1,274 research outputs found

    Understanding drivers of aquatic ecosystem metabolism in freshwater subtropical ridge and slough wetlands

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    How climate and habitat drive variation in aquatic metabolism in wetlands remains uncertain. To quantify differences in seasonal aquatic metabolism among wetlands, we estimated aquatic ecosystem metabolism (gross primary productivity, GPP; ecosystem respiration, ER; net aquatic productivity, NAP) in subtropical ridge and slough wetlands of the Florida Everglades from more than 2 yr of continuously measured water column dissolved oxygen, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), water temperature, and water depth. Gross primary productivity and ER were modeled from light, temperature, and water depth using non-linear minimization and maximum likelihood. Reaeration rates were estimated from wind speed. Dissolved oxygen was below saturation at all sites during both wet and dry seasons. Water depth interacted with vegetation to influence PAR, water temperature, and spatiotemporal patterns in aquatic metabolism. Gross primary productivity and ER were highest at the slough with lowest submerged aquatic vegetation (low-SAV slough), intermediate in the sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) ridge site, and lowest at the slough with highest submerged aquatic vegetation (high-SAV slough). Ecosystem respiration was strongly positively correlated with GPP at the sawgrass ridge and low-SAV slough sites. Gross primary productivity increased with water temperature and PAR across all habitat types, whereas ER decreased (more respiration) with water temperature and PAR. Net aquatic productivity was negatively correlated with water temperature and positively correlated with PAR, suggesting that ER was more sensitive than GPP to water temperature. Aquatic metabolism was largely net heterotrophic in all wetlands, and high-SAV appeared to buffer seasonal variation in PAR and water temperatures that drive NAP in subtropical wetlands. Our results suggest that aquatic ecosystem metabolism in wetlands with seasonal hydrology is sensitive to changes in water depth and vegetation density that influence temperature and light. Expanding our understanding of how metabolic processes and carbon cycling in wetland ecosystems vary across gradients in hydrology, vegetation, and organic matter could enhance our understanding and protection of conditions that maximize carbon storage

    Life History and Habitat of the Rare Patch-nosed Salamander (Urspelerpes brucei)

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    We examined the life history and habitat characteristics for the Patch-nosed Salamander, Urspelerpes brucei. Body-size measurements of individuals captured using litter bags and by hand from 2008 to 2010 indicated that the larval period lasts at least 2 y, salamanders attain reproductive maturity at or shortly after metamorphosis, and adults have very little variation in body size. Occupied streams are characterized by small size, little water, and narrow, steep-walled ravines. Within occupied streams, larval capture rate was significantly and negatively related to mean water depth, underscoring the importance of protecting headwaters. We hypothesize that the only known population of U. brucei east of the Tugaloo River was isolated from the west-bank populations by the tremendous increase in w

    Extensive spontaneous plasticity of corticospinal projections after primate spinal cord injury.

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    Although axonal regeneration after CNS injury is limited, partial injury is frequently accompanied by extensive functional recovery. To investigate mechanisms underlying spontaneous recovery after incomplete spinal cord injury, we administered C7 spinal cord hemisections to adult rhesus monkeys and analyzed behavioral, electrophysiological and anatomical adaptations. We found marked spontaneous plasticity of corticospinal projections, with reconstitution of fully 60% of pre-lesion axon density arising from sprouting of spinal cord midline-crossing axons. This extensive anatomical recovery was associated with improvement in coordinated muscle recruitment, hand function and locomotion. These findings identify what may be the most extensive natural recovery of mammalian axonal projections after nervous system injury observed to date, highlighting an important role for primate models in translational disease research

    Using Natural Language Processing and Sentiment Analysis to Augment Traditional User-Centered Design: Development and Usability Study

