8,369 research outputs found

    Self-Consistent Cosmological Simulations of DGP Braneworld Gravity

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    We perform cosmological N-body simulations of the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati braneworld model, by solving the full non-linear equations of motion for the scalar degree of freedom in this model, the brane bending mode. While coupling universally to matter, the brane-bending mode has self-interactions that become important as soon as the density field becomes non-linear. These self-interactions lead to a suppression of the field in high-density environments, and restore gravity to General Relativity. The code uses a multi-grid relaxation scheme to solve the non-linear field equation in the quasi-static approximation. We perform simulations of a flat self-accelerating DGP model without cosmological constant. The results of the DGP simulations are compared with standard gravity simulations assuming the same expansion history, and with DGP simulations using the linearized equation for the brane bending mode. This allows us to isolate the effects of the non-linear self-couplings of the field which are noticeable already on quasi-linear scales. We present results on the matter power spectrum and the halo mass function, and discuss the behavior of the brane bending mode within cosmological structure formation. We find that, independently of CMB constraints, the self-accelerating DGP model is strongly constrained by current weak lensing and cluster abundance measurements.Comment: 21 pages; 10 figures. Revised version matching published versio

    Moderate temperature detector development

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    P-side backside reflecting constant, photodiode characterization, and photodiode diffusion and G-R currents were investigated in an effort to develop an 8 m to 12 m infrared quantum detector using mercury cadmium telluride. Anodization, phosphorus implantation, and the graded band gap concept were approaches considered for backside formation. Variable thickness diodes were fabricated with a back surface anodic oxide to investigate the effect of this surface preparation on the diffusion limited zero bias impedance. A modeling technique was refined to thoroughly model diode characteristics. Values for the surface recombination velocity in the depletion region were obtained. These values were improved by implementing better surface damage removal techniques

    Cosmological Simulations of Normal-Branch Braneworld Gravity

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    We introduce a cosmological model based on the normal branch of DGP braneworld gravity with a smooth dark energy component on the brane. The expansion history in this model is identical to LambdaCDM, thus evading all geometric constraints on the DGP cross-over scale r_c. This model can serve as a first approximation to more general braneworld models whose cosmological solutions have not been obtained yet. We study the formation of large scale structure in this model in the linear and non-linear regime using N-body simulations for different values of r_c. The simulations use the code presented in (F.S., arXiv:0905.0858) and solve the full non-linear equation for the brane-bending mode in conjunction with the usual gravitational dynamics. The brane-bending mode is attractive rather than repulsive in the DGP normal branch, hence the sign of the modified gravity effects is reversed compared to those presented in arXiv:0905.0858. We compare the simulation results with those of ordinary LambdaCDM simulations run using the same code and initial conditions. We find that the matter power spectrum in this model shows a characteristic enhancement peaking at k ~ 0.7 h/Mpc. We also find that the abundance of massive halos is significantly enhanced. Other results presented here include the density profiles of dark matter halos, and signatures of the brane-bending mode self-interactions (Vainshtein mechanism) in the simulations. Independently of the expansion history, these results can be used to place constraints on the DGP model and future generalizations through their effects on the growth of cosmological structure.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures; v2: minor changes; v3: references added; v4: added appendix on comparison with previous results; matches published version; v5: corrected Eqs. (2.4-2.5) and Fig. 1 following Ref. [28]; all following results unchange

    The Adelaide VHF radar: Capabilities and future plans

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    The VHF radar at Buckland Park, South Australia commenced operation in January, 1984. The radar is located adjacent to the 2-MHz ionospheric radar. The routine method for measuring horizontal wind velocity is the space antenna technique (SA) while the Doppler technique is used to measure vertical velocities. It is possible to swing the transmitting beam in the east-west plane, allowing Doppler measurements of the EW wind component

    Spin detection at elevated temperatures using a driven double quantum dot

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    We consider a double quantum dot in the Pauli blockade regime interacting with a nearby single spin. We show that under microwave irradiation the average electron occupations of the dots exhibit resonances that are sensitive to the state of the nearby spin. The system thus acts as a spin meter for the nearby spin. We investigate the conditions for a non-demolition read-out of the spin and find that the meter works at temperatures comparable to the dot charging energy and sensitivity is mainly limited by the intradot spin relaxation.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    The influence of tree root water uptake on the long term hydrology of a clay fill railway embankment

