667 research outputs found

    Computadores no ensino de ciências : uma pesquisa sobre o uso da realidade virtual no trabalho de sala de aula de professores de Física

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    Desde a década de 1980 (Kocijancic, 1996; Rogers, 1996; Brizzi, 2000), muito se tem discutido sobre os limites e possibilidades do uso de softwares nas salas de aula. Entretanto, ainda que algumas pesquisas apontem o envolvimento de inúmeros fatores que determinam o sucesso do uso das TIC’s na escola poucos estudos são realizados com o intuito de compreender quais fatores impedem que os professores façam o uso otimizado de novas tecnologias no contexto escolar. Além disso, poucas pesquisas investem na compreensão de dimensões didático-pedagógicas que influenciam a inserção das TIC’S no contexto escolar. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a análise de dados coletados em uma aplicação piloto de um curso de Física para o Ensino Médio, que faz uso de um software de realidade virtual (RV)

    Hobcaw Barony : a blend of nature, science & education

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    This travel article from the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism highlights Hobcaw Barony which sits between the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and Winyah Bay between Georgetown and Charleston and forms the largest stretch of protected property on the East Coast. The Visitor Center is open Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm (except certain holidays), with access to the full 17,500 acres available by guided tour

    Beaufort County above-ground historic resources survey Beaufort County, South Carolina

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    The objective of this survey has been to identify all above ground historic resources in the survey area of Beaufort County. These resources include a wide variety of cultural remains, including buildings, structures, sites, objects, districts, and landscapes that have architectural or historical significance. The project is designed to provide information to public officials throughout Beaufort County to allow them to make informed decisions regarding the impact of development and other public activities on Beaufort County’s cultural resources, and to set priorities for the protection and use of these resources

    Towards a synthesized critique of neoliberal biodiversity conservation

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    During the last three decades, the arena of biodiversity conservation has largely aligned itself with the globally dominant political ideology of neoliberalism and associated governmentalities. Schemes such as payments for ecological services are promoted to reach the multiple ‘wins’ so desired: improved biodiversity conservation, economic development, (international) cooperation and poverty alleviation, amongst others. While critical scholarship with respect to understanding the linkages between neoliberalism, capitalism and the environment has a long tradition, a synthesized critique of neoliberal conservation - the ideology (and related practices) that the salvation of nature requires capitalist expansion - remains lacking. This paper aims to provide such a critique. We commence with the assertion that there has been a conflation between ‘economics’ and neoliberal ideology in conservation thinking and implementation. As a result, we argue, it becomes easier to distinguish the main problems that neoliberal win-win models pose for biodiversity conservation. These are framed around three points: the stimulation of contradictions; appropriation and misrepresentation and the disciplining of dissent. Inspired by Bruno Latour’s recent ‘compositionist manifesto’, the conclusion outlines some ideas for moving beyond critique

    Mutations in CHMP2B in lower motor neuron predominant amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

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    Background: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a common late-onset neurodegenerative disease, is associated with fronto-temporal dementia (FTD) in 3-10% of patients. A mutation in CHMP2B was recently identified in a Danish pedigree with autosomal dominant FTD. Subsequently, two unrelated patients with familial ALS, one of whom also showed features of FTD, were shown to carry missense mutations in CHMP2B. The initial aim of this study was to determine whether mutations in CHMP2B contribute more broadly to ALS pathogenesis. Methodology/Principal Findings: Sequencing of CHMP2B in 433 ALS cases from the North of England identified 4 cases carrying 3 missense mutations, including one novel mutation, p. Thr104Asn, none of which were present in 500 neurologically normal controls. Analysis of clinical and neuropathological data of these 4 cases showed a phenotype consistent with the lower motor neuron predominant (progressive muscular atrophy (PMA)) variant of ALS. Only one had a recognised family history of ALS and none had clinically apparent dementia. Microarray analysis of motor neurons from CHMP2B cases, compared to controls, showed a distinct gene expression signature with significant differential expression predicting disassembly of cell structure; increased calcium concentration in the ER lumen; decrease in the availability of ATP; down-regulation of the classical and p38 MAPK signalling pathways, reduction in autophagy initiation and a global repression of translation. Transfection of mutant CHMP2B into HEK-293 and COS-7 cells resulted in the formation of large cytoplasmic vacuoles, aberrant lysosomal localisation demonstrated by CD63 staining and impairment of autophagy indicated by increased levels of LC3-II protein. These changes were absent in control cells transfected with wild-type CHMP2B. Conclusions/Significance: We conclude that in a population drawn from North of England pathogenic CHMP2B mutations are found in approximately 1% of cases of ALS and 10% of those with lower motor neuron predominant ALS. We provide a body of evidence indicating the likely pathogenicity of the reported gene alterations. However, absolute confirmation of pathogenicity requires further evidence, including documentation of familial transmission in ALS pedigrees which might be most fruitfully explored in cases with a LMN predominant phenotype

    Unravelling the enigma of selective vulnerability in neurodegeneration: motor neurons resistant to degeneration in ALS show distinct gene expression characteristics and decreased susceptibility to excitotoxicity.

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    A consistent clinical feature of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the sparing of eye movements and the function of external sphincters, with corresponding preservation of motor neurons in the brainstem oculomotor nuclei, and of Onuf's nucleus in the sacral spinal cord. Studying the differences in properties of neurons that are vulnerable and resistant to the disease process in ALS may provide insights into the mechanisms of neuronal degeneration, and identify targets for therapeutic manipulation. We used microarray analysis to determine the differences in gene expression between oculomotor and spinal motor neurons, isolated by laser capture microdissection from the midbrain and spinal cord of neurologically normal human controls. We compared these to transcriptional profiles of oculomotor nuclei and spinal cord from rat and mouse, obtained from the GEO omnibus database. We show that oculomotor neurons have a distinct transcriptional profile, with significant differential expression of 1,757 named genes (q < 0.001). Differentially expressed genes are enriched for the functional categories of synaptic transmission, ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis, mitochondrial function, transcriptional regulation, immune system functions, and the extracellular matrix. Marked differences are seen, across the three species, in genes with a function in synaptic transmission, including several glutamate and GABA receptor subunits. Using patch clamp recording in acute spinal and brainstem slices, we show that resistant oculomotor neurons show a reduced AMPA-mediated inward calcium current, and a higher GABA-mediated chloride current, than vulnerable spinal motor neurons. The findings suggest that reduced susceptibility to excitotoxicity, mediated in part through enhanced GABAergic transmission, is an important determinant of the relative resistance of oculomotor neurons to degeneration in ALS