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    Background: Sarcopenia, defined as the age-associated loss of muscle mass and strength, can be effectively mitigated through resistance-based physical activity. With compliance at approximately 40% for home-based exercise prescriptions, implementing a remote sensing system would help patients and clinicians to better understand treatment progress and increase compliance. The inclusion of end users in the development of mobile apps for remote-sensing systems can ensure that they are both user friendly and facilitate compliance. With advancements in natural language processing (NLP), there is potential for these methods to be used with data collected through the user-centered design process. Objective: This study aims to develop a mobile app for a novel device through a user-centered design process with both older adults and clinicians while exploring whether data collected through this process can be used in NLP and sentiment analysis. Methods: Through a user-centered design process, we conducted semistructured interviews during the development of a geriatric-friendly Bluetooth-connected resistance exercise band app. We interviewed patients and clinicians at weeks 0, 5, and 10 of the app development. Each semistructured interview consisted of heuristic evaluations, cognitive walkthroughs, and observations. We used the Bing sentiment library for a sentiment analysis of interview transcripts and then applied NLP-based latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic modeling to identify differences and similarities in patient and clinician participant interviews. Sentiment was defined as the sum of positive and negative words (each word with a +1 or −1 value). To assess utility, we used quantitative assessment questionnaires—System Usability Scale (SUS) and Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease of use (USE). Finally, we used multivariate linear models—adjusting for age, sex, subject group (clinician vs patient), and development—to explore the association between sentiment analysis and SUS and USE outcomes. Results: The mean age of the 22 participants was 68 (SD 14) years, and 17 (77%) were female. The overall mean SUS and USE scores were 66.4 (SD 13.6) and 41.3 (SD 15.2), respectively. Both patients and clinicians provided valuable insights into the needs of older adults when designing and building an app. The mean positive-negative sentiment per sentence was 0.19 (SD 0.21) and 0.47 (SD 0.21) for patient and clinician interviews, respectively. We found a positive association with positive sentiment in an interview and SUS score (ß=1.38; 95% CI 0.37 to 2.39; P=.01). There was no significant association between sentiment and the USE score. The LDA analysis found no overlap between patients and clinicians in the 8 identified topics. Conclusions: Involving patients and clinicians allowed us to design and build an app that is user friendly for older adults while supporting compliance. This is the first analysis using NLP and usability questionnaires in the quantification of user-centered design of technology for older adults


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    BACKGROUND: The neuropeptides orexin A and B play a role in reward and feeding and are critical for arousal. However, it was not initially appreciated that most prepro-orexin synthesizing neurons are almost exclusively concentrated in the perifornical hypothalamus, which when stimulated elicits panic-associated behavior and cardiovascular responses in rodents and self-reported "panic attacks" and "fear of dying" in humans. More recent studies support a role for the orexin system in coordinating an integrative stress response. For instance, orexin neurons are highly reactive to anxiogenic stimuli, are hyperactive in anxiety pathology, and have strong projections to anxiety and panic-associated circuitry. Although the two cognate orexin receptors are colocalized in many brain regions, the orexin 2 receptor (OX2R) most robustly maps to the histaminergic wake-promoting region, while the orexin 1 receptor (OX1R) distribution is more exclusive and dense in anxiety and panic circuitry regions, such as the locus ceruleus. Overall, this suggests that OX1Rs play a critical role in mobilizing anxiety and panic responses. METHODS: Here, we used a CO2 -panic provocation model to screen a dual OX1/2R antagonist (DORA-12) to globally inhibit orexin activity, then a highly selective OX1R antagonist (SORA1, Compound 56) or OX2R antagonist (SORA2, JnJ10397049) to assess OX1R and OX2R involvement. RESULTS: All compounds except the SORA2 attenuated CO2 -induced anxiety-like behaviors, and all but the SORA2 and DORA attenuated CO2 -induced cardiovascular responses. CONCLUSIONS: SORA1s may represent a novel method of treating anxiety disorders, with no apparent sedative effects that were present with a benzodiazepine

    Mitotic stress is an integral part of the oncogene-induced senescence program that promotes multinucleation and cell cycle arrest

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    Oncogene-induced senescence (OIS) is a tumor suppression mechanism that blocks cell proliferation in response to oncogenic signaling. OIS is frequently accompanied by multinucleation; however, the origin of this is unknown. Here, we show that multinucleate OIS cells originate mostly from failed mitosis. Prior to senescence, mutant H-RasV12 activation in primary human fibroblasts compromised mitosis, concordant with abnormal expression of mitotic genes functionally linked to the observed mitotic spindle and chromatin defects. Simultaneously, H-RasV12 activation enhanced survival of cells with damaged mitoses, culminating in extended mitotic arrest and aberrant exit from mitosis via mitotic slippage. ERK-dependent transcriptional upregulation of Mcl1 was, at least in part, responsible for enhanced survival and slippage of cells with mitotic defects. Importantly, mitotic slippage and oncogene signaling cooperatively induced senescence and key senescence effectors p21 and p16. In summary, activated Ras coordinately triggers mitotic disruption and enhanced cell survival to promote formation of multinucleate senescent cells
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