining in populations in several parts of the globe, possibly as a result of prenatal exposures to chemicals. Sex ratio data for communitieswith unusual occupational or environmental exposures can be compiled using traditional epidemiological techniques in pursuit of environmental justice. Local, regional and national population health researchers and occupational hygienists can use health statistics toexamine sex ratios as sentinel health events that might portend patterns of subtle structural birth defects of the reproductive tract and functional deficits in neurodevelopment

    Occupational Histories of Cancer Patients in a Canadian Cancer Treatment Centre and the Generated Hypothesis Regarding Breast Cancer and Farming

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    Occupational exposures increase cancer risks. The Windsor Regional Cancer Centre in Windsor, Ontario, was the first Canadian cancer treatment center to collect the work histories of its patients, which were recorded using a computer-based questionnaire. Breast cancer cases represented the largest respondent group. The lifetime occupational histories of 299 women with newly diagnosed breast cancers were compared with those of 237 women with other cancers. Odds ratios (ORs) were calculated using logistic regression, adjusting for age, social class, and education. The OR for women £ 55 years of age with breast cancer who had ever farmed, compared with women of the same age with other cancers, was 9.05 (95% CI 1.06, 77.43). Patients’ occupational histories can help to inform understanding of cancer etiology and prevention. This effort points to a need for investigation of the possible association between breast cancer and agricultural hazards such as pesticides

    Sacrificed: Ontario Healthcare Workers in the Time of COVID-19

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    Healthcare workers (HCWs) in Ontario, Canada have faced unprecedented risks during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have been infected at an elevated rate compared to the general public. HCWs have argued for better protections with minimal success. A worldwide shortage of N95s and comparable respirators appears to have influenced guidelines for protection, which stand at odds with increasing scientific evidence. In-depth interviews were conducted with ten frontline HCWs about their concerns. They reported that the risk of contracting COVID-19 and infecting family members has created intense anxiety. This, in conjunction with understaffing and an increased workload, has resulted in exhaustion and burnout. HCWs feel abandoned by their governments, which failed to prepare for an inevitable epidemic, despite recommendations. The knowledge that they are at increased risk of infection due to lack of protection has resulted in anger, frustration, fear, and a sense of violation that may have long-lasting implications

    Cancer and Construction: What Occupational Histories in a Canadian Community Reveal

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    From 2000 to 2002, male patients at a Canadian cancer treatment center with new-incident head-and-neck or esophageal cancers were invited to participate in a population-based study. The study population included 87 cases and 172 controls. A lifetime-history questionnaire was administered. Odds ratios (ORs) were calculated for occupational groups with a minimum of five cases, adjusted for duration of employment, age, smoking, alcohol, education, and income. A significantly increased risk was shown for construction workers (OR = 2.20; 95% CI 1.25–3.91). This investigation of a set of rare cancers over a limited time period demonstrates the feasibility of this research approach. The increased risk among construction workers supports the need for more comprehensive study of exposures in this occupational group

    Active Children Through Individual Vouchers Evaluation: A Mixed-Method RCT

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    Introduction Physical activity declines in adolescence, especially among those in deprived areas. Research suggests this may result from accessibility barriers (e.g., cost and locality). The Active Children Through Individual Vouchers Evaluation RCT aimed to improve the fitness and heart health of teenagers in Wales with the help of teenagers who co-produced the study. Study design This study was a mixed-method RCT. Setting/participants Before data collection, which took place at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months for both arms, 7 schools were randomized by an external statistician (4 intervention schools, n=524; 3 control schools, n=385). Intervention The Active Children Through Individual Vouchers Evaluation intervention included provision of activity vouchers (£20 per month), a peer mentoring scheme, and support worker engagement for 12 months between January and December 2017. Data analysis occurred February–April 2018. Main outcome measures Data included measures of cardiovascular fitness, cardiovascular health (blood pressure and pulse wave analysis), motivation, and focus groups. Results The intervention showed a trend to improve the distance ran (primary outcome) and was significant in improving the likelihood of intervention teenagers being fit (OR=1.21, 95% CI=1.07, 1.38, p=0.002). There was a reduction in teenagers classified as having high blood pressure (secondary outcome) in the intervention group (baseline, 5.3% [28/524]; 12 months, 2.7% [14/524]). Data on where teenagers used vouchers and evidence from focus groups showed that teenagers wanted to access more unstructured, informal, and social activities in their local areas. Conclusions Active Children Through Individual Vouchers Evaluation identified methods that may have a positive impact on cardiovascular fitness, cardiovascular health, and perspectives of activity. Consulting with teenagers, empowering them, and providing more local opportunities for them to take part in activities that are fun, unstructured, and social could positively impact teenage physical activity

