14 research outputs found

    Efficacy of conventional versus innovative therapies for treating skin wounds in veterinary medicine

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    open16siINTRODUCTION: The skin is the largest organ of mammals. The loss of skin integrity may induce important dysfunctions or even death. For superficial wounds, the endogenous healing mechanisms in combination with traditional wound care are sufficient to achieve functional repair. In contrast, in larger wounds, like third and fourth degree burns, chronic wound or deep ulcers it is difficult to obtain the restitutio ad integrum and fibrosis and/or scar tissue develops1,2. The aim of this study was to verify the efficacy of conventional and innovative topic treatments on skin regeneration, induced experimentally in sheep. To achieve this goal different types of investigations (clinical, molecular, histological, immunohistochemical) were performed. METHODS: Six skin lesions (4x4cm) were surgically created on the back of six healthy adult sheep; every single wound was destined, in a randomized way, to one of the following treatments: Acemannan gel, Manuka Honey, hyaluronic acid, Plasma3 (ionized gas), allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells isolated from peripheral blood (PB-MSCs). The sixth wound was the placebo. Biopsies were collected with a surgical punch (0,6x0,6 cm) at time T0, T15 and T40 days. Lesions were clinically evaluated considering the presence and color of wound fluid, the state of hydration, the wound surface/surroundings and other parameters. Histological examinations considered crust formation, re-epithelization and epidermal thickness, dermis edema, extension of granulation tissue, acute and chronic inflammation. Immunohistochemistry for evaluation of inflammation, vascularization and cell proliferation was performed using CD3, CD20, MHCII, von Willebrand factor (vWF) and KI67 antibodies. Furthermore, Real time-PCR investigated genes as V ascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF), Transforming growth factor beta 1(TGFβ1), Vimentin (VIM), Collagen 1α1 (Col1α1) and hair Keratin (hKER). RESULTS: Clinically, the lesions treated with plasma healed more rapidly respect to other treatments and a reduced bacterial load was observed. At T7 wounds treated with stem cells and plasma were less macerated than lesions treated with other therapies. At T15 the wounds treated with hyaluronic acid showed a normal state of hydration while lesions treated with Manuka Honey exhibited a normal hydration from the third week only (Acemannan gel at fourth week). From the second week onwards all wounds did not show presence of fluid and exhibited a dry and clean secondary layer. All lesions, excluded wounds treated with acemannan gel, presented a red (hyaluronic acid and plasma) and dark red (Manuka Honey, PB-MSCs) granulation tissue starting from the first week. Molecular analysis showed a correspondence between clinical and molecular/histologic results. For instance, VEGF mRNA expression confirms angiogenetic events observed at histological level while TGF-β, CD3 and CD20 mRNA/protein expression indicated the presence/absence of inflammation in the used treatments. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS: Innovative therapies led to surprising results regarding regeneration of mammalian skin. Indeed, on the basis of clinical analysis, wounds treated with plasma and MSC healed more rapidly. Further examinations are ongoing in order to elucidate possible mechanisms explaining these differences. REFERENCES: 1S.Y. Broeckx, S. Maes, T. Martinello, et al (2014) Equine epidermis: a source of epithelial-like stem/progenitor cells with in vitro and in vivo regenerative capacities Stem Cells Dev, pp 1134-48. 2J.H. Spaas, C. Gomiero, S.Y. Broeckx, et al (2016) Wound healing markers after autologous and allogeneic epithelial-like stem cell treatment Cytotherapy 2016 (in press). 3E. Martines, M. Zuin, R. Cavazzana, et al. (2009) A novel plasma source for sterilization of living tissues, New J. Phys. 11, 115014.openPatruno, MARCO VINCENZO; Gomiero, Chiara; Martinello, Tiziana; Perazzi, Anna; Gemignani, F; DE BENEDICTIS, GIULIA MARIA; Ferro, Silvia; Zuin, M; Martines, E; Cordaro, Luigi; Brun, Paola; Maccatrozzo, Lisa; Broeckx, Sy; Spaas, Jh; Chiers, K; Iacopetti, IlariaPatruno, MARCO VINCENZO; Gomiero, Chiara; Martinello, Tiziana; Perazzi, Anna; Gemignani, F; DE BENEDICTIS, GIULIA MARIA; Ferro, Silvia; Zuin, M; Martines, E; Cordaro, Luigi; Brun, Paola; Maccatrozzo, Lisa; Broeckx, Sy; Spaas, Jh; Chiers, K; Iacopetti, Ilari

