716 research outputs found

    Understanding the socio-spatial aspects of creativity in public spaces of Dutch university campuses:the interplay between research-generated evidence and urban planning and design practice

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    How does the physical environment affect creativity? This thesis explores theoretically and empirically the socio-spatial aspects of creativity phenomenon, using the public spaces of Dutch inner-city campuses and sciences parks as study cases. Such aspects are important for campuses’ planning and design since creativity cannot occur without people’ interactions with their social and material environments. This research firstly explores subjective and objective aspects of the relationship between the physical environment and creativity through measurable attributes, and then discussed data-based research-generated evidence with practitioners involved in public spaces’ projects of the cities Amsterdam, Utrecht and Groningen. The results highlighted discrepancies between the research-practice interface. Also, that the practice of planning and design of campuses’ public spaces stands ‘in between’ multiple actors and stakeholders, which have different values, goals, and visions. Urban planning and design practitioners often envision differently the importance of the physical configuration of public spaces as tools to generate creativity and creativity encounters. Such divergent views and interests in campus area development often cause institutional fragmentation, which results in the physical fragmentation of campuses' public spaces. Although this dissertation focuses on public spaces of campuses, public spaces should be understood as part of a larger urban structure and serve not only the surrounding property but also a general societal interest

    A organização do ensino de matemática a partir do ensino de conceitos.

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    The concept-based learning proposed in the Historical-Cultural Theory and Activity Theory, which seeks to explain the role of school education in the formation of scientific concepts, especially mathematical concepts and their importance for the student's intellectual development, was the basis for the elaboration of this study that was punctuated in the article of Talizina denominated of the Formation of the mathematical concepts, that approaches on how one can work the mathematical concepts and dimensions of the mathematical objects to aid in the theoretical foundation of the teaching action in the teaching of mathematics, for through the formation of concepts. It was from this preliminary conception that it served as the basis for the elaboration of this reflective study of an introductory character, whose main objective was to find notes based on the Historical-Cultural Theory. This reflexive process about the teaching organization took place within the subproject of the Institutional Program of the Initiation to Teaching Grant (PIBID) of the Mathematics Degree Course of the Federal University of Tocantins - UFT, at the Marechal Rondon State School in the city of Araguaina, in the North of Tocantins, during the period from 2014 to 2017, with Elementary School students in the afternoon shift, however, although the analyzes presented here are derived from activities developed under the subproject. These have only served as a starting point since, along the way, the need to translate the article from Spanish into Portuguese has arisen because of the difficulties of understanding the original written text by the scholars. So this study gained the nuance of a translation. On the part of the students in this period were observed several difficulties in the learning and understanding of mathematical contents, in this aspect entered the need of a study about what we could use of the works of Taliniza. As a result of the readings it was possible to perceive the importance of the teaching of the concepts whose contributions of this theory were shown to contribute to the teaching of mathematical concepts, since such concepts need to be understood from the characteristics of the studied mathematical objects. The study of the article by Talizina contributed to the teaching practice based on the conceptions of the Soviet school.A aprendizagem por conceitos proposta no arcaboço da Teoria Histórico-Cultural e da Teoria da Atividade, que busca explicar o papel do ensino escolar na formação dos conceitos científicos, e especialmente dos conceitos matemáticos e sua importância para o desenvolvimento intelectual do estudante serviu de base para a elaboração deste estudo que se pontuou no artigo de Talizina denominado de La formacion de los conceptos matemáticos, que aborda acerca de como se pode trabalhar os conceitos matemáticos e dimensões dos objetos matemáticos para auxiliarem na fundamentação teórica da ação docente no ensino de matemática, por meio da formação de conceitos. Foi a partir desta concepção preliminar que serviu de base para a elaboração deste estudo reflexivo de caráter introdutório, que teve como objetivo principal buscar apontamentos fundados na Teoria Histórico-Cultural. Esse processo reflexivo acerca da organização de ensino deu-se no âmbito do subprojeto do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência – (PIBID) do Curso de Licenciatura em Matemática da Universidade Federal do Tocantins – UFT, na Escola Estadual Marechal Rondon, na cidade de Araguaína, no Norte do Tocantins, durante o período de 2014 a 2017, com alunos do Ensino Fundamental II no turno vespertino, contudo apesar de as análises aqui apresentadas serem oriundas das atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito do subprojeto. Estas apenas serviram de ponto de partida haja vista que ao longo do caminho surgiu a necessidade de tradução do artigo do espanhol para a língua portuguesa, devido às dificuldades de compreensão do texto original escrito por parte dos bolsistas. De forma que este estudo ganhou a nuance de uma tradução. Por parte dos alunos nesse período foram observadas diversas dificuldades na aprendizagem e compreensão de conteúdos matemáticos, neste aspecto entrou a necessidade de um estudo acerca do que poderíamos utilizar dos trabalhos de Taliniza. Como resultado das leituras foi possível perceber a importância do ensino dos conceitos cujas contribuições desta teoria se mostraram contributivas para o ensino de conceitos matemáticos, uma vez que tais conceitos precisam ser compreendidos a partir das caracteristicas dos objetos matemáticos estudados. O estudo do artigo de Talizina contribuiu para a prática docente pautada nas concepções da escola soviética

