179 research outputs found

    A case study of ergonomics encompassing white-collar workers: anthropometry, furniture dimensions, working posture and musculoskeletal disorders

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    Regardless of their specific business, white collar workers have some factors in common: they work seated without moving for a long time, they use certain arm and hand muscles excessively, and they tend to keep a poor body posture. The resulting Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) produce discomfort, and even pain. This study aimed at an ergonomic assessment of white collars of a Portuguese company – to identify the most critical points in old furniture designs and working posture habits. An evaluation was done in the administrative department using a random sample; the anthropometric and furniture measurements were taken and compared. The RULA method was used to evaluate the risk arising from adoption of a poor posture at the workplace. The results obtained show a prevalence of symptoms of MSDs. The furniture is oversized in most cases. Adoption of a poor posture at the workplace requires a short-term intervention. There is a significant association between MSDs and wrong-dimensioned furniture, besides habit to adopt wrong postures. This company (as many other SME’s) must change the old style office furniture by one with dimensions matching workers’ anthropometry, and provide training on best practices to maintain good posture at workinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A concepção contemporânea de soberania estatal à luz da globalização

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    Orientadora : Andreia Mendonça AgostiniCoorientador : João Eudes Rocha de JesusMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Especialização em Direito AmbientalInclui referênciasResumo : O presente trabalho tem por finalidade analisar o conceito de soberania e sua relação com a existência do Estado-Nação em uma perspectiva clássica e contemporânea, a fim de mostrar como o seu exercício permanente transforma em condição essencial a sustentação interna da autoridade estatal, e também para as relações externas de cada país. Propõe também avaliar o principal objetivo, à luz do fenômeno da globalização e do enfraquecimento do papel do Estado diante de questões inerentes à comunidade internacional, a necessidade de redefinição do conceito central do tema, soberania. Sendo assim, busca-se fazer um resgate histórico do conceito de soberania e como também analisar as atuais relações internacionais entre Estados, identificando as mudanças ocorridas na definição do que é soberania, apontando, quais foram elas, propondo-se uma atualização do conceito, todavia tendo vista o cumprimento das normas e princípios de direito internacional. Palavras-Chave: Direito Internacional, Soberania, Globalização

    A construção da versatilidade e da motivação nas aulas de Técnica de Dança Moderna com os alunos do 8º ano da Academia de Dança Contemporânea de Setúbal

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    Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.Este estudo foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino de Dança (1ª edição) da Escola Superior de Dança, do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. Foi realizado o estágio na Academia de Dança Contemporânea de Setúbal, com os alunos do 8º ano de Dança do Ensino Vocacional, na disciplina de Técnica de Dança Moderna, tendo como temáticas o ensino da técnica de dança moderna numa abordagem diversificada com o propósito de promover a versatilidade na formação do bailarino contemporâneo e, por outro lado, a motivação dos próprios alunos. Os objectivos traçados para este estágio foram, pois, em primeiro lugar contribuir para a formação do bailarino contemporâneo versátil - pelo que foi desenvolvido com os alunos o contacto com um diversificado leque de linguagens da dança contemporânea, estabelecendo a relação com a técnica Graham - e em segundo lugar motivar os alunos na dupla perspectiva do presente e do futuro. Durante o processo foi aplicada a metodologia de investigação-ação, apoiada pelos seguintes instrumentos de avaliação: grelhas de observação, diários de bordo, planificação de aulas, registo de vídeo e questionários à população em estudo. Consideramos que foi um processo enriquecedor para os alunos e para a mestranda, aos quais foram proporcionados muitos momentos de conhecimento, partilha e consequentemente de crescimento a nível profissional. Em simultâneo, foi desenvolvido um espírito activo, criativo e aberto nos alunos finalistas, preparando-os para o meio profissional actual, na esperança de que futuramente desenvolvam um trabalho de qualidade e inovador na Dança Contemporânea nacional e/ou internacional.ABSTRACT - This study was conducted for the Master‟s Degree in Dance Education (1st edition) of the Escola Superior de Dança of the Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (Dance College of the Lisbon Polytechnic Institute). The internship took place at the Academia de Dança Contemporânea de Setúbal (Setúbal Contemporary Dance Academy) with the graduate students (year 8) of the Professional Dance Course, in Modern Dance Technique. Topics raised were the teaching of modern dance within a diversified approach, in order to promote versatility in the training of the contemporary dancer, as well as student motivation. Thus, the objectives outlined for this internship were: firstly, to contribute towards the training of a versatile contemporary dancer – exposing the students to a diverse range of contemporary dance languages, relating them to the Graham Technique; secondly, to motivate the students in a dual perspective - the present and the future. During the process a methodology of investigation-action was applied, supported by the following evaluation tools: observation grids, “logbooks”, class planning, video recordings and questionnaires for the subjects of the study. We consider the process to have been enriching for students and the Master‟s candidate, providing numerous moments of knowledge, sharing and, consequently, growth on a professional level. Simultaneously, the graduate students developed an active, creative and open attitude, thus preparing them for a current professional environment, in the hope that in future they produce work of quality and innovation in Contemporary Dance, both national and international

    Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Features of Acute Syphilitic Posterior Placoid Chorioretinitis: The Role of Autoimmune Response in Pathogenesis

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    Purpose: Syphilis is an infectious disease that can cause a wide variety of ocular signs. One of the rarest manifestations of ocular syphilis is acute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinitis (ASPPC). We report on the spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) features of a case diagnosed with unilateral ASPPC. Methods: A 64-year-old man presented with a sudden loss of visual acuity (VA) in the right eye. His only clinical sign was a large, geographic, yellow-white lesion centered on the right fovea. Our patient was studied with SD-OCT on presentation and during follow-up, as well as with fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography, electrophysiological study, and serologic and autoimmune screening. Results: Laboratory workup revealed positive serology for active syphilis and elevated anti-beta2 glycoprotein I antibodies. SD-OCT showed a marked distortion of both the choroidal and outer retinal architecture. After treatment, best-corrected VA improved to 20/25. Pattern electroretinography displayed a severe reduction of P50 amplitude, which improved in late follow-up. Six months after presentation, VA was 20/25 and anti-beta2 glycoprotein I antibodies returned to normal levels. Conclusions: Our findings are compatible with immunologically mediated temporary physiological impairment of the neuroretina, since the changes seen by SD-OCT could not have normalized if they were due to anatomical injury. The results of our study provide clues to understanding the pathogenesis of this disease and allow us to define a characteristic temporal sequence of events in ASPPC

    Gut microbiota and probiotics as palliative care which supports physical activity in geriatric health / Microbiota e probiotic gut como cuidado paliativo que apoia a atividade física na saúde geriátrica

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    Physical activity is considered a significant factor in the anti-aging process. In this sense, there is increasing scientific and clinical interest in the connections of nutrition and health as part of the aging progression. Studies have shown that there is an association between aging problems and gut microbiota performance. We performed this narrative review used the following databases: PubMed, Web of Science and Medline. The research was performed using the following keywords: [[[Aging] or [Senescence] or [Biological Aging] or [Aging, Biological] or [Aged] or [Aged, 80 and over] or [Life Expectancy] or [Length of Life]] in combination with [[microbiota] or [microbiotas] or [Microbiome] or [microbiomes] or [Human Microbiome] or [Human microbiomes] or [microbiomes, Human] or [Microbiome, Human]] not [[disease]]]. We selected analyzed 35 studies after search. The main results indicated that, associating care with the microbiota and physical activity practices in older adults can increase their chances of longevity. A lower prevalence of Bifidobacteria increase the chance of gastrointestinal infection with lower intestinal protection. The immunomodulatory properties of probiotics increase the prevention of infectious disease-related morbidity and mortality in older adults. There is still no research on the impact of the association between the care of the microbiota in older adults practicing physical activity. This review has the potential to save geriatric therapists time by providing comprehensive summaries of large information regarding the probiotics associated with physical practices used in palliative care in geriatric health

