1,133 research outputs found

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of 0.4<z<1.0 CFRS Galaxies: Oxygen Abundances, SFRs and Dust

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    Using new J-band VLT-ISAAC and Keck-NIRSPEC spectroscopy, we have measured Halpha and [NII] line fluxes for 0.47<z<0.92 CFRS galaxies which have [OII], Hbeta and [OIII]a line fluxes available from optical spectroscopy, to investigate how the properties of the star forming gas in galaxies evolve with redshift. We derive the extinction and oxygen abundances for the sample using a method based on a set of ionisation parameter and oxygen abundance diagnostics, simultaneously fitting the [OII], Hbeta,[OIII], Halpha, and [NII] line fluxes. The individual reddening measurements allow us to accurately correct the Halpha-based star formation rate (SFR) estimates for extinction. Our most salient conclusions are: a) in all 30 CFRS galaxies the source of gas ionisation is not due to AGN activity; b) we find a range of 0<AV<3, suggesting that it is important to determine the extinction for every single galaxy in order to reliably measure SFRs and oxygen abundances in high redshift galaxies; c) high values of [NII]/Halpha >0.1 for most (but not all) of the CFRS galaxies indicate that they lie on the high-metallicity branch of the R23 calibration; d) about one third of the 0.47<z<0.92 CFRS galaxies in our sample have lower metallicities than local galaxies with similar luminosities and star formation rates; e) comparison with a chemical evolution model indicates that these low metallicity galaxies are unlikely to be the progenitors of metal-poor dwarf galaxies at z~0.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Physical Conditions of Accreting Gas in T Tauri Star Systems

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    We present results from a low resolution (R~300) near-infrared spectroscopic variability survey of actively accreting T Tauri stars (TTS) in the Taurus-Auriga star forming region. Paschen and Brackett series H I recombination lines were detected in 73 spectra of 15 classical T Tauri systems. The values of the Pan/PaB, Brn/BrG, and BrG/Pan H I line ratios for all observations exhibit a scatter of < 20% about the weighted mean, not only from source to source, but also for epoch-to-epoch variations in the same source. A representative or `global' value was determined for each ratio in both the Paschen and Brackett series as well as the BrG/Pan line ratios. A comparison of observed line ratio values was made to those predicted by the temperature and electron density dependent models of Case B hydrogen recombination line theory. The measured line ratios are statistically well-fit by a tightly constrained range of temperatures (T < 2000 K) and electron densities 1e9 < n_e < 1e10 cm^-3. A comparison of the observed line ratio values to the values predicted by the optically thick and thin local thermodynamic equilibrium cases rules out these conditions for the emitting H I gas. Therefore, the emission is consistent with having an origin in a non-LTE recombining gas. While the range of electron densities is consistent with the gas densities predicted by existing magnetospheric accretion models, the temperature range constrained by the Case B comparison is considerably lower than that expected for accreting gas. The cooler gas temperatures will require a non-thermal excitation process (e.g., coronal/accretion-related X-rays and UV photons) to power the observed line emission.Comment: 12 pages, emulateapj format, Accepted for publication in Ap

    The impact of changing provider remuneration on clinical activity and quality of care: evaluation of a pilot NHS contract in Northern Ireland

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    Objectives A pilot NHS dental contract was introduced in Northern Ireland between 2015 and 2016, which involved changing the method for paying general dental practitioners working in the NHS from Fee-For-Service (FFS) to capitation-based payments, providing an opportunity for a robust evaluation. We investigated the impact of a change in payment methods on clinical activity and the quality of care provided. Design A difference-in-difference (DiD) evaluation was applied to clinical activity data from pilot NHS dental practices in Northern Ireland compared to matched control NHS practices, and applied to a questionnaire survey of patient-rated outcomes of health outcomes and care quality. We estimated the impact on access to care, treatment activity levels, practice finances and patient-rated outcomes of care of a change from FFS to a capitation-based system for one year, as well as the impact of a reversion back to FFS at the end of the pilot period. Results The monthly number of registered patients in the pilot practices increased more than the control practices during the capitation period, by 1.5 registrations per 1,000 registered patients. The monthly reductions in the volumes of all treatments in the pilot practices during the capitation period was much larger than the control practices, with 175 fewer treatment items. All measures rapidly returned to baseline levels following reversion from capitation back to FFS. NHS income per month increased in pilot practices, by £5,920 per month (calculated on FFS item cost basis) more than controls in the capitation period. The analysis of patient questionnaires suggest found that patients notices differences only in waiting times, skill-mix and number of radiographs, but not on other measures of healthcare process and quality. Conclusion General dental practitioners working in the NHS respond rapidly and consistently to changes in provider payment methods. A move from FFS to a capitation-based system had little impact on access to care, but did produce large reductions in clinical activity and patient charge income. Patients noticed little change in the service they received. This shows that changes in remuneration contracts have the potential to meet policy goals, such as meeting the expectations of patients within a predictable cost envelope. However, it is unlikely that all policy goals can be met simply by changing payment methods. Therefore, work is also needed to identify and evaluate interventions that can complement changes in remuneration to achieve desirable outcomes

