14 research outputs found

    Mogućnost smirivanja prometa u blizini Å”kola s aplikacijom rjeÅ”enja na području grada Zagreba

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    Koncept ā€œsmirivanja prometaā€œ temelji se na zahtjevu povećanja sigurnosti prometa, pjeÅ”aka koji se nalaze u blizini motornih vozila, a postiže se poboljÅ”anjem preglednosti vozačeve okoline te smanjivanjem brzine kretanja vozila u stambenim zonama i u blizini Å”kola. Smirivanjem prometa moguće je postići veću sigurnost kod pjeÅ”aka te smanjenje neposrednih Å”tetnih utjecaja na okoliÅ” kao Å”to su smanjenje razine buke i onečiŔćenja zraka. Da bi se postigao cilj koncepta potrebno je provesti čitav niz postupaka koji se sastoje od preuređenja postojeće cestovne infrastrukture, postavljanja posebne cestovne opreme i signalizacije za smirivanje prometa. U radu su prikazane različite mjere smirivanja prometa. Ključne riječi: promet, smirivanje, sigurnostKoncept ā€œsmirivanja prometaā€œ temelji se na zahtjevu povećanja sigurnosti prometa, pjeÅ”aka koji se nalaze u blizini motornih vozila, a postiže se poboljÅ”anjem preglednosti vozačeve okoline te smanjivanjem brzine kretanja vozila u stambenim zonama i u blizini Å”kola. Smirivanjem prometa moguće je postići veću sigurnost kod pjeÅ”aka te smanjenje neposrednih Å”tetnih utjecaja na okoliÅ” kao Å”to su smanjenje razine buke i onečiŔćenja zraka. Da bi se postigao cilj koncepta potrebno je provesti čitav niz postupaka koji se sastoje od preuređenja postojeće cestovne infrastrukture, postavljanja posebne cestovne opreme i signalizacije za smirivanje prometa. U radu su prikazane različite mjere smirivanja prometa. Ključne riječi: promet, smirivanje, sigurnostKoncept ā€œsmirivanja prometaā€œ temelji se na zahtjevu povećanja sigurnosti prometa, pjeÅ”aka koji se nalaze u blizini motornih vozila, a postiže se poboljÅ”anjem preglednosti vozačeve okoline te smanjivanjem brzine kretanja vozila u stambenim zonama i u blizini Å”kola. Smirivanjem prometa moguće je postići veću sigurnost kod pjeÅ”aka te smanjenje neposrednih Å”tetnih utjecaja na okoliÅ” kao Å”to su smanjenje razine buke i onečiŔćenja zraka. Da bi se postigao cilj koncepta potrebno je provesti čitav niz postupaka koji se sastoje od preuređenja postojeće cestovne infrastrukture, postavljanja posebne cestovne opreme i signalizacije za smirivanje prometa. U radu su prikazane različite mjere smirivanja prometa. Ključne riječi: promet, smirivanje, sigurnostThe concept of "traffic calming" is based on the demand for increased traffic safety, pedestrians near the motor vehicles, improving the visibility of the driver's environment and reducing the speed of movement in residential areas and near schools. By streamlining traffic, it is possible to achieve greater safety for pedestrians and reduce the adverse impacts on the environment, such as reducing noise levels and air pollution. To achieve the objective of the concept it is necessary to carry out a whole series of procedures, consisting of redesigning the existing road infrastructure, setting up special road equipment and signaling for traffic calming. This graduate thesis presents various measures of calming traffic. Key words: traffic, calming, securityThe concept of "traffic calming" is based on the demand for increased traffic safety, pedestrians near the motor vehicles, improving the visibility of the driver's environment and reducing the speed of movement in residential areas and near schools. By streamlining traffic, it is possible to achieve greater safety for pedestrians and reduce the adverse impacts on the environment, such as reducing noise levels and air pollution. To achieve the objective of the concept it is necessary to carry out a whole series of procedures, consisting of redesigning the existing road infrastructure, setting up special road equipment and signaling for traffic calming. This graduate thesis presents various measures of calming traffic. Key words: traffic, calming, securit

