22 research outputs found

    Analytical framework to assess the incorporation of climate change adaptation in water management : application to the Tordera River Basin Adaptation Plan

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    Projections indicate that the Mediterranean region is an area where drastic changes in climate will occur, which will significantly affect water resources. In a context of increasing pressure on water resources as a result of the reduction in water availability, it is essential and urgent to structure water management in a way that allows for adaptation to the challenges that the changing climate will bring to an already water scarce region. It is necessary to generate experiences and methodologies that are based on real case studies that will lay the foundations for the generalisation of practices of climate change adaptation in water management. In this study, we have developed a ready to use analytical framework to evaluate the coherence of water management plans and programs with climate change adaptation principles. We have tested the applicability of the framework that was developed on the Tordera River Basin Adaptation Plan (TRBAP). The analytical framework has proven to be easy to apply and to allow for identifying the inclusion or exclusion of key climate change adaptation features appropriately. We have structured this analytical framework as a starting point contributing to further assessments of how climate change adaptation is incorporated in water managemen

    Upscaling urban recycled water schemes : An analysis of the presence of required governance conditions in the city of Sabadell (Spain)

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    Cleaning wastewater and using it again for secondary purposes is a measure to address water scarcity in urban areas. However, upscaling of recycled water schemes is challenging, and little is known about the governance conditions which are required for this. This paper addresses this knowledge gap. Based on a review of governance literature we suggest that five governance conditions are necessary for a successful upscaling of recycled water schemes: (1) policy leadership, (2) policy coordination, (3) availability of financial resources, (4) awareness of a problem, and (5) the presence of a public forum. We applied these concepts in a case study on the upscaling of a recycled water scheme in Sabadell, Spain. We reviewed policy documents, conducted a set of 21 semi-structured interviews, and attended two policy meetings about the subject. Our results suggest that Sabadell meets the required conditions for upscaling reused water to a certain extent. However, a public forum is not well-developed. We discuss the implications of this and conclude with some suggestions for future research and some lessons for other cities that plan to upscale their recycled water schemes

    A participatory approach for adapting river basins to climate change

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    Climate change is expected to reduce water availability in the Mediterranean region and water management needs to adapt to future conditions. The aims of this study were (1) to develop a participatory approach for identifying and evaluating management options for river basin climate adaptation and (2) to apply and evaluate the approach in four case-study river basins across the Mediterranean. As part of the approach, a diverse group of stakeholders joined a series of workshops and consultations in four river basins located in Cyprus, Slovenia, Spain and Tunisia. In each river basin, stakeholders expressed their views on challenges in their river basins, as well as options to tackle these challenges. We used the information on challenges, as well as the factors contributing to these challenges to develop a fuzzy cognitive map for each basin. These maps were converted into mathematical models and were used to assess the impact of a total of 102 suggested management options for the four river basins. We linked the options and their estimated impacts with a multi-criteria analysis to identify the most preferred options. The approach was positively evaluated by the participating stakeholders and allowed the link of stakeholders' knowledge and perceptions about their river basin with their preferences for options to adapt the management of their river basins to future conditions

    Ten principles to integrate the water-energy-land nexus with climate services for co-producing local and regional integrated assessments

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    The water-energy-land nexus requires long-sighted approaches that help avoid maladaptive pathways to ensure its promise to deliver insights and tools that improve policy-making. Climate services can form the foundation to avoid myopia in nexus studies by providing information about how climate change will alter the balance of nexus resources and the nature of their interactions. Nexus studies can help climate services by providing information about the implications of climate-informed decisions for other economic sectors across nexus resources. First-of-its-kind guidance is provided to combine nexus studies and climate services. The guidance consists of ten principles and a visual guide, which are discussed together with questions to compare diverse case studies and with examples to support the application of the principles

    Monografies del Montseny - 35

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    Des de la primera edició de 1985 comandada per Ramon Bofill Portabella i Antoni Pladevall Font han escrit a les Monografies del Montseny un total de 324 autors diferents, d’arreu del Montseny, molts de Barcelona, però també de la resta del país, inclòs forans. Podeu consultar-los tots a l’índex actualitzat que publiquem cada any. Entre aquest llarg llistat podem trobar escriptors, poetes, científics, polítics, cineastes, esportistes, masovers, propietaris forestals, arquitectes, professors, fotògrafs, llicenciats, advocats, diplomàtics, historiadors, catedràtics, pagesos, filòsofs, guardes forestals, geògrafs, químics, doctors, pintors... Molts dels autors han comandat importants institucions i associacions del nostre país, força són membres de la Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres, la Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts, l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans... i també hi ha autors que són posseïdors de la Creu de Sant Jordi, la Medalla d’Or de la Generalitat, i els més variats reconeixements. Tot i això, des d’un bon principi els fundadors de Monografies del Montseny van voler que les col·laboracions no fossin tancades a ningú, mentre els treballs tinguessin un mínim de solvència i aportessin valor a la col·lecció, independentment del curriculum vitae particular. Tots els autors han contribuït de manera desinteressada amb un o més articles a la col·lecció Monografies del Montseny; de fet és normal trobar a l’índex històric autors amb una desena de col·laboracions, però aquí cal destacar que Antoni Pladevall Font ha participat a totes les Monografies amb més de cinquanta escrits. Com a trets curiosos podem trobar tres articles d’autors de finals de segle XIX i principis del XX publicats en versió facsímil. Monografies del Montseny acumula avui 591 articles, cosa que les converteixen en “la Bíblia del Montseny”, el lloc necessari on acudir per completar qualsevol recerca sobre un tema montsenyenc. Cada volum s’ha publicat amb una mitja variable d’entre 250-300 pàgines, però en algun cas extraordinari hem arribat fins les 400. Cal tenir en compte que des de l’any 1995 les Monografies incorporen un apèndix amb els versos guardonats als premis de poesia Montseny, i les obres guanyadores del premis de fotografia Montseny mentre va durar el certamen (avui extingit). Això suposa que el conjunt de pàgines publicades durant aquests 35 anys arriba a les 9.295.Postprint (published version

    Regando con burbujas

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    El ejemplo del canal Segarra Garrigues, que aquí explicamos, demuestra que a través de las políticas de agua se están impulsado los grandes agronegocios y la especulación con el territorio. Se está alimentando una burbuja que endeuda injustamente a la ciudadanía y no aporta mejores condiciones económicas en el mundo rural. Es muy importante que defendamos un manejo del agua público, que asegure una participación activa y directa de todos los actores involucrados, tanto en la ciudad como en el campo, con el objetivo de fortalecer una agricultura inteligente que preserve la integridad de las masas de agua de las que todos y todas dependemos

    Analisi economica ed ambientale delle politiche di gestione della risorsa acqua in agricoltura

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    Tordera River Basin Adaptation Plan

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    The Tordera river basin is a small watershed, rich in natural heritage and of great geostrategic importance for Catalan socioeconomic development. Impacts of global change may have a particular relevance in this territory, affecting the regional as well as the local population due to the crucial role of this basin in the connection between northern and southern Catalonia