160 research outputs found

    Production of dissolved organic matter and inorganic nutrients by gelatinous zooplankton in the York River estuary, Chesapeake Bay

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    Large blooms of ctenophores (Mnemiopsis leidyi) and scyphomedusae (Chrysaora quinquecirrha) occur throughout the York River, a sub-estuary of Chesapeake Bay. These gelatinous zooplankton blooms can influence carbon (C) and nutrient cycling through excretion of dissolved organic matter (DOM), and inorganic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). We measured dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus (DOC, DON and DOP), ammonium (NH(4)(+)) and phosphate (PO(4)(3-)) released by M. leidyi and C. quinquecirrha in the laboratory, and estimated their contribution to in situ DOC and inorganic pools. Both species released high amounts of DOC compared with DON and DOP. DOM released by Mnemiopsis was C-rich with higher DOC:DON (29:1) compared with the Redfield ratio (6.6C:1N). Daily turnover of DOC and DON in ctenophores was high (25.2% of body C and 18.3% of body N), likely due to mucus production. In contrast, individual Chrysaora released DOC and DON similar to Redfield stoichiometry, but daily turnover of these compounds was low (\u3c 3% of body C and N). Both species released dissolved N and P in inorganic form but also released sizeable quantities of DON (21 and 35% of total dissolved nitrogen, TDN, for ctenophores and medusae, respectively) and DOP (34 and 46% of TDP). Most of the DOC in the York River came from Mnemiopsis populations during summer (May-July). While their contribution to bulk DOC pools was low (\u3c 1% day(-1)), ctenophore populations released higher amounts of DOC to labile pools (18-29% day(-1)). Contributions to NH(4)(+) and PO(4)(3-) pools were highest at times when the York River was N-limited (5.8N:1P). Despite their potential to release phytoplankton from nutrient limitation, N excretion from gelatinous zooplankton supported \u3c 4% of primary production. Because net NH(4)(+) released by Mnemiopsis populations exceeded standing concentrations, we hypothesize an alternative DIN sink whereby bacterioplankton supplement uptake of DOM released by gelatinous zooplankton with inorganic N and P to satisfy intracellular elemental requirements

    Uptake of Spartina-derived humic nitrogen by estuarine phytoplankton in nonaxenic and axenic culture

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    Humic substances are a collection of colored organic acids characterized by high molecular weight and low nitrogen (N) content that are thought to be biologically recalcitrant. We examined a suite of nonaxenic estuarine phytoplankton isolates to determine their ability to take up N-15-labeled humic substances formed in the laboratory and supplied as the sole N source. All 17 estuarine and coastal strains took up the added humic N, but the one polar isolate did not. Two of the coastal isolates (Heterosigma akashiwo and Fibrocapsa japonica) could take up the humic N in nonaxenic culture but not in axenic culture, suggesting that bacterial remineralization played a role in making humic N accessible to these species. The ability of nonaxenic phytoplankton isolates to use humics of different ages (1 week to 1 yr old) was tested using three strains capable of taking up humic N at high rates. Younger, fresher humics were taken up by the phytoplankton strains at higher rates than older, more fulvic-like compounds, and at rates higher than inorganic N uptake run in parallel. Time-course results indicate that while uptake of the inorganic N forms was sustained, high rates of humic N uptake declined after the first few hours of incubation. Additional humic substances were labeled with both N-15 and C-13, and the relative incorporation of N versus carbon (C) was used to infer potential uptake mechanisms. None of the isolates took up humic C, suggesting that uptake of the humic N followed breakdown of the humic molecule by bacteria or via extracellular enzyme cleavage of humic N. Regardless of the mode of uptake, the observation that humic N can be rapidly used by phytoplankton suggests that the importance of humic N as a source of phytoplankton N nutrition should be reevaluated

    Stoichiometric N:P Ratios, Temperature, and Iron Impact Carbon and Nitrogen Uptake by Ross Sea Microbial Communities