    Managing Crisis in the Eurozone

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    Euro crisis displayed its full blow in the spring of 2010. Its dynamics revealed deep-seated structural flaws at the core of the EMU. The productive Germany is tied via the euro currency union to countries that have lower productivity rates and inefficient economies. This union has been beneficial to the countries of Southern Europe so far since EMU inception, as it provided them with cheap credit. EMU showcased its problematic institutional design. Compared to mature federations, the institutional design of EMU is incomplete. On the one hand, there is a strong ECB that decides monetary policies for the entire euro area. At the same time, there is a lack of macroeconomic policy coordination for the same area. The budgetary and fiscal policies are set by governments of national states. This is of great concern for the vitality and robustness of the EMU in the context of soft constraints imposed by the Stability and Growth Pact. In the first part, this paper will highlight basic structural problems that led to the current crisis of confidence in the common European currency. The second part intends to discuss the lack of monetary and fiscal policy coordination, while the third part analyzes monetary and fiscal responses to the crisis by the EU institutions and national actors. The fourth part seeks to portray some possibilities for overcoming deep-seated structural imbalances, and questions the likelihood of ā€œgouvernement Ć©conomiqueā€ as a new stage in European integration

    Euroization, monetary union and the credibility of monetary policy

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    Procjena tečajnih režima postala je integralna značajka novijih rasprava o reformi međunarodne financijske arhitekture. Konačni je rezultat tog novijeg interesa za tečajne režime to Å”to se znatan dio struke, čini se, preobratio na ā€œhipotezu o iŔčezavajućem srednjem režimuā€, jer je zemljama koje su dobro integrirane u svjetska tržiÅ”ta kapitala ostalo malo prostora za kompromis između fluktuirajućih tečajeva i monetarne unifikacije, ako ga je uopće ostalo. Literatura o optimalnim valutnim područjima naglaÅ”ava da je politička neovisnost presudna kad se zemlje suočavaju s karakterističnim poremećajima koji se ponavljaju.Premda države članice Europske monetarne unije pokazuju znatnu asimetriju u tempiranju faza poslovnih ciklusa i izloženost egzogenim Å”okovima, tim bi zemljama bilo bolje kad bi zadržale sposobnost provođenja monetarne i tečajne politike. Kao posljedica toga važno empirijsko pitanje jest je li Europa regija u kojoj prevladavaju Å”okovi specifični za pojedine zemlje ili ti Å”okovi na sličan način pogađaju sve te zemlje. Euroizacija je razmjerno rijetka pojava. Ipak, posljednjih godina privlači mnogo pozornosti, Å”to se može dokazati sve većim brojem studija koje obrađuju taj problem te sve većim brojem zemalja koje se kreću u tom smjeru. U ovom se radu razmatraju prednosti i nedostaci euroizacije (dolarizacije), ne samo s teorijskog stajaliÅ”ta nego i na osnovi iskustva drugih dolariziranih zemalja. Nedvojben je zaključak da euroizacija (dolarizacija) nije instrument monetarne politike koji bi se mogao preporučiti Hrvatskoj.Assessment of exchange-rate arrangements has become an integral feature of recent discussions on reform of the international financial architecture. The upshot of this recent interest in exchange-rate regimes is that a large part of the profession appears to have become converted to ā€˜the hypothesis of the vanishing middle regimeā€™, for countries well-integrated into world capital markets, there is little, if any, middle ground between floating exchange rates and monetary unification. The literature on optimal currency areas emphasizes that policy independence is crucial if countries face recurrent idiosyncratic disturbances. If member-countries of the EMU show sizeable asymmetry in the timing of business cycle phases and their exposure to exogenous shocks, these countries may be better off retaining their ability to conduct monetary and exchange-rate policies. Consequently,the important empirical issue is whether Europe is a region in which country-specific shocks prevail or whether shocks affect most of these countries in a similar way. Euroization is a relatively rare phenomenon. Yet in recent years it has attracted a lot of attention,which can be proved by an increasing number of studies dealing with this problem, as well as an increasing number of countries taking this course of action. This paper deals with the advantages and disadvantages of euroization (dollarization), not only from the theoretical aspect but also on the basis of experience of other dollarized countries. The unequivocal conclusion is that euroization (dollarization) is not a monetary policy instrument that can be recommended to Croatia