    Temperature Fluctuations and Abundances in HII Galaxies

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    There is evidence for temperature fluctuations in Planetary Nebulae and in Galactic HII regions. If such fluctuations occur in the low-metallicity, extragalactic HII regions used to probe the primordial helium abundance, the derived 4He mass fraction, Y_P, could be systematically different from the true primordial value. For cooler, mainly high-metallicity HII regions the derived helium abundance may be nearly unchanged but the oxygen abundance could have been seriously underestimated. For hotter, mainly low-metallicity HII regions the oxygen abundance is likely accurate but the helium abundance could be underestimated. The net effect is to tilt the Y vs. Z relation, making it flatter and resulting in a higher inferred Y_P. Although this effect could be large, there are no data which allow us to estimate the size of the temperature fluctuations for the extragalactic HII regions. Therefore, we have explored this effect via Monte Carlos in which the abundances derived from a fiducial data set are modified by \Delta-T chosen from a distribution with 0 < \Delta-T < \Delta-T_max where \Delta-T_max is varied from 500K to 4000K. It is interesting that although this effect shifts the locations of the HII regions in Y vs. O/H plane, it does not introduce any significant additional dispersion.Comment: 11 pages, 9 postscript figures; submitted to the Ap

    Emission-line Helium Abundances in Highly Obscured Nebulae

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    This paper outlines a way to determine the ICF using only infrared data. We identify four line pairs, [NeIII] 36\micron/[NeII] 12.8\micron, [NeIII]~15.6\micron /[NeII] 12.8\micron, [ArIII] 9\micron/[ArII] 6.9\micron, and [ArIII] 21\micron/[ArII] 6.9\micron, that are sensitive to the He ICF. This happens because the ions cover a wide range of ionization, the line pairs are not sensitive to electron temperature, they have similar critical densities, and are formed within the He+^+/H+^+ region of the nebula. We compute a very wide range of photoionization models appropriate for galactic HII regions. The models cover a wide range of densities, ionization parameters, stellar temperatures, and use continua from four very different stellar atmospheres. The results show that each line pair has a critical intensity ratio above which the He ICF is always small. Below these values the ICF depends very strongly on details of the models for three of the ratios, and so other information would be needed to determine the helium abundance. The [Ar III] 9\micron/[ArII] 6.9\micron ratio can indicate the ICF directly due to the near exact match in the critical densities of the two lines. Finally, continua predicted by the latest generation of stellar atmospheres are sufficiently hard that they routinely produce significantly negative ICFs.Comment: Accepted by PASP. Scheduled for the October 1999 issue. 11 pages, 5 figure

    Planetary Nebula Abundances and Morphology: Probing the Chemical Evolution of the Milky Way

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    This paper presents a homogeneous study of abundances in a sample of 79 northern galactic planetary nebulae whose morphological classes have been uniformly determined. Ionic abundances and plasma diagnostics were derived from selected optical line strengths in the literature, and elemental abundances were estimated with the Ionization Correction Factor developed by Kingsbourgh & Barlow (1994). We compare the elemental abundances to the final yields obtained from stellar evolution models of low-and intermediate-mass stars, and we confirm that most Bipolar planetary nebulae have high nitrogen and helium abundance, and are the likely progeny of stars with main-sequence mass larger than 3 solar masses. We derive =0.27, and discuss the implication of such a high ratio in connection with the solar neon abundance. We determine the galactic gradients of oxygen and neon, and found Delta log (O/H)/Delta R=-0.01 dex/kpc$ and Delta log (Ne/H)/Delta R=-0.01 dex/kpc. These flat PN gradients do not reconcile with galactic metallicity gradients flattening with time.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    The ORACLE Children Study:Educational outcomes at 11 years of age following antenatal prescription of erythromycin or co-amoxiclav

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    Background Antibiotics used for women in spontaneous preterm labour without overt infection, in contrast to those with preterm rupture of membranes, are associated with altered functional outcomes in their children. Methods From the National Pupil Database, we used Key Stage 2 scores, national test scores in school year 6 at 11 years of age, to explore the hypothesis that erythromycin and co-amoxiclav were associated with poorer educational outcomes within the ORACLE Children Study. Results Anonymised scores for 97% of surviving children born to mothers recruited to ORACLE and resident in England were analysed against treatment group adjusting for key available socio-demographic potential confounders. No association with crude or with adjusted scores for English, mathematics or science was observed by maternal antibiotic group in either women with preterm rupture of membranes or spontaneous preterm labour with intact membranes. While the proportion receiving special educational needs was similar in each group (range 31.6-34.4%), it was higher than the national rate of 19%. Conclusions Despite evidence that antibiotics are associated with increased functional impairment at 7 years, educational test scores and special needs at 11 years of age show no differences between trial groups. Trial registration number ISCRT Number 52995660 (original ORACLE trial number).</p

    A Lyman alpha emitter at z = 6.5 found with slitless spectroscopy

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    We report the discovery of a Lyman alpha emitting galaxy at z = 6.518. The single line was found in the 43 square arcmin VLT/FORS field by slitless spectroscopy limited to the atmospheric window at 9100 A (sampling Lya at 6.4 < z < 6.6). Its counterpart is undetected in a deep I band image and the line has an asymmetric appearance in a deeper follow-up spectrum. There are no plausible line identifications except for Lya with a flux of 1.9x10^-17 erg/s/cm2 and rest frame equivalent width > 80 A. The lower limit to the star formation rate density at z = 6.5 derived from our complete sample is 5x10^-4 M_sol/year/Mpc^3, consistent with measurements in the Subaru Deep Field and Hubble Ultra Deep Field but approximately ten times higher than in the Large Area Lyman Alpha survey. This Lya emitter is among the very small sample of highest redshift galaxies known.Comment: Accepted as Letter by A&A, 5 pages, 7 figures, one typo correcte