150 research outputs found

    Preparing Students in Professional Programs for Rural Practice: A Case Study

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    Understanding the supports and constraints available in rural communities is integral to the education of professionals who choose to practise in rural settings. Previous research has indicated that many professionals do not have an accurate understanding of rural contexts and how rural settings impact personal life and professional practice. To address this gap, an interprofessional course centring on professional practice in rural and remote communities was developed. This course was designed to be reflective of rural practice, not only in content but also in the way the course was delivered. Findings from this case study indicated that students’ understanding of the complexity of rural settings was enhanced on multiple levels. The interactive and experiential nature of the course allowed students to develop working relationships that increased both their understanding of the value of interprofessional collaboration as well as the professional opportunities that are available in rural areas.  Comprendre les soutiens accessibles dans les communautés rurales et leurs contraintes fait partie intégrante de la formation des professionnels qui choisissent de pratiquer en milieu rural. Des recherches antérieures ont indiqué que de nombreux professionnels n’ont pas une compréhension adéquate des contextes ruraux ni des répercussions de ces paramètres sur la vie personnelle et la pratique professionnelle. Pour combler cette lacune, un cours interprofessionnel centré sur la pratique professionnelle dans les collectivités rurales et éloignées a été créé. Ce cours se veut le reflet de la pratique rurale, non seulement dans son contenu mais aussi dans sa façon d’être enseigné. Les résultats de cette étude de cas ont indiqué que la compréhension qu’ont les élèves de la complexité du milieu rural a été renforcée à plusieurs niveaux. La nature interactive et expérientielle du cours a permis aux étudiants de parfaire leurs relations de travail, ce qui a augmenté à la fois leur compréhension de la valeur de la collaboration interprofessionnelle ainsi que celle des occasions professionnelles disponibles dans les zones rurales

    Pacientes con enfermedades sistémicas

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    Los principales aspectos que consideramos cuando se presenta a la consulta un paciente Sistémico, a fin de realizarle tratamiento odontológico son : Historia Clínica Previa, horario de consulta, dieta, y farmacología. Es importante comprender la etiología, manifestaciones clínicas, manejo medico que el paciente recibe, ya que el riesgo no será igual para el paciente sistémico que muestra control sobre su padecimiento que aquel que no. Por éste motivo debemos hacer énfasis en el Interrogatorio, fundamental para establecer el Tratamiento Bucal que requiera el paciente.Facultad de Odontologí

    The Fountain District: Framework Plan

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    The \u27South Auditorium\u27 neighborhood established itself in the days when loggers and other workers filled the district’s hotels due to its proximity to the river. In the wake of the Great Depression and as the logging trade declined, the area began to fall into disrepair and development shifted away from the Willamette River. By the 1950s, many of its 2,000+ inhabitants were low-income or elderly and living in small, poorly maintained apartments, shuffling from one to the next as they were forced out of their prior home. The neighborhood was also extremely diverse, housing numerous immigrant families, particularly Italian, Jewish, Chinese, and African American families. In 1955, the newly formed Portland Development Commission targeted a block of land in what was then considered part of South Portland as a test of the new Urban Renewal philosophy making the rounds in planning circles, at the behest of the Mayor’s Advisory Committee. It was decided that a 110 acre portion of the district would be razed in two phases. Interestingly, the district had originally been intended as the home for a new expo center or coliseum, with the remaining redevelopment occurring around it. This center would be just the sort of attraction to lure people to the city center, it was believed; these plans were scrapped, however, after conflicts between interested parties on each side of the Willamette resulted in the centerpiece of the project (later to be Veterans’ Memorial Coliseum) being relocated to the eastern side of the river. Inspired by the design principles of Le Corbusier and the budgets of major firms such as Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill (SOM), renewal pressed onward, with the forthcoming towers and plazas to be punctuated by greenspaces, among them a set of fountains crafted by Lawrence Halprin. Little, if anything, remains of the district as it had existed prior to the removal of the area’s residences, businesses, and the communities who resided there. This project was conducted under the supervision of Donald J. Stastny and Edward Starkie

    Range and extinction dynamics of the steppe bison in Siberia : A pattern-oriented modelling approach

