175 research outputs found

    Application of Crowdsourcing Technology In Terms Of Digitization of Supply Chain Strategy

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    Abstract— The article presents the study on the problem of crowdsourcing application in terms of digital development of supply chain strategy. The purpose of this study is to develop the algorithm of application of crowdsourcing technology in terms of digitalization of supply chain strategy in socio-economic processes. The application of crowdsourcing technology facilitates the search for the most effective solutions to enterprise’s problems, minimizing the time-related and financial costs for their development. In the framework of this study, the methods of analysis, comparative analysis, generalization, decomposition were used. The novelty of the research is in the detailed examination of the crowdsourcing technology, comprehensive description of the algorithm of its functioning with application in addressing various tasks of supply chain strategy. The findings of the study can help enterprises to elaborate the workflow supply chain management with regard to public opinion

    Proper Motions and CCD-photometry of Stars in the Region of the Open Cluster Trumpler 2

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    The results of the complex study of galactic open cluster Trumpler 2 are presented. In order to obtain the proper motions the positions of 2600 stars up to the limit magnitude B ~ 16.25 mag in the area 80x80 arcmin around the cluster were measured on 6 plates with the maximal epoch difference of 63 years. The root-mean error of the relative proper motions is 4.2 mas/yr. The catalogue of BV magnitudes of all the stars in the investigated area was compiled. Astrometric selection of the cluster members within the region of R<16 arcmin from the center of the cluster was made by means of the W.Sanders method. In that field 192 stars were found to have the individual membership probability greater then 85%, 148 of them are situated within the +/-3sigma_(B-V) band around the main sequence of the cluster. They are considered to be cluster members by two criteria. The U-B ~ B-V diagram plotted for the astrometrical cluster members by the data taken from the Washington catalogue of the UBV photometry in the galactic cluster fields (Hoag et al.1961) made it possible to redefine the value of the color excess E(B-V)=0.40 mag. The superposition of the MS of the cluster with the ZAMS Schmidt-Kaler leads to the coincidence at the value of the apparent distance module (V-Mv)=10.50 which corresponds to the distance r=725 pc. The luminosity and mass functions of the Trumpler 2 were constructed and the value of the slope Gamma=-1.90+/-0.22 was determined. The cluster age of 8.913x10^7 yr was determined. It is shown that the red giant on the late stage of the evolution (st N.1095) belongs to cluster and indicates the brightness variability. The possibility that the number of both known and recently discovered variables are cluster members was considered. Tables 2,3,3A,5 will be only available in the electronic form.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Compatriotes et expatriotes : le renouveau de la politique dans l'émigration russe. L’émergence et la structuration de la communauté politique russe en France (2000-2013)

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    Following the structuring of the Russian State policy towards its emigrants and a wave of protest in Russia at the end of 2011, a Russian political community emerged in France. It was progressively constructed through discourses and political activities of Russian immigrants towards their country of origin. The motivations of these migrants are to be found in their sentiments of belonging to Russia. Two ideal-typical figures have been revealed throughout the research process: the “compatriot”, defined by the Russian authorities that preach for the unity of Russian people disseminated around the world and call them to go beyond the divisions of the past, and the “expatriot” who refuses to be represented by the Russian State and rejects the “official” definition of his sense of belonging; on the one hand, there is the compatriot who retrieves the pride to be and to call himself Russian; on the other hand, there is the expatriot who feels Russian despite himself and has to assume this condition while transforming it. Even if their conceptions of what Russia should be are really different and often contradictory, the compatriot and the expatriot could not be opposed in binary terms, as they do not stop interacting and sometimes even exchange their respective positions. The location of these interactions is the Russian political community qua an arena of discourses and political practices in permanent reconstruction.À la suite de la structuration de la politique de l’État russe envers ses émigrés, ainsi que d’une vague de protestation en Russie à la fin de l’année 2011, a émergé une nouvelle communauté politique russe en France. Celle-ci s’est progressivement construite autour des discours et des activités politiques des migrants russes en direction de leur pays d'origine. Les motivations de ces migrants sont à rechercher dans leurs sentiments d’appartenance à la Russie. Deux figures idéal-typiques clés se sont révélées au cours de notre recherche : d'une part, le « compatriote », défini par les autorités russes qui prônent l'unité de leurs ressortissants disséminés à travers le monde et en appellent à dépasser les clivages du passé et, d'autre part, l’ « expatriote », qui refuse d'être représenté par l'État russe et rejette la définition « officielle » de ses sentiments d'appartenance ; d'un côté donc, le compatriote, retrouvant la fierté d'être et de se dire Russe ; de l'autre, l'expatriote, traversé par le sentiment d'être Russe malgré lui et de devoir assumer, en la transformant, cette condition. Bien qu'ayant des conceptions fort différentes, et souvent contradictoires, de ce que devrait être la Russie, le compatriote et l'expatriote ne peuvent être opposés de manière binaire dans la mesure où ils ne cessent d'interagir et échangent même parfois leurs positions respectives. Le lieu de ces interactions, c'est la communauté politique russe en tant qu'arène de discours et de pratiques politiques en recomposition permanent