    Accountability social e transparência parlamentar : uma análise do projeto Adote um Distrital

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política, 2017.Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a atuação do projeto “Adote um Distrital”, projeto cuja finalidade é o de promover o controle social, a eficiência dos gastos públicos e o monitoramento das atividades desenvolvidas na Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal. Por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e análise bibliográfica, objetivouse verificar se o projeto “Adote um Distrital” estimula a accountability social no Distrito Federal. Ao final, conclui-se que esse projeto, apesar das dificuldades enfrentadas, consegue dar maior publicidade às atividades e aos gastos executados pelos deputados distritais, além de ativar as agências horizontais de controle.This work aims to analyze the performance of "Adote um Distrital" project, a project whose purpose is to promote social control, the efficiency of public spending and the monitoring of the activities developed in the Legislative Chamber of Distrito Federal. Through semi-structured interviews and bibliographical analysis, the objective was to verify if the "Adote um Distrital" project acts as a promoter of social accountability in Distrito Federal. At the end, it was concluded that this project, despite the difficulties faced, is able to give more publicity to the activities and expenses executed by the deputados distritais, besides activating horizontal control agencies

    Public spaces as knowledgescapes:Understanding the relationship between the built environment and creative encounters at Dutch university campuses and science parks

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    The success of university campuses depends on the interrelations between creative encounters and the built environment, conceptualised here as spatial affordances for creativity. Such an interface plays a fundamental role in interactions for knowledge sharing and the exchange of ideas on campus. Due to campus public spaces generally being considered as the leftovers between buildings and classrooms, undermanaged, and overlooked, little is known about the extent to which this built environment enables or inhibits creative encounters in such spaces. The inner-city campuses and science parks (SPs) of Amsterdam and Utrecht, the case-studies of this research, differ in terms of their location relative to the city, their masterplan typologies and the arrangement of buildings. However, they are similar in terms of the aforementioned issues of public spaces. The novelty of this research is the attempt to overcome such issues using an innovative mixed-methods approach that tests the ‘spatial affordances for creativity’ with empirical data collection and analysis. This raises the importance of mapping, quantifying and analysing the spatial distribution of momentary perceptions, experiences, and feelings of people with methods such as volunteered geographic information (VGI). The results show that proximity between multiple urban functions and physical features, such as parks, cafés and urban seating are important when it comes to explaining the high frequency of creative encounters between people. Urban designers of campuses can use the applied method as a tool to plan and design attractive public spaces that provide creativity through the transfer of tacit knowledge, social well-being, positive momentary perceptions, sense of community, and a sense of place


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    A presença massiva da tecnologia no cotidiano social tem alcançado níveis cada vez mais profundos da intimidade dos indivíduos, apontando para um evidente aumento na produção de dados pessoais e um constante monitoramento consentido. Assistentes virtuais e outros objetos inteligentes são capazes de captar mais informações sobre um indivíduo e suas preferências, ou sobre um ambiente do que uma testemunha ocular. Essa presença íntima da tecnologia seria uma alternativa viável no auxílio a vítimas de crimes domésticos e as informações obtidas relevantes na solução de casos. Seria, então, legalmente razoável e socialmente relevante a relativização da privacidade para a utilização de informações obtidas a partir de assistentes virtuais como prova válida em crimes domésticos? A resposta essa pergunta leva em consideração o conceito de privacidade, que por si só não é definitivo e a depender das alterações sociais e tecnológicas pode mudar; o fato de a presença de assistentes digitais nas casas das pessoas não representar por si só uma quebra de privacidade ou uma intrusão indevida; a necessidade do direito de proporcionar soluções pertinentes tanto em favor da preservação de direitos dos indivíduos, como eficazes no incentivo a inovação frente aos desdobramentos da inclusão tecnológica no cotidiano social, e a viabilidade da relativização da privacidade quando em conflitos com outros direitos (como a integridade física). Para que isso ocorra de forma organizada e prudente, o direito deve ter capacidade regulatória, não apenas tipificando crimes, como também abarcando as possibilidades advindas da tecnologia em relação a provas no processo penal