    Novelties in diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    Plućna hipertenzija (PH) je patofizioloÅ”ki poremećaj povezan uz poviÅ”en tlak u plućnoj vaskulaturi koji uključuje viÅ”e kliničkih oblika i može biti povezan s raznim kardiovaskularnim i respiratornim bolestima. Hemodinamski je definirana poviÅ”enim srednjim tlakom plućne arterije iznad 20 mmHg. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO) klasificira plućnu hipertenziju u 5 grupa prema zajedničkim klinički bitnim obilježjima. Grupa 1, plućna arterijska hipertenzija (PAH), obuhvaća bolesti obilježene prekapilarnom plućnom hipertenzijom, pri čemu je najčeŔća idiopatska plućna arterijska hipertenzija (IPAH). IPAH je kronična progresivna bolest koja neliječena dovodi do desnostranog srčanog zatajenja i smrti. To je rijetka bolest s većom učestalosti u žena i, u novije vrijeme, u starije populacije. Točan uzrok joÅ” nije poznat, a patofizioloÅ”ki je povezana s vaskularnom remodelacijom, vazokonstrikcijom, pleksiformnim lezijama, povećanim razinama upalnih stanica i citokina, porastom vaskularnog plućnog otpora, poremećajima gena i oÅ”tećenjem desnog srca. Klinička slika je izrazito nespecifična i najviÅ”e ovisi o stanju desnog srca. Trenutni dijagnostički postupci su temeljeni na ranoj uspostavi sumnje, probiru bolesnika ehokardiografijom i Å”to ranijom potvrdom kateterizacijom desne strane srca, koja predstavlja zlatni standard. Ostale dijagnostičke metode mogu biti korisne u dijagnostičkom procesu. Liječenje treba započeti Å”to ranije, uz stratifikaciju rizika smrtnosti bolesnika. Glavne tri skupine lijekova su inhibitori fosfodiesteraze tipa 5, antagonisti endotelinskih recptora i analozi prostaciklina. Transplantacija pluća je posljednja opcija za bolesnike koji ne reagiraju na lijekove i pokazuju progresivno pogorÅ”anje kliničkog stanja. U posljednja dva desetljeća je doÅ”lo do značajnih napredaka u razumijevanju patofiziologije, genetike, dijagnostike i liječenja IPAH bolesnika. Unatoč poboljÅ”anju kvalitete života bolesnika, smrtnost je i dalje visoka te bolest ostaje neizlječiva. Nove metode dijagnostike su usmjerene na identifikaciju novih biomarkera, analizu gena, novih fenotipa bolesnika i novih slikovnih metoda. Kombinacije postojećih lijekova u inicijalnoj terapiji se pokazuju snažnim oružjem u borbi protiv IPAH-a. Novi lijekovi se istražuju, a oni usmjereni protiv disfunkcionalnog BMPR2 signalnog puta zasad najviÅ”e obećavaju.Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a pathophysiological disorder associated with elevated pressure in the pulmonary vasculature, involving multiple clinical forms and being linked to various cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Hemodynamically, it is defined by an increased mean pulmonary artery pressure above 20 mmHg. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies pulmonary hypertension into 5 groups based on common clinically significant features. Group 1, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), encompasses diseases characterized by pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension, with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) being the most common form. IPAH is a chronic progressive disease that, if left untreated, leads to right heart failure and death. It is a rare disease with a higher prevalence among women and, more recently, among the elderly population. The exact cause is still unknown, but it is pathophysiologically associated with vascular remodeling, vasoconstriction, plexiform lesions, increased levels of inflammatory cells and cytokines, elevated pulmonary vascular resistance, genetic disorders, and right heart impairment. The clinical presentation is highly nonspecific and largely depends on the condition of the right heart. Current diagnostic procedures are based on early suspicion, patient screening with echocardiography, and early confirmation through right heart catheterization, which represents the gold standard. Other diagnostic methods can be useful in the diagnostic process. Treatment should be initiated as early as possible, with risk stratification for patient mortality. The main therapeutic classes include phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, endothelin receptor antagonists, and prostacyclin analogs. Lung transplantation is the final option for patients who do not respond to medication and show progressive clinical deterioration. In the past two decades, significant progress has been made in understanding the pathophysiology, genetics, diagnosis, and treatment of IPAH patients. Despite improvements in patient's quality of life, mortality remains high, and the disease remains incurable. Novel diagnostic approaches are focused on identifying new biomarkers, gene analysis, new patient phenotypes, and imaging techniques. Combinations of existing drugs in initial therapy have proven to be powerful weapons in the fight against IPAH. New drugs targeting the dysfunctional BMPR2 signaling pathway show the most promise so far

