43 research outputs found

    Thermo-hydraulic modeling of the ITER radial neutron camera

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    The ITER Radial Neutron Camera (RNC) is a diagnostic system designed as a multichannel detection system to measure the uncollided neutron flux from the plasma, generated in the tokamak vacuum vessel, providing information on neutron emissivity profile. The RNC consists of array of cylindrical collimators located in two diagnostic structures: the ex-port system and the in-port system. The in-port system, contains the diamond detectors which need a temperature protection. Feasibility study of the efficiency of the cooling system for the In-port Detector Modules of the RNC during baking process was the main goal of thermo-hydraulic numerical modeling. The paper presents the concept of the cooling system layout and the original way of integration of numerical thermo-hydraulic analyses of the in-port detector cassette. Due to the large extent of the detector cassette it is impossible to include all relevant thermal and hydraulic effects in one global model with sufficient level of details. Thus the modelling strategy is based on the concept of three stage modelling from details to global model. The presented paper includes results of numerical calculations made with ANSYS Fluent software in order to provide the final answer, including calculation of heat loads in the detector cassette from adjacent walls during baking and normal operation conditions

    Nuclear Analyses for the Assessment of the Loads on the ITER Radial Neutron Camera In-Port System and Evaluation of Its Measurement Performances

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    The radial neutron camera (RNC) is a key ITER diagnostic system designed to measure the uncollided 14- and 2.5-MeV neutrons from deuterium-tritium (DT) and deuterium-deuterium (DD) fusion reactions, through an array of detectors covering a full poloidal plasma section along collimated lines of sight (LoS). Its main objective is the assessment of the neutron emissivity/alpha source profile and the total neutron source strength, providing spatially resolved measurements of several parameters needed for fusion power estimation, plasma control, and plasma physics studies. The present RNC layout is composed of two fan-shaped collimating structures viewing the plasma radially through vertical slots in the diagnostic shielding module (DSM) of ITER Equatorial Port 1 (EP01): the ex-port subsystem and the in-port one. The ex-port subsystem, devoted to the plasma core coverage, extends from the Port Interspace to the Bioshield Plug: it consists of a massive shielding unit hosting two sets of collimators lying on different toroidal planes, leading to a total of 16 interleaved LoS. The in-port system consists of a cassette, integrated inside the port plug DSM, containing two detectors per each of the six LoS looking at the plasma edges. The in-port system must guarantee the required measurement performances in critical operating conditions in terms of high radiation levels, given its proximity to the plasma neutron source. This article presents an updated neutronic analysis based on the latest design of the in-port system and port plug. It has been performed by means of the Monte Carlo MCNP code and provides nuclear loads on the in-port RNC during normal operating conditions (NOC) and inputs for the measurement performance analysis

    Nuclear design of a shielded cabinet for electronics: The ITER radial neutron camera case study

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    The Radial Neutron Camera (RNC) is a diagnostic system located in ITER Equatorial Port #1 providing several spatial and time-resolved parameters for the fusion power estimation, plasma control and physics studies. The RNC measures the uncollided 14 MeV and 2.5 MeV neutrons from deuterium-tritium (DT) and deuterium deuterium (DD) fusion reactions through an array of neutron flux detectors located in collimated Lines of Sight. Signals from RNC detectors (fission chambers, single Crystal Diamonds and scintillators) need pre amplification because of their low amplitude. These preamplifiers have to be as close as possible to the detectors in order to minimize signal degradation and must be protected against fast and thermal neutrons, gamma radiation and electromagnetic fields. The solution adopted is to host the preamplifiers in a shielded cabinet located in a dedicated area of the Port Cell, behind the Bioshield Plug. The overall design of the cabinet must ensure the necessary magnetic, thermal and nuclear shielding and, at the same, satisfy weight and allocated volume constraints and maintain its structural integrity. The present paper describes the nuclear design of the shielded cabinet, performed by means of 3D particle transport calculations (MCNP), taking into account the radiation streaming through the Bioshield penetrations and the cross-talk effect from the neighboring Lower and Upper Ports. We present the assessment of its nuclear shielding performances and analyze the compliancy with the alert thresholds for commercial electronics in terms of neutron flux and cumulated ionizing dose

    D-shaped configurations in FTU for testing liquid lithium limiter: Preliminary studies and experiments

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    The feasibility of getting "D" shaped plasma configurations in FTU, with a possible X point close to the first wall, has been investigated with the aim of achieving an H-mode regime in this machine. This regime could allow both evaluating the thermal effects on the liquid lithium limiter due to the possible Edge Localized Modes and studying the L-H transition properties in low recycling conditions due to the presence of lithium.. An alternative design for the magnetic system in FTU has been also proposed, to realize an X-point inside the plasma chamber, close to the Liquid Lithium Limiter.Preliminary experiments with elongated configurations and limited ECRH additional heating power did not allowed approaching the L-H transition but they were used to develop a proper elongation control. This controller allowed guaranteeing the vertical stability in elongated configurations despite the reduced power available for the horizontal field coils in FTU. The elongation was stably keep over 1.2, while the lithium limiter was very close to the last close flux surface. Neither limiter damages nor plasma pollution were observed in these configurations.A possible alternative connection of the poloidal field coils in FTU is here proposed, with the aim of achieving a true X-point configuration with a magnetic single null well inside the plasma chamber and strike points on the lithium limiter. A preliminary assessment of this design allowed estimating the required power supply upgrade and showed its compatibility with the existing mechanical structure and cooling system, at least for plasmas with current up to 300 kA and flat-top duration up to 4s. Keywords: FTU, Liquid lithium limiter, L-H transition, X-point, Plasma elongatio