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    This paper uses a numerical model to investigate the influence of tree root water uptake and tree removal on pore water pressures and the vertical movement of a clay fill railway embankment. Simulated results of soil wetting and drying are compared with field measurements from an instrumented railway embankment before and after tree removal. A parametric study compares the influence of vegetation on the seasonal movement of the embankment slope. The simulations and field measurements show that while trees cause significant seasonal variations in pore water pressure and water content near the soil surface, they can maintain persistent soil suctions at depth within the tree rooting zone. Demonstration of this result using a numerical model requires a root water uptake function that separates spatially the processes of water infiltration, evaporation and transpiration. When all of the trees are removed, the persistent soil suctions established by the trees are lost as water infiltrates from the soil surface. Leaving the trees in place over the bottom third of the slope can maintain persistent suctions at the slope toe, while potentially also reducing seasonal ground movements at the crest that may adversely affect railway track geometry

    Local versus site-level effects of algae on coral microbial communities

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Briggs, A. A., Brown, A. L., & Osenberg, C. W. Local versus site-level effects of algae on coral microbial communities. Royal Society Open Science, 8(9), (2021): 210035, https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.210035.Microbes influence ecological processes, including the dynamics and health of macro-organisms and their interactions with other species. In coral reefs, microbes mediate negative effects of algae on corals when corals are in contact with algae. However, it is unknown whether these effects extend to larger spatial scales, such as at sites with high algal densities. We investigated how local algal contact and site-level macroalgal cover influenced coral microbial communities in a field study at two islands in French Polynesia, Mo'orea and Mangareva. At 5 sites at each island, we sampled prokaryotic microbial communities (microbiomes) associated with corals, macroalgae, turf algae and water, with coral samples taken from individuals that were isolated from or in contact with turf or macroalgae. Algal contact and macroalgal cover had antagonistic effects on coral microbiome alpha and beta diversity. Additionally, coral microbiomes shifted and became more similar to macroalgal microbiomes at sites with high macroalgal cover and with algal contact, although the microbial taxa that changed varied by island. Our results indicate that coral microbiomes can be affected by algae outside of the coral's immediate vicinity, and local- and site-level effects of algae can obscure each other's effects when both scales are not considered.This research was supported by the University of Georgia, Odum School of Ecology's Small Grants programme and the University of Florida's John J. and Katherine C. Ewel Fellowship

    Selective spin coupling through a single exciton

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    We present a novel scheme for performing a conditional phase gate between two spin qubits in adjacent semiconductor quantum dots through delocalized single exciton states, formed through the inter-dot Foerster interaction. We consider two resonant quantum dots, each containing a single excess conduction band electron whose spin embodies the qubit. We demonstrate that both the two-qubit gate, and arbitrary single-qubit rotations, may be realized to a high fidelity with current semiconductor and laser technology.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; published version, equation formatting improved, references adde

    Enhanced electron correlations, local moments, and Curie temperature in strained MnAs nanocrystals embedded in GaAs

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    We have studied the electronic structure of hexagonal MnAs, as epitaxial continuous film on GaAs(001) and as nanocrystals embedded in GaAs, by Mn 2p core-level photoemission spectroscopy. Configuration-interaction analyses based on a cluster model show that the ground state of the embedded MnAs nanocrystals is dominated by a d5 configuration that maximizes the local Mn moment. Nanoscaling and strain significantly alter the properties of MnAs. Internal strain in the nanocrystals results in reduced p-d hybridization and enhanced ionic character of the Mn-As bonding interactions. The spatial confinement and reduced p-d hybridization in the nanocrystals lead to enhanced d-electron localization, triggering d-d electron correlations and enhancing local Mn moments. These changes in the electronic structure of MnAs have an advantageous effect on the Curie temperature of the nanocrystals, which is measured to be remarkably higher than that of bulk MnAs.Comment: 4 figures, 2 table
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