    Novelties in diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    Plućna hipertenzija (PH) je patofizioloÅ”ki poremećaj povezan uz poviÅ”en tlak u plućnoj vaskulaturi koji uključuje viÅ”e kliničkih oblika i može biti povezan s raznim kardiovaskularnim i respiratornim bolestima. Hemodinamski je definirana poviÅ”enim srednjim tlakom plućne arterije iznad 20 mmHg. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO) klasificira plućnu hipertenziju u 5 grupa prema zajedničkim klinički bitnim obilježjima. Grupa 1, plućna arterijska hipertenzija (PAH), obuhvaća bolesti obilježene prekapilarnom plućnom hipertenzijom, pri čemu je najčeŔća idiopatska plućna arterijska hipertenzija (IPAH). IPAH je kronična progresivna bolest koja neliječena dovodi do desnostranog srčanog zatajenja i smrti. To je rijetka bolest s većom učestalosti u žena i, u novije vrijeme, u starije populacije. Točan uzrok joÅ” nije poznat, a patofizioloÅ”ki je povezana s vaskularnom remodelacijom, vazokonstrikcijom, pleksiformnim lezijama, povećanim razinama upalnih stanica i citokina, porastom vaskularnog plućnog otpora, poremećajima gena i oÅ”tećenjem desnog srca. Klinička slika je izrazito nespecifična i najviÅ”e ovisi o stanju desnog srca. Trenutni dijagnostički postupci su temeljeni na ranoj uspostavi sumnje, probiru bolesnika ehokardiografijom i Å”to ranijom potvrdom kateterizacijom desne strane srca, koja predstavlja zlatni standard. Ostale dijagnostičke metode mogu biti korisne u dijagnostičkom procesu. Liječenje treba započeti Å”to ranije, uz stratifikaciju rizika smrtnosti bolesnika. Glavne tri skupine lijekova su inhibitori fosfodiesteraze tipa 5, antagonisti endotelinskih recptora i analozi prostaciklina. Transplantacija pluća je posljednja opcija za bolesnike koji ne reagiraju na lijekove i pokazuju progresivno pogorÅ”anje kliničkog stanja. U posljednja dva desetljeća je doÅ”lo do značajnih napredaka u razumijevanju patofiziologije, genetike, dijagnostike i liječenja IPAH bolesnika. Unatoč poboljÅ”anju kvalitete života bolesnika, smrtnost je i dalje visoka te bolest ostaje neizlječiva. Nove metode dijagnostike su usmjerene na identifikaciju novih biomarkera, analizu gena, novih fenotipa bolesnika i novih slikovnih metoda. Kombinacije postojećih lijekova u inicijalnoj terapiji se pokazuju snažnim oružjem u borbi protiv IPAH-a. Novi lijekovi se istražuju, a oni usmjereni protiv disfunkcionalnog BMPR2 signalnog puta zasad najviÅ”e obećavaju.Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a pathophysiological disorder associated with elevated pressure in the pulmonary vasculature, involving multiple clinical forms and being linked to various cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Hemodynamically, it is defined by an increased mean pulmonary artery pressure above 20 mmHg. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies pulmonary hypertension into 5 groups based on common clinically significant features. Group 1, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), encompasses diseases characterized by pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension, with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) being the most common form. IPAH is a chronic progressive disease that, if left untreated, leads to right heart failure and death. It is a rare disease with a higher prevalence among women and, more recently, among the elderly population. The exact cause is still unknown, but it is pathophysiologically associated with vascular remodeling, vasoconstriction, plexiform lesions, increased levels of inflammatory cells and cytokines, elevated pulmonary vascular resistance, genetic disorders, and right heart impairment. The clinical presentation is highly nonspecific and largely depends on the condition of the right heart. Current diagnostic procedures are based on early suspicion, patient screening with echocardiography, and early confirmation through right heart catheterization, which represents the gold standard. Other diagnostic methods can be useful in the diagnostic process. Treatment should be initiated as early as possible, with risk stratification for patient mortality. The main therapeutic classes include phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, endothelin receptor antagonists, and prostacyclin analogs. Lung transplantation is the final option for patients who do not respond to medication and show progressive clinical deterioration. In the past two decades, significant progress has been made in understanding the pathophysiology, genetics, diagnosis, and treatment of IPAH patients. Despite improvements in patient's quality of life, mortality remains high, and the disease remains incurable. Novel diagnostic approaches are focused on identifying new biomarkers, gene analysis, new patient phenotypes, and imaging techniques. Combinations of existing drugs in initial therapy have proven to be powerful weapons in the fight against IPAH. New drugs targeting the dysfunctional BMPR2 signaling pathway show the most promise so far