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    Aim To determine the ecological processes and drivers of range collapse, population decline and eventual extinction of the steppe bison in Eurasia. Location Siberia. Time period Pleistocene and Holocene. Major taxa studied Steppe bison (Bison priscus). Methods We configured 110,000 spatially explicit population models (SEPMs) of climate-human-steppe bison interactions in Siberia, which we ran at generational time steps from 50,000 years before present. We used pattern-oriented modelling (POM) and fossil-based inferences of distribution and demographic change of steppe bison to identify which SEPMs adequately simulated important interactions between ecological processes and biological threats. These "best models" were then used to disentangle the mechanisms that were integral in the population decline and later extinction of the steppe bison in its last stronghold in Eurasia. Results Our continuous reconstructions of the range and extinction dynamics of steppe bison were able to reconcile inferences of spatio-temporal occurrence and the timing and location of extinction in Siberia based on hundreds of radiocarbon-dated steppe bison fossils. We showed that simulating the ecological pathway to extinction for steppe bison in Siberia in the early Holocene required very specific ecological niche constraints, demographic processes and a constrained synergy of climate and human hunting dynamics during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. Main conclusions Ecological processes and drivers that caused ancient population declines of species can be reconstructed at high spatio-temporal resolutions using SEPMs and POM. Using this approach, we found that climatic change and hunting by humans are likely to have interacted with key ecological processes to cause the extinction of the steppe bison in its last refuge in Eurasia.Peer reviewe

    Absceso alveolar agudo como urgencia odontológica

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    Los Abscesos Alveolares Agudos constituyen una de las infecciones de etiología bacteriana mas frecuentes que se observan en el servicio de prácticas odontológicas integrales (SEPOI) con motivo de urgencia. Los principales aspectos que consideramos son la confección de la historia clínica completa y precisa al paciente así como el interrogatorio y la comprensión de la etiología, manifestaciones clínicas, para identificar las características de los tejidos y mediante radiografía periapical determinar el diagnostico con certeza dando énfasis en estos aspectos para lograr un tratamiento de elección, eliminando el foco infeccioso y aplicando de esta manera los conocimientos adquiridos.Categoría: Casos clínicos.Facultad de Odontologí

    Absceso alveolar agudo como urgencia odontológica

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    Los Abscesos Alveolares Agudos constituyen una de las infecciones de etiología bacteriana mas frecuentes que se observan en el servicio de prácticas odontológicas integrales (SEPOI) con motivo de urgencia. Los principales aspectos que consideramos son la confección de la historia clínica completa y precisa al paciente así como el interrogatorio y la comprensión de la etiología, manifestaciones clínicas, para identificar las características de los tejidos y mediante radiografía periapical determinar el diagnostico con certeza dando énfasis en estos aspectos para lograr un tratamiento de elección, eliminando el foco infeccioso y aplicando de esta manera los conocimientos adquiridos.Categoría: Casos clínicos.Facultad de Odontologí

    Glyceryl trinitrate to reduce the need for manual removal of retained placenta following vaginal delivery:the GOT-IT RCT

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    Funding This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment programme and will be published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 23, No. 70. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Activation of p38 MAP kinase and stress signalling in fibroblasts from the progeroid Rothmund-Thomson syndrome

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    Rothmund–Thomson fibroblasts had replicative lifespans and growth rates within the range for normal fibroblasts; however, they show elevated levels of the stress-associated p38 MAP kinase, suggestive of stress during growth. Treatment with the p38 MAP kinase inhibitor SB203580 increased both lifespan and growth rate, as did reduction of oxidative stress using low oxygen in some strains. At replicative senescence p53, p21WAF1 and p16INK4A levels were elevated, and abrogation of p53 using shRNA knockdown allowed the cells to bypass senescence. Ectopic expression of human telomerase allowed Rothmund–Thomson fibroblasts to bypass senescence. However, activated p38 was still present, and continuous growth for some telomerised clones required either a reduction in oxidative stress or SB203580 treatment. Overall, the evidence suggests that replicative senescence in Rothmund–Thomson cells resembles normal senescence in that it is telomere driven and p53 dependent. However, the lack of RECQL4 leads to enhanced levels of stress during cell growth that may lead to moderate levels of stress-induced premature senescence. As replicative senescence is believed to underlie human ageing, a moderate level of stress-induced premature senescence and p38 activity may play a role in the relatively mild ageing phenotype seen in Rothmund–Thomson