629 research outputs found

    Contribucion al conocimiento de la flora del Sistema Iberico Septentrional

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    Se aporta un catálogo florístico de 313 táxones seleccionados procedentes de algunas de las sierras septentrionales del Sistema Ibérico aragonés: Sierras de Villarroya, Vicort, Cucalón y Retuerta, Monte de Herrera, la Modorra de Bádenas y Baños de Segura. La visita a algunas de las localidades clásicas de ASSO, ha permitido confirmar numerosas citas de las que aparecen en su Synopsis stirpium indigenarum Aragoniae (1779), así como establecer algunas sinonimias. En el aspecto nomenclatural se propone una nueva combinación: Androsace elongata L. subsp. breistrofferi (Charpin & Greuter) J . Molero & JM. Montserrat, comb. nova. En el aspecto corológico, una lista, que no pretende ser exahustiva, sobre novedades para la Flora aragonesa y otras especies escasamente citadas que incluye: Paronychia rouyana, Suene scabriflora, Sisymbrium macroloma, Hutera hispida, Saxifraga losae var. camarae, Rosa arvensis, Aphanes cornucopioides, Lathyrus cirrhosus, Trifolium retusum, Trifolium gemellum, Seseli cantabricum, Daucus durieua, Anthemis alpestris fma. ligulata , Hieracium castellanum, Festuca capillifolia , Avenula pubescens, Carex tomentosa, etc

    Strain balanced quantum posts

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    Quantum posts are assembled by epitaxial growth of closely spaced quantum dot layers, modulating the composition of a semiconductor alloy, typically InGaAs. In contrast with most self-assembled nanostructures, the height of quantum posts can be controlled with nanometer precision, up to a maximum value limited by the accumulated stress due to the lattice mismatch. Here we present a strain compensation technique based on the controlled incorporation of phosphorous, which substantially increases the maximum attainable quantum post height. The luminescence from the resulting nanostructures presents giant linear polarization anisotropy.Comment: Submitted to Applied Physics Letters (7th March 2011). 4 pages, 4 figure

    Charge control in laterally coupled double quantum dots

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    We investigate the electronic and optical properties of InAs double quantum dots grown on GaAs (001) and laterally aligned along the [110] crystal direction. The emission spectrum has been investigated as a function of a lateral electric field applied along the quantum dot pair mutual axis. The number of confined electrons can be controlled with the external bias leading to sharp energy shifts which we use to identify the emission from neutral and charged exciton complexes. Quantum tunnelling of these electrons is proposed to explain the reversed ordering of the trion emission lines as compared to that of excitons in our system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures submitted to PRB Rapid Com

    Radiologic Evaluation of Small Renal Masses (II): Posttreatment Management

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    The increase in the detection of small renal masses (SRMs) and their best knowledge leads to a change in the therapeutic management of these lesions. The use of a less aggressive surgical technique or even an expectant attitude is the current tendency, in order to preserve as much renal function as possible. Imaging techniques are essential in the followup of these lesions. It allows us to know the postsurgical changes and possible complications due to treatment and the presence of local recurrence and metastases. Furthermore, a close radiological followup of SRM related to ablative treatments is mandatory. The purpose of this article is to reveal the imaging features of complications due to surgical or ablative treatments, local recurrence and metastasis, as well as their followup

    Determinación de razas fisiologicas de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum en Nicaragua.