    Socio-spatial aspects of creativity and their role in the planning and design of university campuses’ public spaces:A practitioners’ perspective

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    This paper investigates how socio-spatial aspects of creativity, operationalized as the causal relations between the built environment and perceived creativity in university campuses’ public spaces, are currently applied in practice. Moreover, it discusses practitioners’ perceptions regarding research-generated evidence on socio-spatial aspects of creativity according to three effectiveness aspects: credibility, relevance, and applicability. The “research-generated evidence” is herein derived from data-driven knowledge generated by multi-disciplinary methodologies (e.g., self-reported perceptions, participatory tools, geospatial analysis, observations). Through a thematic analysis of interviews with practitioners involved in the (re)development of campuses public spaces of inner-city campuses and science parks in Amsterdam, Utrecht, and Groningen. We concluded that socio-spatial aspects of creativity concepts were addressed only at the decision-making level for Utrecht Science Park. Correspondingly, while presented evidence was considered by most practitioners as relevant for practice, perceptions of credibility and applicability vary according to institutional goals, practitioners’ habits in practice, and their involvement in projects’ roles and phases. The newfound interrelationships between the three effectiveness aspects highlighted (a) the institutional fragmentation issues in campuses and public spaces projects, (b) the research-practice gap related to such projects, which occur beyond the university campuses’ context, and (c) insights on the relationship between evidence generated through research-based data-driven knowledge and urban planning practice, policy, and governance related to knowledge environments. We concluded that if research-generated evidence on socio-spatial aspects of creativity is to be integrated into the evidence-based practice of campuses’ public spaces, an alignment between researchers, multiple actors involved, policy framing, and goal achievements are fundamental


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    Nas últimas décadas o mundo vem sofrendo grandes alterações, que acarretaram inclusive, em transformações das formas de trabalho, e das relações do indivíduo com sua função laboral e com a empresa para a qual ele a exerce. Nesse contexto surgiram estudos acerca dos riscos psicossociais - que analisam como essas relações influenciam na integridade física, social e mental do trabalhador – e das doenças psicossociais, que são o principal resultado da longa exposição do indivíduo a esses riscos, dentre as quais se destaca a Síndrome de Burnout. Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a literatura acadêmica existente referente à relação entre os riscos psicossociais, a Síndrome de Burnout e o papel da Engenharia de Segurança do Trabalho.  Para tal, utilizou-se do levantamento bibliográfico, por meio da pesquisa de modalidade bibliográfica. Por meio desta pesquisa foi possível verificar que há uma ampla quantidade de trabalhos acerca dos três assuntos quando abordados separadamente, no entanto há ainda pouca oferta de resultados em pesquisas que relacionem os mesmos.  Apesar de tal fato, é possível verificar e analisar a eminente relação dentre eles, e da importância do entendimento desta relação por todos os responsáveis pela garantia da integridade dos trabalhadores, principalmente pelos profissionais ligados à área da segurança do trabalho

    Live-Cell Chromosome Dynamics and Outcome of X Chromosome Pairing Events during ES Cell Differentiation

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    SummaryRandom X inactivation represents a paradigm for monoallelic gene regulation during early ES cell differentiation. In mice, the choice of X chromosome to inactivate in XX cells is ensured by monoallelic regulation of Xist RNA via its antisense transcription unit Tsix/Xite. Homologous pairing events have been proposed to underlie asymmetric Tsix expression, but direct evidence has been lacking owing to their dynamic and transient nature. Here we investigate the live-cell dynamics and outcome of Tsix pairing in differentiating mouse ES cells. We find an overall increase in genome dynamics including the Xics during early differentiation. During pairing, however, Xic loci show markedly reduced movements. Upon separation, Tsix expression becomes transiently monoallelic, providing a window of opportunity for monoallelic Xist upregulation. Our findings reveal the spatiotemporal choreography of the X chromosomes during early differentiation and indicate a direct role for pairing in facilitating symmetry-breaking and monoallelic regulation of Xist during random X inactivation