    Práticas pedagógicas de prevenção contra violência sexual na infância: análise de histórias para crianças

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    A investigação tem como objetivo analisar as Práticas Pedagógicas que possibilitam a formação das crianças em relação a violência sexual na infantil por meio de histórias para as crianças,com o intuito de que as crianças possam desenvolver habilidades de proteção. Tem a seguinte pergunta investigativa: Como trabalhar práticas pedagógicas com as crianças por meio de histórias que abordam a temática da violência e prevenção sexual na infância? A metodologia fundamenta-se na abordagem qualitativa, no estudo bibliográfico com uso de artigos, livros, dissertação e teses nos últimos 10 anos de pesquisa na área. Os resultados de pesquisa mostram que existe a necessidade de investir nas intervenções que forneçam informações sobre violência sexual e sua prevenção para as crianças, pais, educadores e outros profissionais que trabalham com o público infantil. Assim, os livros infantis analisados, podem contribuir e auxiliar no trabalho de pro?ssionais a desenvolverem projetos de prevenção, ajudando os mesmos no processo de criação, seleção e identi?cação de livros para serem usados nas práticas de ensino. A pesquisa auxilia na formação da família sobre métodos de abordagem adequada com as crianças em relação a informação sobre a violência sexual. Recebido em: 22/06/2020.Aprovado em:24/11/202

    Smart systems for monitoring buildings - an IoT application

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    Life in society has initiated a search for comfort and security in social centers. This search generated revolutions within the knowledge about the technologies involved, making the environments automated and integrated. Along with this increase, ecological concerns have also arisen, which have been involved since the design of intelligent buildings, remaining through the years of their use. Based on these two pillars, the present study aims to monitor three central systems inside the apartments of the Apolo Building (Bragan¸cacity, Portugal). The electrical energy consumption, water flow, and waste disposal systems are integrated through a single database. The data is sent remotely via WiFi through the microcontroller. For better visualization and analytics of the data, a web application is also developed, which allows for real-time monitoring. The obtained results demonstrate to the consumer his behavior regarding household expenses. The idea of showing the consumer their expenditure is to create an ecological awareness. Through the data collected and the environmental alternatives found, it is possible to observe whether there was a behavior change when receiving this data, either in the short or long term.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CeDRI (UIDB/05757/2020 and UIDP/05757/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021). Thadeu Brito was supported by FCT PhD grant SFRH/BD/08598 /2020 and João Braun received the support of a fellowship from ”la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434) with code LCF/BQ/DI20/11780028.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Specific probiotics in elite athlete injuries: indication for usage / Probiotics específicos em lesões de atletas elite: indicação de uso

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    More severe effects of illness that require probiotic intervention and complete cessation of training activities might have a larger effect on competitive sport performance. In this review, we outline key principles of prevention for injury and illness in high level athletes using probiotic treatments, examine relevant scientific evidence on probiotics for reducing the risk of illness and injury, and summarize practical recommendations for high level athletes, coaches, and practitioners. Studies were obtained through manual and electronic journal searches, review articles, as well as personal correspondence, concerning the period 2000-2018. We used the following databases: PubMed, Web of Science, SCOPUS and Medline. Electronic databases were searched using keywords and/or MeSH terms such as [[[Athlete] or [Sport effects] or [Injuries] or [Disease] or [Allergy] or [Illness] or [Sickness] or [Desorder]] in combination with [[microbiota] or [microbiotas] or [Microbiome] or [microbiomes] or [Human Microbiome] or [Human microbiomes] or [microbiomes, Human] or [Microbiome, Human]] not [[disease]]], until February 18th, 2018. In this present review, we have outlined key points of injury and illness prevention for elite athletes using probiotic treatments, examining relevant scientific evidence on probiotics for reducing the risk of illness and injury, and summarized practical recommendations for high level athletes, coaches, and practitioners