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    La antracnosis del frijol comúm, incitada por Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, presenta una distribuición bastante amplia en Nicaragua, siendo más importante en las zonas de clima templado, con altitud superior a los 600 m.s.n.m., las cuales también son las más apropiadas para el cultivo del frijol. El estudio de diez aislamientos del patógeno provenientes de la Región I, perrnitió identificar siete patotipos diferentes, sies de los cuales corresponden a la raza alfa-Brazil y el restante al grupo Mexicano I. Fue deterrninada la capacidad de los aislamientos locales de inducir reacciones compatibles en varios cultivares considerados fuentes de resistencia en Europa y América del Sur, tales como: PI 207.262, TO, TU y AB 136. Por el contrario, los cultivares Dark Red Kidney, Perry Marrow, Widusa, Kaboon y G 2333, presentaron reacciones incompatibles can los 10 aislamientos estudiados. Los resultados de este trabajo, además de ser la primera información de la variabilidad patogénica de C. lindedmuthianum en el país, constituyen la base de un programa de utilización de la resistencia genética para el control de la enfermedad

    Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis infection in waterfowl: first confirmation in animals.

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    We report the first description, confirmed by bacteriologic and molecular (polymerase chain reaction and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis) analysis, of an infection in animals caused by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, affecting waterfowl

    La acústica submarina y su desarrollo desde la creación del Instituto de Acústica

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    PACS: 43.30.Xm; 43.30.Yj; 43.30.Vh; 43.30.Nb; 43.30.Ma.-- Publicado en el Vol. XXXI, núm. 3-4, tercer y cuarto trimestre 2000 de la Revista de Acústica: Número especial dedicado al XXV Aniversario del Instituto de Acústica del C.S.I.C.[ES] La Acústica Submarina fue una de las líneas de la Acústica que se desarrollan en el Instituto desde los primeros tiempos. Este trabajo describe como se inició, cómo se desarrolló y el estado actual de este campo.[EN] Underwater Acoustics was one line of Acoustics first developped at the Instituto de Acústica. This paper presents a description of the activities in the underwater field, done since 1969, when the Underwater Tank was installed, up to the present times.Peer reviewe

    A dynamic study of earthworm feeding ecology using stable isotopes.

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    Changes in the specific diet of earthworms with time in relation to landuse changes and two different climates were studied by analysing 13 C and 15 N natural abundance in soils and animals. Soil samples from three depths (0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm) and earthworms were collected from two sites: Santiago (Northwest Spain) and North Wyke (Southwest England) both consisting of replicated long-term grasslands and recently converted to maize plots. Earthworms were hand-sorted in the field at the peak of the maize growth and after harvesting at both sites. In the Spanish plots, nine and eight earthworm species, all belonging to the three ecological categories (epigeic, anecic and endogeic), were found under maize and permanent pasture, whereas at the English site five and seven different species were, respectively, identified. At both sites 13 C isotopic values of the earthworm tissues reflected changes in diet from C 3 to C 4 with epigeic and epi/anecic worms in the maize plots showing one delta unit difference in relation to the ones found in the grassland plots. Anecic worms seemed to be less responsive to landuse changes. The higher 13 C values of the Spanish soils were also reflected in the earthworm tissues when compared with the English samples. 15 N values showed no clear relationship with the cropping treatments but were clearly related to the ecological grouping, with endogeic worms reaching the highest values whereas for the epigeic and epi/ anecic species the lowest values were obtained. This finding was also previously recorded by other authors 1 and suggests that, in the future, stable isotope techniques could also be a useful tool in taxonomic studies

    Size and dimensionality effects in superconducting Mo thin films

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    Molybdenum is a low Tc, type I superconductor whose fundamental properties are poorly known. Its importance as an essential constituent of new high performance radiation detectors, the so-called transition edge sensors (TESs) calls for better characterization of this superconductor, especially in thin film form. Here we report on a study of the basic superconducting features of Mo thin films as a function of their thickness. The resistivity is found to rise and the critical temperature decreases on decreasing film thickness, as expected. More relevant, the critical fields along and perpendicular to the film plane are markedly different, thickness dependent and much larger than the thermodynamic critical field of Mo bulk. These results are consistent with a picture of type II 2D superconducting films, and allow estimates of the fundamental superconducting lengths of Mo. The role of morphology in determining the 2D and type II character of the otherwise type I molybdenum is discussed. The possible consequences of this behaviour on the performance of radiation detectors are also addresse