2,133 research outputs found

    Chapter 9: Aquatic Macroinvertebrates, Section A: Aquatic Macroinvertebrates (Exclusive of Mosquitoes)

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    Final Report. Excerpt (Chapter 9, Section A) from The Des Plaines River Wetlands Demonstration Project, Volume II, Baseline Survey, edited by Donald L. Hey and Nancy S. PhilippiReport issued on: October 1985INHS Technical Report prepared for Wetlands Research, Inc

    “Our hopes and dreams enrich its every corner” : Adult Education with an Africentric Focus

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    This paper addresses the ways in which Africentricity contributes to adult education’s goal of creating a socially just world and specifically to a graduate adult education/lifelong learning degree program within a Nova Scotian university context

    Diversity in Adult Education: Lessons learned from a Master of Education Program in Studies of Lifelong Learning with a Focus on Africentric Leadership

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    n this paper we explore the lifelong learning experiences of students who graduated from a unique two year Master of Education (M.Ed) cohort program in studies of lifelong learning with a focus on Africentric Leadership. We conducted in-depth interviews with 13 graduates of the program to explore the role Africentricity and Critical Race Theory play in adult education in higher education institutions. Our findings draw attention to several key points about adult education in post secondary education institutions that have the potential to transform the culture of adult education

    “I was like an alien”: Exploring how Indigenous students succeed in university studies

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    This article explores the strategies used by Indigenous students attending three Canadian universities (in Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Manitoba) to find success in their studies. As part of a larger study on the success strategies of students who have been traditionally underrepresented in Canadian universities, this article draws on the responses of students who self-identify as Indigenous and insights from a key informant. We argue that the voices of Indigenous students are essential in the processes of institutional decolonizing and reconciliation and of reimagining universities as inclusive, equitable spaces for Indigenous students and their academic successCet article examine les stratĂ©gies utilisĂ©es par les Ă©tudiants Autochtones qui frĂ©quentent trois universitĂ©s canadiennes (en Nouvelle-Écosse, en Ontario et au Manitoba) pour rĂ©ussir leurs Ă©tudes. Dans le cadre d'une Ă©tude plus vaste sur les stratĂ©gies de rĂ©ussite des Ă©tudiants traditionnellement sous-reprĂ©sentĂ©s dans les universitĂ©s canadiennes, cet article s'appuie sur les rĂ©ponses d'Ă©tudiants qui s'identifient comme Autochtones et sur les idĂ©es d'un informateur clĂ©. Nous soutenons que les voix d’étudiants Autochtones sont essentielles dans les processus de dĂ©colonisation et de rĂ©conciliation institutionnelles et de rĂ©invention des universitĂ©s en tantqu'espaces Ă©quitables inclusifs pour les Ă©tudiants Autochtones et leur rĂ©ussite scolaire

    International Female Migration to Atlantic Canada through Internet Mediated MatchMaking Agencies

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    In this paper we draw on post-colonial feminism in order to analyze the complex ways in which gender, race, class, nationality, and education affect women who have migrated to Atlantic Canada via the international Internet matchmaking industry. We discuss power which is a recurring theme identified in the data. RĂ©sumĂ© Dans cet article, nous nous fondons sur le fĂ©minisme post-colonial afin d’analyser les façons complexes par lesquelles le genre, la race, la classe, la nationalitĂ© et l’éducation affectent les femmes qui ont Ă©migrĂ© au Canada Atlantique par le biais de l’industrie d’entremetteur internationale par internet. Nous discutons du pouvoir, qui est un thĂšme rĂ©current identifiĂ© dans les donnĂ©es

    Preparing North American Preservice Teachers for Global Perspectives: An International Teaching Practicum Experience in Africa

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    Given the economic, political, and social conditions in the world today and the increased diversity in Canadian classrooms, schools require teachers who have a strong sense of self-awareness and understanding of global issues. This article is based on empirical research involving preservice teachers from an Atlantic Canadian university. The preservice teachers did six weeks of teaching practicum in Africa. We draw on the theories of Africentricity and transformative learning to inform our analysis. Our findings suggest that preservice teachers who did their practicum in Africa increased their self-awareness, and enhanced their personal efficacy and understanding of cross-cultural, diversity, and globalization issues, which has informed their subsequent teaching practice in public school systems. We conclude with recommendations for teacher education programs

    SiO2-rich condrules in ordinary chondrites

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    The solar system abundances of Mg, Fe, and Si dictate that chondritic meteorites are silica-deficient compared to most terrestrial or lunar igneous rocks; thus olivine-orthopyroxene assemblages are commonly observed in ordinary chondrites. However, in the unequilibrated H-chondrites Sharps, Bremervorde, and Dhajala, we have observed chondrules and fragments which contain either tridymite or cristobalite as a major phase

    Creation and pinning of vortex-antivortex pairs

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    Computer modeling is reported about the creation and pinning of a magnetic vortex-antivortex (V-AV) pair in a superconducting thin film, due to the magnetic field of a vertical magnetic dipole above the film, and two antidot pins inside the film. For film thickness =0.1Ο= 0.1\xi, Îș=2\kappa = 2, and no pins, we find the film carries two V-AV pairs at steady state in the imposed flux range 2.10Ί0<Ί+<3.0Ί02.10\Phi_0 < \Phi^+ < 3.0\Phi_0, and no pairs below. With two antidot pins suitably introduced into the film, a single V-AV pair can be stable in the film for Ί+≄1.3Ί0\Phi^+ \ge 1.3\Phi_0. At pin separation ≄17Ο\ge 17\xi, we find the V-AV pair remains pinned after the dipole field is removed, and, so can represent a 1 for a nonvolatile memory.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Tropical Dominating Sets in Vertex-Coloured Graphs

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    Given a vertex-coloured graph, a dominating set is said to be tropical if every colour of the graph appears at least once in the set. Here, we study minimum tropical dominating sets from structural and algorithmic points of view. First, we prove that the tropical dominating set problem is NP-complete even when restricted to a simple path. Then, we establish upper bounds related to various parameters of the graph such as minimum degree and number of edges. We also give upper bounds for random graphs. Last, we give approximability and inapproximability results for general and restricted classes of graphs, and establish a FPT algorithm for interval graphs.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Body temperature and activity patterns of free-living laughing kookaburras: the largest kingfisher is heterothermic.

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    We show that free-ranging Laughing Kookaburras (Dacelo novaeguineae), the largest kingfishers, are heterothermic. Their minimum recorded body temperature (Tb) was 28.6°C, and the maximum daily Tb range was 9.1°C, which makes kookaburras only the second coraciiform species and the only member of the Alcedinidae known to be heterothermic. The amplitude of nocturnal body temperature variation for wild, free-living kookaburras during winter was substantially greater than the mean of 2.6°C measured previously for captive kookaburras. Calculated metabolic savings from nocturnal heterothermia were up to 5.6 ± 0.9 kJ per night. There was little effect of ambient temperature on any of the calculated Tb-dependent variables for the kookaburras, although ambient temperature did influence the time that activity commenced for these diurnal birds. Kookaburras used endogenous metabolic heat production to rewarm from low Tb, rather than relying on passive rewarming. Rewarming rates (0.05 ± 0.01°C min−1) were consistent with those of other avian species. Captivity can have major effects on thermoregulation for birds, and therefore the importance of field studies of wild, free-living individuals is paramount for understanding the biology of avian temperature regulation