    Novelties in diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    Plućna hipertenzija (PH) je patofizioloÅ”ki poremećaj povezan uz poviÅ”en tlak u plućnoj vaskulaturi koji uključuje viÅ”e kliničkih oblika i može biti povezan s raznim kardiovaskularnim i respiratornim bolestima. Hemodinamski je definirana poviÅ”enim srednjim tlakom plućne arterije iznad 20 mmHg. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO) klasificira plućnu hipertenziju u 5 grupa prema zajedničkim klinički bitnim obilježjima. Grupa 1, plućna arterijska hipertenzija (PAH), obuhvaća bolesti obilježene prekapilarnom plućnom hipertenzijom, pri čemu je najčeŔća idiopatska plućna arterijska hipertenzija (IPAH). IPAH je kronična progresivna bolest koja neliječena dovodi do desnostranog srčanog zatajenja i smrti. To je rijetka bolest s većom učestalosti u žena i, u novije vrijeme, u starije populacije. Točan uzrok joÅ” nije poznat, a patofizioloÅ”ki je povezana s vaskularnom remodelacijom, vazokonstrikcijom, pleksiformnim lezijama, povećanim razinama upalnih stanica i citokina, porastom vaskularnog plućnog otpora, poremećajima gena i oÅ”tećenjem desnog srca. Klinička slika je izrazito nespecifična i najviÅ”e ovisi o stanju desnog srca. Trenutni dijagnostički postupci su temeljeni na ranoj uspostavi sumnje, probiru bolesnika ehokardiografijom i Å”to ranijom potvrdom kateterizacijom desne strane srca, koja predstavlja zlatni standard. Ostale dijagnostičke metode mogu biti korisne u dijagnostičkom procesu. Liječenje treba započeti Å”to ranije, uz stratifikaciju rizika smrtnosti bolesnika. Glavne tri skupine lijekova su inhibitori fosfodiesteraze tipa 5, antagonisti endotelinskih recptora i analozi prostaciklina. Transplantacija pluća je posljednja opcija za bolesnike koji ne reagiraju na lijekove i pokazuju progresivno pogorÅ”anje kliničkog stanja. U posljednja dva desetljeća je doÅ”lo do značajnih napredaka u razumijevanju patofiziologije, genetike, dijagnostike i liječenja IPAH bolesnika. Unatoč poboljÅ”anju kvalitete života bolesnika, smrtnost je i dalje visoka te bolest ostaje neizlječiva. Nove metode dijagnostike su usmjerene na identifikaciju novih biomarkera, analizu gena, novih fenotipa bolesnika i novih slikovnih metoda. Kombinacije postojećih lijekova u inicijalnoj terapiji se pokazuju snažnim oružjem u borbi protiv IPAH-a. Novi lijekovi se istražuju, a oni usmjereni protiv disfunkcionalnog BMPR2 signalnog puta zasad najviÅ”e obećavaju.Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a pathophysiological disorder associated with elevated pressure in the pulmonary vasculature, involving multiple clinical forms and being linked to various cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Hemodynamically, it is defined by an increased mean pulmonary artery pressure above 20 mmHg. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies pulmonary hypertension into 5 groups based on common clinically significant features. Group 1, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), encompasses diseases characterized by pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension, with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) being the most common form. IPAH is a chronic progressive disease that, if left untreated, leads to right heart failure and death. It is a rare disease with a higher prevalence among women and, more recently, among the elderly population. The exact cause is still unknown, but it is pathophysiologically associated with vascular remodeling, vasoconstriction, plexiform lesions, increased levels of inflammatory cells and cytokines, elevated pulmonary vascular resistance, genetic disorders, and right heart impairment. The clinical presentation is highly nonspecific and largely depends on the condition of the right heart. Current diagnostic procedures are based on early suspicion, patient screening with echocardiography, and early confirmation through right heart catheterization, which represents the gold standard. Other diagnostic methods can be useful in the diagnostic process. Treatment should be initiated as early as possible, with risk stratification for patient mortality. The main therapeutic classes include phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, endothelin receptor antagonists, and prostacyclin analogs. Lung transplantation is the final option for patients who do not respond to medication and show progressive clinical deterioration. In the past two decades, significant progress has been made in understanding the pathophysiology, genetics, diagnosis, and treatment of IPAH patients. Despite improvements in patient's quality of life, mortality remains high, and the disease remains incurable. Novel diagnostic approaches are focused on identifying new biomarkers, gene analysis, new patient phenotypes, and imaging techniques. Combinations of existing drugs in initial therapy have proven to be powerful weapons in the fight against IPAH. New drugs targeting the dysfunctional BMPR2 signaling pathway show the most promise so far

    Valentian and Valens - the King Brothers

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    Valens i Valentinijan rođeni su u 4.stoljeću u Cibalae, u Panoniji. Valentinijan je pratio vojnu karijeru svog oca Gracijana Starijeg dok se Valens brinuo za imanje. Valentinijan postaje tribun, a usponom vojne karijeri smrću Jovijana biva izabran za cara u vlastitoj odsutnosti. Preopterećen poslom, za suvladara bira vlastitog brata ā€“ Valensa koji postaje car na istoku. Valentinijan je pravovjerni krŔćanin Nicejske denominacije te njegova vladavina nije opterećena religijskim naporima. Valens ipak kroz cijeli period vladavine progoni sve vjerske neistomiÅ”ljenike koji ne slijede arijansku dogmu. Valentinijan gradi fortifikacije na neprijateljskom teritoriju, vodi pohode u Galiji i Germaniji, te život skončava moždanim udarom u trenutku bijesa nakon brojnih provala Kvada i Sarmaćana koji se ne zadovoljavaju time Å”to im on dopuÅ”ta da postoje. U toliko ogromnom bijesu dolazi do apopleksije i smrti. Valens je patio od nedostatka vojnika s obzirom na to da je vezao legije na istočnoj granici s Sasanidskim carstvom, no provalama Huna u Europu, dolazi do bježanja Gota koji od Valensa traže smjeÅ”taj u Carstvu. On ih naseljava u Trakiju nadajući se kako će ih moći koristiti za vojnu službu, poglavito s obzirom na to da Germani imaju opću vojnu službu. S obzirom na to da su legije na istoku, migracije viÅ”e nisu bile kontrolirane te je doÅ”ao ogroman broj ljudi uključujući i druga plemena. Nedugo kasnije naseljenici kreću pljačkati, krasti i iskoriÅ”tavati domaćina, Å”to je posebno loÅ”e bilo za cara jer su ljudi u Konstantinopolu bili nezadovoljni te su željeli da car Å”to prije izjaÅ”e i rijeÅ”i problem s ljudima kojima je dopustio da se nasele ovdje. Ne čekajući nove trupe, ponukan povicima gomile, Valens je krenuo vojevati s Gotima te je ovom prilikom i preminuo.Valens and Valentinian were born in the 4th century in Cibalae, Pannonia. Valentinian followed the military career of his father Gratian the Elder while Valens took care of the family estate. Valentinian became a tribune, and with the rise of his military career at the time of Jovians death, heā€™s chosen to become emperor in his absence. Overburdened with tasks, he picks a coruler to rule the east ā€“ his brother Valens. Valentinian followed the Nicaea creed and his rule wasnā€™t burdened with religious strife. Valens on the other hand persecuted everyone who didnā€™tā€™ follow the Arian dogma. Valentinian built fortifications on enemy territory, he led campaigns in Gaul and Germania, and finally died from apoplexy in a fit of rage after numerous invasions by the Quads and the Samartae which are not satisfied with being allowed to exist. In such rage he dies from apoplexy. Valens suffered from a lack of soldiers since his legions were tied up on the east along the border with the Sasanide empire. With the arrival of the Huns into Europe, Goths flee and plea Valens to settle withing the empire. Valens settles them in Thracia hoping heā€™ll use them for military service, especially concerning Germanic military service. While legions are tied up on the east, the migrations are no longer controlled and a huge number of people arrives along with other tribes. Not a long time later the settlers started robbing, stealing and exploiting the host, which was especially bad for Valens since the residents of Constantinople were unhappy and wanted the emperor to ride out and deal with them since he allowed them to settle. Prompted by the crowdā€™s shouts, without waiting for new troops, Valens set out to meet the Goths and this is the way he died

    Valentian and Valens - the King Brothers

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    Valens i Valentinijan rođeni su u 4.stoljeću u Cibalae, u Panoniji. Valentinijan je pratio vojnu karijeru svog oca Gracijana Starijeg dok se Valens brinuo za imanje. Valentinijan postaje tribun, a usponom vojne karijeri smrću Jovijana biva izabran za cara u vlastitoj odsutnosti. Preopterećen poslom, za suvladara bira vlastitog brata ā€“ Valensa koji postaje car na istoku. Valentinijan je pravovjerni krŔćanin Nicejske denominacije te njegova vladavina nije opterećena religijskim naporima. Valens ipak kroz cijeli period vladavine progoni sve vjerske neistomiÅ”ljenike koji ne slijede arijansku dogmu. Valentinijan gradi fortifikacije na neprijateljskom teritoriju, vodi pohode u Galiji i Germaniji, te život skončava moždanim udarom u trenutku bijesa nakon brojnih provala Kvada i Sarmaćana koji se ne zadovoljavaju time Å”to im on dopuÅ”ta da postoje. U toliko ogromnom bijesu dolazi do apopleksije i smrti. Valens je patio od nedostatka vojnika s obzirom na to da je vezao legije na istočnoj granici s Sasanidskim carstvom, no provalama Huna u Europu, dolazi do bježanja Gota koji od Valensa traže smjeÅ”taj u Carstvu. On ih naseljava u Trakiju nadajući se kako će ih moći koristiti za vojnu službu, poglavito s obzirom na to da Germani imaju opću vojnu službu. S obzirom na to da su legije na istoku, migracije viÅ”e nisu bile kontrolirane te je doÅ”ao ogroman broj ljudi uključujući i druga plemena. Nedugo kasnije naseljenici kreću pljačkati, krasti i iskoriÅ”tavati domaćina, Å”to je posebno loÅ”e bilo za cara jer su ljudi u Konstantinopolu bili nezadovoljni te su željeli da car Å”to prije izjaÅ”e i rijeÅ”i problem s ljudima kojima je dopustio da se nasele ovdje. Ne čekajući nove trupe, ponukan povicima gomile, Valens je krenuo vojevati s Gotima te je ovom prilikom i preminuo.Valens and Valentinian were born in the 4th century in Cibalae, Pannonia. Valentinian followed the military career of his father Gratian the Elder while Valens took care of the family estate. Valentinian became a tribune, and with the rise of his military career at the time of Jovians death, heā€™s chosen to become emperor in his absence. Overburdened with tasks, he picks a coruler to rule the east ā€“ his brother Valens. Valentinian followed the Nicaea creed and his rule wasnā€™t burdened with religious strife. Valens on the other hand persecuted everyone who didnā€™tā€™ follow the Arian dogma. Valentinian built fortifications on enemy territory, he led campaigns in Gaul and Germania, and finally died from apoplexy in a fit of rage after numerous invasions by the Quads and the Samartae which are not satisfied with being allowed to exist. In such rage he dies from apoplexy. Valens suffered from a lack of soldiers since his legions were tied up on the east along the border with the Sasanide empire. With the arrival of the Huns into Europe, Goths flee and plea Valens to settle withing the empire. Valens settles them in Thracia hoping heā€™ll use them for military service, especially concerning Germanic military service. While legions are tied up on the east, the migrations are no longer controlled and a huge number of people arrives along with other tribes. Not a long time later the settlers started robbing, stealing and exploiting the host, which was especially bad for Valens since the residents of Constantinople were unhappy and wanted the emperor to ride out and deal with them since he allowed them to settle. Prompted by the crowdā€™s shouts, without waiting for new troops, Valens set out to meet the Goths and this is the way he died