    Impaired cholecystokinin-induced gallbladder emptying incriminated in spontaneous “black” pigment gallstone formation in germfree Swiss Webster mice

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    “Black” pigment gallstones form in sterile gallbladder bile in the presence of excess bilirubin conjugates (“hyperbilirubinbilia”) from ineffective erythropoiesis, hemolysis, or induced enterohepatic cycling (EHC) of unconjugated bilirubin. Impaired gallbladder motility is a less well-studied risk factor. We evaluated the spontaneous occurrence of gallstones in adult germfree (GF) and conventionally housed specific pathogen-free (SPF) Swiss Webster (SW) mice. GF SW mice were more likely to have gallstones than SPF SW mice, with 75% and 23% prevalence, respectively. In GF SW mice, gallstones were observed predominately in heavier, older females. Gallbladders of GF SW mice were markedly enlarged, contained sterile black gallstones composed of calcium bilirubinate and <1% cholesterol, and had low-grade inflammation, edema, and epithelial hyperplasia. Hemograms were normal, but serum cholesterol was elevated in GF compared with SPF SW mice, and serum glucose levels were positively related to increasing age. Aged GF and SPF SW mice had deficits in gallbladder smooth muscle activity. In response to cholecystokinin (CCK), gallbladders of fasted GF SW mice showed impaired emptying (females: 29%; males: 1% emptying), whereas SPF SW females and males emptied 89% and 53% of volume, respectively. Bilirubin secretion rates of GF SW mice were not greater than SPF SW mice, repudiating an induced EHC. Gallstones likely developed in GF SW mice because of gallbladder hypomotility, enabled by features of GF physiology, including decreased intestinal CCK concentration and delayed intestinal transit, as well as an apparent genetic predisposition of the SW stock. GF SW mice may provide a valuable model to study gallbladder stasis as a cause of black pigment gallstones.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Training Grant T32-OD10978-26)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Training Grant P30-ES002109)Kinship Foundation. Searle Scholars Progra

    Associations between ambient air pollution and daily mortality in a cohort of congestive heart failure: Case-crossover and nested case-control analyses using a distributed lag nonlinear model.

