181 research outputs found

    Une activité géométrique à divers niveaux d'enseignement

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    National audienceNous exploitons une figure géométrique à travers la construction d'activités à des niveaux différents d'enseignement. Le premier paragraphe expose le problème initial et montre, par la variété des moyens mis en oeuvre, comment il est possible d'adapter l'activité à une classe donnée. Les deux paragraphes suivants relatent des expérimentations en classe et proposent une réécriture de l'activité pour le collège à l'aide d'un treillage. La fin de l'article propose des prolongements et des généralisations

    A Bose-Einstein condensate bouncing off a rough mirror

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    We present experimental results and theoretical analysis of the diffuse reflection of a Bose-Einstein condensate from a rough mirror. The mirror is produced by a blue-detuned evanescent wave supported by a dielectric substrate. The results are carefully analysed via a comparison with a numerical simulation. The scattering is clearly anisotropic, more pronounced in the direction of the evanescent wave surface propagation, as predicted theoretically

    Schemes for loading a Bose-Einstein condensate into a two-dimensional dipole trap

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    We propose two loading mechanisms of a degenerate Bose gas into a surface trap. This trap relies on the dipole potential produced by two evanescent optical waves far detuned from the atomic resonance, yielding a strongly anisotropic trap with typical frequencies 40 Hz x 65 Hz x 30 kHz. We present numerical simulations based on the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation of the transfer process from a conventional magnetic trap into the surface trap. We show that, despite a large discrepancy between the oscillation frequencies along one direction in the initial and final traps, a loading time of a few tens of milliseconds would lead to an adiabatic transfer. Preliminary experimental results are presented

    Diffraction of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Time Domain

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    We have observed the diffraction of a Bose-Einstein condensate of rubidium atoms on a vibrating mirror potential. The matter wave packet bounces back at normal incidence on a blue-detuned evanescent light field after a 3.6 mm free fall. The mirror vibrates at a frequency of 500 kHz with an amplitude of 3.0 nm. The atomic carrier and sidebands are directly imaged during their ballistic expansion. The locations and the relative weights of the diffracted atomic wave packets are in very good agreement with the theoretical prediction of Carsten Henkel et al. [1].Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Chemi- vs physisorption in the radical functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes under microwaves

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    The effect of microwaves on the functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) by the diazonium method was studied. The usage of a new approach led to the identification of the strength of the interaction (physical or chemical) between the functional groups and the carbon nanotube surface. Moreover, the nature (chemical formula) of the adsorbed/grafted functional groups was determined. According to thermogravimetric analysis coupled with mass spectrometry and Raman spectroscopy, the optimal functionalization level was reached after 5 min of reaction. Prolonged reaction times can lead to undesired reactions such as defunctionalization, solvent addition and polymerization of the grafted functions. The strength (chemi- vs physisorption) of the bonds between the grafted functional groups and the SWNTs is discussed showing the occurrence of physical adsorption as a consequence of defunctionalization after 15 min of reaction under microwaves. Several chemical mechanisms of grafting could be identified, and it was possible to distinguish conditions leading to the desired chemical grafting from those leading to undesired reactions such as physisorption and polymerization

    Passive coherent combining of CEP-stable few-cycles pulses from a temporally divided hollow fiber compressor

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    International audienceWe demonstrate a simple and robust passive coherent combining technique for temporal compression of millijouleenergy laser pulses down to few-cycle duration in a gas-filled hollow fiber. High combining efficiency is achieved byusing carefully oriented calcite plates for temporal pulse division and recombination. Carrier-envelope phase (CEP)-stable, 6-fs, 800-nm pulses with more than 0.6 mJ energy are routinely generated. This method could aid in theenergy scaling of CEP-stable hollow-fiber compressor systems

    HFE-Related Hemochromatosis: The Haptoglobin 2-2 Type Has a Significant but Limited Influence on Phenotypic Expression of the Predominant p.C282Y Homozygous Genotype