    A dual function of SnRK2 kinases in the regulation of SnRK1 and plant growth

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    [EN] Adverse environmental conditions trigger responses in plants that promote stress tolerance and survival at the expense of growth(1). However, little is known of how stress signalling pathways interact with each other and with growth regulatory components to balance growth and stress responses. Here, we show that plant growth is largely regulated by the interplay between the evolutionarily conserved energy-sensing SNF1-related protein kinase 1 (SnRK1) protein kinase and the abscisic acid (ABA) phytohormone pathway. While SnRK2 kinases are main drivers of ABA-triggered stress responses, we uncover an unexpected growth-promoting function of these kinases in the absence of ABA as repressors of SnRK1. Sequestration of SnRK1 by SnRK2-containing complexes inhibits SnRK1 signalling, thereby allowing target of rapamycin (TOR) activity and growth under optimal conditions. On the other hand, these complexes are essential for releasing and activating SnRK1 in response to ABA, leading to the inhibition of TOR and growth under stress. This dual regulation of SnRK1 by SnRK2 kinases couples growth control with environmental factors typical for the terrestrial habitat and is likely to have been critical for the water-to-land transition of plants.We thank J.-K. Zhu for the snrk2 mutants, M. Bennett for the SnRK2.2-GFP line, C. Koncz for the SnRK1-GFP line, X. Li for the SnRK2.3-FLAG OE line, J. Schroeder for the GFP-His-FLAG and SnRK2.6-His-FLAG OE lines, C. Mackintosh for the TPS5 antibody and the Nottingham Arabidopsis stock centre for T-DNA mutant seeds. The IGC Plant Facility (Vera Nunes) is thanked for excellent plant care. This work was supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia through the R&D Units UIDB/04551/2020 (GREEN-IT-Bioresources for Sustainability) and UID/MAR/04292/2019, FCT project nos. PTDC/BIA-PLA/7143/2014, LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-028128 and PTDC/BIA-BID/32347/2017, and FCT fellowships/contract nos. SFRH/BD/122736/2016 (M.A.), SFRH/BPD/109336/2015 (A.C.), PD/BD/150239/2019 (D.R.B.), and IF/00804/2013 (E.B.G.). Work in P.L.R.'s laboratory was funded by MCIU grant no. BIO2017-82503-R. C.M. thanks the LabEx Paris Saclay Plant Sciences-SPS (ANR-10-LABX-040-SPS) for support. B.B.P. was funded by Programa VALi+d GVA APOSTD/2017/039. This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 867426-ABA-GrowthBalance-H2020-WF-2018-2020/H2020-WF-01-2018, awarded to B.B.P.). This work is dedicated to the memory of our beloved friend and colleague Americo Rodrigues.Belda-Palazón, B.; Adamo, M.; Valerio, C.; Ferreira, LJ.; Confraria, A.; Reis-Barata, D.; Rodrigues, A.... (2020). A dual function of SnRK2 kinases in the regulation of SnRK1 and plant growth. 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    Equine allogeneic chondrogenic induced mesenchymal stem cells : a GCP target animal safety and biodistribution study