    L’adaptation des migrants russes aux pratiques alimentaires à Paris et à Londres

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    La chute de l’URSS a introduit de profonds changements dans les habitudes alimentaires russes. La vague d’ouverture sociale et politique dans la nouvelle Russie des années quatre-vingt-dix a gagné les cuisines. D’une génération à l’autre, à Moscou ou Saint-Pétersbourg, les jeunes Russes ont pu découvrir les cuisines du monde. Quand ils migrent vers Londres ou Paris, le brassage culinaire auquel ils font face les renvoie à la fois aux pratiques qui fondent leur identité et aux attentes suscitées par la cuisine russe. Une manière pour eux de trouver leur place dans des sociétés globalisées

    Proper Motions and CCD-photometry of Stars in the Region of the Open Cluster NGC 1513

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    The results of astrometric and photometric investigations of the poorly studied open cluster NGC 1513 are presented. The proper motions of 353 stars with the root-mean-square error of 1.9 mas/yr were obtained by means of the automated measuring complex "Fantasy" scanning of 8 astrometric plates covering the time interval of 101 years. A total of 141 astrometric cluster members have been identified. BV CCD-photometry was made for the stars in a square size 17 arcmin x 17 arcmin centered on cluster. 33 stars with the high reliability were considered to be cluster members by two criteria. The estimation of NGC 1513 age is 2.54 E+08 years. Tables 2 and 3 are only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamics of drug sustainability Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the Belgorod region for the period of 2008-2017

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    To assess and compare the structure and dynamics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs, including multiple and broad, in the Belgorod region in newly diagnosed patients and patients with relapses of tuberculosi

    Стійкість до модельованого водного стресу R2 рослин тютюну, отриманих у результаті клітинної селекції з іонами важких металів

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    The cell selection with heavy metal ions for obtaining plant forms, resistant to abiotic stresses is advisable. Especially it is recommended to use cadmium cations for obtaining variants, resistant to water deficit. On selective media with the addition of lethal for cell cultivars doses of Cd2+ cations resistant tobacco cell lines occurred. Regenerants R0 and seed progenies R1, R2 were obtained from those lines. Cell lines and R0 and R1 plants challenged the water stress that was established by mannitol addition. Variants resistance was combined with high level of free proline. The investigation of R2 plants resistance levels and their proline status were the objects of the research.Young R2 plants (~ 10,0 cm length) were tested in liquid nutrition solution with the addition of 0,3 M mannitol during 5 days. Such stress pressure was lethal for wild type plants. The leaf free proline level at 5-th day of experiment exceeded normal parameter at ~ 3 times. At 5-th day cultural conditions were changed and plants were divided. Some plants were returned to normal condition the others were moved to solution with higher osmotic stress pressure (0,6 M mannitol). R2 plants actively adapted to both conditions and maintained viability. At second day after resettlement the plans free proline levels decreased in comparison with parameters that were marked before this procedure. There was predicted that this phenomenon was the result of alternative compatible solution (sucrose) accumulation.Методом клітинної селекції із використанням катіонів Cd2+ отримано клітинні лінії й рослини R0, R1, R2 тютюну. Усі рослинні форми відзначалися стійкістю до летальних водних стресів. Стійкість варіантів була координована з підвищеним рівнем вільного проліну, який змінювався залежно від величини стресового тиску. Осмостійкість варіантів є генетично обумовленою ознакою