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    Phenotypic expression of the common p.C282Y/p.C282Y HFE-related hemochromatosis genotype is heterogeneous and depends on a complex interplay of genetic and non-genetic factors. Haptoglobin has a crucial role in free hemoglobin iron recovery, and exists as three major types: Hp1-1, Hp2-1 and Hp2-2. Hp2-2 favors endocytosis of hemoglobin iron in monocytes/macrophages, resulting in partial iron retention and increased intracellular ferritin levels. This situation is generally not expected to severely affect iron homeostasis, but was found to correlate with elevated serum iron indices in healthy men. Whether the Hp2-2 genotype acts as a modifier in HFE-related hemochromatosis is unclear. In this study we investigated influence of Hp2-2 and of potential confounders on the iron indices of 351 p.C282Y homozygous patients. We conclude that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between the Hp2-2 genotype and increased iron indices in p.C282Y homozygous patients. The Hp2-2 effect is, however, limited and only apparent in males

    Analyse des images PLIF-Al à haute cadence pour l'étude de la combustion de goutte d'aluminium en flammes de propergol solide

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    International audienceThe combustion of aluminum particles is a key factor for solid-propellant propulsion in terms of performance and stability. An automatic detection of droplets in Al-PLIF image was developed. The "Maximally Stable Extremal Regions" detection method is evaluated on two image sets previously obtained at 1.0 and 1.5 MPa. The method shows good detection performances compared to a set of Ground Truth images for both pressure levels. When applied to 3000-image series, more than 35000 objects were detected on LIF images. This is very promising for future statistical analysis of Al combustion based on Al-PLIF diagnostic.La combustion des particules d'aluminium est un facteur crucial pour la propulsion solide en termes de performance et de stabilité. Cette présentation expose nos travaux actuels sur la détection automatisée de gouttelettes sur les images acquises par fluorescence laser (LIF) de l'aluminium atomique. La méthode de détection MSER (Maximally Stable Extremal Regions) est testée sur deux séries d'images obtenues pour des combustions de propergols aluminisés à 1.0 et 1.5 MPa.De bonnes performances de détection sont obtenues comparées aux images "Vérité Terrain". Plus de 35000 objets sont détectés sur les images LIF. Ces premiers résultats de détection automatisé sont encourageants pour une prochaine analyse statistique des diagnostics LIF de la combustion des gouttes d'aluminium

    Impact of HFE genetic testing on clinical presentation of hereditary hemochromatosis: new epidemiological data

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    BACKGROUND: Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a common inherited disorder of iron metabolism in Northern European populations. The discovery of a candidate gene in 1996 (HFE), and of its main mutation (C282Y), has radically altered the way to diagnose this disease. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the HFE gene discovery on the clinical presentation and epidemiology of HH. METHODS: We studied our cohort of 415 patients homozygous for the C282Y allele and included in a phlebotomy program in a blood centre in western Brittany, France. RESULTS: In this cohort, 56.9% of the patients were male and 21.9% began their phlebotomy program before the implementation of the genetic test. A significant decrease in the sex ratio was noticed following implementation of this DNA test, from 3.79 to 1.03 (p < 10(-5)), meaning that the proportion of diagnosed females relatives to males greatly increased. The profile of HH patients at diagnosis changed after the DNA test became available. Serum ferritin and iron values were lower and there was a reduced frequency of clinical signs displayed at diagnosis, particularly skin pigmentation (20.1 vs. 40.4%, OR = 0.37, p < 0.001) and hepatomegaly (11.0 vs. 22.7%, OR = 0.42, p = 0.006). In contrast, fatigue became a more common symptom at diagnosis (68.0 vs. 51.2%, OR = 2.03, p = 0.004). CONCLUSION: This study highlights the importance of the HFE gene discovery, which has simplified the diagnosis of HH and modified its clinical presentation and epidemiology. This study precisely measures these changes. Enhanced diagnosis of HFE-related HH at an early stage and implementation of phlebotomy treatment are anticipated to maintain normal life expectancy for these patients