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    The Southern Ocean is one of the most biologically important ecosystems on our planet. Microscopic plants, called phytoplankton, form the base of the food web in the Southern Ocean and play a direct role in regulating how much and how fast elements like nitrogen and carbon are cycled throughout the world ocean. The goal of this research was to determine how predicted changes in the environment will impact how fast phytoplankton use these elements. The conditions that we tested included elevated temperature, addition of iron, and the proportion of nitrogen to phosphorus in the seawater. These parameters were selected because temperatures are increasing in the Southern Ocean, and the relative availability of nutrients can alter what species of phytoplankton are present and how fast they grow. Phytoplankton were collected from two locations in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, and grown for a few weeks under experimental conditions. Our results demonstrate that all three parameters, warmer temperatures, the addition of iron, and changing nitrogen to phosphorus ratios will increase how fast phytoplankton use nitrogen and carbon, but the impact of elevated temperature and the addition of iron had a much larger impact than the nitrogen to phosphorus ratio

    Urea Uptake and Carbon Fixation by Marine Pelagic Bacteria and Archaea during the Arctic Summer and Winter Seasons

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    How Arctic climate change might translate into alterations of biogeochemical cycles of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) with respect to inorganic and organic N utilization is not well understood. This study combined N-15 uptake rate measurements for ammonium, nitrate, and urea with N-15-and C-13-based DNA stable-isotope probing (SIP). The objective was to identify active bacterial and archeal plankton and their role in N and C uptake during the Arctic summer and winter seasons. We hypothesized that bacteria and archaea would successfully compete for nitrate and urea during the Arctic winter but not during the summer, when phytoplankton dominate the uptake of these nitrogen sources. Samples were collected at a coastal station near Barrow, AK, during August and January. During both seasons, ammonium uptake rates were greater than those for nitrate or urea, and nitrate uptake rates remained lower than those for ammonium or urea. SIP experiments indicated a strong seasonal shift of bacterial and archaeal N utilization from ammonium during the summer to urea during the winter but did not support a similar seasonal pattern of nitrate utilization. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained from each SIP fraction implicated marine group I Crenarchaeota (MGIC) as well as Betaproteobacteria, Firmicutes, SAR11, and SAR324 in N uptake from urea during the winter. Similarly, C-13 SIP data suggested dark carbon fixation for MGIC, as well as for several proteobacterial lineages and the Firmicutes. These data are consistent with urea-fueled nitrification by polar archaea and bacteria, which may be advantageous under dark conditions

    Interactive effects of elevated temperature and CO2 on nitrate, urea, and dissolved inorganic carbon uptake by a coastal California, USA, microbial community

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    Average global temperatures and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are expected to increase in the coming decades. Implications for ocean ecosystems include shifts in microbial community structure and subsequent modifications to nutrient pathways. Studying how predicted future temperature and CO2 conditions will impact the biogeochemistry of the ocean is important because of the ocean’s role in regulating global climate. We determined how elevated temperature and CO2 affect uptake rates of nitrate, urea, and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) by 2 size classes (0.7-5.0 and \u3e5.0 µm) of a microbial assemblage collected from coastal California, USA. This microbial community was incubated for 10 d using an ecostat continuous culture system that supplied the microorganisms with either nitrate or urea as the dominant nitrogen source. Biomass parameters, nutrient concentrations, and uptake rates were measured throughout the experiment. In all treatments, urea uptake rates were greater than nitrate, and larger microorganisms had higher uptake rates than smaller microorganisms. Uptake rates of urea and DIC within both size fractions were higher at elevated temperature, and uptake rates of nitrate by smaller microorganisms increased with elevated CO2. These findings suggest that the rate at which nutrients cycle in temperate coastal waters will increase as temperature and CO2 levels rise and that the effect will vary between nitrogen substrates and different microorganisms

    Effluent Organic Nitrogen (EON): Bioavailability and Photochemical and Salinity-Mediated Release

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    The goal of this study was to investigate three potential ways that the soluble organic nitrogen (N) fraction of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents, termed effluent organic N (EON), could contribute to coastal eutrophication - direct biological removal, photochemical release of labile compounds, and salinity-mediated release of ammonium (NH4+). Effluents from two WWTPs were used in the experiments. For the bioassays, EON was added to water from four salinities (similar to 0 to 30) collected from the James River (VA) in August 2008, and then concentrations of N and phosphorus compounds were measured periodically over 48 h. Bioassay results, based on changes in DON concentrations, indicate that some fraction of the EON was removed and that the degree of EON removal varied between effluents and with salinity. Further, we caution that bioassay results should be interpreted within a broad context of detailed information on chemical characterization. EON from both WWTPs was also photoreactive, with labile NH4+ and dissolved primary amines released during exposure to sunlight. We also present the first data that demonstrate that when EON is exposed to higher salinities, increasing amounts of NH4+ are released, further facilitating EON use as effluent transits from freshwater through estuaries to the coast