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    BACKGROUND: Persons with congestive heart failure may be at higher risk of the acute effects related to daily fluctuations in ambient air pollution. To meet some of the limitations of previous studies using grouped-analysis, we developed a cohort study of persons with congestive heart failure to estimate whether daily non-accidental mortality were associated with spatially-resolved, daily exposures to ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3), and whether these associations were modified according to a series of indicators potentially reflecting complications or worsening of health. METHODS: We constructed the cohort from the linkage of administrative health databases. Daily exposure was assigned from different methods we developed previously to predict spatially-resolved, time-dependent concentrations of ambient NO2 (all year) and O3 (warm season) at participants' residences. We performed two distinct types of analyses: a case-crossover that contrasts the same person at different times, and a nested case-control that contrasts different persons at similar times. We modelled the effects of air pollution and weather (case-crossover only) on mortality using distributed lag nonlinear models over lags 0 to 3 days. We developed from administrative health data a series of indicators that may reflect the underlying construct of "declining health", and used interactions between these indicators and the cross-basis function for air pollutant to assess potential effect modification. RESULTS: The magnitude of the cumulative as well as the lag-specific estimates of association differed in many instances according to the metric of exposure. Using the back-extrapolation method, which is our preferred exposure model, we found for the case-crossover design a cumulative mean percentage changes (MPC) in daily mortality per interquartile increment in NO2 (8.8 ppb) of 3.0% (95% CI: -0.4, 6.6%) and for O3 (16.5 ppb) 3.5% (95% CI: -4.5, 12.1). For O3 there was strong confounding by weather (unadjusted MPC = 7.1%; 95% CI: 1.7, 12.7%). For the nested case-control approach the cumulative MPC for NO2 in daily mortality was 2.9% (95% CI: -0.9, 6.9%) and for O3 7.3% (95% CI: 3.0, 11.9%). We found evidence of effect modification between daily mortality and cumulative NO2 and O3 according to the prescribed dose of furosemide in the nested case-control analysis, but not in the case-crossover analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Mortality in congestive heart failure was associated with exposure to daily ambient NO2 and O3 predicted from a back-extrapolation method using a land use regression model from dense sampling surveys. The methods used to assess exposure can have considerable influence on the estimated acute health effects of the two air pollutants

    iPSC-derived myelinoids to study myelin biology of humans

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    Myelination is essential for central nervous system (CNS) formation, health, and function. Emerging evidence of oligodendrocyte heterogeneity in health and disease and divergent CNS gene expression profiles between mice and humans supports the development of experimentally tractable human myelination systems. Here, we developed human iPSC-derived myelinating organoids (“myelinoids”) and quantitative tools to study myelination from oligodendrogenesis through to compact myelin formation and myelinated axon organization. Using patient-derived cells, we modeled a monogenetic disease of myelinated axons (Nfasc155 deficiency), recapitulating impaired paranodal axo-glial junction formation. We also validated the use of myelinoids for pharmacological assessment of myelination—both at the level of individual oligodendrocytes and globally across whole myelinoids—and demonstrated reduced myelination in response to suppressed synaptic vesicle release. Our study provides a platform to investigate human myelin development, disease, and adaptive myelination

    Microvolt T-wave alternans as a predictor of mortality and severe arrhythmias in patients with left-ventricular dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies have demonstrated that the use of implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) is effective for the primary prevention of arrhythmic events but due to imposing costs, there remains a need to identify which patients will derive the greatest benefit. Microvolt T-wave alternans (MTWA) has been proposed to assist in this stratification.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We systematically searched the literature using MEDLINE, EMBASE, Current Contents, the Cochrane Library, INAHTA, and the Web of Science to identify all primary prevention randomized controlled trials and prospective cohort studies with at least 12 months of follow-up examining MTWA as a predictor of mortality and severe arrhythmic events in patients with severe left-ventricular dysfunction. The search was limited to full-text English publications between January 1990 and May 2007. The primary outcome was a composite of mortality and severe arrhythmias. Data were synthesized using Bayesian hierarchical models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified no trials and 8 published cohort studies involving a total of 1,946 patients, including 332 positive, 656 negative, 84 indeterminate, and 874 non-negative (which includes both positive and indeterminate tests) MTWA test results. The risk of mortality or severe arrhythmic events was higher in patients with a positive MTWA compared to a negative test (RR = 2.7, 95% credible interval (CrI) = 1.4, 6.1). Similar results were obtained when comparing non-negative MTWA to a negative test.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A positive MTWA test predicts mortality or severe arrhythmic events in a population of individuals with severe left ventricular dysfunction. However, the wide credible interval suggests the clinical utility of this test remains incompletely defined, ranging from very modest to substantial. Additional high quality studies are required to better refine the role of MTWA in the decision making process for ICD implantation.</p