    Пролін-опосередковані реакції тютюну на дію засолення

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    The comparative investigation of tobacco plants reactions on lethal salinity pressure and their proline status were the objects of the research.On selective media with the addition of lethal for cell cultures doses of Ba2+ cations resistant tobacco cell lines occurred. Regenerants R0 and seed progenies R1, R2 were obtained from those lines. Cell lines, R0, R1 and R2 plants challenged the simulated lethal salt stresses. The comparative investigation of proline-mediated reactions of those variants and initial tobacco (pure glicophyte) were elaborated. R0 plants were cultivated in vitro during 35 days on cultural media with the addition of 20,0g/l sea water salts; R1 and R2 plants were tested in water culture with the addition of 25,0 g/l sea water salt during 10 days.Control and experimentally obtained variants developed different reactions to salt pressure. Control plants eliminated. Experimental variants maintained their metabolism reflected in stable protein biosynthesis. At the same time the free proline levels increased in all genotypes. But in resistant variants these events resulted from amino acid biosynthesis, while in control plants proline appearance was the result of the protein compartments degradation. So data of free proline level are not adequate markers of the plant salt resistance. There is better to estimate the character of proline changes.Предметом роботи стало порівнянне дослідження реакцій тютюну за дії летального засолення та ролі вільного проліну в реалізації солестійкості.Методом клітинної селекції з використанням летальних для клітинних культур доз катіонів Ва2+ отримано стійкі клітинні лінії тютюну. Із них отримано регенеранти R0, а також насіннєві покоління R1, R2. Клітинні лінії й рослини R0, R1 та R2 вирізнялися стійкісттю до модельованого летального сольового стресу. Порівнювали реакції, спряжені з підвищенням рівня вільного проліну, в експериментально отриманних рослин і вихідних рослин тютюну, який є типовим глікофітом. Рослини R0 культивували in vitro протягом 35 діб у присутності 20,0 г/л солей морської води, рослини R1, R2 тестували у водній культурі 10 діб, додаючи 25,0 г/л тієї ж речовини.Відзначали протилежні реакції рослин тютюну у відповідь на дію засолення: контрольні рослини гинули, а експериментальні варіанти стабілізували свій метаболізм, що проявлялось у збереженні синтезу білка. Водночас у всіх рослинах зростав уміст вільного проліну. Однак акумуляція цієї амінокислоти в експериментальних варіантах була наслідком підвищення її синтезу, тоді як пролін у контрольних рослинах утворювався при деградації клітинних білкових компартментів. Отже, абсолютне значення вмісту вільного проліну не може бути гарантованим показником солестійкості, потрібно оцінювати динаміку його змін

    Connection of Social Policy Implementation with the Dynamics of Social Orphanhood in Russian Regions

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    The problem of social orphanhood is one of the most important fmong the social problems of modern Russia, it is acute for a society. In the study of the problems of social orphanage, we used the author’s methods of ranking the regions of Russia according to the dynamics of indicators, an integrated index of “favorable” changes, as well as rating data and indicators of the development of regions of Russia implemented by subjects of social policy and the system of protecting children's rights. Based on the results of the study, the main problems in the social protection of families and citizens in difficult situations are identified. The problems lie in the areas of financial security of social programs, legislative regulation, information support. The results of the study can be used in the activities of social support services. The preventive of social orphanage should be measures of an active social policy