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    The safety of the intra-articular use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is scarcely reported. Therefore, the goal of this study was to investigate the safety of a single intra-articular injection with allogeneic chondrogenic induced MSCs combined with equine plasma (= the investigational product: IVP) compared to a saline (0.9% NaCl) placebo control (= control product: CP). Sixteen healthy experimental horses were randomly assigned to receive a single intra-articular injection with either the IVP (n = 8) or the CP (n = 8) in the left metacarpophalangeal joint. All horses underwent a daily clinical assessment throughout the entire study period of 42 days to assess adverse events. Additionally, a local joint assessment and a lameness examination were performed daily during the first two weeks, and weekly the following 4 weeks. Blood samples were taken weekly for hematological and biochemical analysis. At the end of the study period, horses of the IVP group were euthanized for a thorough necropsy and to check for biodistribution. Tissue samples of the injected joint were collected for histological examination. In both CP and IVP treated horses a mild transient subjective increase in periarticular temperature and lameness was noted after the intra-articular injection with no significant differences between the treatment groups. No distribution of the cells was found using immunohistochemistry and no ectopic tissue formation or signs of inflammation were found on histology. A single intra-articular injection of allogeneic chondrogenic induced MSCs combined with allogeneic plasma in horses had the same clinical side effects as an intra-articular injection with saline solution

    Equine epidermis: a source of epithelial-like stem/progenitor cells with in vitro and in vivo regenerative capacities.

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    Besides the presence of somatic stem cells in hair follicles and dermis, the epidermis also contains a subpopulation of stem cells, reflecting its high regenerative capacity. However, only limited information concerning epidermis-derived epithelial-like stem/progenitor cells (EpSCs) is available to date. Nonetheless, this stem cell type could prove itself useful in skin reconstitution after injury. Following harvesting from equine epidermis, the purified cells were characterized as EpSCs by means of positive expression for CD29, CD44, CD49f, CD90, Casein Kinase 2\u3b2, CK14, p63 and Ki67 and negative expression for CD105, cytokeratin (CK)18, Wide CK and Pan CK. Furthermore, their self-renewal capacity was assessed in adhesion as well as in suspension. Moreover, the isolated cells were differentiated towards keratinocytes and adipocytes. To assess the regenerative capacities of EpSCs, 6 full-thickness skin wounds were made, three were treated with EpSCs & platelet-rich-plasma (EpSC/PRP-treated) while the remaining 3 were administered carrier fluid alone (PRP-treated). The dermis of EpSC/PRP-treated wounds was significantly thinner and exhibited more restricted granulation tissue than the PRP-treated wounds. The EpSC/PRP-treated wounds also exhibited increases in EpSCs, vascularization, elastin content and follicle-like structures. In addition, combining EpSCs with a PRP-treatment enhanced tissue repair after clinical application

    Production of selected short-rotation wood crop species and quality of obtained biomass

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    Abstract View references (68) Short-rotation coppice (SRC) represents an important source of wood biomass. Many uncertainties create barriers to farmers establishing SRC plantations, especially under Mediterranean climate conditions. In this study, five species and respective genotypes were analyzed. The five species were Fraxinus angustifolia, Robinia pseudoacacia, Salix alba, Populus nigra (Limatola), and Populus × euroamericana, with the genotypes of the latter being Grimminge, Vesten, Hoogvorst, Muur. For the plantations studied, two different harvesting systems were replicated: the single machine pass, or cut-and-chip (CC); and the double machine pass, for which the tree are cut first, then chipped later (chip of stored trees CS). In the CC, fresh trees were harvested and chipped by Claas Jaguar 880. In the CS, dry trees were chipped by Farmi Forest CH 260. Within the same site, in climatic conditions and low-input management, the best result in terms of biomass yield was obtained from the black poplar Limatola. Both wood typologies and harvesting systems affected the chip quality. The disk chipper, when working on dried biomass, produced lower quality chips than the other chipping device in terms of particle size. In the chips obtained, there was an increase in the number of chips classified as being “larger size” and “oversized”, and a decrease in the percentage of those classified as “accept” (45–3 mm fraction). The chips obtained from dried trees were of better energy quality compared with the same biomass obtained from the fresh trees in terms of heating value and ash content. © 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature