4,041 research outputs found

    The Axion and the Goldstone Higgs

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    We consider the renormalizable SO(5)/SO(4)SO(5)/SO(4) σ\sigma-model, in which the Higgs particle has a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson character, and explore what the minimal field extension required to implement the Peccei-Quinn symmetry (PQ) is, within the partial compositeness scenario. It turns out that the minimal model does not require the enlargement of the exotic fermionic sector, but only the addition of a singlet scalar: it is sufficient that the exotic fermions involved in partial compositeness and the singlet scalar become charged under Peccei-Quinn transformations. We explore the phenomenological predictions for photonic signals in axion searches for all models discussed. Because of the constraints imposed on the exotic fermion sector by the Standard Model fermion masses, the expected range of allowed axion-photon couplings turns out to be generically narrowed with respect to that of standard invisible axion models, impacting the experimental quest.Comment: 31 pages, 2 Figures. Description improved, results unchange

    Modification of magnetic and transport properties of manganite layers in Au/La_0.67Sr_0.33MnO_3/SrTiO_3 interfaces

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    The effect of gold capping on magnetic and transport properties of optimally doped manganite thin films is studied. An extraordinary suppression of conductivity and magnetic properties occurs in epitaxial (001) La_0.67Sr_0.33MnO_3 (LSMO) films grown on SrTiO_3 upon deposition of 2 nm of Au: in the case of ultrathin films of LSMO (4 nm thick) the resistivity increases by four orders of magnitude while the Curie temperature decreases by 180 K. Zero-field 55Mn nuclear magnetic resonance reveals a significant reduction of ferromagnetic double-exchange mechanism in manganite films upon the gold capping. We find evidence for the formation of a 1.9-nm thick magnetic "dead-layer" at the Au/LSMO interface, associated with the creation of interfacial non double-exchange insulating phases.Comment: 4 figure

    Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) program: Study of geological structure of Sicily and other Italian areas

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    The usefulness of thermal inertia mapping in discriminating geolithological units was investigated using Sardinia and the Gulf of Orosei as test sites. Software designed for LANDSAT data were modified and improved for HCMM tapes. A first attempt was made to compare the geological cross section, the topography, the IR radiance, and the thermal inertia along selected profiles of the test site. Thermal inertia profiles appear smoothed in comparison with the thermal radiance. The lowest apparent thermal inertia (ATI) was found on granitic and basaltic outcrops where their image is of sufficient extent, while ATI is higher on carbonatic and dolomitic or moist deposits. Almost every fault is marked by a jump of ATI, the interval being sometimes of the order of one pixel. This seems to demonstrate the ability of ATI to detect contacts or tectonically disturbed zones with a good resolution. It seems more difficult to measure the differences in ATI between homogeneous materials having different lithology. Ground surveys conducted and a simulation model of diurnal temperatures of rocks having different thermal inertia are discussed

    The return to quiescence of Aql X-1 following the 2010 outburst

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    Aql X-1 is the most prolific low mass X-ray binary transient hosting a neutron star. In this paper we focus on the return to quiescence following the 2010 outburst of the source. This decay was monitored thanks to 11 pointed observations taken with XMM-Newton, Chandra and Swift. The decay from outburst to quiescence is very fast, with an exponential decay characteristic time scale of ~2 d. Once in quiescence the X-ray flux of Aql X-1 remained constant, with no further signs of variability or decay. The comparison with the only other well-monitored outburst from Aql X-1 (1997) is tail-telling. The luminosities at which the fast decay starts are fully compatible for the two outbursts, hinting at a mechanism intrinsic to the system and possibly related to the neutron star rotation and magnetic field (i.e., the propeller effect). In addition, for both outbursts, the decay profiles are also very similar, likely resulting from the shut-off of the accretion process onto the neutron star surface. Finally, the quiescent neutron star temperatures at the end of the outbursts are well consistent with one another, suggesting a hot neutron star core dominating the thermal balance. Small differences in the quiescent X-ray luminosity among the two outbursts can be attributed to a different level of the power law component.Comment: MNRAS accepted (4 figures and 6 tables

    Joint Interactive Visualization of 3D Models and Pictures in Walkable Scenes

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    The 3D digitalization of buildings, urban scenes, and the like is now a mature technology. Highly complex, densely sampled, reasonably accurate 3D models can be obtained by range-scanners and even image-based reconstruction methods from dense image collections. Acquisition of naked geometry is not enough in Cultural Heritage applications, because the surface colors (e.g. pictorial data) are clearly of central importance. Moreover, the 3D geometry cannot be expected to be complete, lacking context, parts made of materials like glass and metal, difficult to reach surfaces, etc. Easily captured photographs are the natural source of the appearance data missing in the 3D geometry. In spite of the recent availability of reliable technologies to align 2D images on 3D data, the two sides of the dataset are not easy to combine satisfactorily in a visualization. Texture mapping techniques, perhaps the most obvious candidate for the task, assume strict content consistency (3D to 2D, and 2D to 2D) which these datasets do not and should not exhibit (the advantage of pictures consisting in their ability to feature details, lighting conditions, non-persistent items, etc. which are absent in the 3D models or in the other pictures). In this work, we present a simple but effective technique to jointly and interactively visualize 2D and 3D data of this kind. This technique is used within PhotoCloud [IV12], a flexible opensource tool which is being designed to browse, navigate, and visualize large, remotely stored 3D-2D datasets, and which emphasizes scalability, usability, and ability to cope with heterogeneous data from various sources

    Protected areas as refuges for pest species? The case of wild boar

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    Abstract Protected areas are often blamed for offering refuge to pest species populations, giving rise to the so-called "reserve effect". Nevertheless, this major conservation side effect has seldom been investigated or verified on a local scale. Along the borders of two protected areas of different size, we modelled wild boar individual likelihood of being either inside or outside the protected areas throughout the year, considering their activity rhythms and resource availability. No evidence of reserve effect was found in the small protected area, yet the percentage of wild boar moving across the border was smaller in the large one. Moreover, although wild boar use of the large protected area resulted to increase in autumn, we showed that this was not the consequence of hunting avoidance. Our results clearly highlighted the importance to verify reserve effect on a local scale with studies based on detailed information on animal spatial behaviour and environmental variables

    Lattice dynamics and vibrational spectra of the orthorhombic, tetragonal and cubic phases of methylammonium lead iodide

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    The hybrid halide perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 exhibits a complex structural behaviour, with successive transitions between orthorhombic, tetragonal and cubic polymorphs at ca. 165 K and 327 K. Herein we report first-principles lattice dynamics (phonon spectrum) for each phase of CH3NH3PbI3. The equilibrium structures compare well to solutions of temperature-dependent powder neutron diffraction. By following the normal modes we calculate infrared and Raman intensities of the vibrations, and compare them to the measurement of a single crystal where the Raman laser is controlled to avoid degradation of the sample. Despite a clear separation in energy between low frequency modes associated with the inorganic PbI3 network and high-frequency modes of the organic CH3NH3+ cation, significant coupling between them is found, which emphasises the interplay between molecular orientation and the corner-sharing octahedral networks in the structural transformations. Soft modes are found at the boundary of the Brillouin zone of the cubic phase, consistent with displacive instabilities and anharmonicity involving tilting of the PbI6 octahedra around room temperature.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    A hedgehog-like signal is involved in slow muscle differentation in Sepia officinalis (Mollusca)

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    In the tentacle of Sepia officinalis, smooth-like, helical and cross-striated fibres deriving from different populations of myoblasts are present. Myoblasts appear at different times during the development and express two muscle-specific transcription factors: Myf5-like and MyoD-like factors. Myoblasts expressing Myf5 give rise to slow fibres, whereas fast fibres derive from MyoD+ myoblasts. We found that a Hedgehog (Hh)-like signal was present in the central nerve cord of the tentacle from the early stages of development and in a specific population of myoblasts which are the precursors of slow muscle fibres. The model showed interesting similarities with vertebrates, in which Sonic hedgehog is a protein secreted by axial structures (the notochord and neurotube) and is involved in slow muscle differentiation and in survival of muscle precursors

    Chronic Restraint Stress Inhibits the Response to a Second Hit in Adult Male Rats : A Role for BDNF Signaling

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    Depression is a recurrent disorder, with about 50% of patients experiencing relapse. Exposure to stressful events may have an adverse impact on the long-term course of the disorder and may alter the response to a subsequent stressor. Indeed, not all the systems impaired by stress may normalize during symptoms remission, facilitating the relapse to the pathology. Hence, we investigated the long-lasting effects of chronic restraint stress (CRS) and its influence on the modifications induced by the exposure to a second hit on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signaling in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). We exposed adult male Sprague Dawley rats to 4 weeks of CRS, we left them undisturbed for the subsequent 3 weeks, and then we exposed animals to one hour of acute restraint stress (ARS). We found that CRS influenced the release of corticosterone induced by ARS and inhibited the ability of ARS to activate mature BDNF, its receptor Tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TRKB), and their associated intracellular cascades: the TRKB-PI3K-AKT), the MEK-MAPK/ERK, and the Phospholipase C \u3b3 (PLC\u3b3) pathways, positively modulated by ARS in non-stressed animals. These results suggest that CRS induces protracted and detrimental consequences that interfere with the ability of PFC to cope with a challenging situation