956 research outputs found

    X-ray Isophotes in a Rapidly Rotating Elliptical Galaxy: Evidence of Inflowing Gas

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    We describe two-dimensional gasdynamical computations of the X-ray emitting gas in the rotating elliptical galaxy NGC 4649 that indicate an inflow of about one solar mass per year at every radius. Such a large instantaneous inflow cannot have persisted over a Hubble time. The central constant-entropy temperature peak recently observed in the innermost 150 parsecs is explained by compressive heating as gas flows toward the central massive black hole. Since the cooling time of this gas is only a few million years, NGC 4649 provides the most acutely concentrated known example of the cooling flow problem in which the time-integrated apparent mass that has flowed into the galactic core exceeds the total mass observed there. This paradox can be resolved by intermittent outflows of energy or mass driven by accretion energy released near the black hole. Inflowing gas is also required at intermediate kpc radii to explain the ellipticity of X-ray isophotes due to spin-up by mass ejected by stars that rotate with the galaxy and to explain local density and temperature profiles. We provide evidence that many luminous elliptical galaxies undergo similar inflow spin-up. A small turbulent viscosity is required in NGC 4649 to avoid forming large X-ray luminous disks that are not observed, but the turbulent pressure is small and does not interfere with mass determinations that assume hydrostatic equilibrium.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication by Ap

    Time-dependent Circulation Flows: Iron Enrichment in Cooling Flows with Heated Return Flows

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    We describe a new type of dynamical model for hot gas in galaxy groups and clusters in which gas moves simultaneously in both radial directions. Circulation flows are consistent with (1) the failure to observe cooling gas in X-ray spectra, (2) multiphase gas observed near the centers of these flows and (3) the accumulation of iron in the hot gas from Type Ia supernovae in the central galaxy. Dense inflowing gas cools, producing a positive central temperature gradient, as in normal cooling flows. Bubbles of hot, buoyant gas flow outward. Circulation flows eventually cool catastrophically if the outward flowing gas transports mass but no heat; to maintain the circulation both mass and energy must be supplied to the inflowing gas over a large volume, extending to the cooling radius. The rapid radial recirculation of gas produces a flat central core in the gas iron abundance, similar to many observations. We believe the circulation flows described here are the first gasdynamic, long-term evolutionary models that are in good agreement with all essential features observed in the hot gas: little or no gas cools as required by XMM spectra, the gas temperature increases outward near the center, and the gaseous iron abundance is about solar near the center and decreases outward.Comment: 17 pages (emulateapj5) with 6 figures; accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    Hot gaseous atmospheres in galaxy groups and clusters are both heated and cooled by X-ray cavities

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    Expanding X-ray cavities observed in hot gas atmospheres of many galaxy groups and clusters generate shock waves and turbulence that are primary heating mechanisms required to avoid uninhibited radiatively cooling flows which are not observed. However, we show here that the evolution of buoyant cavities also stimulates radiative cooling of observable masses of low-temperature gas. During their early evolution, radiative cooling occurs in the wakes of buoyant cavities in two locations: in thin radial filaments parallel to the buoyant velocity and more broadly in gas compressed beneath rising cavities. Radiation from these sustained compressions removes entropy from the hot gas. Gas experiencing the largest entropy loss cools first, followed by gas with progressively less entropy loss. Most cooling occurs at late times, ∼108−109\sim 10^8-10^9 yrs, long after the X-ray cavities have disrupted and are impossible to detect. During these late times, slightly denser low entropy gas sinks slowly toward the centers of the hot atmospheres where it cools intermittently, forming clouds near the cluster center. Single cavities of energy 1057−105810^{57}-10^{58} ergs in the atmosphere of the NGC 5044 group create 108−10910^8 - 10^9 M⊙M_{\odot} of cooled gas, exceeding the mass of extended molecular gas currently observed in that group. The cooled gas clouds we compute share many attributes with molecular clouds recently observed in NGC 5044 with ALMA: self-gravitationally unbound, dust-free, quasi-randomly distributed within a few kpc around the group center.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure; accepted for publication by Ap

    The Mid-Infrared Spectral Energy Distribution, Surface Brightness and Color Profiles in Elliptical Galaxies

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    We describe photometry at mid-infrared passbands (1.2 - 24 microns) for a sample of 18 elliptical galaxies. All surface brightness distributions resemble de Vaucouleurs profiles, indicating that most of the emission arises from the photospheres or circumstellar regions of red giant stars. The spectral energy distribution peaks near 1.6 microns, but the half-light or effective radius has a pronounced minimum near the K band (2.15 microns). Apart from the 24 micron passband, all sample-averaged radial color profiles have measurable slopes within about twice the (K band) effective radius. Evidently this variation arises because of an increase in stellar metallicity toward the galactic cores. For example, the sampled-averaged color profile (K - 5.8 microns) has a positive slope although no obvious absorption feature is observed in spectra of elliptical galaxies near 5.8 microns. This, and the minimum in the effective radius, suggests that the K band may be anomalously luminous in metal-rich stars in galaxy cores. Unusual radial color profiles involving the 24 micron passband may suggest that some 24 micron emission comes from interstellar not circumstellar dust grains.Comment: 18 pages. Accepted by Ap

    Stopping Cooling Flows with Jets

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    We describe two-dimensional gasdynamical models of jets that carry mass as well as energy to the hot gas in galaxy clusters. These flows have many attractive attributes for solving the galaxy cluster cooling flow problem: why the hot gas temperature and density profiles resemble cooling flows but show no spectral evidence of cooling to low temperatures. Using an approximate model for the cluster A1795, we show that mass-carrying jets can reduce the overall cooling rate to or below the low values implied by X-ray spectra. Biconical subrelativistic jets, described by several ad hoc parameters, are assumed to be activated when gas flows toward or cools near a central supermassive black hole. As the jets proceed out from the center, they entrain more and more ambient gas. The jets lose internal pressure by expansion and are compressed by the ambient cluster gas, becoming rather difficult to observe. For a wide variety of initial jet parameters and several feedback scenarios, the global cooling can be suppressed for many gigayears while maintaining cluster temperature profiles similar to those observed. The intermittency of the feedback generates multiple generations of X-ray cavities similar to those observed in the Perseus Cluster and elsewhere

    Stellar Orbits and the Interstellar Gas Temperature in Elliptical Galaxies

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    We draw attention to the close relationship between the anisotropy parameter beta(r) for stellar orbits in elliptical galaxies and the temperature profile T(r) of the hot interstellar gas. For nearly spherical galaxies the gas density can be accurately determined from X-ray observations and the stellar luminosity density can be accurately found from the optical surface brightness. The Jeans equation and hydrostatic equilibrium establish a connection between beta(r) and T(r) that must be consistent with the observed stellar velocity dispersion. Purely optical observations of the bright elliptical galaxy NGC 4472 indicate beta(r) < 0.35 within the effective radius. However, the X-ray gas temperature profile T(r) for NGC 4472 requires significantly larger anisotropy, beta = 0.6 - 0.7, about twice the optical value. This strong preference for radial stellar orbits must be understood in terms of the formation history of massive elliptical galaxies. Conversely, if the smaller, optically determined anisotropy is indeed correct, we are led to the important conclusion that the temperature profile T(r) of the hot interstellar gas in NGC 4472 must differ from that indicated by X-ray observations, or that the hot gas is not in hydrostatic equilibrium.Comment: 6 pages (emulateapj5) with 4 figures; accepted by The Astrophysical Journa
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