    Assimilatory nitrate utilization by bacteria on the West Florida Shelf as determined by stable isotope probing and functional microarray analysis

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    Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) uptake by marine heterotrophic bacteria has important implications for the global nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) cycles. Bacterial nitrate utilization is more prevalent in the marine environment than traditionally thought, but the taxonomic identity of bacteria that utilize nitrate is difficult to determine using traditional methodologies. 15N-based DNA stable isotope probing was applied to document direct use of nitrate by heterotrophic bacteria on the West Florida Shelf. Seawater was incubated in the presence of 2 mu M 15N ammonium or 15N nitrate. DNA was extracted, fractionated via CsCl ultracentrifugation, and each fraction was analyzed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis. TRFs that exhibited density shifts when compared to controls that had not received 15N amendments were identified by comparison with 16S rRNA gene sequence libraries. Relevant marine proteobacterial lineages, notably Thalassobacter and Alteromonadales, displayed evidence of 15N incorporation. RT-PCR and functional gene microarray analysis could not demonstrate the expression of the assimilatory nitrate reductase gene, nasA, but mRNA for dissimilatory pathways, i.e. nirS, nirK, narG, nosZ, napA, and nrfA was detected. These data directly implicate several bacterial populations in nitrate uptake, but suggest a more complex pattern for N flow than traditionally implied

    Phytoplankton carbon fixation gene (RuBisCO) transcripts and air-sea CO2 flux in the Mississippi River plume

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    River plumes deliver large quantities of nutrients to oligotrophic oceans, often resulting in significant CO2 drawdown. To determine the relationship between expression of the major gene in carbon fixation (large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, RuBisCO) and CO2 dynamics, we evaluated rbcL mRNA abundance using novel quantitative PCR assays, phytoplankton cell analyses, photophysiological parameters, and pCO2 in and around the Mississippi River plume (MRP) in the Gulf of Mexico. Lower salinity (30-32) stations were dominated by rbcL mRNA concentrations from heterokonts, such as diatoms and pelagophytes, which were at least an order of magnitude greater than haptophytes, a-Synechococcus or high-light Prochlorococcus. However, rbcL transcript abundances were similar among these groups at oligotrophic stations (salinity 34-36). Diatom cell counts and heterokont rbcL RNA showed a strong negative correlation to seawater pCO2. While Prochlorococcus cells did not exhibit a large difference between low and high pCO2 water, Prochlorococcus rbcL RNA concentrations had a strong positive correlation to pCO(2), suggesting a very low level of RuBisCO RNA transcription among Prochlorococcus in the plume waters, possibly due to their relatively poor carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCMs). These results provide molecular evidence that diatom/pelagophyte productivity is largely responsible for the large CO2 drawdown occurring in the MRP, based on the cooccurrence of elevated RuBisCO gene transcript concentrations from this group and reduced seawater pCO(2) levels. This may partly be due to efficient CCMs that enable heterokont eukaryotes such as diatoms to continue fixing CO2 in the face of strong CO2 drawdown. Our work represents the first attempt to relate in situ microbial gene expression to contemporaneous CO2 flux measurements in the ocean

    Preliminary estimate of contribution of Arctic nitrogen fixation to the global nitrogen budget

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    Dinitrogen (N-2) fixation is the source of all biologically available nitrogen on earth, and its presence or absence impacts net primary production and global biogeochemical cycles. Here, we report rates of 3.5-17.2 nmol N L-1 d(-1) in the ice-free coastal Alaskan Arctic to show that N-2 fixation in the Arctic Ocean may be an important source of nitrogen to a seasonally nitrogen-limited system. If widespread in surface waters over ice-free shelves throughout the Arctic, N-2 fixation could contribute up to 3.5 Tg N yr(-1) to the Arctic nitrogen budget. At these rates, N-2 fixation occurring in ice-free summer waters would offset up to 27.1% of the Arctic denitrification deficit and contribute an additional 2.7% to N-2 fixation globally, making it an important consideration in the current debate of whether nitrogen in the global ocean is in steady state. Additional investigations of high-latitude marine diazotrophic physiology are required to refine these N-2 fixation estimates
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