    Determining minimal clinically important differences in the Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale Expanded for untreated spinal muscular atrophy patients: An international study

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. European Journal of Neurology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Academy of Neurology.Background and purpose: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare and progressive neuromuscular disorder with varying severity levels. The aim of the study was to calculate minimal clinically important difference (MCID), minimal detectable change (MDC), and values for the Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale Expanded (HFMSE) in an untreated international SMA cohort. Methods: The study employed two distinct methods. MDC was calculated using distribution-based approaches to consider standard error of measurement and effect size change in a population of 321 patients (176 SMA II and 145 SMA III), allowing for stratification based on age and function. MCID was assessed using anchor-based methods (receiver operating characteristic [ROC] curve analysis and standard error) on 76 patients (52 SMA II and 24 SMA III) for whom the 12-month HFMSE could be anchored to a caregiver-reported clinical perception questionnaire. Results: With both approaches, SMA type II and type III patients had different profiles. The MCID, using ROC analysis, identified optimal cutoff points of −2 for type II and −4 for type III patients, whereas using the standard error we found the optimal cutoff points to be 1.5 for improvement and −3.2 for deterioration. Furthermore, distribution-based methods uncovered varying values across age and functional status subgroups within each SMA type. Conclusions: These results emphasize that the interpretation of a single MCID or MDC value obtained in large cohorts with different functional status needs to be made with caution, especially when these may be used to assess possible responses to new therapies

    The SPTLC1 p.S331 mutation bridges sensory neuropathy and motor neuron disease and has implications for treatment

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    Aims SPTLC1-related disorder is a late onset sensory-autonomic neuropathy associated with perturbed sphingolipid homeostasis which can be improved by supplementation with the serine palmitoyl-CoA transferase (SPT) substrate, l-serine. Recently, a juvenile form of motor neuron disease has been linked to SPTLC1 variants. Variants affecting the p.S331 residue of SPTLC1 cause a distinct phenotype, whose pathogenic basis has not been established. This study aims to define the neuropathological and biochemical consequences of the SPTLC1 p.S331 variant, and test response to l-serine in this specific genotype. Methods We report clinical and neurophysiological characterisation of two unrelated children carrying distinct p.S331 SPTLC1 variants. The neuropathology was investigated by analysis of sural nerve and skin innervation. To clarify the biochemical consequences of the p.S331 variant, we performed sphingolipidomic profiling of serum and skin fibroblasts. We also tested the effect of l-serine supplementation in skin fibroblasts of patients with p.S331 mutations. Results In both patients, we recognised an early onset phenotype with prevalent progressive motor neuron disease. Neuropathology showed severe damage to the sensory and autonomic systems. Sphingolipidomic analysis showed the coexistence of neurotoxic deoxy-sphingolipids with an excess of canonical products of the SPT enzyme. l-serine supplementation in patient fibroblasts reduced production of toxic 1-deoxysphingolipids but further increased the overproduction of sphingolipids. Conclusions Our findings suggest that p.S331 SPTLC1 variants lead to an overlap phenotype combining features of sensory and motor neuropathies, thus proposing a continuum in the spectrum of SPTLC1-related disorders. l-serine supplementation in these patients may be detrimental

    Overview of the FTU results

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    Since the 2016 IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, FTU operations have been mainly devoted to experiments on runaway electrons and investigations into a tin liquid limiter; other experiments have involved studies of elongated plasmas and dust. The tearing mode onset in the high density regime has been studied by means of the linear resistive code MARS, and the highly collisional regimes have been investigated. New diagnostics, such as a runaway electron imaging spectroscopy system for in-flight runaway studies and a triple Cherenkov probe for the measurement of escaping electrons, have been successfully installed and tested, and new capabilities of the collective Thomson scattering and the laser induced breakdown spectroscopy diagnostics have been explored

    Concept design of divertor remote handling system for the FAST machine

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    The paper presents a concept design of a remote handling (RH) system oriented to maintenance operations on the divertor second cassette in FAST, a satellite of ITER tokamak. Starting from ITER configuration, a suitably scaled system, composed by a cassette multifunctional mover (CMM) connected to a second cassette end-effector (SCEE), can represent a very efficient solution for FAST machine. The presence of a further system able to open the divertor port, used for RH aims, and remove the first cassette, already aligned with the radial direction of the port, is presumed. Although an ITER-like system maintains essentially shape and proportions of its reference configuration, an appropriate arrangement with FAST environment is needed, taking into account new requirements due to different dimensions, weights and geometries. The use of virtual prototyping and the possibility to involve a great number of persons, not only mechanical designers but also physicist, plasma experts and personnel assigned to remote handling operations, made them to share the multiphysics design experience, according to a concurrent engineering approach. Nevertheless, according to the main objective of any satellite tokamak, such an approach benefits the study of enhancements to ITER RH system and the exploration of alternative solutions